Whois is on my wifi

Who Is On My Wifi for Windows

It’s not uncommon to find that a lot of people are using your Wi-Fi network without your permission. Just because it isn’t uncommon doesn’t mean it’s not frustrating to have to share your Wi-Fi. With that said, it’s important to make sure that you’re keeping a close eye on who’s using your Wi-Fi. Even if you’re not trying to weed out Wi-Fi leeches, knowing who’s using your Wi-Fi can help you keep track of Internet speeds and data usage. Who Is On My Wifi by IO3O LLC is a utility tool that lets you check who’s using your Wi-Fi.

The Positives

This program has one job, and it does perform its purpose well. Installing the software was a painless process, so once you download the installer file and run the program, you’ll be able to use it immediately. Typically, you’ll be taken to a Wizard mode where the program will walk you through the process of using the program.

Finding out who is on your Wi-Fi is an easy process. All you have to do is click scan now and Who Is On My Wi-Fi will scan your network for all of the devices connected. The scan takes a few minutes, but the list of results the program gets is quite comprehensive so it’s worth the wait.

The program also possesses a lot of features that users will appreciate. One such feature is being able to schedule scans. Who Is On My Wi-Fi automatically scans your network every few minutes. You can also set the frequency of these scans. You can choose to set the program to scan every 2 to 10 minutes. This is great because it allows you to check your network frequently and without having to go through a lot of trouble.

The Negatives

Probably the biggest issue with this program is the fact that the design isn’t very good. It has a dark blue and white color scheme. While that in itself isn’t bad, what’s really painful to the eye is the bright yellow highlight that they chose to use for the devices after you scan your network. Additionally, it’s a bit annoying to have to manually change the networks from UNKNOWN to KNOWN. Finally, the fact that notifications have both a Windows pop-up and a voice notification is unnecessary and frustration. All that said, none of these things are terrible enough that it would shy users away from the program. It’s still perfectly acceptable.

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Good at What It Does

Who Is On My Wifi’s purpose is to help users find out who is using their Wi-Fi and it certainly performs its duties well with speed and efficiency. The design of the software could have been a little better. However, it is ultimately not terrible enough to be a deal breaker. The useful features that the program possesses more than makes up for the unfortunate design choices. If you want to keep an eye on who’s using your Wi-Fi network, go ahead and use this program. It definitely won’t let you down.

Find unknown computers on your network.

Find any rogue laptops on your corporate network, and do something about it. Who Is On My Wifi will show you every computer on your network, notify you about the new computers, and allow you to block the intruders. Is someone using my wireless? Are employee’s plugging in home laptops on the corporate lan? Find out now with Who Is On My Wifi. It is an ideal internal security network monitoring system for your small to medium sized business.

Who’s On My Wifi has the highest quality hardware intruder detection engine of any software available. When you add this to the new blocking feature which effectively disables an intruder on your network, it’s first class software that is truly one of a kind.

People who are concerned about their networks security are our happy customers. This doesn’t mean hackers though. It’s really for Network Admins, aspiring Network Admins, people who work in IT, and people who are the tech support of their household

  • Scanning is quick
  • Installation was fast and uncomplicated
  • Can set a schedule for scanning the network
  • Has extensive event log


Who s On My Wifi: поиск воров вайфая в домашней сети


Приветствую на нашем портале WiFiGid.ru! В этом кратком обзоре я рассмотрю программу Who Is On My Wifi, которую часто используют для мониторинга подключения сторонних устройств к вашей домашней сети. Но обо всем уже ниже.


Самое главное, что умеет программа – сканирует вашу сеть, находит все устройства, подключенные к ней в данный момент, и отображает список всех подключенных устройств вам. В дальнейшем при подключении кого-то нового к сети появится оповещение.

  1. При первичном сканировании – отображает подключенные устройства.
  2. При мониторинге – следит за новыми подключениями и выдает оповещения.

Многие пишут про блокировку чужих девайсов – но на практике такое реализуется исключительно через роутер. Но выявить воров и злодеев таким способом вполне можно.

Who s On My Wifi: поиск воров вайфая в домашней сети

P.S. Программа распространяется как условно-бесплатная, в полной версии по заявлению производителя все-таки функция блокировки имеется. Лично не проверяли за ненадобностью, используемый метод не выяснен.

Если вам не подошла эта программа, то у нас есть полная подборка методов по устранению тех, кто самовольно подключен к вашему вайфаю. ЧИТАЕМ ЗДЕСЬ.

Да и вообще, предлагаю один раз увидеть все в процессе работы, чем читать бесконечные тексты:

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Если старенькая программа выше была доступна исключительно на ПК под Windows, то в Play Market было найдено одноименное приложение «Who is on my wifi».

ОФИЦИАЛЬНАЯ ССЫЛКА – приложение удалено, но если ввести в поиск то же название, появится список аналогов, ибо свято место пусто не бывает.

Судя по скриншоту ниже – функционал тот же самый (да чего тут еще придумывать то):

Who s On My Wifi: поиск воров вайфая в домашней сети

На этом и закончу. Краткий обзор доисторической программы выдал, ссылку на полную статью по выявлению нарушителей вашего личного пространства с современными методами и программами дал, аналог на Андроиде нашел. Всем до скорых встреч на нашем портале WiFiGid! Свои мысли и вопросы можно писать в комментариях ниже.


Who Is On My Wifi для Windows

Who Is On My Wifi скриншот № 1

Who Is On My Wifi — утилита для выявления всех устройств, которые в данный момент подключены к сети WiFi. С помощью этого инструмента можно обезопасить себя от несанкционированного доступа пользователей, использующих сеть без разрешения, а также сохранить скорость передачи данных. При первичном сканировании программа отобразит список всех устройств в сети, среди которых сразу же можно отметить легальные, а неизвестные — удалить. При появлении нового подключения утилита оповестит об этом звуковым сигналом и всплывающей подсказкой, что позволит принять необходимые меры предосторожности. В последствии сканирование сети происходит каждые 5 минут в фоновом режиме. Разработчики Who Is On My Wifi постарались максимально упростить пользование программой, снабдив ее пошаговым руководством к действию, что поможет без труда освоить навыки работы с инструментом.

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Отзывы о программе Who Is On My Wifi

10 | 3 | Ответить

Лана про Who Is On My Wifi 3.0.2 [27-09-2015] Люблю эту програмку. Очень простая и быстрая.Сканирует за секунду и сразу показывает кто подключен к вашему wi-fi.
2 | 2 | Ответить

владислав в ответ Лана про Who Is On My Wifi 4.0.4 [30-11-2018] регистрация обязательна?
2 | 3 | Ответить


who-is-on-my-wifi 1.3.5

Help you to find who is stealing your WiFI network, scan your WiFI and show you how many devices are currently connected!

Ссылки проекта



Лицензия: MIT License (MIT)



Описание проекта

Who is on my WiFi

Who-is-on-my-wifi is a Python3 cli project that allows you to see who is stealing your WiFI network, scan your WiFI and show you how many devices are connected. Software can be installed on any Windows and Linux device (Mac not verified).

Table of contents



pip3 install who-is-on-my-wifi

Debian based

Download the latest debian package and then run the code:

sudo dpkg -i Python-Who-Is-On-My-WiFi*.deb

Or download the latest deb for example from release page and follow these commands.

 wget https://github.com/tucnakomet1/Python-Who-Is-On-My-WiFi/releases/download/1.3.5/who-is-on-my-wifi-v1.3.5.deb sudo dpkg -i who-is-on-my-wifi-v1.3.5.deb rm who-is-on-my-wifi-v1.3.5.deb  sudo dpkg -r who-is-on-my-wifi-v1.3.5

Tarball/ Source

Download the latest tar release. Use any file manager or run command to extract package:

 tar -xvzf Python-Who-Is-On-My-WiFi*.tar.gz unzip Python-Who-Is-On-My-WiFi*.zip git clone https://github.com/tucnakomet1/Python-Who-Is-On-My-WiFi.git 




usage: wiom [-h] [-v] [-c] [-d] [-w] [-t] Who-Is-On-My-WIFi optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --version show current version -l, --license show Open Source License -c, --contact show contact -d, --device show information about your device -w, --who show who is on your WiFi! -t , --time int supplement for '-w' command (scanning '-t' seconds) GitHub: 

How to see who is on my wifi?

. You have to run this command as sudo or as Administrator .

linux@name:~$ sudo wiom -w linux@name:~$ sudo wiom -w -t 

How to get information about my device?



How to see who is on my wifi?

. You have to run this script as sudo or as Administrator .

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How to get information about my device?


RuntimeError: Sniffing and sending packets is not available at layer 2: winpcap is not installed

This error means that you don't have WinPcap installed.
To fix this you have to download it from their web page.

/bash/sh: 1: route: not found.

This error means that you don't have net-tools installed.
To fix this you have to download it using sudo apt-get install net-tools



RuntimeError: Sniffing and sending packets is not available at layer 2: winpcap is not installed

This error means that you don't have ***WinPcap*** installed.
To fix this you have to [download](https://www.winpcap.org/install/) it from their web page.

/bash/sh: 1: route: not found.

This error means that you don't have net-tools installed.
To fix this you have to download it using sudo apt-get install net-tools



MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 Tucna Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.


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