Which red hat linux version

4 Ways to Check Redhat Version

The OS version of a Linux distribution can be determined by using the command-line interface as well as a graphical user interface. In Linux, CLI is preferred over GUI as it provides more control over the OS.

In this article, we will mostly focus on the command line methods which can be used to check the Redhat version.

Commands to Check Redhat version

  • uname -a
  • cat /etc/os-release
  • lsb_release -a
  • cat /proc/version
  • cat /etc/redhat-release
  • cat /etc/issue
  • hostnamectl

Check Redhat version from /etc/os-release

You can easily get Redhat version using cat /etc/os-release command. All we need is to open the terminal and type cat /etc/os-release. It will list the Redhat OS distribution name and release version information.

If we are running a very old Linux distribution then we might not be able to use any of the above commands. Use the following command to know the OS version on our old system:

$ cat /etc/os-release
NAME=”Red Hat Enterprise Linux”
VERSION=”8.4 (Ootpa)”
PRETTY_NAME=”Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 (Ootpa)”

REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT=”Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8″
REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT=”Red Hat Enterprise Linux”

Check Redhat version with uname command

We can use uname command to check Redhat version. This command is used to print our redhat system information such as kernel version and release name, network hostname, machine hardware name, processor architecture, hardware platform and the operating system.

uname -a
Linux taurus-a-1.com 4.18.0-305.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Apr 29 08:54:30 EDT 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Check Redhat version from /proc/version

Another way to check Redhat version is using cat /proc/version.This command will list the version of the Linux kernel, the version of gcc, the Redhat version, and the time of kernel compilation.

Linux version 4.18.0-305.el8.x86_64 (mockbuild@x86-vm-07.build.eng.bos.redhat.com) (gcc version 8.4.1 20200928 (Red Hat 8.4.1-1) (GCC)) #1 SMP Thu Apr 29 08:54:30 EDT 2021

  • ———- On Red Hat Linux ———-
    $ cat /etc/redhat-release
  • ———- On CentOS Linux ———-
    $ cat /etc/centos-release
  • ———- On Fedora Linux ———-
    $ cat /etc/fedora-release
  • ———- On Debian Linux ———-
    $ cat /etc/debian_version
  • ———- On Ubuntu and Linux Mint ———-
    $ cat /etc/lsb-release
  • ———- On Gentoo Linux ———-
    $ cat /etc/gentoo-release
  • ———- On SuSE Linux ———-
    $ cat /etc/SuSE-release
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Check Redhat version with lsb_release command

The lsb_release command is a helpful utility to find out information about our Linux installation. It displays LSB (Linux Standard Base) information about the Linux distribution.

lsb_release -a
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Release: 11
Codename: bullseye

David is a Cloud & DevOps Enthusiast. He has years of experience as a Linux engineer. He had working experience in AMD, EMC. He likes Linux, Python, bash, and more. He is a technical blogger and a Software Engineer. He enjoys sharing his learning and contributing to open-source.

howtouselinux.com is dedicated to providing comprehensive information on using Linux.

We hope you find our site helpful and informative.


Red Hat Enterprise Linux Release Dates

The tables below list the major and minor Red Hat Enterprise Linux updates, their release dates, and the kernel versions that shipped with them.

Red Hat does not generally disclose future release schedules.
Refer to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle Policy for details on the life cycle of Red Hat Enterprise Linux releases.

To find your Red Hat Enterprise Linux release please:

To find your kernel version please:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9

Release General Availability Date redhat-release Errata Date* Kernel Version
RHEL 9.2 2023-05-10 2023-05-09 RHBA-2023:2455 5.14.0-284.11.1.el9_2
RHEL 9.1 2022-11-15 2022-11-15 RHBA-2022:8264 5.14.0-162.6.1.el9_1
RHEL 9.0 2022-05-17 2022-05-17 RHBA-2022:3893 5.14.0-70.13.1.el9_0

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

Release General Availability Date redhat-release Errata Date* Kernel Version
RHEL 8.8 2023-05-16 2023-05-16 RHBA-2023:2946 4.18.0-477.10.1.el8_8
RHEL 8.7 2022-11-09 2022-11-09 RHBA-2022:7677 4.18.0-425.3.1
RHEL 8.6 2022-05-10 2022-05-10 RHBA-2022:1984 4.18.0-372.9.1
RHEL 8.5 2021-11-09 2021-11-09 RHBA-2021:4352 4.18.0-348
RHEL 8.4 2021-05-18 2021-05-18 RHBA-2021:1569 4.18.0-305
RHEL 8.3 2020-11-03 2020-11-03 RHBA-2020:4495 4.18.0-240
RHEL 8.2 2020-04-28 2020-04-28 RHBA-2020:1758 4.18.0-193
RHEL 8.1 2019-11-05 2019-11-05 RHBA-2019:3543 4.18.0-147
RHEL 8 2019-05-07 4.18.0-80

Codename: Ootpa (is based on Fedora 28, upstream Linux kernel 4.18, systemd 239, and GNOME 3.28.)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Release General Availability Date redhat-release Errata Date* Kernel Version
RHEL 7.9 2020-09-29 2020-09-29 RHBA-2020:3849 3.10.0-1160
RHEL 7.8 2020-03-31 2020-03-31 RHBA-2020:1033 3.10.0-1127
RHEL 7.7 2019-08-06 2019-08-06 RHBA-2019:2351 3.10.0-1062
RHEL 7.6 2018-10-30 2018-10-30 RHBA-2018:3014 3.10.0-957
RHEL 7.5 2018-04-10 2018-04-10 RHEA-2018:0700 3.10.0-862
RHEL 7.4 2017-07-31 2017-07-31 RHBA-2017:1850 3.10.0-693
RHEL 7.3 2016-11-03 2016-11-03 RHEA-2016:2143 3.10.0-514
RHEL 7.2 2015-11-19 2015-11-19 RHEA-2015:2107 3.10.0-327
RHEL 7.1 2015-03-05 2015-03-05 RHEA-2015:0524 3.10.0-229
RHEL 7.0 GA 2014-06-09 3.10.0-123
RHEL 7.0 Beta 2013-12-11 3.10.0-54.0.1

Codename: Maipo (based on a mix of Fedora 19, Fedora 20, and several modifications)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

Release General Availability Date redhat-release Errata Date* Kernel Version
RHEL 6.10 2018-06-19 2018-06-19 RHBA-2018:1856 2.6.32-754
RHEL 6.9 2017-03-21 2017-03-21 RHBA-2017:0723 2.6.32-696
RHEL 6.8 2016-05-10 2016-05-10 RHBA-2016:0976 2.6.32-642
RHEL 6.7 2015-07-22 2015-07-22 RHBA-2015:1260 2.6.32-573
RHEL 6.6 2014-10-14 2014-10-13 RHBA-2014:1405 2.6.32-504
RHEL 6.5 2013-11-21 2013-11-20 RHEA-2013:1546 2.6.32-431
RHEL 6.4 2013-02-21 2013-02-21 RHEA-2013:0379 2.6.32-358
RHEL 6.3 2012-06-20 2012-06-19 RHEA-2012:0971 2.6.32-279
RHEL 6.2 2011-12-06 2011-12-06 RHEA-2011:1743 2.6.32-220
RHEL 6.1 2011-05-19 2011-05-19 RHEA-2011:0540 2.6.32-131.0.15
RHEL 6.0 2010-11-09 2.6.32-71
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Codename: Santiago (based on a mix of Fedora 12, Fedora 13, and several modifications)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

Release General Availability Date redhat-release Errata Date* Kernel Version
RHEL 5.11 2014-09-16 2014-09-16 RHEA-2014-1238 2.6.18-398
RHEL 5.10 2013-10-01 2013-09-30 RHEA-2013-1311 2.6.18-371
RHEL 5.9 2013-01-07 2013-01-07 RHEA-2013-0021 2.6.18-348
RHEL 5.8 2012-02-20 2012-02-20 RHEA-2012:0315 2.6.18-308
RHEL 5.7 2011-07-21 2011-07-20 RHEA-2011:0977 2.6.18-274
RHEL 5.6 2011-01-13 2011-01-12 RHEA-2011:0020 2.6.18-238
RHEL 5.5 2010-03-30 2010-03-30 RHEA-2010:0207 2.6.18-194
RHEL 5.4 2009-09-02 2009-09-02 RHEA-2009:1400 2.6.18-164
RHEL 5.3 2009-01-20 2009-01-20 RHEA-2009:0133 2.6.18-128
RHEL 5.2 2008-05-21 2008-05-20 RHEA-2008:0436 2.6.18-92
RHEL 5. 1 2007-11-07 2007-11-07 RHEA-2007:0854 2.6.18-53
RHEL 5.0 2007-03-15 2.6.18-8

Codename: Tikanga (based on Fedora Core 6)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4

Release/Update General Availability Date redhat-release Errata Date* Kernel Version
RHEL 4 Update 9 2011-02-16 2011-02-16 RHEA-2011:0251 2.6.9-100
RHEL 4 Update 8 2009-05-19 2009-05-18 RHEA-2009:1002 2.6.9-89
RHEL 4 Update 7 2008-07-29 2008-07-24 RHEA-2008:0769 2.6.9-78
RHEL 4 Update 6 2007-11-15 2007-11-15 RHBA-2007:0897 2.6.9-67
RHEL 4 Update 5 2007-05-01 2007-04-27 RHBA-2007:0196 2.6.9-55
RHEL 4 Update 4 2006-08-10 2006-08-10 RHBA-2006:0601 2.6.9-42
RHEL 4 Update 3 2006-03-12 2006-03-07 RHBA-2006:0149 2.6.9-34
RHEL 4 Update 2 2005-10-05 2005-10-05 RHEA-2005:786 2.6.9-22
RHEL 4 Update 1 2005-06-08 2005-06-08 RHEA-2005:318 2.6.9-11
RHEL 4 GA 2005-02-15 2.6.9-5

Codename: Nahant (based on Fedora Core 3)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3

Release/Update General Availability Date Kernel Version
RHEL 3 Update 9 2007-06-20 2.4.21-50
RHEL 3 Update 8 2006-07-20 2.4.21-47
RHEL 3 Update 7 2006-03-17 2.4.21-40
RHEL 3 Update 6 2005-09-28 2.4.21-37
RHEL 3 Update 5 2005-05-18 2.4.21-32
RHEL 3 Update 4 2004-12-12 2.4.21-27
RHEL 3 Update 3 2004-09-03 2.4.21-20
RHEL 3 Update 2 2004-05-12 2.4.21-15
RHEL 3 Update 1 2004-01-16 2.4.21-9
RHEL 3 GA 2003-10-22 2.4.21-4

Codename: Taroon (based on Red Hat Linux 9)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1

Release/Update General Availability Date Kernel Version
RHEL 2.1 Update 7 2005-04-28
RHEL 2.1 Update 6 2004-12-13 2.4.9-e.57
RHEL 2.1 Update 5 2004-08-18 2.4.9-e.49
RHEL 2.1 Update 4 2004-04-21 2.4.9-e.40
RHEL 2.1 Update 3 2004-12-19 2.4.9-e.34
RHEL 2.1 Update 2 2003-03-29 2.4.9-e.24
RHEL 2.1 Update 1 2003-02-14 2.4.9-e.12
RHEL 2.1 GA 2002-03-23 2.4.9-e.3

Codename: Pensacola (AS) / Panama (ES) (based on Red Hat Linux 7.2)

* Helpful when cloning channels in Satellite for a minor version plus all errata prior to the next minor release using spacewalk-clone-by-date or the webUI.


How to Check Linux Red Hat (RHEL) Version Installed On Your System

Red Hat is a popular and influential fork of the Linux operating system. It has been around since the mid-1990s and has earned a reputation for being stable, reliable, and regularly updated. There are many Linux operating systems based on Red Hat architecture, such as RHEL, CentOS and Fedora.

Finding your Red Hat version is straightforward. This tutorial shows you five ways to check the version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

how to check linux redhat version

  • A system running RHEL, CentOS, or another Red-Hat-based Linux distribution
  • A terminal window/command line (Ctrl-Alt-F2)

5 Ways to Find Version of Red Hat Linux (RHEL)

Option 1: Use hostnamectl

The hostnamectl command is usually used to track the way your system appears on a network. However, it also includes information such as the OS and version, making it a quick and handy way to check these specifics.

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Open a terminal window and enter the following:

check red hat version with hostnamectl1

The fields you are interested in are:

  • Operating System: This tells you which Linux fork you are using, and which major release.
  • Kernel: This is the version of the Linux kernel your operating system is using.
  • Architecture: This tells you whether you are running a 32-bit or 64-bit operating system, which is essential when choosing a software package to install.

Option 2: Find Version in /etc/redhat-release File

Red Hat-based distros contain release files located in the /etc/redhat-release directory.

For example, os-release, system-release, and redhat-release.

To check each file for your Red Hat OS version use the command:

check red hat version in release file

In the image above, you can see that this system is using the version CentOS 7.6.1810.

Option 3: Check Query Release Package with RPM

Alternatively, you can use the rpm command to query Red Hat’s release package.

Enter the following command:

Specifically, use the command that is appropriate for your version of Linux (RHEL or CentOS distribution).

check query release package with rpm

Expect more details than when using hostnamectl .

Option 4: Finding Red Hat Version and Release Using /etc/issue File

You can check the Red Hat version within the /etc/issue file.

Option 5: Check Common Platform Enumeration File

Check the CPE file for your Red Hat version by entering:

The system should return a full name and version of your operating system.

Check Other Release Files

Your Linux operating system keeps a set of release files in the /etc/ directory.

List the file names of release versions by typing the following command:

Each of the entries listed holds information about your Red Hat version.

Use the cat (concatenate) command to list the contents of the files:

other release files in RHEL

You can substitute the names of the files displayed on your system for the redhat-release file in the example above.

Discussion on Red Hat Versions

At the moment, RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), and CentOS are two of the most popular versions of Red Hat Linux.

The Red Hat version is different from the Linux Kernel version. The Linux Kernel is like the central brain of the Linux operating system and can be updated independently of the operating system. The Operating System version is the release version number of the whole OS package.

You may see a Red Hat version number like Red Hat 7.3. The number 7 refers to a major release, much like “Windows 7” and “Windows 10.” The number following the dot refers to the level of patches and minor updates. So Red Hat 7.3 is Red Hat version 7, patched and updated to 7.3.

After reading this article, you will know how to check or find your Red Hat operating system version in a number of ways.

Finally, for more information about the Red Hat family of Linux, please see the official Red Hat documentation.


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