Why not using linux

Why not to use Linux?

One of the key charges against Linux from Windows users is that important software cannot be run on the open-source operating system. While Windows software cannot be installed or run natively, it can be run on Linux with tools such as Wine.

What is the disadvantage of using Linux?

  • Adaptation. For people who are less expertise in computers it can be hard to understand Linux. .
  • Software Compatibility. Popular applications which are made for Windows and Mac are not available for Linux. .
  • Gaming. .
  • Hardware Compatibility. .
  • Technical Support.

Why should I not switch to Linux?

There would be a number of hidden bugs, incompatibility issues and missing helpful features. If you are heavily depending on Microsoft’s services in your work or study life, then Linux may not be the best default OS for you.

Why should I use Windows instead of Linux?

Linux offers great speed and security, on the other hand, Windows offers great ease of use, so that even non-tech-savvy people can work easily on personal computers. Linux is employed by many corporate organizations as servers and OS for security purpose while Windows is mostly employed by business users and gamers.

If you do these 5 things. You should NOT use Linux

What Linux can do that Windows can t?

  • Test a Distro Through Live Boot. .
  • Choose From So Many Distros and Flavors. .
  • Use the OS for Free Forever. .
  • Create Your Own Operating System. .
  • Use the OS Without Needing an Antivirus. .
  • Don’t Need to Restart the PC at Each Step. .
  • Use Lightweight Distros to Resurrect Old PCs and Laptops.
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Does anyone still use Linux?

As of April 2023, Android, an operating system using the Linux kernel, is the world’s most-used operating system when judged by web use. It has 42% of the global market, followed by Windows with 28%, iOS with 17%, macOS with 7%, ChromeOS 1.3%, then (desktop) Linux at 1.2% also using the Linux kernel.

Why do professionals prefer Linux?

Linux is also popular among technical users because you can customize it to a greater degree than other operating systems. You have a choice of desktop environments, window managers, and apps. You can even run Linux without a GUI if you want to. And many servers do.

Why is Linux not used more widely?

Hardware manufacturers, make the drivers primarily for widely used Operating systems first. Then later on release drivers for Linux or might not release at all. The reason is the same as why popular apps and games not developed. Then in such cases, users have to rely on open-source drivers.

Will I lose everything if I switch to Linux?

Creating a Separate Home Partition

Once you’re ready to switch Linux distros or perform an upgrade, you’re free to wipe out the first partition that contains the operating system and your installed applications. However, the second partition that has all of your personal files and preferences can remain untouched.

What are the risks of Linux?

Vulnerabilities in a Linux operating system will result in various attack vectors such as viruses, worms, ransomware, rootkits, etc. Cyber attackers will use the existing vulnerabilities to inject malicious code into a system without the user’s consent.

What are the risks of Linux operating system?

  • Bad Passwords – Bad passwords are one of the easiest ways for an attacker to gain access to a system.
  • Vulnerable Client Applications – Although an administrator may have a fully secure and patched server, that does not mean remote users are secure when accessing it.

What 3 devices currently use the Linux OS?

Many devices you probably own, such as Android phones and tablets and Chromebooks, digital storage devices, personal video recorders, cameras, wearables, and more, also run Linux. Your car has Linux running under the hood.

Why do all hackers use Linux?

Linux is the most popular choice for hackers due to its flexibility, open source platform, portability and command line interface and compatibility with popular hacking tools. Windows is a required, but dreaded target for most hackers because it requires them to work in Windows-only environments.

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Why is Linux killing my process?

The Linux Kernel may also decide to terminate one or more processes when the system is running low on resources. A very common example of that is the out-of-memory (OOM) killer, which takes action when the system’s physical memory is getting exhausted.

Why do hackers choose Linux?

Because of its open-source status, adaptability, control, and reliability, Linux is a preferred operating system among ethical hackers. For hacking and penetration testing, Linux provides a wide range of tools and applications. Its command-line interface makes difficult and automated tasks simpler.

What kind of people use Linux?

Linux is used by many professionals and companies. Linux developers, IT systems administrators, Linux support engineers, software engineers, technical support, and Kernel administrators use the open-source operating system.

What’s the point of using Linux?

You can install Linux as a web server, desktop, firewall, or file server. As a Linux user, you can control every part of the operating system. Linux does not come with bloatware, and as you install Linux, you can pick and choose which features you need, which you don’t even want to install, and which you want disabled.

Why is Linux so much faster than Windows?

First of all, Linux is very lightweight while Windows is heavy. In Windows, a lot of programs run in the background and they eat up the RAM. Secondly, in Linux, the file system is very much organized. Linux usually uses less RAM and CPU usage, so it can boot and run faster than Windows.

Does Bill Gates use Linux?

Unless there’s something specific to which you’re referring, I’d say not. Bill Gates borrowed from Unix a bit, but every OS at the time did, and frankly, he didn’t borrow nearly enough. But strictly speaking, Linux didn’t come into existence until the early 90’s, and it “wasn’t a thing” until a long time after that.

Does the US government use Linux?

The United States Department of Defense uses Linux — «the U.S. Army is the single largest installed base for Red Hat Linux» and the US Navy nuclear submarine fleet runs on Linux, including their sonar systems.

Does Google still use Linux?

To let each Googler work in the environment they are most productive in, we operate many OS-platforms including a Linux system.

Do most hackers use Linux?

The greatest and most widely used operating system for hackers is Kali Linux. It includes the first Nexus device open-source Android penetration test. The forensic mode is another excellent feature of the Kali Linux operating system.

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Чем так плох Linux? Почему даже в нынешних реалиях он не набирает популярность

Сейчас в нашей стране проблема с получением Windows 10/11 — загрузить дистрибутив с официального сайта невозможно. Тем самым пользователи не спешат переходить на бесплатные сборки Linux, а ищут различные пути получения Windows. Обсудим, чем же так плох Linux, что даже в нынешних реалиях на него мало кто обращает внимание.

Слишком много дистрибутивов

Manjaro, Ubuntu (а также различные ответвления: Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu LTS…), Linux Mint, Elementary OS, JingOS, Linux Lite, Fedora Workstation, Debian, openSUSE, Slax, Gentoo, Astra Linux — это только то, что пришло в голову на момент написания статьи. Дистрибутивов на самом деле еще больше.

И каждый чем-то отличается от другого. Выбрать действительно сложно, даже отзывы начинающему вряд ли помогут — часть пользователей советует одну, другая часть — другое. Тут можно провести параллель с iPhone: Apple выпускает 2-3 модели в год, и выбора особо у «яблочных» юзеров нет. Так и с Windows — сейчас или 10 или 11.

Было бы очень хорошо, если бы Linux-сообщество не было так раздроблено — можно было объединиться и создать 2-3 очень стабильных версии системы и заниматься доработкой.

Отсутствие привычных программ и совместимость

Так как Windows намного популярнее Linux, привычные всем программы в Linux выглядят иначе. К ним нужно привыкать. Могут возникнуть проблемы с совместимостью. Даже взять документ Word, который создан в Windows: если открывать его с помощью текстовых редакторов под Linux, то отображаться он может иначе, особенно, если содержит формулы, графики и таблицы.

Даже на визуальные правки будет уходить время, что, например, не очень понравится бизнесу. На работе проще использовать то, что по умолчанию работает «из коробки».

Например, с Excel тоже могут возникнуть проблемы. Недавно мне скинули файл с VBA макросами, созданный под Windows. Увы, чтобы корректно заставить работать код VBA нужно было внести много правок в документ.

Пугает консоль

Не все действия в Linux-подобной операционной системе можно выполнить в диалоговом режиме. Все равно когда-то наступит время, и нужно будет открывать загадочную консоль и вводить нужные команды, которые еще нужно знать. Иногда, чтобы выполнить простое действие, нужно ввести с 10-ок команд.

Особенно, если поднимаешь веб-сервер или какое-то ПО, которое не имеет графической оболочки. А если процесс вдруг зависнет «на полпути», то нужно будет начинать все снова.

Документация в основном на английском

Исторически сложилось так, что пользователь Linux должен хорошо знать английский. Да, есть сообщество на русском языке, но большая часть информации конечно же будет на английском. Также не всегда переведен софт, в отличие от Windows, — это может доставить проблем пользователю, который не понимает языка.


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