Wi fi is currently blocked by rfkill

Настройка Wi-Fi без подключения монитора и клавиатуры на Raspberry Pi

Приветствую, дорогой читатель! Много вопросов возникло у начинающих пользователей и я продолжаю писать статьи для них. Сегодня разберем немаловажный вопрос, а именно настройку Wi-Fi без подключения монитора и клавиатуры на Raspberry Pi. Я уже писал статью про то, как Получить доступ по SSH без подключения монитора и клавиатуры на Raspberry Pi. Этот вопрос из той же категории и мы его сегодня рассмотрим.

Для решения данной задачи нам потребуется сделать следующее:

Выключаем питание на Raspberry Pi
Достаём MicroSD карту из Raspberry Pi и вставляем в Ваш компьютер (можно использовать переходники microSD->SD или microSD->USB или любой кардридер)
После этого у нас на компьютере появляется флешка с названием boot

В корне нашей флешки создаем файл wpa_supplicant.conf или скачиваем готовый файл со следующим содержимым:

В данной конструкции Вам нужно поменять 2 параметра:

После всех правок у Вас должны получиться примерно следующие настройки (привожу пример своих настроек)

Сохраняем в корне нашей флешки.

Хочу предупредить, что Ваши настройки будут в отрытом виде. Если у Вас украдут флешку, злоумышленники узнают пароль от Вашего Wi-Fi и будут пользоваться Вашим интернетом бесплатно.

После того, как Вы добавили файл в корневой раздел MicroSD карты, извлекаем ее из компьютера и вставляем ее в Raspberry Pi. После этого включаем малину.

ВНИМАНИЕ Данный способ не работает для скрытых сетей Wi-Fi

Таким же образом я настраивал доступ по SSH — можете ознакомиться.

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Wi fi is currently blocked by rfkill

It’s clear that it’s rfkill doing this, because when I go plug them into a wired network and ssh on, almost the first thing displayed says it’s rfkill:

SSH is enabled and the default password for the ‘pi’ user has not been changed.
This is a security risk — please login as the ‘pi’ user and type ‘passwd’ to set a new password.

Wi-Fi is currently blocked by rfkill.
Use raspi-config to set the country before use.

Now I’m not sure why the message about setting the country before use is coming up, as I carefully set that in wpa_supplicants (and I did double-check that it is definitely meant to be «GB» and not «UK» and that I’ve done it just like it says on the headless page)

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Is there some issue with the order that things are being done in or is the value in wpa_supplicants being ignored because raspi-config has not been run?

To resolve it I have been using sudo rfkill unblock wifi, then rebooting and it works right away then without the network cable when it comes back up (and it doesn’t change anything about the wpa_supplicants file, so I’m not convinced it’s a problem with that file)

Ideally what I am after is a way that I can set things to ensure that it comes up on first boot. I do change the credentials right away but the risk is limited on my network (and in the past I’d managed to set a non-standard default password by changing the files on the SD card before putting it in, which I would remind myself how to do if I could get the rfkill thing sorted!)

Also would prefer (if possible!) to properly get to the bottom of this, rather than fall back on a hacky solution (ie a script that runs on first boot to trigger rfkill unblock wifi) or resorting to some more involved solution (eg Pi Bakery etc)

Let me know if there’s anything other info I should supply or actions to try.


How to disable «Wi-Fi is currently blocked by rfkill.» message?

I do not want to see the following message when I login to my Pi ( 5.10.17-v8+ #1403 SMP PREEMPT Mon Feb 22 11:37:54 GMT 2021 aarch64 GNU/Linux ):

Wi-Fi is currently blocked by rfkill. Use raspi-config to set the country before use. 

A way to do this non-interactively would be nice. I don’t mean CLI, I mean by writing to bootfs. Use case: I have a Pi 3A+, no screen, no keyboard. I had to run sudo rfkill unblock wifi (thanks @Kingsley) from the UART interface.

7 Answers 7

Run sudo raspi-config and set the wifi country code by going to

Then select your country code from the list

@GordonFogus — yes — you can use raspi-config non-interactively . sudo raspi-config nonint do_wifi_country XX — use appropriate value for XX

I’m stealing/promoting @Jaromanda X’s answer here, as it’s a one-liner and avoids having to fumble through the «GUI» to set the Wi-Fi region/country:

sudo raspi-config nonint do_wifi_country XX 

XX is country code, you can find your country’s code here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1

I updated a Pi 3b to Bullseye and had this issue. I tried the country code and the urfkill installation and the rfkill unblock command. In the end, I also needed to run

sudo connmanctl enable wifi 

No matter what I tried the raspi-config always failed with:

Could not communicate with wpa_supplicant

I already had the country code in the /etc/wpa_applicant/wpa_applicant.conf too.

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In the end I used the rfkill command to enable it manually.

This seems to preserve the unblocked status, at least through warm-reboots.

Then (with quite a bit more stuffing around) it all worked.

It’s a bit of a shame the «out-of-box» configuration scripts can’t get this working.

You can check this status with rfkill list and you’ll see Soft blocked: yes against the device. The unblocked status is saved in a file under /var/lib/systemd/rfkill/ and so survives a cold reboot. The point of this is to prevent unconfigured wifi transmitting on wrong frequencies for the country it’s operating in.

@Gauthier agree, one would expect so. Seems like a bug that the file under /var/lib/systemd/rfkill/ wins out, but perhaps there are other good reasons that they do it that way.

The easiest way (that I’ve found) to programmatically make this message go away was to add the following to /boot/config.txt :

Yes, this does disable WiFi, but that was not a constraint in the original question (in other words, the question didn’t say that disabling WiFi was unacceptable).

While I was at it, I also disabled Bluetooth, since I didn’t need that either:

Indeed, it’s notable that OP is logging in via ssh and therefore has some other kind of networking configured and working.

You might consider install urfkill , as in:

sudo apt install urfkill sudo rfkill unblock wifi 

I encountered this problem setting up my Pi 4 with the 2021-10-30 version of Bullseye Lite. The howto I followed had a wpa_supplicant.conf file that started with:

country=US ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev update_config=1 

and when I hooked up via Ethernet, rfkill complained that the country code was invalid. I used raspi-config to «update» it with the same value, and the first three lines came out as:

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev update_config=1 country=US 

The WiFi started working correctly.

When I used the changed sequence on my Pi Zero W, it worked correctly the first time.

Looks like some code in the startup software is fussy about the order in which it finds parameters.


Wi-Fi блокируется при запуске rfkill

У меня есть небольшой компьютер Acer Revo с Ubuntu 14.10, который я настраиваю для работы в качестве портативного медиацентра.

Я пытаюсь настроить его как точку доступа WiFi, чтобы я мог управлять XBMC/Kodi с Android-устройств через приложение. Это работает отлично до сих пор.

Тем не менее, у меня проблемы с тем, что при каждом запуске rfkill блокируется WiFi.

  • Я попытался разблокировать его в /etc/rc.local (rfkill unblock wifi), но это не работает. Все, что заставляет rfkill блокировать WiFi, вероятно, происходит после завершения работы rc.local.
  • Если после перезагрузки я достаточно быстро подключаюсь к ПК, я вижу, что WiFi фактически работает в течение нескольких секунд, а затем блокируется. Я также вижу сеть на своем смартфоне, но она исчезает вскоре после появления.
  • Я нашел файл, который предположительно хранит состояние rfkill: /var/lib/rfkill/ сохраненное состояние. Изменение строки на phy0 0 или phy0 1 не решает проблему. Кроме того, файл, кажется, не изменяется вообще, поэтому, что бы ни сохраняло состояние, оно не работает.
  • Я попытался удалить сценарии запуска для rfkill (/etc/init/rfkill-[re]store) — без улучшений.
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Для меня работала следующая строка в rc.local:

sh -c "sleep 10 && rfkill unblock wifi" & 

Но это дурацкий обходной путь, я должен отключить автозапуск служб AP и DHCP и запускать их «вручную» в rc.local после разблокировки WiFi.

Что заставляет rfkill блокировать вещи при запуске? Как мне это отключить?


Wi fi is currently blocked by rfkill

I just installed and updated Buster on my Raspi model 3B and I find that the on-board wifi doesn’t work. What is worse, wlan0 is missing.
I have read in several places that the wifi driver could be blocked by rfkill, so I looked with the command ‘rfkill list’.
However rfkill is apparently wrongly installed because I get:

rfkill: cannot open /dev/rfkill 

for which I really could not find a solution. /dev/rfkill does not exist, but is there a way to create it even if it didn’t get created on installation?

The thing is that on this same raspi I had running an old version of Stretch with no problems at all. I updated to the most recent version and
the wifi disappeared. Seeing that, I updated to Buster, with the same results. Ethernet, on the other hand, is working well.

But first, I would like to know what happens with rfkill. Somebody has a clue?

thagrol Posts: 9498 Joined: Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:41 pm Location: Darkest Somerset, UK

Re: rfkill not working

I don’t have a real solution but do have simalar behaviour.

Two 4B (a 1G and a 2G bot rev 1.1).

Both running Buster and updated at the same time.

Both show «4.19.97-v7l+ #1294 SMP Thu Jan 30 13:21:14 GMT 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux» from «uname -a»

Both have this in /boot/config.txt

## disable BT and WiFi dtoverlay=disable-bt dtoverlay=disable-wifi
rfkill: cannot open /dev/rfkill: Permission denied rfkill: cannot read /dev/rfkill: Bad file descriptor 

I managed to hide the messages by editing /etc/profile.d/wifi-check.sh as shown:

( exit 0 export TEXTDOMAIN=wifi-check . gettext.sh if [ ! -x /usr/sbin/rfkill ] || [ ! -c /dev/rfkill ]; then exit 0 fi if ! /usr/sbin/rfkill list wifi | grep -q "Soft blocked: yes" ; then exit 0 fi echo /usr/bin/gettext -s "Wi-Fi is currently blocked by rfkill." /usr/bin/gettext -s "Use raspi-config to set the country before use." echo ) 

Added the second line which forces the script to exit without doing anything.

There are a couple of other differences in config.txt on those Pi so investigations continue.

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