What is gopro wifi remote

What does the GoPro WiFi Remote do?

The Wi-Fi Remote gives you remote access to all your GoPro camera settings, power ON/OFF and start/stop recording. Control up to 50 cameras at a time from up to 600’/180m in optimal conditions. Different information will be displayed on your LCD screen if you are connected to more than one camera at a time.

Does GoPro remote work without Wi-Fi?

Do you need to have WiFi internet to operate the remote? The answer is NO! You don’t need to have a traditional WiFi (internet) signal to operate a GoPro remote. Most GoPro cameras have the ability to produce a WiFi signal on demand, and you’ll use this signal to connect to the camera.

Does GoPro Hero 2 have Wi-Fi?

GoPro has launched the HD Hero2, an updated version of its sports video camera. The company has also launched the WiFi BacPac accessory allowing live streaming from the camera from the Hero2. It can also be used to control either HD Hero via the included remote or using an App on a smartphone or tablet.

How do I connect my WiFi remote to my GoPro?

Press the Shutter button to display GoPro RC….

  1. Press the Mode button to power the camera on.
  2. Swipe down on the LCD screen to bring up Connect, and tap on Connect.
  3. Tap on Connect New Device and choose Smart Remote.
  4. Put the remote into pairing mode.

How long does GoPro Wi-Fi stay on?

about 8 hours
You can keep the Wireless Connection ON on your camera. The camera’s connection to the app will remain active for about 8 hours.

Can I access my GoPro remotely?

For those who want more control of the camera while shooting, GoPro offers a free app available for iPhone, iPad and Android devices. The app connects wirelessly to the camera using WiFi, which is now a standard feature on the latest GoPro Hero3 cameras.

Does the original GoPro Hero have WIFI?

The Hero lacks a Micro-HDMI port and the GoPro accessory port. Without the accessory port, though, there’s no way to add Wi-Fi, an LCD or an extra battery with GoPro’s BacPac modules.

Is GoPro WiFi Remote compatible with HERO7?

Control your GoPro remotely from distances of up to 600′ with the wearable, waterproof Smart Remote. It’s compatible with the GoPro Max, HERO8 Black, HERO7 Black, Fusion, HERO6 Black, HERO5 Black, and HERO5 Session, HERO4 Black, HERO4 Silver, HERO Session, HERO+ LCD, and HERO+.

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Can you control a GoPro remotely?

The GoPro App for mobile makes it easy to control your camera remotely, view your photos and videos and share your favorites. You can adjust camera settings and use your phone, tablet or Apple Watch as a viewfinder to frame the perfect shot.


GoPro Remote: Should You Buy It? 7 ways to use this GoPro Accessory

One of the most popular GoPro accessories out there is a GoPro remote. In short, the remote lets you control the shutter of the camera remotely using a Wi-Fi signal.

GoPro remotes can save you a lot of time and can definitely increase the functionality of your GoPro. Yet, you’re probably still wondering if it’s worth it or not, so in this article well talk about the pros and cons to help you make that decision.

But first, how does it work?

A GoPro remote is connected to a GoPro camera using a wireless signal called WiFi. While you obviously know what a WiFi signal is, it’s one of the most confusing aspects when looking to purchase a remote for your GoPro camera

Do you need to have WiFi internet to operate the remote?

The answer is NO! You don’t need to have a traditional WiFi (internet) signal to operate a GoPro remote. Most GoPro cameras have the ability to produce a WiFi signal on demand, and you’ll use this signal to connect to the camera.

Okay, now that that is out of the way. We can go over the 7 ways we’ve used GoPro remotes throughout our travels and adventures. While you read them over, ask yourself if you could see yourself using one like this.

1 — Set the camera up in an obscure or hard to reach locations

Place Your GoPro In Obscure Locations and Use the Remote - Photo by Engadget

For example, you might want to set up your GoPro up on a ledge before a parade or race goes by to get a sweet angle that wouldn’t be possible during the event. This way, you can setup up your GoPro camera, and then wait for an opportune moment to action the shutter for a photo or video.

2 — Using it on a selfie stick to take a selfie or start a video

This is one of the most common uses of GoPro Remotes with the Spivo 360 swivel selfie stick. Simply press the shutter button to take as many selfies as you’d like while you stick your arm out to get the best perspective with a selfie stick.

3 — Get yourself in a group shot

Set your GoPro up on our Flexible Tripod then walk over to get yourself into the group. Since you’ve got the remote in your hand, you’ll be able to take as many funky photos as you want!

4 — Getting a perfectly timed photo

Set your camera up on a surface or using a tripod and use the remote to activate the shutter at the perfect moment, like in this jumping photo.

5 — Save your batteries and memory cards

A remote gives the ability to be more selective with your content. It’s common to simply let your video run long to “capture more” or to put your GoPro on burst mode to take photos. Often times you’ll end up with a super long video clip with only a tiny bit of action, or a million photos with only a few good ones. This ends up chewing up your battery life and filling up your memory card. Instead, use a GoPro remote only when the shot is perfect.

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6 — Improved night photography capabilities

It’s well known night photography is challenging with almost any camera. To get the best result, you’ll need to place your GoPro on a fixed surface or use a tripod like the Flexible Tripod Grip to keep it as steady as possible. However, pressing the shutter disturbs the camera a noticeable amount and will degrade the image quality. As such, operating the camera remotely is a great way to make sure your camera remains as steady as possible. Furthermore, remotes are often used when doing light painting (long exposure photos where you use a light to paint words or symbols in the image).

7 — Customize your remote to your preferred settings

You can actually customize certain GoPro remotes, like the Remote for GoPro by Spivo. The remote features a star button that is programmable to any setting you like. For example, if you like shooting timelapses, you can program the star button to automatically switch the camera to the timelapse mode when pressed. It’s a pretty cool option that not many people end up utilizing. If you want to find out more about how to customize the star button, you can read about it here.

Can you see yourself using a GoPro Remote in any of these 7 ways?

While there any many benefits to owning a GoPro remote, it would be foolish to say there are no cons either.

Here are some of the cons we’ve experienced:

1 — It’s one more thing to carry around and re-charge

2 — Unable to use it while underwater (they are waterproof, but the WiFi signal doesn’t work underwater)

3 — You can control most GoPro’s using your phone or voice command (on some models)

4 — Having the WiFi turned on drains your GoPro battery faster

With that in mind, could you see yourself benefitting from the added functionality of being able to action your GoPro shutter remotely?

Overall, a GoPro remote enables you to save time and it helps you capture unique perspectives that would be challenging without one.

If the answer is yes, then you might want to consider purchasing our Remote for GoPro cameras.

The Spivo Remote for GoPro cameras is compatible with the following GoPro models:

  • Hero 8 Black
  • Hero 7 Black
  • Hero 6 Black
  • Hero 5 Session
  • Hero 5 Black
  • Hero+ and Hero+ LCD
  • Hero 4 Silver
  • Hero 4 Black
  • Hero 3+
  • Hero 3 Black
  • Hero 3 Silver
  • Hero 3 White

The following GoPro models are not compatible: Hero 7 Silver, Hero 7 White, HERO (2018), Hero 2 and Hero.

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May 09, 2019 • Posted by Very educative

May 09, 2019 • Posted by Spivo

Thank you! If you have any questions or want to learn something let us know:)
— Andre

Apr 07, 2020 • Posted by Alfredo Brock

Nice article and the information is really awesome.

Apr 07, 2020 • Posted by Spivo

Thanks, Alfredo! Make sure to sign up for our newsletter (at the bottom of this page) to get more awesome tips.

Sep 28, 2020 • Posted by Greg

Hi, What about the newest GoPro Hero9? Is it compatible with this shutter?

Sep 28, 2020 • Posted by Spivo

Hey Greg, unfortunately, the newest GoPro Hero 9 doesn’t work with any remote. It only works with voice commands and the GoPro app.

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Пульт управления Wi-Fi Smart Remote

Новые впечатления подарит ваша GoPro камера при работе с пультом управления Wi-Fi Smart Remote. Этот аксессуар не так прост, как может показаться при первой встрече.

Мы подготовили ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы, которые возникают у наших покупателей в ходе выбора подобного аксессуара.

Читайте, делайте выводы – почему стоит обзавестись пультом Wi-Fi и какие возможности откроются перед вашей GoPro камерой.

Что входит в комплектацию аксессуара и какие основные характеристики пульта?

  • Пульт дистанционного управления Wi-Fi Smart Remote
  • Металлическое кольцо для фиксации на связке ключей, ремне или сумке
  • Тканевый ремешок на липучке, подойдет для размещения пульта на руке
  • Кабель для зарядки от USB порта

Вес аксессуара 180 гр., а габариты сопоставимы с автомобильным брелоком. Его удобно носить на запястье, фиксировать на руле автомобиля или велосипеда.

Совместимость с моделями GoPro камер:

  • HERO4
  • HERO3/3+

В чем преимущества пульта Smart Remote?

Пульт позволяет управлять сразу 50-тью камерами, что дает возможность оптимизировать съемочный процесс. Или сохранять контроль над одной экшн-камерой, наслаждаясь удаленным управлением.

Передает сигнал на расстоянии до 180 м., в сравнении, это 58 этажей жилого дома. Впечатляет, правда?

Пульт водонепроницаем. В руководстве пользователя вы найдете информацию о безопасном погружении в воду на глубину до 10 метров. Но сами производители не рекомендуют погружать пульт глубже 3 метров. В противном случае воздействие давления воды на устройство может привести к его затоплению.
Резюмируем. Пульт подойдет для эксплуатации в бассейне, аквапарке и других водных площадках. Не допускайте глубоководного погружения.

Обратите внимание, сигнал Wi-Fi не работает в воде в силу технических особенностей передачи сигнала.

Модель Smart Remote имеет LCD дисплей, который дублирует информационный экран камеры, что позволяет контролировать процесс съемки, не отвлекаясь на экшн-камеру.

В сравнении с предыдущей версией пульта от GoPro, модель Smart Remote имеет 3 кнопки управления, в т.ч. кнопка «Настройки» с изображением гаечного ключа. С её помощью регулируйте режим съемки и отмечайте тегами важные моменты видео, используйте функцию HiLight Tag.


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