What is launchpad linux

Получение исходных текстов launchpad

Что такое launchpad?
launchpad -веб-приложение, созданное компанией Canonical для разработчиков и пользователей операционной системы ubuntu linux. launchpad представляет огромный функционал — даже больше, чем SourceForge, но в отличии от него он открыт и бесплатен для проектов с открытым исходным кодом.
launchpad включает в себя:
* Code — хостинг исходного кода, использующий систему контроля версий Bazaar.
* Bugs — Система отслеживания ошибок.
* Blueprints — система для создания спецификаций и запроса новой функциональности для программ.
* Translations — онлайн редактор локализаций.
* Answers — система создания базы знаний и списков часто задаваемых вопросов.
Canonical недавно открыла все исходные коды, которые может получить каждый. Исходные коды написаны на Python и используют PostgreSQL в качестве базы данных.

Получение исходных текстов.
Давайте приступим к получению исходного кода lp из системы контроля версий.
Все действия будут проходить в консоли:

Эти команды пока что просто создадут папку launchpad в вашем домашнем каталоге и переместят в нее консоль.

bzr —no-plugins cat http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/utilities/rocketfuel-setup > rocketfuel-setup

chmod a+x rocketfuel-setup
Эти команды скачают скрипт — установщик и дадут ему права на исполнение, теперь необходимо запустить этот скрипт:
Этот скрипт будет требовать пароль root и ваш ID на launchpad.net.
Также учтите, что скрипт будет устанавливать зависимости для веб-сервера apache, например модуль php из apache будет удален, а база данных PostgreSQL будет полностью настроена.
Исходные тексты хорошо документированы и даже новичок сможет установить её на свой локальный сервер или на реальный сервер для хостинга своего проекта.

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Автор: Soft, дата: 12 апреля 2010 , время: 17:26:04 (MSK).
Что-то интересное.. может я давно этим пользую, а может просто на языке вертится. вечером заценю эту програмку на своей бубунте))


Ubuntu Wiki


Some highlights of the new Launchpad 3.0

Launchpad is also an open source project in itself, to which you can join. Start page for developing Launchpad itself is https://dev.launchpad.net/. And Launchpad has a Launchpad project page as well https://launchpad.net/launchpad.


  • tracking user questions in a similar way to bug reports
  • notifying volunteer support contacts of new questions
  • building a searchable knowledge base of good answers
  • allowing people to ask questions and offer support in different languages.

It also serves as a simple ticketing system for tracking Launchpad admin requests.

More about Launchpad Answers

  • Asking for help: find out how to use Launchpad to get help with software.
  • Offering help: how to help other people and become an ..answer contact.
  • Answers


The two most common uses of Launchpads Bug feature by Ubuntu users is to report bugs and to triage bugs. Reporting Bugs you experience in Ubuntu and Ubuntu programs gives you a voice in getting problems with your software fixed. With Open Source Software you can fix, complain about, and help resolve issues with the software.

Bug Reporting

Bug Triage

Ubuntu package building and hosting


Ubuntu Wiki

First of all you’ll need a launchpad account. You can create one over at https://launchpad.net/+login .

SSH Keys

To upload code you will require an SSH key. This is so you can prove to launchpad/bazaar that you are who you say you are. If you don’t already have one, here’s how to make one.

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Logged in under your own user account type the following into a console.

You will now be asked for a secret password. Choose one and press enter. Your key has now been generated. You can see it by typing.

Note that in Linux, ~ is a shortcut for your homedir, given the example above, it’s like typing

Go to your launchpad profile now, and copy/paste the text from the file you opened in the section above, into the section marked Update SSH Keys. That’s that bit done.

Saying Hello

Now you need to introduce yourself to bazaar.

bzr whoami 'Your Name email@example.com'

Note: don’t forget the <> make a difference!

Creating a New Branch

To create a bazaar branch on your computer, navigate to the folder that contains you code, and type the following.

Managing Files and Folders

You now need to tell bazaar which files or folders within the branch you want to record changes to. For this example we have a branch folder called ‘test’, which contains the files ‘hello.php’, ‘install.txt’ and a sub folder called ‘stuff’.

unknown: hello.php install.txt stuff/

You need to tell bazaar which files and folders you want to add to the system. You can do this by issuing the command:

This will add all of the files and folders in the current directory recursively.

You can also add files and folders individually.

bzr add hello.php bzr add install.txt bzr add stuff

If ‘stuff’ contained any files, those files would be added too.

To remove a file (in this instance ‘install.txt’) you can either delete them the folder on your computer, or run

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Committing Code

When you have your code in a state that you want to upload then you need to run the commit command. This creates a revision and allows you to add a message regarding the changes you’ve made.

bzr commit -m "added my first file"

You can also selectively commit specific files.

bzr commit -m "added GPL licence info" install.txt

Uploading to Launchpad

Now that you’ve finished editing your code and getting it ready on your local computer, you’ll want to upload it to launchpad.

bzr push sftp://UserName@bazaar.launchpad.net/~UsernameOrTeamName/Project/Branch

To break down that url a little more, Username is your Launchpad username, after the ~ you can then include either your launchpad username or a teamname, project is the name of the project in the launchpad url and branch is what you would like to call the branch.

Note that the project must be created in launchpad before you can publish to it. If you don’t want to publish to a particular project, you can push to the +junk project instead

bzr push sftp://uberperson@bazaar.launchpad.net/~uber-dev-team/ubuntu/development

would create a branch called ‘development’ in the ‘ubuntu’ project which can be edited by anyone in ‘uber-dev-team’. The person who created this upload would have the username ‘uberperson’ on launchpad.

Give it a couple of minutes, and you should be able to see your files go live on the launchpad site.


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