Which linux mint to install

Choose the right edition¶

You can download Linux Mint from the Linux Mint website.

Read below to choose which edition and architecture are right for you.

Cinnamon, MATE or Xfce?¶

Linux Mint comes in 3 different flavours, each featuring a different desktop environment.

Cinnamon The most modern, innovative and full-featured desktop
MATE A more traditional, and faster desktop
Xfce The most lightweight desktop

The most popular version of Linux Mint is the Cinnamon edition. Cinnamon is primarily developed for and by Linux Mint. It is slick, beautiful, and full of new features.


Linux Mint is also involved in the development of MATE, a classic desktop environment which is the continuation of GNOME 2, Linux Mint’s default desktop between 2006 and 2011. Although it misses a few features and its development is slower than Cinnamon’s, MATE uses less resources and can run faster on older computers.


Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment. It doesn’t support as many features as Cinnamon or MATE, but it’s extremely stable and very light on resource usage.


Of course, all three desktops are great and Linux Mint is extremely proud of each edition. Although there are more features and better support in some editions than others, and some do run faster and use less resources than others, they’re all great alternatives and choosing the right edition is largely a matter of taste.

Other than their features and performance, Cinnamon, MATE and Xfce also represent three different desktop environments, with different menus, different panels and configuration tools. The right one for you is the one where you feel at home.

If you are unsure which desktop to choose start with the Cinnamon edition. Try them all eventually when you have the time. All three of them have their own audience within the Linux Mint community and they’re all very popular.

32-bit or 64-bit?¶

From version 20 onward, only 64-bit is available.

The 32-bit ISO images on prior versions are provided for compatibility with older computers. 32-bit processors are extremely rare nowadays and most computers are able to run in 64-bit. If your computer was manufactured after 2007, you probably have a 64-bit processor.

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If you have an old computer and you are unsure whether or not it can run in 64-bit, read X86 Chronology.

You can try to boot Linux Mint 64-bit on your computer. If it isn’t compatible, nothing bad will happen. You will just get an error message.

If you cannot boot or install Linux Mint because your hardware is too recent and is not properly detected see the Edge ISO Images chapter in the Linux Mint User Guide for an alternative ISO.

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Выбор подходящей редакции¶

Вы можете загрузить Linux Mint c вебсайта Linux Mint.

Прочтите ниже, чтобы выбрать, какое издание и архитектура вам подходит.

Cinnamon, MATE или Xfce?¶

Linux Mint доступен в трех разных вариантах, с разными окружениями рабочего стола.

Cinnamon Самый современный, инновационный и полнофункциональный рабочий стол
MATE A more traditional, and faster desktop
Xfce The most lightweight desktop

Наиболее популярная версия Linux Mint — это редакция Cinnamon. Cinnamon в первую очередь разрабатывается для Linux Mint. Он приятный, красивый и полон новых функций.


Linux Mint is also involved in the development of MATE, a classic desktop environment which is the continuation of GNOME 2, Linux Mint’s default desktop between 2006 and 2011. Although it misses a few features and its development is slower than Cinnamon’s, MATE uses less resources and can run faster on older computers.


Xfce — лёгкое окружение рабочего стола. Он поддерживает меньше функций, как Cinnamon или MATE, но он чрезвычайно стабилен и очень лёгкий в плане потребления ресурсов.


Разумеется, все три рабочих стола великолепны, и Linux Mint чрезвычайно гордится каждым изданием. Хотя в некоторых изданиях больше возможностей и улучшенная поддержка, а некоторые работают быстрее и используют меньше ресурсов — все они являются отличными альтернативами и выбор правильного издания в значительной степени зависит от вкуса.

Помимо их функционала и производительности, Cinnamon, MATE и Xfce также представляют три различных окружения рабочего стола с разными меню, панелями и инструментами настройки. Правильным выбором будет тот из них, где вы чувствуете себя как дома.

Если вы не знаете, какой рабочий стол выбрать, начните с редакции Cinnamon. Попробуйте их все, когда у вас будет время. Каждый из них имеет свою аудиторию в сообществе Mint Linux, и все они очень популярны.

32-bit или 64-bit?¶

From version 20 onward, only 64-bit is available.

The 32-bit ISO images on prior versions are provided for compatibility with older computers. 32-bit processors are extremely rare nowadays and most computers are able to run in 64-bit. If your computer was manufactured after 2007, you probably have a 64-bit processor.

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Если у вас старый компьютер, и вы не знаете, может ли он работать в 64-битном режиме, прочитайте X86 Chronology.

Вы можете попробовать загрузить 64-разрядную версию Linux Mint на вашем компьютере. Если они несовместимы, ничего плохого не произойдёт. Вы просто увидите сообщение об ошибке.

If you cannot boot or install Linux Mint because your hardware is too recent and is not properly detected see the Edge ISO Images chapter in the Linux Mint User Guide for an alternative ISO.

© Copyright 2017, Linux Mint Revision d8fbd844 .

Versions latest Downloads pdf html epub On Read the Docs Project Home Builds Free document hosting provided by Read the Docs.


Which Linux Mint Desktop Should I Use?


Linux Mint recommends its users to choose the right edition for the right usage. It means that the users should first analyze their requirements and then, depending upon those requirements, they should critically review the features of the three Linux Mint 20.3 editions. After that, they should finally decide on which edition works best for them. In this article, we will try to explore the answer to the question “which Linux Mint 20.3 desktop should I use?”

Which Linux Mint 20.3 Desktop should I use?

For deciding which Linux Mint 20.3 desktop edition you should use, you must read about some of the main features of these different editions that are stated below for your convenience:

Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon Edition:

Talking about the Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon edition, it is known to be the most modern and innovative edition that contains all those features that you can expect out of a Linux Mint system. Also, it is the most popular and most widely used edition amongst the user community. This edition of Linux Mint gives a modern touch to the traditional desktop environment. This is also a reason for its popularity among Windows users since its interface resembles Windows 10’s interface pretty much. This is how the Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon edition looks like and you can easily download it by visiting the link that follows: https://linuxmint.com/edition.php?id=292.

Linux Mint 20.3 Mate Edition:

If we talk about the Linux Mint 20.3 Mate edition, then, as compared to the Cinnamon edition, the Mate edition is a more stable release of Linux Mint. Also, the Mate edition consumes much lesser resources because of which it runs faster than Cinnamon. This is how the interface of the Linux Mint 20.3 Mate edition looks like and you can conveniently download it by visiting the link that follows: https://linuxmint.com/edition.php?id=293.

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Linux Mint 20.3 Xfce Edition:

As compared with Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon and Mate editions, Linux Mint 20.3 Xfce edition is known to be the most stable and lightweight release so far. Although, the Xfce edition does not support most of the features that are supported by the other two editions, however, because of being extremely lightweight, it consumes much lesser system resources. This is exactly the reason why this Linux Mint edition is preferred by users who have limited system resources. The interface of the Linux Mint 20.3 Xfce edition is shown in the image below and you can download it by visiting the link that follows: https://linuxmint.com/edition.php?id=294.

A Comparison between the Three Flavors of Linux Mint 20.3:

For summarizing the features of the three flavors of Linux Mint 20.3, we would like to draw a comparison between them. The Cinnamon edition is full-featured and is considered to be the most modern out of all the Linux Mint editions. However, because of containing all the features, this version of Linux Mint is slightly heavier. The Mate edition of Linux Mint 20.3 is stable as compared to Cinnamon and is much faster. Lastly, the Xfce edition is the most stable and the lightest release.

Final Verdict:

If you wish to experience all the features of Linux Mint 20.3, then you must go for the Cinnamon edition. If you prefer to have a lightweight operating system without compromising on the important features, then, you should download the Mate edition. If you are ready to make a compromise on some of the features of the operating system but want to have a fast and stable release, then, without a doubt you should choose the Xfce edition. However, if you are still confused about which flavor of Linux Mint 20.3 will be best for satisfying your needs, then you should start from the Cinnamon edition and try using all the editions one by one. After that, you can stick to the one that you like the best.

Karim Buzdar holds a degree in telecommunication engineering and holds several sysadmin certifications including CCNA RS, SCP, and ACE. As an IT engineer and technical author, he writes for various websites.


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