What is elm327 bluetooth

ELM327: What Is The Best Genuine ELM327 Adapters 2023 (Bluetooth/Wifi/USB)?

Looking for a reliable ELM327 adapter? This article is for you.

After extensive testing and thorough comparisons, I have carefully chosen the top 9 ELM237 scanners meet all my expectations of a quality ELM327 adapter.

These scanners possess the following desirable qualities:

  • Affordable pricing
  • Reliable connection performance
  • Compatibility with popular ELM327 apps/ software
  • Support most OBD2 cars you work with

With the information provided in this article, I hope to assist you in confidently avoiding your hard-earned money on an unsuitable ELM327 scanner.

Now, get ready to make an informed decision and discover the ELM327 adapter that suits your needs perfectly!

9 Best ELM327 Adapters: Comparison Chart

Looking for more information to make a final decision?

Keep scrolling down, choose the scanner type you want and go!!

ELM327: All You Need to Know

What is ELM327?

Although ELM Electronics makes the chips that ELM327 devices run on, other companies take those chips and use them to make ELM327 adapters. Each of those adapters is what is called an ELM327 interface.

It’s called an interface because it acts as a link between a vehicle’s onboard computer (ECU) and your external computer (smartphone, tablet, or PC). With it, you can view real-time data from the ECU, run some diagnostics, and read/clear codes that are associated with the Check Engine Light.

Generally, an ELM327 scanner operates based on three sub-parts. The first is the ELM327 chip. This is an integrated circuit that’s rated at 4MHz. It is the brain behind the whole device onboard its purpose is to convert data from the ECU to a format that can be understood by modern computing devices.

The second sub-part is the set of electric voltage adaptors. Their primary function is to identify the various on-board systems of a car using their unique voltage properties.

For example, an ELM327 scanner is able to distinguish the EVAP system from the fuel system using its electric voltage adaptors. They are usually given as protocols like CAN, K/L or PWM/VPN.

Finally, there is a set of voltage adaptors for PC. These ones make it possible for an ELM327 adapter to adapt its electrical levels to those of a computer device (PC, smartphone, or tablet). By doing so the adapter and the computer can successfully communicate.

Bluetooth Vs. Wi-Fi Vs. USB ELM327 interface: Which Should I Go for?

ELM327 OBD2 adapters offer an easy way of scanning a vehicle’s systems.

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There are three types of ELM327 interfaces: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and USB.

Bluetooth Wifi USB
Speed 3/5 4/5 5/5
Stability 4/5 3/5 5/5
Range Max 30ft. Up to 150ft. Max 16ft cable length
Power consumption Low High Low
Cost Moderate Moderate Moderate
Compatibility iOS, Android, Windows iOS, Windows
There are limitations with Android
Convenience 5/5 4/5 3/5

Bluetooth ELM327 adapters transmit radio waves between a car and compatible ELM327 OBD2 adapters. They are a low-cost way for DIYers to read codes and transfer files because no plug-in wires are needed.

Very little data is transferred over the ELM327 interface, so speeds are irrelevant. However, somec ELM327 Bluetooth adapters fail to pair with iOS devices (BAFX, for example).

That’s why, if you have an Apple product, you are better off with:

  • Wi-Fi ELM327 adapters: BAFX wifi
  • Newer Bluetooth 4.0 adapters that are compatible with both iOS and Android devices, such as: Veepeak BLE, Veepeak BLE+ and Vgate iCar Pro 4.0.

USB ELM327 adapters are preferred since the technology is faster than Bluetooth and Wifi for file transfer and read/report speeds.

Wi-Fi speed can be affected by the application using it, by network interference, by the receiver in the appliance, or the power of the router creating the connection.

While Wi-Fi is perfect for iOS gadgets, Android devices can’t stay connected to the internet when the ELM327 interface is connected. As such, you are stuck with Bluetooth connectivity if you want to use mobile data and the interface simultaneously.

USB ELM327 adapters are only ideal if you are concerned about power consumption or you prefer to use a package of powerful ELM327 OBD2 software on your Windows laptop. USB scan tools are also quite slow since they slow down their speed even when connecting via a two USB 3.1 cable.

Speed lowers further when using a long cable. Users are recommended to use a cable that’s up to 16ft. in length.

As for stability, USB devices are considered the best since they don’t have a wireless radio. They also offer the most compatible connection between tablets, PCs, and smartphones. Wi-Fi scan tools are susceptible to failed connections, the same as Bluetooth devices.

What Does ELM327 Adapter Offer Me?

I have mentioned from a general point of view that ELM327 allows you to view real-time data from the ECU, run some diagnostics and read/clear codes. I should add that as an OBD2 adapter, ELM327 works with a diagnostic app/software.

What you do is that you install the app/software on your smartphone/tablet/PC and use it as a diagnostic platform.The exact range of functions that you will get depends on the app or software you are using. I will talk more about that later in this post, but for now here are the most common functions of ELM327:

Main functions of ELM327 interface

Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs)

ELM327 allows you to read and clear generic as well as manufacturer-specific codes. You can view the definition of each code and determine whether the problem needs you to take the car to the shop or if you can handle it the DIY way.

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Note that when you clear ECU codes you can turn off the Check Engine Light (CEL).

Smog Check

In addition to codes, ELM327 adapter will also indicate whether the car will pass federal and state smog tests.

Live Data

Live data is great for pinpointing problems as it shows you the performance of your car. ELM327 provides real-time data that you can use to analyze things like engine performance and fuel economy. Here’s a list of the live data that you can view:

• Absolute Throttle Position
• Air Fuel Ratio
• Average Trip Speed
• Barometric Pressure
• Command Equivalence Ratio
• CO2 Emissions
• Distance Traveled Since Clearing ECU Code
• EGR Commanded
Engine Coolant Temperature
• Engine Load
• Engine RPM
• EVAP System Vapor Pressure
• Fuel Cost
• Fuel Level
• Fuel Rail Pressure
• Fuel Used (trip)
• GPS Altitude
• GPS Latitude
• GPS Satellites
• Intake Air Temperature
Kilometers Per Liter
• Miles Per Gallon
• O2 Volts
• Relative Throttle Position
• Speed
• Timing Advance
• Transmission Temperature
• Trip Average MPG
• Trip Time
• Voltage (Control Module)
• Accelerator Pedal Position
• Ambient Air Temperature
• Barometer
• Catalyst Temperature
• Cost Per Mile
• Distance to Empty Fuel Tank
Distance Traveled with Check Engine Light On
• EGR Error
• Engine kW
• Engine Oil Temperature
• Ethanol Fuel Percentage
• Exhaust Gas Temperature
• Fuel Flow Rate
• Fuel Pressure
• Fuel Trim Bank
• GPS Accuracy
• GPS Bearing
• GPS Longitude
• Horsepower
• Intake Manifold Pressure
• Mass Air Flow
• O2 Sensor
• Relative Acceleration Pedal Position
• Run Time Since Engine Start
Throttle Position
• Torque
• Trip Average KPL
• Trip Distance
• Turbo Boost and Vacuum Gauge
• Volumetric Efficiency

Data Management

You can log both diagnostic data and real-time (live) data to your phone, tablet or PC. ELM327 gives you the option to receive the data via Text file or email. However you prefer, you can share it with people who understand diagnostics better in case you need someone else’s opinion.

What Protocols Are Supported By ELM327?

ELM327 is not the only ELM interface around. Its predecessors, the ELM320, ELM322 and ELM323 are still very much available for purchase and use. However, the 327 version is the most popular because it supports all OBD2 families of protocols.

ELM320 supports only one type of protocols; the PWM. The same goes for ELM322 and ELM323 which only support VPN and KWP protocols respectively. On its part, ELM327 is fully compatible with all types of protocols.

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More specifically, it works with CAN, KWP, PWM, and VPN. That translates to all OBD2 protocols. Here’s the list:

  • ISO 15765-4 CAN (11 bit, 500 kbit/s)
  • ISO 15765-4 CAN (29 bit, 500 kbit/s)
  • ISO 15765-4 CAN (11 bit, 250 kbit/s)
  • ISO 15765-4 CAN (29 bit, 250 kbit/s)
  • ISO 14230-4 KWP (5 baud init, 10.4 kbit/s)
  • ISO 14230-4 KWP (fast init, 10.4 kbit/s)
  • SAE J1850 PWM (41.6 kbit/s)
  • SAE J1850 VPW (10.4 kbit/s)
  • ISO 9141-2 (5 baud init, 10.4 kbit/s)
  • SAE J1939 (250kbit/s)
  • SAE J1939 (500kbit/s)

To put it simply, ELM327 is compatible with practically all OBD2 cars that are made or sold in the US. So, as long as your car is not a 1995 or older model you may use an ELM327 adapter for its diagnostics.


Что такое ELM327 Bluetooth и для чего нужен такой сканер

Подавляющее большинство автовладельцев сталкиваются с необходимостью проведения диагностики состояния транспортного средства и выявления неисправностей. Надежным помощником в решении имеющегося вопроса является сканер ELM327 Bluetooth, подключив который к бортовому компьютеру, можно получить исчерпывающую информацию о назревающих или уже имеющихся нарушениях.

Что это такое?

ELM327 Bluetooth – это сканер, который подключают к бортовому компьютеру через разъем OBD-II. Данное устройство применяют для диагностики неисправностей систем и блоков, получения информации о неисправностях, считывания общих показателей работы и обнуления погрешностей, возникающих в работе электронного блока управления (ЭБУ).

Свое название устройство получило от микроконтроллера, который выполняет роль посредника между диагностическим блоком машины и компьютером или смартфоном. Данный чип был разработан канадской компанией, но попал в руки китайских разработчиков, которые скопировали принцип работы составляющей и изобрели аналогичный механизм с не менее мощным функционалом.

Что делает блок ELM327

ELM327 обладает обширным функционалом. Однако спектр допустимых возможностей все же может быть разным. Он зависит от возможностей выбранной версии адаптера, электронного блока управления самого авто и ПО, которое используется для диагностики.

Помимо получения и очищения диагностических кодов устройство также способно получать в режиме реального времени информацию о:

  • частоте оборотов двигателя;
  • скорости, с которой движется авто;
  • температуре жидкостей внутри систем;
  • объеме расходуемого топлива;
  • давлении внутри топливной системы;
  • многих других моментах.

В некоторых моделях транспорта при помощи блока ELM327 можно заблокировать запертые замки и внести настройки в режим автоматического запирания дверей транспортного средства.

Как правильно выбрать сканер?

В продаже сегодня можно встретить огромное количество сканеров ELM327. Чтобы не приобрести модель с ограниченным функционалом, которая будет работать неправильно или предоставлять в распоряжение ограниченный объем опций, необходимо принимать во внимание версию прошивки и тип подключения. Идеальным вариантом будет сканер с прошивкой ELM327 2.1 и типом подключения Wi-Fi. Но если такая модель окажется слишком дорогостоящей, в качестве альтернативы можно рассмотреть устройство с урезанной оригинальной прошивкой ELM327 2.1 и типом подключения USB.

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