What is troubleshooting in linux

linux troubleshooting

How do I troubleshoot an application problem in Linux?

  1. Step 1 : Check the server status. .
  2. Step 2 : Monitoring your server. .
  3. Step 3 : Check the Logs. .
  4. Step 4 : Make sure your web server is running. .
  5. Step 5 : Verifying the Syntax of Web server. .
  6. Step 6 : Is your Database back-end running Fine. .
  7. Step 7 : Verify if your Web/App server is able to connect to Database backend.

How do you troubleshoot and fix performance issues in Linux?

Performance problems are caused by bottlenecks in one or more hardware subsystems, depending on the profile of resource usage on your system. Some elements to consider (in roughly sorted order): buggy software.

How troubleshoot Linux server hang?

  1. Check the hardware! .
  2. Define the exact problem. .
  3. Top. .
  4. What’s up with disk space? .
  5. Check the logs.

How do you check if Linux server is down?

  1. iostat: Monitor the storage subsystem functioning like the disk utilization, Read/Write rate, etc.
  2. meminfo: Memory information.
  3. free: Memory overview.
  4. mpstat: CPU activity.
  5. netstat: A variety of network-related information.
  6. nmon: Performance information (subsystems)
  7. pmap: Amount of memory used by the server processors.

How do you troubleshoot a server issue?

  1. Identify the server problem’s area of effect. .
  2. Determine if the server itself is the problem. .
  3. Maintain detailed records on server settings and connections. .
  4. Communicate all work and activity with team members. .
  5. Monitor server status comprehensively and review log data. .
  6. Know provider SLA terms.
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How do you troubleshoot?

  1. Identify the symptom: Identify the Type of Issue. Find the problem area. .
  2. Eliminate non-issues: Make sure the correct patches, drivers, and operating systems are installed. .
  3. Find the cause: Check for typical causes in the area. .
  4. Find the fix: Find a possible workaround.

How do I troubleshoot my CPU?

  1. CPU Troubleshooting. In one sense, there’s not much troubleshooting to be done for a processor. .
  2. Keep an eye on processor temperature. .
  3. Keep the system clean. .
  4. Use a good CPU cooler. .
  5. Install supplemental case fans. .
  6. Upgrade the case. .
  7. Position the system properly.

How do I troubleshoot system login issues?

  1. Enable cookies for the website.
  2. Clear history for that site.
  3. Clear all cookies and the cache.
  4. Check add-ons.
  5. Security application is blocking cookies.
  6. Remove corrupt cookies file.

What troubleshooting means?

Troubleshooting is a form of problem solving, often applied to repair failed products or processes on a machine or a system. It is a logical, systematic search for the source of a problem in order to solve it, and make the product or process operational again. Troubleshooting is needed to identify the symptoms.

Why do servers hang?

There are a few different things that can cause a hung server, including sudden memory exhaustion, a process issue, driver bugs, or hardware failure. . For example, memory exhaustion will sometimes generate entries in the system log, or a slew of disk errors would indicate a drive issue.

What causes Linux to freeze?

Some of the common causes that cause freezing/hanging in Linux are either software or hardware related issues. They include; system resources exhaustion, application compatibility issues, under-performing hardware, slow networks, device/application configurations, and long-running un-interruptable computations.

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How do I troubleshoot hardware issues in Linux?

  1. Quick-diagnosing devices, modules, and drivers. The first step in troubleshooting usually is to display a list of the hardware installed on your Linux server. .
  2. Digging into multiple loggings. Dmesg allows you to figure out errors and warnings in the kernel’s latest messages. .
  3. Analyzing networking functions. .
  4. In conclusion.

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