What is super space in linux

What is super space ubuntu?

What is the Super key in Ubuntu? It’s the button that sits between the ctrl and the alt keys on a keyboard, adjacent of the space bar. This key may have a small “Windows” logo on it (though many Linux laptops come with a ‘tux’ key).

What is Super space Linux?

Super means Windows key on your keyboard. – PersianGulf.

What is the Super key in gnome?

Gnome Shell by default uses the Super (Windows) key to display the activities overview.

What is Super shift?

Filters. (biochemistry, proteomics) A reduction in the mobility of a protein-DNA complex relative to unbound DNA, due to the binding of an antibody to that complex.

What does the Windows key do in Linux?

Most Linux desktop environments use the Super key for window management and application launching, not only for commands used by applications. Much of this is similar to the use of the Windows key in the Windows operating system. In GNOME 3, letting go of the Super key defaults to showing the activities window.

Which is Super key?

When you press the Super key, the Activities overview is displayed. This key can usually be found on the bottom-left of your keyboard, next to the Alt key, and usually has a Windows logo on it. It is sometimes called the Windows key or system key.

What is hyper key?

A Hyper Key is a magical key which automatically presses all the standard modifiers (ctrl+shift+cmd+opt). … By using the Hyper Key can can define shortcuts in BTT that are pretty much guaranteed to not be used anywhere else (who would want to press e.g. ctrl+shift+cmd+opt+ P).

How do I switch between tabs in Ubuntu?

  1. Shift+Ctrl+T: Open a new tab.
  2. Shift+Ctrl+W Close the current tab.
  3. Ctrl+Page Up: Switch to the previous tab.
  4. Ctrl+Page Down: Switch to the next tab.
  5. Shift+Ctrl+Page Up: Move to the tab to the left.
  6. Shift+Ctrl+Page Down: Move to the tab to the right.
  7. Alt+1: Switch to Tab 1.
  8. Alt+2: Switch to Tab 2.


Что такое super space ubuntu?

Что такое супер-ключ в Ubuntu? Это кнопка, которая находится между клавишами ctrl и alt на клавиатуре, рядом с пробелом. На этой клавише может быть небольшой логотип «Windows» (хотя многие ноутбуки с Linux поставляются с клавишей «tux»).

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Что такое Super space Linux?

Супер означает клавишу Windows на клавиатуре. — Персидский залив.

Что такое Супер ключ в gnome?

Gnome Shell по умолчанию использует клавишу Super (Windows) для отображения обзора действий.

Что такое суперсдвиг?

Фильтры. (биохимия, протеомика) Снижение подвижности комплекса белок-ДНК по сравнению с несвязанной ДНК из-за связывания антитела с этим комплексом.

Что делает клавиша Windows в Linux?

В большинстве сред рабочего стола Linux используется супер-клавиша для управления окнами и запуска приложений, а не только для команд, используемых приложениями. Во многом это похоже на использование клавиши Windows в операционной системе Windows. В GNOME 3 при отпускании клавиши Super по умолчанию отображается окно действий.

Какой супер ключ?

При нажатии супер-клавиши отображается обзор действий. Эту клавишу обычно можно найти в нижнем левом углу клавиатуры рядом с клавишей Alt, и обычно на ней есть логотип Windows. Иногда ее называют клавишей Windows или системной клавишей.

Что такое гипер-ключ?

Гиперклавиша — магическая клавиша, которая автоматически нажимает все стандартные модификаторы (ctrl + shift + cmd + opt). … Используя Hyper Key, можно определить сочетания клавиш в BTT, которые практически гарантированно не будут использоваться где-либо еще (кто захочет нажать, например, ctrl + shift + cmd + opt + P).

Как переключаться между вкладками в Ubuntu?

Вкладки окна терминала

  1. Shift + Ctrl + T: открыть новую вкладку.
  2. Shift + Ctrl + W Закрыть текущую вкладку.
  3. Ctrl + Page Up: переход на предыдущую вкладку.
  4. Ctrl + Page Down: переход к следующей вкладке.
  5. Shift + Ctrl + Page Up: переход на вкладку слева.
  6. Shift + Ctrl + Page Down: переход на вкладку вправо.
  7. Alt + 1: переключиться на вкладку 1.
  8. Alt + 2: переключиться на вкладку 2.


13 Keyboard Shortcuts Every Ubuntu User Should Know

You can use an operating system with the combination of keyboard and mouse but using the keyboard shortcuts saves your time.

Note: The keyboard shortcuts mentioned in the list is intended for Ubuntu 18.04 GNOME edition. Usually, most of them (if not all) should work on other Ubuntu versions as well, but I cannot vouch for it.

Ubuntu keyboard shortcuts

Useful Ubuntu keyboard shortcuts

Let’s have a look at some of the must know keyboard shortcut for Ubuntu GNOME. I have not included universal keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+C (copy), Ctrl+V (paste) or Ctrl+S (save).

Note: Super key in Linux refers to the key with Windows logo. I have used capital letters in the shortcuts but it doesn’t mean you have to press the shift key. For example, T means ‘t’ key only, not Shift+t.

You can also watch a video of these Ubuntu shortcuts in action. And if you like the video, subscribe to our YouTube channel for more Ubuntu and Linux related videos.

Ubuntu Terminal Shortcut

You want to open a new terminal in Ubuntu? Ctrl+Alt+T is the shortcut to open terminal in Ubuntu. This is my favorite keyboard shortcut in Ubuntu. I even mention it in various tutorials on It’s FOSS when it involves opening a terminal.

3. Super+L or Ctrl+Alt+L: Locks the screen

Locking screen when you are not at your desk is one of the most basic security tips. Instead of going to the top right corner and then choosing the lock screen option, you can simply use the Super+L key combination.

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Some systems also use Ctrl+Alt+L keys for locking the screen.

4. Super+D or Ctrl+Alt+D: Show desktop

Pressing Super+D minimizes all running application windows and shows the desktop.

Pressing Super+D again will open all the running applications windows as it was previously.

You may also use Ctrl+Alt+D for this purpose.

5. Super+A: Shows the application menu

You can open the application menu in Ubuntu 18.04 GNOME by clicking on the 9 dots on the left bottom of the screen. However, a quicker way would be to use Super+A key combination.

It will show the application menu where you can see the installed applications on your systems and can also search for them.

You can use Esc key to move out of the application menu screen.

6. Super+Tab or Alt+Tab: Switch between running applications

If you have more than one applications running, you can switch between the applications using the Super+Tab or Alt+Tab key combinations.

Keep holding the super key and press tab and you’ll the application switcher appearing . While holding the super key, keep on tapping the tab key to select between applications. When you are at the desired application, release both super and tab keys.

By default, the application switcher moves from left to right. If you want to move from right to left, use the Super+Shift+Tab key combination.

You can also use Alt key instead of Super here.

Tip: If there are multiple instances of an application, you can switch between those instances by using Super+` key combination.

7. Super+Arrow keys: Snap windows

Notification Tray Ubuntu 18.04 GNOME

With Super+M key combination, you can open this notification area. If you press these keys again, an opened notification tray will be closed.

You can also use Super+V for toggling the notification tray.

9. Super+Space: Change input keyboard (for multilingual setup)

If you are multilingual, perhaps you have more than one keyboards installed on your system. For example, I use Hindi on Ubuntu along with English and I have Hindi ( Devanagari ) keyboard installed along with the default English one.

If you also use a multilingual setup, you can quickly change the input keyboard with the Super+Space shortcut.

10. Alt+F2: Run console

This is for power users. If you want to run a quick command, instead of opening a terminal and running the command there, you can use Alt+F2 to run the console.

Alt+F2 to run commands in Ubuntu

This is particularly helpful when you have to use applications that can only be run from the terminal.

11. Ctrl+Q: Close an application window

If you have an application running, you can close the application window using the Ctrl+Q key combination. You can also use Ctrl+W for this purpose.

Alt+F4 is more ‘universal’ shortcut for closing an application window.

It not work on a few applications such as the default terminal in Ubuntu.

12. Ctrl+Alt+arrow: Move between workspaces

Workspace switching

If you are one of the power users who use workspaces, you can use the Ctrl+Alt+Up arrow and Ctrl+Alt+Down arrow keys to switch between the workspaces.

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13. Ctrl+Alt+Del: Log out

No! Like Windows, the famous combination of Ctrl+Alt+Del won’t bring task manager in Ubuntu (unless you use custom keyboard shortcuts for it).

Log Out Ubuntu

In the normal GNOME desktop environment, you can bring the power off menu using the Ctrl+Alt+Del keys but Ubuntu doesn’t always follow the norms. With Ctrl+Alt+Del keys, you logout from Ubuntu.

Use custom keyboard shortcuts in Ubuntu

You are not limited to the default keyboard shortcuts. You can create your own custom keyboard shortcuts as you like.

Go to Settings->Devices->Keyboard. You’ll see all the keyboard shortcuts here for your system. Scroll down to the bottom and you’ll see the Custom Shortcuts option.

Add custom keyboard shortcut in Ubuntu

You have to provide an easy-to-recognize name of the shortcut, the command that will be run when the key combinations are used and of course the keys you are going to use for the shortcut.

What are your favorite keyboard shortcuts in Ubuntu?

There is no end to shortcuts. If you want, you can have a look at all the possible GNOME shortcuts here and see if there are some more shortcuts you would like to use.

If you use Linux terminal often, you should also check out these Linux command tips to save your time.

You can, and you should also learn keyboard shortcuts for the applications you use most of the time. For example, I use Kazam for screen recording, and the keyboard shortcuts help me a lot in pausing and resuming the recording.

What are your favorite Ubuntu shortcuts that you cannot live without?


Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon — How to disable [Super][Space]?

I’d like to be able to disable [Super][Space] as the key combination that cycles through «desklets» so I can use it as the shortcut for switching input methods (languages) with IBus (this is IBus’ default shortcut). I opened «Keyboard», clicked the «Shortcuts» panel, and in General, selected «Show Desklets». I double clicked [Super][Space], pressed [Backspace] to delete, but [Super][Space] still cycled through the desklets, even after reboot. This illustrates that the removal of the shortcut was registered, but Cinnamon seems to ignore it:

% dconf dump /org/cinnamon/desktop/keybindings/ [/] show-desklets=@as [] 

1 Answer 1

My first time answering, hopefully it is helpful and a functional solution is provided.

right-click on the panel

Right-click anywhere on your panel to bring this menu:

Press the «Panel edit mode». You should see your panel changing its color.

Right-click on grouped applications located on the panel

Then you can right-click on any of the applications located on the panel and the following menu should open:

On the menu press the «Configure. » option.

You should see in the section «Hot keys» the option «Global Hotkey for cycling through thumbnail menus». There you should change the already assigned option of «Super + space». (In my screenshot is set to print; that’s due to the «print screen» I was doing to provide the screenshot.)

I don’t know how you can navigate directly to that «Grouped window list» settings window, but if anyone know, that would be a more direct solution I believe.

The grouped window list

P.S: Also you need to «uncheck» the «Panel edit mode» option after you are done with the changes.


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