What is gnome linux mint

Как установить GNOME на Linux Mint 20

Установка дополнительной среды рабочего стола позволяет получить больше пользовательского опыта без установки другого дистрибутива Linux.

Gnome — это среда рабочего стола по умолчанию для многих дистрибутивов Linux. Gnome основан на GTK+ и обновляется каждые 6 месяцев.

Linux Mint по умолчанию имеет среду рабочего стола Cinnamon, MATE или Xfce. Cinnamon и Mate — это тоже что и GNOME с кодовой базой GNOME 3 и GNOME 2 соответственно.

В этой статье я расскажу, как установить рабочий стол GNOME 3 (gnome-shell) в вашем Linux Mint 20.

Что мы имеем:

1) Установите GNOME на Linux MINT с помощью команды apt

Во-первых, вам нужно обновить все пакеты в системе Linux Mint. Для этого откройте терминал и выполните следующую команду:

Теперь установите все пакеты, которые имеют новые версии:

Для установки среды Gnome необходимо установить gnome-session и gdm3. Используйте команду apt для их установки.

$ sudo apt install gnome-session gdm3-y

Когда появится окно информации просто примите его. Нажмите кнопку ОК.

Для установки GNOME нажмите OK

Далее появится новая подсказка. Выберите либо gdm3, либо lightdm.

Gdm3 — это GNOME display manager, который обеспечивает графический вход в систему и обрабатывает аутентификацию пользователя. Он использует минимальную версию gnome-shell, благодаря которой вы установите сеанс GNOME3.

lightdm — это кросс-настольный дисплейный менеджер, который очень легкий. А так же поддерживает различные технологии отображения.

Выберите gdm3 или lightdm

Установка всех зависимостей и пакетов может занять некоторое время. Когда все закончится, перезагрузите систему.

Когда появится экран входа в систему, выберите Gnome и введите свой пароль.

Требуется выбрать GNOME

Ваш рабочий стол должен быть изменен, как показано на рисунке ниже.

Изменить среду окружения Linux Mint

Чтобы проверить версию Gnome требуется:

Из репозитория была установлена версия Gnome 3.36.8.

Проверка версии GNOME

Чтобы проверить версию с терминала, введите:

2. Установите Gnome Desktop с помощью tasksel

Альтернативный способ установки Gnome — это использование tasksel. Если tasksel не установлен в вашей системе, сначала установите его с помощью:

Теперь, чтобы установить Ubuntu desktop (gnome 3), введите команду:

$ sudo tasksel install ubuntu-desktop

Удалить среду GNOME с Linux Mint

Если вы хотите удалить GNOME из Mint 20, тогда сделайте следующее.

  1. Войдите в другую среду рабочего стола. Если не изменить среду рабочего стола, то удалить GNOME не получится.
  2. Для удаления GNOME выполните следующую команду.

$ sudo apt purge gnome-сессия gdm3-y

$ sudo apt autoremove-y


Многие дистрибутивы Linux, такие как Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, POP OS, по умолчанию используют GNOME. Вы можете легко установить Gnome, если он не поставляется вместе с дистрибутивом.

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В этой статье вы узнали, как установить Gnome на Mint Linux 20.

Пожалуйста, если вы найдете ошибки или неточности в тексте, сообщите пожалуйста мне. Используя форму комментария ниже.


Choose the right edition¶

You can download Linux Mint from the Linux Mint website.

Read below to choose which edition and architecture are right for you.

Cinnamon, MATE or Xfce?¶

Linux Mint comes in 3 different flavours, each featuring a different desktop environment.

Cinnamon The most modern, innovative and full-featured desktop
MATE A more traditional, and faster desktop
Xfce The most lightweight desktop

The most popular version of Linux Mint is the Cinnamon edition. Cinnamon is primarily developed for and by Linux Mint. It is slick, beautiful, and full of new features.


Linux Mint is also involved in the development of MATE, a classic desktop environment which is the continuation of GNOME 2, Linux Mint’s default desktop between 2006 and 2011. Although it misses a few features and its development is slower than Cinnamon’s, MATE uses less resources and can run faster on older computers.


Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment. It doesn’t support as many features as Cinnamon or MATE, but it’s extremely stable and very light on resource usage.


Of course, all three desktops are great and Linux Mint is extremely proud of each edition. Although there are more features and better support in some editions than others, and some do run faster and use less resources than others, they’re all great alternatives and choosing the right edition is largely a matter of taste.

Other than their features and performance, Cinnamon, MATE and Xfce also represent three different desktop environments, with different menus, different panels and configuration tools. The right one for you is the one where you feel at home.

If you are unsure which desktop to choose start with the Cinnamon edition. Try them all eventually when you have the time. All three of them have their own audience within the Linux Mint community and they’re all very popular.

32-bit or 64-bit?¶

From version 20 onward, only 64-bit is available.

The 32-bit ISO images on prior versions are provided for compatibility with older computers. 32-bit processors are extremely rare nowadays and most computers are able to run in 64-bit. If your computer was manufactured after 2007, you probably have a 64-bit processor.

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If you have an old computer and you are unsure whether or not it can run in 64-bit, read X86 Chronology.

You can try to boot Linux Mint 64-bit on your computer. If it isn’t compatible, nothing bad will happen. You will just get an error message.

If you cannot boot or install Linux Mint because your hardware is too recent and is not properly detected see the Edge ISO Images chapter in the Linux Mint User Guide for an alternative ISO.

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About Linux Mint

Linux Mint is one of the most popular desktop Linux distributions and used by millions of people.

It is one of the best alternatives to Microsoft Windows and Apple MacOS.


The purpose of Linux Mint is to produce a modern, elegant and comfortable operating system which is both powerful and easy to use.

  • It works out of the box, with full multimedia support and is extremely easy to use.
  • It’s both free of cost and open source.
  • It’s community-driven. Users are encouraged to send feedback to the project so that their ideas can be used to improve Linux Mint.
  • Based on Debian and Ubuntu, it provides about 30,000 packages and one of the best software managers.
  • It’s safe and reliable—thanks to conservative software updates, a unique Update Manager, and its robust Linux architecture.
  • Linux Mint requires very little maintenance (no regressions, no antivirus, no anti-spyware. etc).


In 2021 Linux Mint celebrated its 15th anniversary. Let’s take a look back at how it all started and some of the events which have helped shape what it is today.

Articles & reviews

Clement Lefebvre, a French developer now commonly known as «Clem», was writing reviews and tutorials for various Linux sites. To host his own articles he started a website called «Linux Mint».

Early releases

After a time, he began to get a flavour for what the community wanted out of a distribution and started implementing solutions to common problems. In August of 2006, Linux Mint 1.0 “Ada”, based on Kubuntu 6.06 was released.

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In November 2006, he switched to a GNOME desktop with Linux Mint 2.0 “Barbara”, based on Ubuntu 6.10.

A new ambition

The project is extremely popular and grows rapidly. A team is formed, forums chat rooms and a website are open.

By the time Linux Mint 3.0 «Cassandra» is released the project has a new logo, its own identity and the ambition to rival Windows and Mac OS.

Development & growth

Linux Mint rises to the top and joins Ubuntu as one of the most popular desktops on the market.

Between Linux Mint 4.0 «Daryna» and Linux Mint 9.0 «Isadora», more and more tools make Linux Mint unique: mintupdate, mintinstall, mintdisk, mintmenu, mintdesktop, mintnanny, mintbackup, mintstick, mintwelcome, mintupload.

A mature desktop

Linux Mint features a desktop experience based on GNOME 2 which has matured for now more than 5 years. It is full-featured, extremely stable and very popular.

A traumatic release

When GNOME 3 replaces GNOME 2 it’s a catastrophe for Linux Mint. Many features (the panel, the tray, the menu. etc) are missing and neither the desktop, the theme engine nor the toolkit are stable.

Despite the reimplementation of most of the missing features, the release of Linux Mint 12 «Lisa» based on GNOME 3 is not good enough and is still to this day considered by the team as a regression.

To guarantee its future Linux Mint decides to widen the scope of its development and invests in 2 alternatives to GNOME 3: MATE, a joint project which consists in renaming GNOME 2 and bringing it back, and Cinnamon, a Mint project, which consists in adapting GNOME 3 and turning it into a full-featured desktop.

The modern era

Since 2012 Linux Mint provides incremental improvements to what is a more and more refined desktop experience.

The team has boosted its development by focusing on 3 desktop editions (Cinnamon, MATE and Xfce) and by taking the decisions in 2014 to only use long-term support releases.

The accent is put on quality vs quantity, on doing less to do it better and on pleasing existing users rather than trying to attract new ones.

Following the success of Cinnamon and its compatibility with other distributions, Linux Mint also started to develop cross-distribution and cross-desktop solutions. Nowadays some of the software developed by Linux Mint is enjoyed in many other distributions and bug reports and development are boosted by contributions from people outside of the Linux Mint community.


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