What is my bluetooth places

My Bluetooth Places

Have recently brought a bluetooth mobile phone and bluetooth dongle in theory
to let me sync my Outlook records with the phone. However it doesn’t work,
called tech support for the phone and they said I had to use «My Bluetooth
Places» to link phone. Problem is I don’t have a «My Bluetooth Places» on PC.

Am running Win XP Home SP2, have uninstalled & reinstalled software for
phone, uninstalled & reinstalled software for dongle several times for both.
Show Bluetooth devices in Control Panel, but no «My Bluetooth Places»
anywhere on PC, have even used Search to try to find it. Can anyone help
please on why I haven’t got a «My Bluetooth Places»?


Sharon F

Have recently brought a bluetooth mobile phone and bluetooth dongle in theory
to let me sync my Outlook records with the phone. However it doesn’t work,
called tech support for the phone and they said I had to use «My Bluetooth
Places» to link phone. Problem is I don’t have a «My Bluetooth Places» on PC.

Am running Win XP Home SP2, have uninstalled & reinstalled software for
phone, uninstalled & reinstalled software for dongle several times for both.
Show Bluetooth devices in Control Panel, but no «My Bluetooth Places»
anywhere on PC, have even used Search to try to find it. Can anyone help
please on why I haven’t got a «My Bluetooth Places»?

If you installed SP2 through Windows Update, it tailored what was
downloaded and installed according to the system’s current configuration.
In other words, it’s possible the bluetooth portion of SP2 was skipped on
your system.

You can download the full SP2 install package or order the CD. Reapply SP2.
Check that bluetooth is working. Then visit Windows update to reinstall
updates released post-SP2.


Many thanks for the info Sharon, have visited the link you gave for SP2
download, but it says not to down load this version if only updating 1 PC. I
have got the SP2 CD somewhere, should I rerun this through the PC or download
it from the web?

Sharon F

Many thanks for the info Sharon, have visited the link you gave for SP2
download, but it says not to down load this version if only updating 1 PC. I
have got the SP2 CD somewhere, should I rerun this through the PC or download
it from the web?


Hi Sharon, still no joy, have reinstalled SP2 and done an online update but
still no «My Bluetooth Places». Bluetooth software was still installed and I
left the dongle in USB slot whilst doing SP2. Is the final step an fdisk and
reinstall Windows from scratch, I which I would prefer not to do. Does the
fact I am running an OEM version of XP Home make a difference? Chris

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Sharon F

Hi Sharon, still no joy, have reinstalled SP2 and done an online update but
still no «My Bluetooth Places». Bluetooth software was still installed and I
left the dongle in USB slot whilst doing SP2. Is the final step an fdisk and
reinstall Windows from scratch, I which I would prefer not to do. Does the
fact I am running an OEM version of XP Home make a difference? Chris

No, I wouldn’t reinstall anything from scratch at this point except maybe
the dongle and the related software. Reapplying SP2 adds My Bluetooth
Places IF there is a recognizable bluetooth device connected. The next step
would be to contact the company that implements the bluetooth dongle to
find out why it is not working.



Hi Michel, am experiencing the same problem.
Hi Sharon,

I did as you told Michel..downloaded the SP2 (though have previously applied
it via Windows update), but still am missing the «My Bluetooth Places» and
the «Bluetooth Devices» (??) in Control Panel. Note that under Device
Manager, I have the «Generic Bluetooth Radio», «Bluetooth Enumerator», as
well as the virtual ports and modem over bluetooth properly installed.

In my case, here are the specifics:

1. recently installed a Billionton dongle that shipped with a Toshiba Stack
(ver. 3.03.06C)
2. plugged in the dongle (probably installed the generic drivers)
3. installed the Toshiba Stack (succesful ActveSync and file transfer;
haven’t tried PAN)
4. decided to use Microsoft stack; uninstalled the Toshiba stack
5. NOW, it appears am missing «My BT Places» which the rest oh the world
have 🙁

Though I dont have these entries, was able to make ActiveSync run on either
stack. Problem is, I think i need to configure something via the BT Places to
make Internet connection Sharing work ( which is the primary reason i needed
a BT link at home).

This is so confusing. I wanted to reinstall XP from scratch. Am just looking
for opinions around. I understand, i probably made a fault my pluggingin the
USB BT adapter before I installed the Toshiba stack. This could have
screwed-up everything. I hope there are ways to fix this.

Sharon F

Hi Michel, am experiencing the same problem.
Hi Sharon,

I did as you told Michel..downloaded the SP2 (though have previously applied
it via Windows update), but still am missing the «My Bluetooth Places» and
the «Bluetooth Devices» (??) in Control Panel. Note that under Device
Manager, I have the «Generic Bluetooth Radio», «Bluetooth Enumerator», as
well as the virtual ports and modem over bluetooth properly installed.

In my case, here are the specifics:

1. recently installed a Billionton dongle that shipped with a Toshiba Stack
(ver. 3.03.06C)
2. plugged in the dongle (probably installed the generic drivers)
3. installed the Toshiba Stack (succesful ActveSync and file transfer;
haven’t tried PAN)
4. decided to use Microsoft stack; uninstalled the Toshiba stack
5. NOW, it appears am missing «My BT Places» which the rest oh the world
have 🙁

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Though I dont have these entries, was able to make ActiveSync run on either
stack. Problem is, I think i need to configure something via the BT Places to
make Internet connection Sharing work ( which is the primary reason i needed
a BT link at home).

This is so confusing. I wanted to reinstall XP from scratch. Am just looking
for opinions around. I understand, i probably made a fault my pluggingin the
USB BT adapter before I installed the Toshiba stack. This could have
screwed-up everything. I hope there are ways to fix this.

To clarify SP2 web install vs. SP2 full download:
The web install (Windows Update/Automatic Updates), to conserve time and
bandwidth, makes an inventory of the system. Then downloads only applicable
files and installs them. Downloading the full SP2 package or ordering the
SP2 CD and re-installing will add «missing» parts of SP2.

NOTE: Since some time has gone by since SP2 has been released, it will be
necessary to revisit Windows Update after reinstalling SP2. Use the Custom
Install option. After Windows Update scans the system, install all critical
updates listed. Pick and choose what you want from the other categories.

For your hardware problem:
Does the bluetooth device show in Device Manager? Have you tried deleting
the device from here and then restarting to let Windows re-detect it? May
want to hold off on this until after you check the Toshiba website.

Strongly suggest checking the website of the provider for your bluetooth
device for their specific recommendations on using their product. As
happens many times (especially with more advanced/specialized devices),
only the manufacturer’s drivers and controls provide full features and/or
the best performance for the device.

My tablet PC has bluetooth capability. While the XP Bluetooth Places is
visible in control panel and MS bluetooth drivers are present, the system
is configured to use different drivers and a different control panel to
manage all Bluetooth resources. The tablet PC manufacturer had a very
detailed article in their support pages for getting this setup correctly.


Remove «My Bluetooth Places» Shortcut On Desktop

lowlow42 is offline

Member Join Date Oct 2002 Location SW Florida Search PM

Well, the title is pretty much self-explanatory, but for the people who didnt catch it.

I just want to remove that «My Bluetooth Places» shortcut that got installed on my desktop when I installed my USB Bluetooth Dongle. When I right-click, there is no option to remove or anything.

Any help is appreciated, and thanks in advance

Jorge is offline

Member Join Date Feb 2004 Search PM

SquirrelDip is offline

Member Join Date Nov 2002 Location Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Search PM

MeDiCo_BrUjO is offline

Member Join Date Mar 2002 Location Tampa, FL Search PM

I installed my bluetooth dongle and I never got the «my bluetooth places» icon. I’ve been trying to find it since then.

scorps is offline

Member Join Date Oct 2003 Location Scotland Search PM

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lowlow42 is offline

Member Join Date Oct 2002 Location SW Florida Search PM

The dongle wont work anymore if I do that.

I installed my bluetooth dongle and I never got the «my bluetooth places» icon. I’ve been trying to find it since then.

The brand of my dongle is Kensington, if that helps any.

True, but is there any other way of removing it. I really dont want to install another program to get rid of an icon. If it comes down to it though, I might go this way.

Craig Tucker is offline

Member Join Date Apr 2001 Location England Search PM

scorps is offline

Member Join Date Oct 2003 Location Scotland Search PM

Found this on another site. Dont know if it works cos I havent needed to try it.

Open up the registry editor (Start> Run> regedit)
Browse to the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace\

Delete it. If you are paranoid, choose to export it first (right-click> export), so you can add it back later if you need to.
Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.»

Craig Tucker is offline

Member Join Date Apr 2001 Location England Search PM

lowlow42 is offline

Member Join Date Oct 2002 Location SW Florida Search PM

That didn’t work for me either.

Found this on another site. Dont know if it works cos I havent needed to try it.

Open up the registry editor (Start> Run> regedit)
Browse to the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace\

Delete it. If you are paranoid, choose to export it first (right-click> export), so you can add it back later if you need to.
Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.»

All gone! It’s not there anymore. My only concern is, when I deleted that in my registry, is it going to mess with anything else? Thanks for the replies guys!

scorps is offline

Member Join Date Oct 2003 Location Scotland Search PM

Probably wont mess anything up. But if it does you can import it back into the registry by double clicking the file you saved (if you did save it first).

lowlow42 is offline

Member Join Date Oct 2002 Location SW Florida Search PM

Probably wont mess anything up. But if it does you can import it back into the registry by double clicking the file you saved (if you did save it first).

Alright, great! I did make sure to make a back-up of my registry file. Thanks for all your help guys!

linkoblinko is offline

Member Join Date Apr 2010 Location Denmark, europe Search PM

I am runnig Windows 7 and i cannot find the.

Freaking hate that bluetooth icon. it ruins the clean look of my desktop.

Anybody got a better solution?

I would much appreciate some help with this simple, but annoying problem.


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