What font is used in linux

How to check which font the system uses?

That depends on what terminal you use and maybe on the distro, too. Could you please give us more information about that?

Sure: at the moment I am using the default terminal on Arch Linux. I thought that maybe there was a standard, distro-independent command for that

@user1301428 There is no such thing as «default terminal» on Arch Linux (unless you mean the Linux console). Which desktop environment are you using?

If you’re using a graphical terminal, you can surely find a menu entry called Help -> About where you can possibly find the name of your terminal application. Or do you mean the terminals that are accessable using STRG + ALT + 1-6?

@AluísioA.S.G. yes, sorry, I was tired 😀 I mean the Linux console. I am currently not using a desktop environment or a window manager.

2 Answers 2

In GNOME I can print list of my gnome-terminal profiles with following command:

$ gconftool-2 --get /apps/gnome-terminal/global/profile_list [Default,Profile0] 

Then I can print font settings with:

$ gconftool-2 --get /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/font Monospace 12 $ gconftool-2 --get /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Profile0/font TakaoMincho Bold 36 

@user1301428 — yes, of course! it works for the Gnome terminal only. Moreover, the original question was about the Linux console, which does not even need an X (or Wayland) system on the computer whatsoever

as far as I understood from your comment, you are asking about the Linux console, and not about any of the [great number of the] X terminal emulators.

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So unless you changed anything your Linux console is using the «default» font on your system.

In your linux console. For me, it gives

$ setfont -v Loading 256-char 8x16 font from file /lib/kbd/consolefonts/default8x16.psfu.gz Loading Unicode mapping table. 


Where does Linux keep fonts?

First of all, fonts in Linux are located in various directories. However the standard ones are /usr/share/fonts , /usr/local/share/fonts and ~/. fonts . You can put your new fonts in any of those folders, just keep in mind that fonts in the ~/.

What font does Linux use?

Terminal is a family of monospaced raster typefaces. It is relatively small compared with Courier. It uses crossed zeros, and is designed to approximate the font normally used in MS-DOS or other text-based consoles such as on Linux….Terminal (typeface)

Designer(s) Bitstream Inc.
Date created 1984

How do I reload fonts in Linux?

You can also double-click on the font file (or select Open with Font Viewer in the right-click menu). Then click the Install Font button. If you need the fonts to be available system-wide, you’ll need to copy them to /usr/local/share/fonts and reboot (or manually rebuild the font cache with fc-cache -f -v ).

Is it possible to make fonts in Linux?

This is especially true when you’re staring at a screen all day. But even though the rendering of fonts has yet to find perfection in Linux, one thing that the open source platform does well is allow users to easily manage their fonts. From selecting, adding, scaling, and adjusting, you can work with fonts fairly easily in Linux.

Which is the best font manager for Linux?

Font Manager is one of the most loved Linux font tools for a substantial number of users due to its modern-day features and a fast and sleek interface. It is a robust Ubuntu font manager that can help new Linux users keeping fonts in check without too much hassle.

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What’s the difference between macOS and Linux fonts?

If you compare the look of the same fonts on Linux vs. macOS, the difference is stark. This is especially true when you’re staring at a screen all day. But even though the rendering of fonts has yet to find perfection in Linux, one thing that the open source platform does well is allow users to easily manage their fonts.

What should the font size be in Linux?

So if you’re font is 12pt and you have an scaling factor of 1, the font size will be 12pt. If your scaling factor is 2, the font size will be 24pt. Let’s say you’ve installed your fonts, but they don’t look quite as good as you’d like.


What fonts are available in Ubuntu?

This method worked for me in Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver.

  1. Download the file containing the desired fonts.
  2. Go the directory where the downloaded file is.
  3. Right click on the file.
  4. Select “OPEN WITH FONTS.” Right click on it.
  5. Another box’ll appear.
  6. Click on that and the fonts will get installed.

How do I download Ubuntu fonts to Word?

Download the font zip from http://font.ubuntu.com/ Unzip into a folder. Select all the . ttf and right-click and select install .

Where are fonts stored in Ubuntu?

In Ubuntu Linux, font files are installed to /usr/lib/share/fonts or /usr/share/fonts. The former directory is recommended in this case for manual installation.

Is Ubuntu a sans serif font?

The Ubuntu Font Family are a set of matching new libre/open fonts in development during 2010-2011. The typeface is sans-serif, uses OpenType features and is manually hinted for clarity on desktop and mobile computing screens.

How do I find fonts in Ubuntu?

  1. To get current font setting run following command: gsettings get org.gnome.desktop. interface monospace-font-name.
  2. To set/change setting run following command (here example of increase size) : gsettings set org.gnome.desktop. interface monospace-font-name ‘Ubuntu Mono 14’
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How do I install a nerd font?

Installing Nerd Fonts is as same as you normally would install fonts on Linux. Download your preferred nerd font from the official Nerd Fonts download page. Extract the downloaded zip file and copy the fonts to your system’s fonts folder.

How do I add fonts to LibreOffice Ubuntu?

fonts/ folder (or double click on the font file and click the button “Install Font”), which will make them available only to the current user. You can use these fonts in LibreOffice too. In your home directory, make a link named . fonts (dot fonts) to wherever you have the fonts you want to add.

Is Ubuntu a sans-serif font?

Is Ubuntu a Google font?

The Ubuntu Font Family has been included in the Google Fonts directory, making it easily available for web typography, and as of April 26, 2011 it is included for use in Google Docs.

Where are my fonts Linux?

First of all, fonts in Linux are located in various directories. However the standard ones are /usr/share/fonts , /usr/local/share/fonts and ~/. fonts . You can put your new fonts in any of those folders, just keep in mind that fonts in the ~/.

Where are X11 fonts installed?

2.1. 8’s standard font directories (` /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/lib/fonts/* ‘) by default) as well as a directory called ` . fonts/ ‘ in the user’s home directory. Installing a font for use by Xft applications is as simple as copying a font file into one of these directories.

What fonts are used in Ubuntu Linux?

What is the scope of the Ubuntu font family?

How do I add fonts to Ubuntu 10?

What is included in the msttcorefonts package?


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