What frustrating problem does bluetooth solve


5. In groups, choose a domestic appliance and decide what functions an in-built computer would allow it to perform in addition to its basic function. Consider also how it could be marketed. Present your ideas to the rest of the class.

Specialist reading

A. Find the answers to these questions In the following text.

  1. What frustrating problem does Bluetooth solve?
  2. Who first developed Bluetooth?
  3. In what ways is Bluetooth particularly suited to portable systems?
  4. What do Bluetooth devices share with microwave ovens?
  5. List some devices that are suitable for use with Bluetooth.
  6. Why is Bluetooth suitable for use on aeroplanes?
  7. What factors provide security for Bluetooth communications?
  8. How is the output power level of the transmitter set?
  9. Why is there no collision detection in the Bluetooth specification?
  10. Why are all devices on a piconet synchronised and controlled by a master device?
  11. What are the consequences of Bluetooth having the following characteristics?

a It is good at avoiding conflicting signals from other sources, b The transmitter output level is kept as low as possible,

c It uses power-saving modes when devices aren’t transmitting.


As portable computing devices get smarter and more capable, connectivity frustrations increase.

This is where Bluetooth comes in. The brainchild of Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Nokia and Toshiba, Bluetooth is a microwave high-speed wireless link system that’s designed to work with portable equipment. To that end, it’s low power, very small and very low cost. It uses the same frequencies as existing radio LANs (and, incidentally, microwave ovens) to create a secure 1 Mbit/s link between devices within 10m of each other. These devices can be laptops, PDAs, cellphones, wired telephone access points, even wristwatch devices, headphones, digital cameras and so on. With them, your notebook PC will be able to access your cellular phone and thus the Internet — without your having to take the phone out of your pocket. Files can be exchanged and communications set up for voice and data between just about any device capable of handling the information.

Bluetooth operates in the unlicensed SM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) band at 2.45GHz, which is globally available for products.

There’s 89MHz of bandwidth allocated here, and since Bluetooth is very low power, it actually radiates less than most national and international standards allow non-transmitting devices to leak as part of their normal operation. This is key, as it allows the technology to operate without restriction on aircraft.

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As befits their status as radio frequency experts, Ericsson and Nokia developed the RF side of Bluetooth. The link works in a similar way to the IEEE 802.11 wireless networking system, with a packet-switching protocol based on fast-frequency hopping direct sequence spread spectrum. In other words, it constantly switches channel to avoid interference. It changes frequency 1,600 times a second through 79 frequency bands. It’s expected that this will be so good at avoiding conflicting signals from other sources that the transmission power can be kept very low.

Security is taken care of through the frequency hopping and 40-bit encryption. As the system uses radio, it can work through some barriers — briefcases, shirt pockets and desktops, for example — but it won’t carry through office buildings. The power level of the transmitter can be varied, with feedback from the remote side of the link used to set the output to the lowest level commensurate with error-free operation. This saves power and increases the usable density of devices. The device can operate at up to lmW (an optional power amplifier can increase this to 100m W) and the whole lot consumes between 8mA and 30mA at 2.7V. Various power-saving modes can be used when a device isn’t transmitting, trading off speed of response for battery life. These work with current levels between 300pA and 60pA.

Within the 10m radius of a unit, up to 10 independent full-speed piconets can operate, with bandwidth reduced proportionately if more than this are in use. Each can handle up to eight devices, and can be further subdivided into separate services: 432Kbit/s full-duplex data, 721/S6Kbit/s asymmetric duplex, or 384Kbit/s third-generation GSM. Each channel can also support three 64Kbit/s full-duplex voice channels. An optional variation in modulation technique would double the basic data rate to 2Mbit/s.

Power consumption and cost were very significant factors in Bluetooth’s design, and it was decided not to make the system a fully-fledged LAN. As a result, there’s no collision detection. All devices on a piconet are synchronized to a master device and are controlled by it to prevent simultaneous operation on the same frequency. Any device can be a master, and is elected dynamically when the link starts up.

The standard is open and royalty-free to members of the Bluetooth special interest group.

B. Re-read the text to find the answers to these questions.

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1. Match the terms in Table A with the statements in Table B.


Научная электронная библиотека

1. Read the text and find the answers to the following questions.

1. What frustrating problem does Bluetooth solve?

2. Who first developed Bluetooth?

3. In what ways is Bluetooth particularly suited to portable systems?

4. What do Bluetooth devices share with microwave ovens?

5. List some devices that are suitable for use with Bluetooth.

6. Why is Bluetooth suitable for use on aeroplanes?

7. What factors provide security for Bluetooth communications?

8. How is the output power level of the transmitter set?

9. Why is there no collision detection in the Bluetooth specification?

10. Why are all devices on a piconet synchronised and controlled by a master device?

2. Choose the best answer to the question: What are the consequences of Bluetooth having the following characteristics?

a. It is good at avoiding conflicting signals from other sources.

b. The transmitter output level is kept as low as possible.

c. It uses power-saving modes when devices aren’t transmitting.

As portable computing devices get smarter and more capable, connectivity frustrations increase.

This is where Bluetooth comes in. The brainchild of Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Nokia and Toshiba, Bluetooth is a microwave high-speed wireless link system that’s designed to work with portable equipment. To that end, it’s low power, very small and very low cost. It uses the same frequencies as existing radio LANs (and, incidentally, microwave ovens) to create a secure 1 Mbit/s link between devices within 10m of each other. These devices can be laptops, PDAs, cellphones, wired telephone access points, even wrist watch devices, headphones, digital cameras and so on. With them, your notebook PC will be able to access your cellular phone and thus the Internet – without your having to take the phone out of your pocket. Files can be exchanged and communications set up tor voice and data between just about any device capable of handling the information.

Bluetooth operates in the unlicensed SM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) band at 2.45 GHz, which is globally available for

There’s 89 MHz of bandwidth allocated here, and since Bluetooth is very low power, it actually radiates less than most national and international standards allow non-transmitting devices to leak as part of their normal operation. This is key, as it allows the technology to operate without restriction on aircraft.

As befits their status as radio frequency experts, Ericsson and Nokia developed the RF side of Bluetooth. The link works in a similar way to the IFEE 802.11 wireless networking system, with a packet-switching protocol based on fast-frequency hopping direct sequence spread spectrum. In other words, it constantly switches channel to avoid interference. It changes frequency 1,600 times a second through 79 frequency bands. It’s expected that this will be so good at avoiding conflicting signals from other sources that the transmission power can be kept very low.

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Security is taken care of through the frequency hopping and 40-bit encryption. As the system uses radio, it сan work through some barriers – briefcases, shirt pockets and desktops, for example – but it won’t carry through office buildings. The power level of the transmitter can be varied, with feedback from the remote side of the link used to set the output to the lowest level commensurate with error-free operation. This saves power and increases the usable density of devices. The device can operate at up to 1mW (an optional power amplifier can increase this to 100 mW) and the whole lot consumes between 8 mA and 30 mA at 2.7 V. Various power saving modes can be used when a device isn’t transmitting, trailing oil speed of response for battery life. These work with current levels between 300 рА and 60 pA.

Within the 10m radius of a unit, up to 10 independent full-speed piconets can operate, with bandwidth reduced proportionately if more than this is in use. Each can handle up to eight devices, and can be further subdivided into separate services: 432 Kbit/s full duplex data, 72l/56 Kbit/s asymmetric duplex, or 384 Kbit/s third generation GSM. Each channel can also support three 64 Kbit/s full-duplex voice channels. An optional variation in modulation technique would double the basic data rate to 2 Mbit/s.

Power consumption and cost were very significant factors in Bluetooth’s design, and it was decided not to make the system a fully-fledged LAN. As a result, there’s no collision detection. All devices on a piconet are synchronized to a master device and are controlled by it to prevent simultaneous so operation on the same frequency. Any device can be a master, and is elected dynamically when the link starts up.

The standard is open and royalty-free to members of the Bluetooth special interest group.

3. Match the terms 1-7 with the statements A-F.


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