What is tmp file in linux

Everything Essential About the tmp Directory in Linux

Learn some crucial things about the /tmp directory. You’ll also learn how it is different from the /var/tmp directory.

If you have been using Linux for a while, you must have come across the /tmp directory.

You may have some idea about it but you probably didn’t pay enough attention to it.

Then there is also a /var/tmp directory that sounds similar.

So in this article, I will walk you through some crucial things that you need to know about the /tmp directory. I’ll also discuss how it is different from the /var/tmp directory.

What is the /tmp directory in Linux?

As the name suggests, the tmp (temporary) directory under root is used to store the data used by the system and user applications to store the data that are needed for a short period of time. Most Linux distributions are preconfigured to empty the tmp directory after each reboot.

Sounds complex? Let me give you an example.

So let’s suppose you are installing software in your system so the installer may store some files that are needed during the installation.

Similarly, while working on a project, your system may store the files in the tmp directory when making changes or they can also be the auto-saved versions of that file.

In simple words, the tmp directory is nothing but a directory used to store the files that are needed temporarily and can be removed once they are no longer needed.

Are /tmp and /var/tmp the same? No!

Yes, there is a significant difference between the /tmp and the /var/tmp directory.

The short answer is how they both deal with the temporary files.

The /tmp directory is used to store the short-lived temporary files whereas the /var/tmp directory is used to store long-lived temporary files.

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Want more details? Here you have it!

  • Endurance: Generally, the files stored in the /tmp directory are removed at the boot time whereas the files inside /var/tmp are kept even after reboot.
  • For user VS Systemwide: Typically, the files inside the /tmp directory can be accessed by every user whereas the files of /var/tmp are mostly user-specific.
  • Usage (the most crucial difference): The /tmp directory is used to store the files that are needed for a short time like for the installation of a package. Whereas the /var/tmp directory is used for files that are needed for a longer period of time like system backup or log files.

Automate tmp directory cleaning

As I said earlier, most, if not all, distributions clean the /tmp directory when you reboot your Linux system.

If that’s the case, then why do you need to explicitly clean the /tmp directory? Because you don’t reboot your server everyday like a desktop computer. I mean check the uptime of your server; it might be running for weeks, if not for months and years.

This is not needed for everyone. Only if your server is running low on the disk space, go for the extra effort of automatic tmp directory cleaning.

To automate the cleaning of the tmp directory, the most critical thing is to identify what to remove in the first place.

So the sweet spot is to remove the files that are not used for the last three days and are not owned by the root.

And for that purpose, you can use the find command in the following manner:

sudo find /tmp -type f \( ! -user root \) -atime +3 -delete

But this won’t automate the process.

First, open the root crontab using the following:

If you are using the corn table for the first time, it will ask you to choose your preferred text editor. I will recommend using the nano:

Choose editor for editing cron tables in linux

Once done, go to the end of the file in nano using Alt + / and paste the following line into the file:

0 0 * * * sudo find /tmp -type f ! -user root -atime +3 -delete

Save changes and that’s it!

Did you know about the black hole of Linux filesystem?

I’m talking about the /dev/null directory here as whatever is sent there, can not be traced back! Want to know how it can be used? Here you have a detailed guide:

I hope you will find this guide helpful. And if you have any questions or suggestions, leave a comment.

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Linux tmp Directory Everything You Need to Know

The /tmp directory in Linux based systems contains necessary files that are temporarily required by the system as well as other software and applications running on the machine. For example, when you are writing a document, all the content inside that document is saved as a temporary file inside the /tmp directory.

  1. What does tmp directory in Linux?
  2. What happens if TMP is full in Linux?
  3. How do I read a TMP file in Linux?
  4. How do I free up a tmp directory in Linux?
  5. What is var tmp for?
  6. Where is the tmp directory?
  7. Is it safe to empty TMP Linux?
  8. How do you create a tmp file?
  9. How do I copy files in Linux?
  10. How do I access a tmp file?
  11. Where is the Temp directory in Linux?
  12. How do I get to root directory in Linux?

What does tmp directory in Linux?

The /tmp directory contains mostly files that are required temporarily, it is used by different programs to create lock files and for temporary storage of data. . This is a standard procedure for system administration, to reduce the amount of storage space used (typically, on a disk drive).

What happens if TMP is full in Linux?

If someone fills /tmp then the OS can’t swap and that may not cause real problems but usually means no more processes (including login) can be started. We normally run a cron job that removes older files from /tmp to minimise this.

How do I read a TMP file in Linux?

First launch the file manager by clicking on «Places» in the top menu and selecting «Home Folder». From there click on «File System» on the left part and that will take you to the / directory, from there you’ll see /tmp , which you can then browse to.

How do I free up a tmp directory in Linux?

  1. Become superuser.
  2. Change to the /var/tmp directory. # cd /var/tmp. Caution — .
  3. Delete the files and subdirectories in the current directory. # rm -r *
  4. Change to other directories containing unnecessary temporary or obsolete subdirectories and files, and delete them by repeating Step 3 above.

What is var tmp for?

In Unix and Linux, the global temporary directories are /tmp and /var/tmp. Web browsers periodically write data to the tmp directory during page views and downloads. Typically, /var/tmp is for persistent files (as it may be preserved over reboots), and /tmp is for more temporary files.

Where is the tmp directory?

The tmp folder(s) are found at: File System/tmp & File System/var/tmp The /tmp contents could be deleted — if you know which files/folders are required/not required by various apps on an «as required» basis.

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Is it safe to empty TMP Linux?

The directory /tmp means temporary. This directory stores temporary data. You don’t need to delete anything from it, the data contained in it gets deleted automatically after every reboot. deleting from it won’t cause any problem as these are temporary files.

How do you create a tmp file?

The following line attempts to open the file in «write» mode, which (if successful) will cause the file «thefile. txt» to be created in the «/tmp» directory. fp=fopen(filePath, «w»); Incidently, with the «w» (write) mode specified, it «thefile.

How do I copy files in Linux?

Copying Files with the cp Command

On Linux and Unix operating systems, the cp command is used for copying files and directories. If the destination file exists, it will be overwritten. To get a confirmation prompt before overwriting the files, use the -i option.

How do I access a tmp file?

  1. Open VLC Media Player.
  2. Click on “Media” and select the menu option “Open file”.
  3. Set the option “All files” and then indicate the location of the temporary file.
  4. Click on “Open” to restore the TMP file.

Where is the Temp directory in Linux?

Use the value of the $TMPDIR environment variable, and if that doesn’t exist, use /tmp . The accepted sequence, specifically from a GNU standpoint, is: Check the environmental variable TMPDIR (getenv(«TMPDIR»)) only if the program is not running as SUID/SGID (issetugid() == 0)

How do I get to root directory in Linux?

To navigate into the root directory, use «cd /» To navigate to your home directory, use «cd» or «cd ~» To navigate up one directory level, use «cd ..» To navigate to the previous directory (or back), use «cd -«

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