Which linux does linus torvalds use

Какой дистрибутив Linux использует Линус Торвальдс?

Здравствуйте, мои друзья-любители Linux, у меня сегодня к вам вопрос: что делает дистрибутив Linux Линус Торвальдс использовать на своих машинах?

Мы знаем значительную часть его взглядов на дистрибутивы Linux благодаря интервью, которое он давным-давно дал. 2007, но кто знает — мог ли он передумать?

В интервью 2007 года Линус заявил, что не использовал Debian потому что ему было трудно установить, заявление, которое я нахожу интересным, потому что именно он написал GIT в C.

Во всяком случае, он обосновал свою причину отказа от использования Debian в более позднем интервью от 2014, когда он объяснил, что, поскольку он отвечает за обслуживание своего компьютера и всех компьютеров, используемых в его семье, ему нравится использовать ОС практически без проблем с установкой.

Он добавил, что он часто меняет свои машины в течение года и может не беспокоиться о том, чтобы тратить слишком много времени на настройку своей системы, когда он мог бы использовать ее для выполнения работы.

Его неприятный опыт произошел, когда он попытался установить

Debian на его MacBook Air в то время и не мог заставить что-то работать должным образом. И хотя в конце концов он понял, в чем проблема, он уже потерял интерес; по его словам, «к тому времени было уже слишком поздно“.

Canonical выпустила первую версию операционной системы Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

В конечном итоге он дал понять, что меньше заботится о дистрибутивах Linux, поскольку их легко установить и постоянно обновляется, так как он сосредоточен на ядре — вещах, которые он может быстро настроить и продолжить жизнь.

Г-н Торвальдс называл себя «технический специалист«С очень конкретной областью интересов и активно избегает дистрибутивов, которые»чрезмерно технический”- например, те, которые требуют, чтобы вы сами компилировали приложения и т. Д.

Насколько мне известно, он использует Fedora на большинстве его компьютеров из-за довольно хорошей поддержки PowerPC. Он упомянул, что использовал OpenSuse однажды и похвалил Ubuntu для того, чтобы сделать Debian доступным для масс. Таким образом, большинство сообщений в Интернете о том, что Линус не любит Ubuntu, не соответствуют действительности.

Важно отметить, что Debian с тех пор улучшил свой механизм установки и находится в моем списке одного из самых простых дистрибутивов Linux для начала работы. Вы можете посмотреть отрывок из 24-минутного интервью ниже.

Вы знаете, есть ли Линус перешли на использование другого дистрибутива Linux? И можете ли вы представить себе, что какой-либо из дистрибутивов Linux будет слишком сложным для его установки?

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TOP500 предоставляет два ежегодных рейтинга с использованием теста Linpack. Он ранжирует компьютерные системы на основе их способности решать линейные уравнения, и только суперкомпьютеры, которые действительно могут их решать, попадают в список.Во.

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Если вы Google «Почему Linux лучше Windows, »Вы сможете углубиться на 20 страниц и при этом найти статьи из технических блогов и новостных сайтов, в которых провозглашаются причины превосходства Linux. Хотя большинство этих статей просто перефрази.


Which Linux Distribution Does Linus Torvalds Use in 2018?

Hello, my fellow Linux lovers, I’ve got a question for you today: What Linux distro does Linus Torvalds use on his machines?

We know a sizeable amount of his views on Linux distros, thanks to an interview he took long ago in 2007, but who knows – could he have changed his mind?

In a 2007 interview, Linus professed that he didn’t use Debian because he found it hard to install, a statement I find interesting because he’s the guy who wrote GIT in C.

Anyway, he buttressed his reason for not using Debian in a later interview from 2014, when he explained that because he is responsible for maintaining his computer and all the computers used by his household, he likes to use an OS with virtually no installation hassle.

He added that he changes his machines frequently during the course of a year and can not be bothered to spend too much time setting up his system when he could be using it to get work done.

His unsavory experience came from when he tried installing Debian on his MacBook Air at the time and couldn’t get things to work properly. And although he eventually figured out what the problem was, he had already lost interest; in his words, “by then it was too late“.

Ultimately, he made it clear that he cared less about Linux distros as long as it is easy to install and is continually updated as his focus is on the kernel – stuff he can quickly set up and get on with his life.

Mr. Torvalds referred to himself as a ‘technical person‘ with a very specific area of interest and actively avoids distros that are “overly technical” – like the ones that require you to compile apps yourself, etc.

As far as I know, he uses Fedora on most of his computers because of its fairly good support for PowerPC. He mentioned that he used OpenSuse at one point in time and complimented Ubuntu for making Debian accessible to the mass. So most of the flak on the internet about Linus disliking Ubuntu isn’t factual.

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It is important to note that Debian has since improved their installation mechanism and is on my list of one of the easiest Linux distros to get up and running with. You can watch a snippet of the 24-min long interview below.

Do you know whether Linus has switched to using a different Linux distro now? And can you imagine any of the Linux distros being too difficult for him to actually setup?

What about you; have you come across Linux distros that are painstakingly tedious to setup? Maybe Arch Linux? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.


Which distro does linus torvalds use

Solution 2: puredyne is made specifically for multimedia applications based on Ubuntu and Debian Live that can run from a CD or DVD, but it does not automatically start up Jack. Based on Ubuntu 64-bit Solution: I’m installed Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with JWM window manager, but I switched it to IceWM because JWM had problems with the short cuts at the start meny.

Which linux distro is based on Arch, runs LXDE and out of the box ready to use?

Besides that, have full multimedia, driver, network and essential software support?

See also: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Based_Distributions_%28Active%29

I think it’s too late to answer, but anyway. The distro, you’re looking for is » Manjaro Linux «, community edition.

Why Linus Torvalds doesn’t use Ubuntu or Debian, Subscribe to our weekly newsletter: https://www.tfir.io/dnlBecome a patron of this channel: https://www.patreon.com/TFIRFollow us on Twitter: …

Why Linus Torvalds doesn’t use Ubuntu or Debian

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Linus Torvalds was approached by NSA for backdoor in

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Nvidia Fuck You! (Linus Torvalds) My thoughts exactly

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Most lightweight Ubuntu-based linux distro 2021

I’m a Ubuntu user, but my computer is getting older so I cannot use Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. I’m used to use Lubuntu 18.04 LTS and that works, but the support time runs out this year.

So I need to replease current linux OS for a better one. The current linux OS I’m using is AntiX Linux. It’s super fast, but It’s quite weird because everything is old here. Old software and AntiX is based on Debian 10.

I don’t have so much problem with AntiX Linux, except when I try to install software . These softwares are so old, that I dosen’t support some files or functions e.g GNU Octave.

So I need a Linux system that are based on Ubuntu, but take less memory than Lubuntu 18.04 LTS or as much as 18.04 LTS. The support time is important too.

What is the best lightweight Ubuntu based linux distro 2021 that follow this requriments:

  • No more RAM usage than 256 Mb
  • Pentium 4 or less
  • Support time to 2025 or more
  • Based on Ubuntu
  • 64-bit
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I’m installed Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with JWM window manager, but I switched it to IceWM because JWM had problems with the short cuts at the start meny. IceWM works like a charm.

Then I upgrade 18.04 to 20.04 LTS and after that, I uninstalled Ubuntu Unity. Now the desktop takes about 220 Mb in RAM in idle.

I tried first installed 20.04 LTS, but it did not have support for my computer directly. The screen was black. So upgrading 18.04 -> 20.04 and replaced Unity with IceMW and changed the IceMW theme to Win95, made my day.

It works for my old computer from 2008 — Dell Precision M6500.

Distribution choice — Which linux distro is based on Arch, This site is not affiliated with Linus Torvalds or The Open Group in any way. Your privacy By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you agree Stack Exchange can store …

Performant distro for development & personal use


I’m using Ubuntu 20.04 .

Laptop specs:

  • Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00 GHz × 4
  • Graphics Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (HSW GT2)
  • 8 GB of RAM
  • OS type: 64-bit
  • Windowing System: X11
  • System drive: HDD

My system takes so much time to boot and lags a lot when running watchers on vscode.

Is there a Linux distro designed specifically for web development and personal use ?

Short answer: No

Long answer: Given your specs you shouldn’t expect a completely smooth experience on any OS (be it windows or any Linux distro) for modern applications. However you can optimize, if you’re already familiar with Ubuntu/Debian than try the minimal version of Ubuntu and install only the things you need, if that’s not enough then there’s Lubuntu which is very lightweight.

Another (possibly irrelevant) option is to replace the HDD with an SSD, it’s probably the main bottleneck.

Why Linus Torvalds and The Linux Foundation should, Considering that distributions’ use of the Linux mark is generally (1) accurate (i.e., the using product really does substantially use the kernel called «Linux») and (2) …

Is there a linux distro that uses Jack audio server all the time?

By this I mean a distro that does not use pulse audio at all. So when you are runing programs like miro or mumbles you do not lose audio playback becuase Jack took over the audio stack.

Ubuntu Studio should be what you’re looking for. It’s a multimedia oriented distro based (obviously) on Ubuntu which uses a realtime kernel and the JACK Audio Connection Kit .

puredyne is made specifically for multimedia applications based on Ubuntu and Debian Live that can run from a CD or DVD, but it does not automatically start up Jack.

There are several other distros for multimedia production, but as far as I know, none of these start Jack by default, and I do not know the state of development on these distros, so I include these just for completeness:


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