What is my motherboard linux

[How To] Find Motherboard Model in Linux

[How To] Find the Motherboard Model in Linux: A Comprehensive Guide As a Linux user, it may become necessary to determine the motherboard model of your computer for various reasons. Unlike Windows, which has numerous programs that can solve this problem, Linux requires a bit more effort. Fortunately, there are several utilities that can help you find the motherboard model in Linux. In this article, we will explore the most effective ways to find the motherboard model in Linux.

Method 1: File System /sys

One of the easiest ways to find the motherboard model in Linux is by accessing the /sys file system. This file system contains information about all computer hardware and the operating system, including the manufacturer, model, and version of the motherboard. To access this information, enter the following command in the terminal:

$ cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_ Intel Corporation 440BX Desktop Reference Platform None

Method 2: dmidecode utility

Another effective way to find the motherboard model in Linux is by using the dmidecode utility. This utility allows you to view the information recorded in the DMI. To display information about the motherboard, use the -t option with a value of 2.

$ sudo dmidecode -t 2 # dmidecode 3.2 Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs. SMBIOS 2.7 present. Handle 0x0002, DMI type 2, 15 bytes Base Board Information Manufacturer: Intel Corporation Product Name: 440BX Desktop Reference Platform Version: None Serial Number: None Asset Tag: Not Specified Features: None Location In Chassis: Not Specified Chassis Handle: 0x0000 Type: Unknown Contained Object Handles: 0

Method 3: hardinfo utility

The hardinfo program allows you to view information about computer hardware in a graphical interface. To install this program, use the following command:

sudo apt install hardinfo

Method 4: CPU-G utility

The CPU-G program is another effective way to find the motherboard model in Linux. It is an analog of the popular CPU-Z utility in Windows, and it allows you to see most of the characteristics of the processor in a graphical interface. To install this utility, you must use PPA. Once installed, open the program and navigate to the Motherboard tab. Here, you will find information about the BIOS version, BIOS release date, and board information.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao

Once installed, launch the program and open the Motherboard tab. This tab displays the BIOS version, BIOS release date, and board information.

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Method 5: Command lshw

The lshw command displays information about the motherboard at the very beginning of its output. Here, in addition to the manufacturer and model of the board, the current BIOS version is displayed, which can be very convenient if you are preparing to update the BIOS.

$ sudo lshw *-core description: Motherboard product: 440BX Desktop Reference Platform vendor: Intel Corporation physical id: 0 version: None serial: None

Method 6: dmesg log

The BIOS version and motherboard model can be found in the dmesg kernel log. To access this information, filter the DMI line using the following command:

$ dmesg | grep DMI: [ 0.000000] DMI: VMware, Inc. VMware Virtual Platform/440BX Desktop Reference Platform, BIOS 6.00 04/13/2018

Method 7: Using hwinfo utility

The hwinfo utility is a powerful hardware information tool that can be used to find the motherboard version in Linux. To install this utility, use the following command:

Once installed, launch the utility and navigate to the Motherboard section. Here, you will find information about the motherboard model, manufacturer, and BIOS version.

Method 8: Using inxi utility

The inxi utility is a command-line tool that can be used to find detailed information about the system hardware, including the motherboard version. To install this utility, use the following command:

Method 9: Using lsusb command

The lsusb command is a utility that displays information about USB buses and the devices connected to them. It can also be used to find the motherboard version in Linux. Run the following command in the terminal:

lsusb -v | grep -i -A12 "product id"

This will display the product ID of the motherboard, which can be used to identify the manufacturer and model.

Method 10: Video Tutorial

For a more visual approach, you can refer to this video tutorial:


In this article, we have explored several effective ways to find the motherboard version in Linux. From accessing the /sys file system to using command-line tools like hwinfo and inxi, there are plenty of options available. By using these methods, Linux users can easily find the information they need about their computer hardware.


Developers Log

This week my old Linux box refused to boot: for a few times when clicking the power button, I was confronted with a black screen and an annoying beeping. Luckily, after a few tries my computer wound up booting up and as of today it works flawlessly.

Still this incident got me thinking: the beeping was warning me of some kind of issue with the hardware that might reappear soon, it is an old machine after all, and hardware failures are to be expected at some point. It would be a good idea, therefore, to do some research to be prepared if it happens again.

I needed to find out what the beep codes of the BIOS stood for, and for that I needed to know my motherboard model … I knew it was a Gigabyte, but I could not remember the exact model.

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An easy way to find out my exact memory board model would be to simply open the case and look at the sticker in the motherboard:-) Even easier would be to use one of the many programs available for Linux that query the system for hardware information.

One of such programs is dmidecode; dmidecode reports a variety of information about the system hardware:

Dmidecode reports information about your system’s hardware as described in your system BIOS according to the SMBIOS/DMI standard. This information typically includes system manufacturer, model name, serial number, BIOS version, asset tag as well as a lot of other details of varying level of interest and reliability depending on the manufacturer. This will often include usage status for the CPU sockets, expansion slots (e.g. AGP, PCI, ISA) and memory module slots, and the list of I/O ports (e.g. serial, parallel, USB).

So I proceed to install the package:

Running the dmidecode command on the console produced an extended amount of information, including the mother board model – which was what I was trying to find out.

If we run the dmidecode with the –help switch, though, we will find ways to check for more specific information:

Usage: dmidecode [OPTIONS] Options are: -d, --dev-mem FILE Read memory from device FILE (default: /dev/mem) -h, --help Display this help text and exit -q, --quiet Less verbose output -s, --string KEYWORD Only display the value of the given DMI string -t, --type TYPE Only display the entries of given type -u, --dump Do not decode the entries --dump-bin FILE Dump the DMI data to a binary file --from-dump FILE Read the DMI data from a binary file -V, --version Display the version and exit

From the above options the ones of interest if we want to query the system for a specific item (memory, motherboard, cpu, etc) are –string, and –type.

Run –string without any arguments to find the possible string values:

dmidecode: option '--string' requires an argument String keyword expected Valid string keywords are: bios-vendor bios-version bios-release-date system-manufacturer system-product-name system-version system-serial-number system-uuid baseboard-manufacturer baseboard-product-name baseboard-version baseboard-serial-number baseboard-asset-tag chassis-manufacturer chassis-type chassis-version chassis-serial-number chassis-asset-tag processor-family processor-manufacturer processor-version processor-frequency

If I am looking for the motherboard model the string I need to use is baseboard-product-name:

dmidecode --string baseboard-product-name

Which produces, in my case, this output:

Notice that in this example I queried the system for very specific information. I was not only interested in information about the motherboard, but the only thing that I cared about was the specific model.

If I had wanted instead to print all the information regarding the motherboard I could have used the –type switch. Let’s have a look at the available –type values:

dmidecode: option '--type' requires an argument Type number or keyword expected Valid type keywords are: bios system baseboard chassis processor memory cache connector slot

As you see we can get information on various components of the system.

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Anyway, having found out my original motherboard model, I could google for information about the beep codes, or download the specific motherboard manual from the Gigabyte‘s site.

Next time my ancient Linux box starts acting up I will be ready :-). That’s all, thanks for reading. If you found this information useful, you can subscribe to my blog (click at the “follow” button at the bottom) to be notified of new posts.


Как узнать модель материнской платы Linux

Иногда возникает необходимость определить, какая материнская плата используется на вашем компьютере. В операционной системе Windows с этим не возникнет никаких проблем, так как существует множество программ для решения этой задачи. Например, та же CPU-Z.

В Linux подобных утилит тоже хватает, и часть из них уже поставляется вместе с операционной системой, другие нужно устанавливать. Далее я расскажу, как узнать модель материнской платы Linux различными способами.

Как посмотреть модель материнской платы Linux

1. Файловая система /sys

Информация обо всём оборудовании компьютера и об операционной системе хранится в файловой системе /sys. Там же вы можете посмотреть производителя, модель и версию материнской платы. Для этого выполните:

2. Утилита dmidecode

Для просмотра информации об оборудовании удобнее использовать специальные утилиты. Одна из них — dmidecode. Она позволяет посмотреть информацию, записанную в DMI. Для вывода данных о материнской плате используйте опцию -t со значением 2:

3. Утилита hardinfo

Программа hardinfo позволяет просмотреть информацию об оборудовании компьютера в графическом интерфейсе. Здесь вы легко узнаете модель материнской платы. Но перед использованием программу нужно установить:

sudo apt install hardinfo

4. Утилита CPU-G

Программа CPU-G — это аналог такой популярной утилиты, как CPU-Z в Linux. Она написана на Python, внешне напоминает CPU-Z. Позволяет увидеть большинство характеристик процессора в графическом интерфейсе, узнать модель платы, которая используется. Для установки утилиты надо использовать PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao
sudo apt install cpu-g

В программе нужно открыть вкладку Motherbaord. Здесь отображается версия BIOS, дата выпуска BIOS, а также информация о плате.

5. Команда lshw

Команда lshw отображает информацию о материнской плате в самом начале своего вывода. Здесь, кроме производителя и модели платы, выводится текущая версия BIOS, что может быть очень удобно, если вы готовитесь к обновлению BIOS.

6. Лог dmesg

Версию BIOS и модель материнской платы можно узнать из лога ядра dmesg. Для этого надо отфильтровать строчку DMI:


В этой статье мы рассмотрели несколько способов, как узнать модель материнской платы Linux. Это совсем не сложно, и программ для решения такой задачи хватает с головой. А какие программы используете вы? Напишите в комментариях!

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