What is ipconfig command in linux

Do ipconfig on linux?

You can determine the IP address or addresses of your Linux system by using the hostname , ifconfig , or ip commands. To display the IP addresses using the hostname command, use the -I option. In this example the IP address is 192.168. 122.236.

Can I use ipconfig in Linux?

The ifconfig command is deprecated and replaced with ip and may not be included in the newer Linux distributions. If you get an error message saying “ifconfig: command not found”, it means that the package that contains the command is not installed on your system.

How do you check IP address on Linux?

  1. ifconfig -a.
  2. ip addr (ip a)
  3. hostname -I | awk »
  4. ip route get 1.2. .
  5. (Fedora) Wifi-Settings→ click the setting icon next to the Wifi name that you are connected to → Ipv4 and Ipv6 both can be seen.
  6. nmcli -p device show.

How do you config IP address in Linux?

  1. Set Your IP Address. ifconfig eth0 netmask up. Masscan Examples: From Installation to Everyday Use.
  2. Set Your Default Gateway. route add default gw
  3. Set Your DNS Server. Yes, 1.1. 1.1 is a real DNS resolver by CloudFlare.

ifconfig for Viewing and Setting IP Address in Linux

24 related questions found

What is IP A in Linux?

The ip command is a Linux net-tool for system and network administrators. IP stands for Internet Protocol and as the name suggests, the tool is used for configuring network interfaces. Older Linux distributions used the ifconfig command, which operates similarly.

How add two IP address in Linux?

  1. Using ifconfig. If you want to add a secondary IP address to a NIC already in use in Linux, and have that change only temporary. .
  2. Using ip command. If you prefer to use the ip command instead of ifconfig ip address add [ip]/[mask-digits] dev [nic] .
  3. Ubuntu.

How do I use ipconfig in Ubuntu?

The Ubuntu/Linux equivalent of ipconfig in Windows is ifconfig. Try typing sudo ifconfig .

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What is the equivalent of ipconfig in Linux?

The ifconfig command is used to get the information of active network-interfaces in a UNIX-like operating system such as Linux, whereas ipconfig is used in the Windows OS.

How do I use the ipconfig command?

1) Click the Search next to the Windows button. Type in cmd and select Command Prompt from the results that appear. 2) To run IPConfig, at the command prompt, type ipconfig /all — then hit Enter. This provides all network connection information for the computer.

How do I find my DNS server Linux?

DNS stands for “Domain Name System“.
To check the current nameservers (DNS) for any domain name from a Linux or Unix/macOS command line:

  1. Open the Terminal application.
  2. Type host -t ns domain-name-com-here to print the current DNS servers of a domain.
  3. Another options is to run dig ns your-domain-name command.

How do I enable ifconfig in Ubuntu?

You may install ifconfig utility by running sudo apt install net-tools or you may opt to use the new ip command. It is recommended to use ip utility which has a lot of options to provide you all necessary information about your network configuration.

How does ping work in Linux?

Ping works by sending one or more ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) Echo Request packages to a specified destination IP on the network and waits for a reply. When the destination receives the package, it responds with an ICMP echo reply.

How do I find my hostname in Linux?

  1. Open a command-line terminal app (select Applications > Accessories > Terminal), and then type:
  2. hostname. hostnamectl. cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname.
  3. Press [Enter] key.

How do you ipconfig in Unix?

To find out the IP address of Linux/UNIX/*BSD/macOS and Unixish system, you need to use the command called ifconfig on Unix and the ip command or hostname command on Linux. These commands used to configure the kernel-resident network interfaces and display IP address such as 10.8. 0.1 or 192.168. 2.254.

Why is ipconfig not working Linux?

If the ipconfig is not working, then it is due to path variable missing in your computer.

How do I find my IP address on Ubuntu?

  1. Open the Activities overview and start typing Settings.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Click on Network in the sidebar to open the panel.
  4. The IP address for a Wired connection will be displayed on the right along with some information. Click the. button for more details on your connection.

How do I find my IP address in Linux without Ifconfig?

Using ip command. 3. Using the hostname command.
To configure a static IP address on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7:

  1. Create a file named /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 as follows:
  2. DEVICE=eth0.
  3. BOOTPROTO=none.
  4. ONBOOT=yes.
  5. PREFIX=24.
  6. IPADDR=192.168. x. xxx.
  7. Restart network service: systemctl restart network.

Can a Linux server have multiple IP addresses?

You can set multiple IP series, for example 192.168. 1.0, 192.168. 2.0, 192.168. 3.0 etc., for a network card, and use all of them at the same time.

How do I set a default gateway in Linux?

sudo route add default gw IP Address Adapter .

For example, to change the default gateway of the eth0 adapter to 192.168. 1.254, you would type sudo route add default gw 192.168. 1.254 eth0 . You’ll be prompted for your user password in order to complete the command.

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How do you add IP address permanently in Linux?

Changing the IP address on a Linux system involves both changing the IP address using the ifconfig command and modifying the files that will make your change permanent. The process is very similar to the process you would follow on a Solaris system, except that a different set of files must be modified.

Part of the iproute2 suite, ip link provides the ability to display link layer information, activate an interface, deactivate an interface, change link layer state flags, change MTU, the name of the interface, and even the hardware and Ethernet broadcast address.

How do I use an IP?

Type the string “http://” followed by the IP address and then a forward slash. For example, type “http:// 209.191. 122.70/” (without the quotes).

How do I ping a URL in Linux?

Type the word «ping» (without quotes) at the command prompt. Then type a space, followed by the URL or IP address of the target site. Press «Enter.»


How To use the IPConfig Command and Options Explained

The ipconfig command is used to display information about your network configuration and refresh DHCP and DNS Settings. By default, the ipconfig command displays your IP Address, Subnet Mask, and default gateway. But with correct parameters, you can get a lot more information out of it.

In this article, I will explain the ipconfig command and the different options that you can use.

How to use ipconfig command

So let’s first start with something simple, how to use the ipconfig command.

Open PowerShell

  1. Press Windows key + X or Right Click on the start menu To use the IP config command we will need to open Command Prompt or PowerShell
  2. Select Windows PowerShell or Command Prompt

ipconfig command

As you can see in the screenshot above, the command will return information about each network adapter on your computer. In this case, we have an ethernet adapter (for our wired network connection) and a wireless network adapter.

If you are using a VPN client, then this will also be listed as a network adapter.

Ipconfig /all command

Without the use of any parameter, the command shows only the basic network information. But information about the DNS and DHCP servers isn’t displayed by default. To show all the information about your network adapter, you will need to use the /all parameter.

This will return the following information for each network adapter in your device:

ipconfig all

The ipconfig /all command is often used to troubleshoot network connection problems. But which information is important and do you need to look at?

If we take a closer look at the results of ipconfig /all then we can indicate 4 items that are important to look at:

ipconfig all explained

  1. IPv4 Address – This is your IP Address
  2. Default Gateway – The router or modem to which you network package are sent
  3. DNS servers – Used to translate domain names to IP Addresses
  4. DHCP Enabled – Needs to be Yes in most cases. No means that you have manually enter an IP Address

Ipconfig /release Command

The ipconfig command doesn’t only show your information about your network settings, but it can also be used to reset or refresh your network settings. When you have DHCP enabled on your network card, you can request a new IP Address from the DHCP server.

Learn more about DHCP

If you want to know more about how DHCP works, then make sure you read this article.

The first step to do this is to release the current IP Address. This means that we will inform the DHCP server that we don’t want to use the assigned IP Address any longer.

By default, the command will release the IP Addresses for all network adapters. You can also specify a single network adapter. To do this you will need to enter the name of the adapter that you find here in the results of ipconfig:

ipconfig command

For example, if you only want to release the IP Address of your wireless network adapter, you can type:

ipconfig /release Wireless*

This will release the IP Address of all adapters where the name starts with “Wireless”.

Ipconfig /renew Command

After you have released the IP Address you will need to request a new one from the DHCP Server. We can do this with the Ipconfig /renew command:

When the renew was successful you will see the same output as the ipconfig command, an overview of your new IP Address, subnet mask, and gateway.

ipconfig /renew

Again, we can specify a single network adapter by specifying the name of the adapter.

Ipconfig /DisplayDNS

Your computer keeps a local cache of all DNS records that it’s has visited. This cache is used to quickly translate the domain names to the correct IP Address. This way your computer doesn’t have to contact the DNS server every time when you visit Google.com for example.

To view the content of the DNS cache you can use the command ipconfig /displaydns .

This will show every DNS record in your DNS cache:

ipconfig diplaydns

You often don’t need to go through the records, but let me explain a little bit about what we are seeing here:

flush dns command

Ipconfig on Linux

The equivalent for ipconfig on Linux is the ifconfig command. Ifconfig will show you the basic network information of your adapters in Linux.

ipconfig linux

View DNS servers on Linux

The ifconfig command doesn’t show the DNS servers that are used. To view the DNS servers on Linux we need to open a configuration file.

cat /etc/resolv.conf # Result: # Generated by resolvconf nameserver nameserver nameserver fd51:42f8:caae:d92e::1

This will give you an idea of which DNS servers are used on your Linux machine.

Renew IP Address on Linux

On Linux, you can’t use the ifconfig command to renew or release your IP Address just like with Ipconfig. To renew your IP Address on Linux you will need to use the following command:

# Renew IP Address on Linux dhclient eth0

Wrapping Up

The ipconfig command is the most used command on Windows to troubleshoot network issues. It gives you information about your current network configuration and it has the ability to renew your Ip addresses and DNS cache.

If you have any questions, just drop a comment below.


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