What is batch scripting in linux

How to run batch file in linux

If the windows box has a web server, you could write a CGI, and trigger it using wget or cURL. Solution 3: Our build process currently goes the other way: a windows sever kicks off things on the Linux server using plink (part of PuTTY). Depending on how precise your timing needs are, you might be able to have an «at» job on the windows box that runs periodically (every 5 minutes?) and runs if it sees that a particular file exists, deleting the file.

How to run process from batch script

Debian uses systemd to manage processes. You should, therefore, use the systemd’s commands to stop and start rsyslogd .

If you are using really old versions of Debian (so old that you should upgrade), it may be possible that sys V is still used. In that case, there is a file under /etc/init.d which is called rc.rsyslog or something comparable (use ls /etc/init.d to find the exact name). In that case, it would be

sudo /etc/init.d/rc.rsyslog stop 
sudo /etc/init.d/rc.rsyslog start 

Or it may be, that your systemd -package may be broken. In that case, the package can be re-installed:

apt-get --reinstall install systemd 

If you want to do both, use

 systemctl restart rsyslog 

How do I run .sh or .bat files from Terminal?, Easiest way for a lazy Mac user like me: Drag-and-drop the startup.sh file from the Finder to the Terminal window and press Return. To shutdown …

Linux run command from file in batches

GNU xargs

Other xargs

How to debug xargs ?

I would suggest use your favorite programming language to debug. Mine is Ruby, for example:

node -e 'console.log(process.argv)' 

Put the above commands between xargs and the command you want to execute, for example:

xargs -n1 -P100 ruby -e 'p ARGV' bash -c < input.txt 
["bash", "-c", "-v"] ["bash", "-c", "curl"] ["bash", "-c", "-XPOST"] ["bash", "-c", "-H"] ["bash", "-c", "https://httpbin.org/post"] ["bash", "-c", "-v"] ["bash", "-c", "-d"] ["bash", "-c", "Content-type:application/json"] ["bash", "-c", "curl"] ["bash", "-c", ""] ["bash", "-c", ""] ["bash", "-c", "-H"] ["bash", "-c", "Content-type:application/json"] ["bash", "-c", "-XPOST"] ["bash", "-c", "-d"] ["bash", "-c", "https://httpbin.org/post"] ["bash", "-c", "curl"] ["bash", "-c", "-v"] ["bash", "-c", "-XPOST"] ["bash", "-c", "-H"] ["bash", "-c", "Content-type:application/json"] ["bash", "-c", "-d"] ["bash", "-c", ""] ["bash", "-c", "https://httpbin.org/post"]z 
xargs -d '\n' -n1 -P100 ruby -e 'pp ARGV' sh -c < input.txt 
["sh", "-c", "curl -v -XPOST -H \"Content-type:application/json\" -d '' http://localhost:8080/v1/SomeEndPoint"] ["sh", "-c", "curl -v -XPOST -H \"Content-type:application/json\" -d '' http://localhost:8080/v1/SomeEndPoint"] ["sh", "-c", "curl -v -XPOST -H \"Content-type:application/json\" -d '' http://localhost:8080/v1/SomeEndPoint"] 

If each line is a fully constructed command, xargs is the wrong tool.

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sed -n 1,100p inputFile | while read line; do eval "$line"; done

sed -n 1,100p inputFile | while read line; do echo "$line" | sh; done

Certainly not the most elegant solution, but it could work:

input_file=test.sh batch_size=100 nlines=$(wc -l $input_file | cut -f 1 -d ' ') for i in $(seq 1 $batch_size $nlines); do for j in $(seq $i $((i+batch_size))); do line="$(sed -n $p $input_file)" eval "$line" & done wait done 

It takes batches of n lines and executes them individually in the background with eval . After each batch, it waits for each background process to terminate ( wait ).

Windows - Run .bat in Linux environment, On Linux Terminal type wine cmd After that windows cmd will be played on your terminal. Go to the folder where your .bat file is located and type …

Run python scripts in a batch on Linux?

#!/bin/sh # This file is called ~/script.sh python script1.py python script2.py 

Make the script executable.

Linux - How to write a batch file for running commands in, Under Actions, click New, leave Action set to "Start a program" and browse to the copy_myfile.bat script created in step 1. Click OK. Click OK and the …

Invoking windows batch file from Linux

You could install an ssh server in the windows box (Cygwin has one), then from linux do something like:

ssh user@windows-box c:/path/to/batch.cmd 

and that should launch your application in the windows box.

The most direct way is probably to install an ssh server on the windows box. Cygwin includes an ssh server.

Depending on how precise your timing needs are, you might be able to have an "at" job on the windows box that runs periodically (every 5 minutes?) and runs if it sees that a particular file exists, deleting the file. Then you could use Samba/smbclient to create the file. You would need to turn on filesharing on the windows box for this to work.

If the windows box has a web server, you could write a CGI, and trigger it using wget or cURL.

Our build process currently goes the other way: a windows sever kicks off things on the Linux server using plink (part of PuTTY). You might be able to set something similar up.

Command line - Can I run Windows .bat files in Ubuntu?, Change to the directory containing your Windows batch file and run it by entering its name. Or, you can switch to the directory containing your batch …


What is batch scripting?

Batch Scripts are stored in simple text files containing lines with commands that get executed in sequence, one after the other. Scripting is a way by which one can alleviate this necessity by automating these command sequences in order to make one’s life at the shell easier and more productive.

How do you write a batch script in Linux?

3 AnswersCreate the file: gedit runme.sh.Add code into file: #!/bin/bash echo “Hello World!”Make file executable: chmod +x runme.sh.Run the file from terminal: ./runme.sh.

How do I run a batch file in Unix?

Batch files can be run by typing “start FILENAME. bat”. Alternately, type “wine cmd” to run the Windows-Console in the Linux terminal. When in the native Linux shell, the batch files can be executed by typing “wine cmd.exe /c FILENAME.

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How do I run multiple parallel scripts in UNIX?

How can I run multiple programs in parallel from a bash script? You have various options to run programs or commands in parallel on a Linux or Unix-like systems: => Use GNU/parallel or xargs command. => Use wait built-in command with &.

Can I run two Python scripts at the same time?

You can run multiple instances of IDLE/Python shell at the same time. So open IDLE and run the server code and then open up IDLE again, which will start a separate instance and then run your client code. 3 Shell programs are running at the same time, one shell running progA while the other one is running progB.

How do I run two NPM scripts?

Inside your NPM script, in the “start” command, or whatever you want to use to run your servers (provided they’re in the same repo, of course), just chain together your two start scripts like so.

How do you run a script in a script?

Steps to write and execute a scriptOpen the terminal. Go to the directory where you want to create your script.Create a file with . sh extension.Write the script in the file using an editor.Make the script executable with command chmod +x .Run the script using ./.

Does shell script run sequentially?

3 Answers. They are executed sequentially. They are executed concurrently. In the first case, some shells only wait for cmd2 before carrying on with the rest of the script while some wait for both.

How do I run multiple threads in shell script?

In a Linux shell script, the effect of Multithreading can be achieved by the introduction of an ampersand ‘&’ which is appended at the end of a command/program/shell script and even at the end of a function/code block inside a script. This makes whatever is called to run in the background.

How do I run multiple shell scripts in sequence?

2 Answers. You just call each script as you would before, but seperate them with a semicolon ; After each script finishes execution, bash will start executing the next script.

How do I run two programs at the same time in Windows?

Press and hold the Ctrl and Shift keys simultaneously, and then click or tap on the taskbar icon of the app that you want to run as admin in multiple instances. This triggers a UAC prompt, and you must confirm your choice before another instance of the app is opened.

How run multiple processes at once Linux?

In case you need to execute several processes in batches, or in chunks, you can use the shell builtin command called “wait”. See below. The first three commands wget commands will be executed in parallel. “wait” will make the script wait till those 3 gets finished.

How do I wait in Linux?

When wait command is executed with $process_id then the next command will wait for completing the task of the first echo command. The second wait command is used with ‘$! ‘ and this indicate the process id of the last running process.

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Is bash multithreaded?

When you execute a Bash script, it will at maximum use a single CPU thread, unless you start subshells/threads. If your machine has at least two CPU threads, you will be able to max-out CPU resources using multi-threaded scripting in Bash.

What does & mean in bash?

The & makes the command run in the background. From man bash : If a command is terminated by the control operator &, the shell executes the command in the background in a subshell.

How does Python implement multiple threads?

Creating Thread Using Threading ModuleDefine a new subclass of the Thread class.Override the __init__(self [,args]) method to add additional arguments.Then, override the run(self [,args]) method to implement what the thread should do when started.

How do I create an array in bash?

Create an arrayCreate indexed or associative arrays by using declare. We can explicitly create an array by using the declare command: $ declare -a my_array. Create indexed arrays on the fly. Print the values of an array. Print the keys of an array. Getting the size of an array. Deleting an element from the array.

How do you calculate the no of arguments passed to a shell script?

You can get the number of arguments from the special parameter $# . Value of 0 means “no arguments”. $# is read-only. When used in conjunction with shift for argument processing, the special parameter $# is decremented each time Bash Builtin shift is executed.


How do I create a batch file and run it? [duplicate]

Your question is more likely to receive useful answers if it contains some specifics. Such as what type of data is to be processed, including realistic examples of input and output.

@SergiyKolodyazhnyy The duplicate nominee is closed as too broad. As such the close vote on this one should be "too broad" as well. That said it seems like a reasonable question to me as I was once in the dark myself 🙂

@WinEunuuchs2Unix It is closed but does have an accepted answer, which will give OP what they want, or at least a starting point.

@EliahKagan If a mod agrees perhaps he can reopen that one and then merge the answers from here to there?

@WinEunuuchs2Unix That question, which this received close votes to be duped to, was actually reopened a few hours ago, then closed again as duplicate of that highly voted question. Both of them are listed as "originals" in the duplicate banner here (i.e., this question is duped to both of them). So if answers are to be merged, they'd probably be put there. Do you think that would be useful?

3 Answers 3

To create one use the .sh extension but it doesn't really matter but it helps future users to quickly determine which file type it is. The bat name is mostly used on Windows but in Linux file name extensions do not really matter. Meaning I can call my file say run.de and it would still run in bash file but I believe it's a good practice to name them with the .sh file extension.

For the editor, part uses any that is best for you between nano vim gedit emacs , but I believe gedit would be nice to start with.


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