What fonts are installed linux

How can I see what fonts are installed on Linux?

Try the fc-list command. This is a quick and convenient command to list the fonts and styles available on the Linux system for applications using fontconfig. You can use fc-list to find out whether a specific language font is installed or not.

How are all installed fonts displayed?

Open the Control Panel (type control panel in the search box and select it from the results). In the Control Panel in Icon mode, click the Fonts icon. Windows displays all installed fonts.

How are installed fonts displayed in Ubuntu?

Install downloaded fonts in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

Open the folder where you downloaded the font file. Double-click the font file to open it. This opens a font viewer window.

What font does Linux use?

category sans serif
classification Humanistic sans serif font
foundry Dalton Mag
license Free font license

How do I know if Fontconfig is installed?

The fc-list command helps you list all fonts and styles available on the system for applications using fontconfig. With fc-list we can also know if a specific language font is installed or not.

How do I install fonts?

Install a font on Windows

How do you recognize a font?

Just upload an image, click on the font you want to identify, and then view the results. For best results, upload a good quality image and make sure the text is aligned horizontally. We automatically recognize the text in the image, then you can click on the font of your choice.

How do I install fonts on Linux?

Comment Installer TTF sous Linux ?

How to install TTF fonts on Linux

How to install fonts on Ubuntu?

This method worked for me in Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver.

What is the terminal font?

Improve your marketing strategy. What are the secrets of the most successful brands? The new font inherited its name from the pre-release codename given to the Windows terminal, namely Cascadia.

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What font is the prompt?

Command Prompt is a Microsoft Windows application that acts as a console for entering commands and running batch scripts. It has no graphical user interface and differs from other typical windows by its black background and use of Consolas or Lucida Console fonts.

What fonts are monospaced?

Examples of monospaced fonts are Courier, Courier New, Lucida Console, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, and Inconsolata.

Where is Fontconfig?

Construction. Fontconfig uses XML format for its configuration files. The document type definition (DTD) for fontconfig files is usually located in /etc/fonts/fonts.


Как найти установленные шрифты в Linux

В этой статье мы покажем самый быстрый способ найти установленные шрифты в вашем Linux.

Мы воспользуемся командой fc-list, для того чтобы посмотреть все шрифты и стили в вашей системе Linux.

Список всех установленных шрифтов в Linux

Чтобы отобразить в терминале все установленные шрифты в системе Linux, выполните следующую команду:

Отображение списка шрифтов Linux

Если вдруг, вам требуется узнать, установлен ли шрифт Noto Sans или нет, тогда выполните следующую команду:

Проверка установленного шрифта Linux

Также можно посмотреть все truetype шрифты в вашей системе с помощью команды find.

посмотреть все truetype шрифты

Для того чтоб посмотреть все установленные шрифты для определенного языка, например просмотрите шрифты для арабского языка. Для этого введите команду:

Вам требуется указать правильный код языка. Далее вы должны увидеть примерно такой ответ терминала.

Посмотреть установленные шрифты для определенного языка Linux

Также для получения списка установленных арабских шрифтов выполните следующую команду:

Получение списка установленных шрифтов определенного языка в Linux

Если вам требуется более полное руководство по команде fc-list перейдите на страницу man. Это можно сделать следующей командой:


Итак, в этой статье мы показали, как найти все установленные шрифты в linux, а также как посмотреть список установленных шрифтов для определенного языка.


How can I determine which fonts are installed from the command line, and what is the easiest way to install more?

There are many questions and answers regarding fonts on Ubuntu, but not so many dealing with Ubuntu for Embedded Linux, such as Beaglebone Black. I have not been able to locate any .ttf files in standard locations on my system, and I think that given the resource constraints these have been omitted. Using the command line, how can I (1) find out which fonts are installed, and (2) install more fonts. FYI: I am looking for a simple sans-serif ttf that I can use to display text on an 8×8 LED matrix.

/usr/share/fonts isn’t there. fc-list command is not found. so far I just downloaded a free arial font from www.dafont.com and used secure copy to transfer it to my beaglebone. i will create a /usr/share/fonts/ directory manually for future use. scp /Users/me/Downloads/pixel_arial_11/PIXEARG_.TTF ubuntu@

4 Answers 4

The best and simplest way is to use console command (this command should be available for all ubuntu-based distributions) :

/usr/share/fonts/truetype/lato/Lato-Medium.ttf: Lato,Lato Medium:style=Medium,Regular /usr/share/fonts/truetype/tlwg/TlwgTypo-Bold.ttf: Tlwg Typo:style=Bold /usr/share/fonts/truetype/lato/Lato-SemiboldItalic.ttf: Lato,Lato Semibold:style=Semibold Italic,Italic /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSerif-Bold.ttf: DejaVu Serif:style=Bold /usr/share/fonts/truetype/noto/NotoSansThai-Regular.ttf: Noto Sans Thai:style=Regular . 
fc-list - list available fonts 

To check all available options use MAN (manual): man fc-list

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How To Manage Fonts on Ubuntu

This tutorial will explain how you can recognize, show, find, add and remove, and use fonts on Ubuntu computer. This includes basic understanding with examples of Times New Roman, Liberation Serif, and Apple Garamond. This also includes how to install non-Latin fonts like Arabic, Japanese, and Chinese ones. Now let’s practice.

See also our Ubuntu Full User Guide

Basics of Fonts

In general, fonts are divided into three classes namely Serif, Sans, and Mono.

  • Examples of Serif fonts are Times New Roman, Liberation Serif, and Apple Garamond.
  • Example of Sans fonts (also known as sans-serif) are Arial, Liberation Sans, and Helvetica.
  • Examples of Mono fonts are Courier New, Liberation Mono, and Monaco.

As the examples appear to you, Serif family fonts look «sharp» with its pointy «thorns» on every character (in Latin, serif), while Sans family fonts look «dull» without «thorns» (hence they’re called sans-serif or no-thorns), while Mono family fonts look «square-y» also known as «typewriter» machine style.

Furthermore, fonts also divided into two forms namely Bold and Italic, as we all knew, «thick» and «slanted» writings. Because of that, you will find combinations in every single font. In other words, every single font is divided into several files with each one serving a specific writing purpose. Take example Liberation Serif:

  • LiberationSerif.ttf
  • LiberationSerifBold.ttf
  • LiberationSerifItalic.ttf
  • LiberationSerifBoldItalic.ttf

That’s the basics of fonts.

Ubuntu Built-in Fonts

Ubuntu bundled its own fonts, which are high quality and complete, and they are all Free Libre Open Source Software licensed (FLOSS). The fonts included by default in Ubuntu are of course different to other operating systems, just like Windows’ bundled fonts are different to MacOS’ bundled fonts. The clearest difference is that Ubuntu’s fonts are FLOSS, you may use and copy them freely without restrictions including for commercial purposes while Windows’ and MacOS’ fonts are not (also known as proprietary software).

  • DejaVu: Serif, Sans, Mono.
  • Droid: Serif, Sans, Mono.
  • FreeFont: FreeSerif, FreeSans, FreeMono.
  • Liberation: Serif, Sans, Mono.
  • Noto: Sans, Serif, Mono.
  • Ubuntu: Sans, Mono.

Show Installed Fonts

There are various ways to tell what fonts installed on our computer system. The most popular way is to check them out with word processor program. On Ubuntu, you can do that by running LibreOffice Writer then check out the Fonts selection.

On Ubuntu, another way to display all installed fonts is to run Fonts Manager. To do so, click the top Activities menu > type fonts > click the Fonts application > Fonts Manager will open.

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Lastly, compared by filesystem Ubuntu stores all fonts at /usr/share/fonts, while Windows stores them at C:\Windows\Fonts, and MacOS’s are at /System/Library/Fonts.

Open Font

Fonts come in the form of a file with an extension either it’s OTF or TTF. For example, Times New Roman would be stored on computer as timesnewroman.ttf and Liberation Serif would look like liberationserif.tty.

To open a font to display its characters set,

1. Get the font file, you can either download or copy it from your neighbors.

2. Double click the font file.

3. Font opened in a window.

Install Font

In general, fonts are part of operating systems. Every operating system has its own set of fonts. That’s why Times New Roman is on Windows, Liberation Serif is on Ubuntu, while Apple Garamond is on MacOS. For that reason, in order to use a certain font, you should install it on your operating system first otherwise you cannot use it. This means a font installed on Windows cannot be used on Ubuntu except you install that font on Ubuntu as well, and vice versa.

3. Font Manager window will open.

6. Repeat all steps above to install another fonts.

Install Arabic and other Non-Latin Fonts

For the purposes of writing non-Latin characters like Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and the others, you might need certain fonts suitable for that purposes. For example, to write Arabic text, you should use Arabic font like Amiri Quran.

5. Repeat steps above for the other non-Latin fonts.

Remove Font

On Ubuntu, fonts installation is divided into two places:

User: ~/.local/share/fonts/

System: /usr/share/fonts/

To remove fonts installed on User directory:

3. There, you should see files with .ttf or .otf extensions.

4. Find the fonts you want to delete.

For example, if you installed Amiri Quran then want to delete it, then select AmiriQuran.ttf file and Delete.

5. Repeat steps above to remove another fonts.

To remove fonts installed on System directory:

3. Right-click empty area > Open in Terminal.

4. Terminal will open at that directory.

5. Find the fonts you want to remove with basic command lines.

6. Carefully use sudo and rm commands to delete that fonts.

7. Repeat steps above to remove another fonts.


That’s all. To this point, you should have the knowledge to recognize, show, add, use and remove fonts on Ubuntu. Not just that, but you also know the built-in fonts on Ubuntu such as Droid, FreeFont, Liberation, Noto, and Ubuntu Fonts itself. Finally, we hope this would be useful for you. See you next time!

This article is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.


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