What is my linux computer name

What is my Hostname in Linux?

For most of you, your hostname in Linux is going to be the same as your username. This article will help you figure out your hostname in Linux, and it should be a relatively short article. If this article looks familiar, it’s because it existed at the old site, but with far less information.

Let’s start at the beginning, by learning what a hostname is.

A hostname is generally meant to be a human-readable way to identify a computer. Yes, the computer is truly identified by the associated IP address, but the hostname resolves to that computer. It is meant to be easily remembered instead of having to remember a bunch of IP addresses. Without it, the web (and your own local networks) would be more difficult to navagate.

In many instances, it’s a FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name), such as a domain name like linux-tips.us. However, this site doesn’t have a dedicated IP address, so it’s known by a virtual hostname as a FQDN. If the site had been constructed differently, you’d be able to access it with the IP address. For example, will take you to Google (after some warnings).

So, your hostname in Linux isn’t always going to be the same as your username. For most of the readers here on L-T.us, it will be. You probably don’t really need to worry a whole lot about things like virtual hosts and stuff like that. But, even as a home user, you can make use of this information.

How is it useful? Well, if I want to SSH into my MSI laptop, I don’t have to use the IP address. Not only that, if the IP address changes then I don’t need to look it up. I just connect with something like:


How do I find out my computer name in Linux?

To see your computer name from Ubuntu’s desktop, just click on the Shutdown icon on the top panel next to the date and time, and select Lock screen. The lock screen will appear (if it does not, just click anywhere on the desktop or press any key) and your computer name will be displayed.

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What hostname command do in Linux?

hostname command in Linux is used to obtain the DNS(Domain Name System) name and set the system’s hostname or NIS(Network Information System) domain name. A hostname is a name which is given to a computer and it attached to the network.

Where do you find computer name?

On the desktop, right-click the My Computer icon and select Properties from the menu that appears. Click on the Computer Name tab in the dialog box that appears. The computer name will be listed in the Full Computer Name field.

How do I find my hostname in terminal?

Finding a Host Name on a Windows based PC:

  1. Open Command Prompt (Start Menu ⇒ Lookup “Command Prompt”).
  2. From the Command Prompt shell type in “hostname” and press enter.
  3. The name that populates your shell is the Host Name of your machine and is what we use in the Active Directory to find your computer.

How do I find my hardware name in Linux?

Basic Linux Commands to Check Hardware and System Information

  1. Printing Machine Hardware Name (uname –m uname –a)
  2. lscpu.
  3. hwinfo- Hardware Information.
  4. lspci- List PCI.
  5. lsscsi-List sci devices.
  6. lsusb- List usb buses and device details.
  7. lsblk- List block devices.
  8. df-disk space of file systems.

How do I find my hostname?

  1. From the Start menu, select All Programs or Programs, then Accessories, and then Command Prompt.
  2. In the window that opens, at the prompt, enter hostname . The result on the next line of the command prompt window will display the hostname of the machine without the domain.

How do I find my hostname and IP address in Linux?

You can combine grep command and hostname to look at IP address from /etc/hosts file. here `hostname` will return the output of the hostname command and great will then search for that word in /etc/hostname.

How do I find my alias name in Linux?

To view the name of the DNS domain and FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of your machine, use the -f and -d switches respectively. And the -A enables you to see all the FQDNs of the machine. To display the alias name (i.e., substitute names), if used for the host name, use the -a flag.

How to find computer name using hostname command in Linux?

How do I print the hostname of the system in Linux?

How to find the IP address of the computer in Linux?

How to print the domain name of the computer in Linux?


Brain Writings

hostnamectl command provides a proper API used to control Linux system hostname and change its related settings. The command also helps to change the hostname without actually locating and editing the /etc/hostname file on a given system.

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How do I find my environment variable hostname?

$HOSTNAME is a Bash variable that’s set automatically (rather than in a startup file). Ruby probably runs sh for its shell and it doesn’t include that variable. There’s no reason you can’t export it yourself. You could add the export command to one of your startup files, such as ~/.

How do I change my computer name in Linux?

The procedure to change the computer name on Ubuntu Linux:

  1. Type the following command to edit /etc/hostname using nano or vi text editor: sudo nano /etc/hostname. Delete the old name and setup new name.
  2. Next Edit the /etc/hosts file: sudo nano /etc/hosts.
  3. Reboot the system to changes take effect: sudo reboot.

How do I find IP address on Linux?

The following commands will get you the private IP address of your interfaces:

  1. ifconfig -a.
  2. ip addr (ip a)
  3. hostname -I | awk ‘’
  4. ip route get 1.2.
  5. (Fedora) Wifi-Settings→ click the setting icon next to the Wifi name that you are connected to → Ipv4 and Ipv6 both can be seen.
  6. nmcli -p device show.

How do I find the host file in Linux?

On Linux, you can find the hosts file under /etc/hosts. Since it’s a plain text file, you can open the hosts file using your preferred text editor.

What is a hostname example?

On the Internet, a hostname is a domain name assigned to a host computer. For example, if Computer Hope had two computers on its network named “bart” and “homer,” the domain name “bart.computerhope.com” is connecting to the “bart” computer.

How do I change the hostname on Linux 7?

How to change hostname in CentOS/RHEL 7

  1. use hostname control utility: hostnamectl.
  2. use NetworkManager command line tool: nmcli.
  3. use NetworkManager text user interface tool : nmtui.
  4. edit /etc/hostname file directly (a reboot afterwards is required)

How can I see environment variables in Linux?

Linux List All Environment Variables Command

  1. printenv command – Print all or part of environment.
  2. env command – Display all exported environment or run a program in a modified environment.
  3. set command – List the name and value of each shell variable.

How do I permanently set an environment variable in Linux?

To make the change permanent, enter the command PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin into your home directory’s . bashrc file. When you do this, you’re creating a new PATH variable by appending a directory to the current PATH variable, $PATH .

How do I change the IP address in Linux?

To change your IP address on Linux, use the “ifconfig” command followed by the name of your network interface and the new IP address to be changed on your computer. To assign the subnet mask, you can either add a “netmask” clause followed by the subnet mask or use the CIDR notation directly.

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What is the ipconfig equivalent in Linux?

The ifconfig command is used to get the information of active network-interfaces in a UNIX-like operating system such as Linux, whereas ipconfig is used in the Windows OS.


How to get the computer name (not its hostname)?

All the results of my searches end up having something to do with hostname or uname -n . I looked up the manual for both, looking for sneaky options, but no luck. I am trying to find an equivalent of OSX’s scutil —get ComputerName on Linux systems. On Mac OS X, the computer name is used as a human-readable identifier for the computer; it’s shown in various management screens (e.g. on inventory management, Bonjour-based remote access, . ) and serves as the default hostname (after filtering to handle spaces etc.).

I might be wrong, but defining the name of the computer as its network name means that it doesn’t have a fixed name, right? When you install a Linux or OSX on a machine, you usually choose a name for that computer (which is the default network name I assume). For example my laptop might be named «FooBar» but when I connect to a network at work I get a hostname such as «machine42.work.localnetwork».

@Sh3ljohn what purpose does computername is osx serve? I don’t think there’s any equivalent in linux system.

Did you give some name other than hostname when installing that computer? Try searching for that name in /etc: grep -ri ‘name’ /etc

@Bibek_G I would like to use this to identify the machine on which I am running from a software of mine. UUID is insufficient because there might be several OS’s installed on the same disk which in turn run on the same machine.

5 Answers 5

The closest equivalent to a human-readable (and human-chosen) name for any computer running Linux is the default hostname stored in /etc/hostname . On some (not all) Linux distributions, this name is entered during installation as the computee’s name (but with network hostname constraints, unlike macOS’s computer name). This can be namespaced, i.e. each UTS namespace can have a different hostname.

Systems running systemd distinguish three different hostnames, including a “pretty” human-readable name which is supposed to be descriptive in a similar fashion to macOS’s computer name; this can be set and retrieved using hostnamectl ’s —pretty option. The other two hostnames are the static hostname, which is the default hostname described above, and the transient hostname which reflects the current network configuration.

Systemd also supports a chassis type (e.g. “tablet”) and an icon for the host; see systemd-hostnamed.service .

But this file is often used to set hostname and uname -n , and @Sh3ljohn explicitly wanted to avoid the output of those two commands.


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