Wi fi is it dangerous

The Dangers of WiFi: Wifi A Silent Killer That Kills Us Slowly

Dangers of WiFi

In today’s world, one cannot imagine their routine without an internet connection. The Internet has become part and parcel of life and is very useful in daily activities whether it is personal or professional.

Initially, people use to get connected to the internet through wired channels, and with the evolution and introduction of smartphones, one can get access to the internet on phone.

Smartphones are the must-have gadget of all individuals with an internet connection. Wi-Fi allows people to get hotspots to connect to the internet. here Check out the Dangers of WiFi:

The Dangers of WiFi:

The wireless wi-fi routers emit electromagnetic radiations that exert adverse effects on the body both physically and psychologically.

It creates oxidative stress in the body causing damage to vital organs, brain, heart, and reproductive system. With time, one can find difficulty in physiological and neurological performance.

1. Development of Insomnia:

Adequate sleep and a defined schedule of the sleep cycle are quite important to maintain overall health and vitality. People who constantly use cell phones and wifi will find it difficult to fall asleep, this is because of low-frequency modulation emitted from these devices.

2. Affects Brain Function:

Constant use of the internet can affect the proper functioning of the brain resulting in loss of concentration and memory.

3. Causes Cardiac Stress:

Wifi can increase the heart rate and the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

4. Neutralizes Sperm:

It affects men’s fertility. It damages the sperm DNA causing fragmentation and the sperms will not be available for fertilization, if at all fertilization occurs, it can cause fetal abnormalities. EMR also affects sperm movement.

5. Increases the Risk of Cancer:

Wifi emits electromagnetic radiation that increases the risk of cancer. It potentiates the multiplication of cells.

6. Make you Tired:

People using wifi are constantly sitting at one place and working on the diseases, it results in chronic fatigue.

7. Risk of Miscarriage:

Shocking new research appears to suggest that mobile phones and WiFi signals may increase the risk of miscarriage in pregnant women by nearly 50%. Pregnant women should avoid keeping phones near their bellies as radiations are constantly emitted through it. The radiofrequency radiations emitted from wi-fi affect cellular development and affects growing tissues.

8. Affects of wifi on Children:

The effects of wifi on children cannot be ignored and children should be encouraged to avoid its use and go out for outdoor physical activity. A child’s skull will be thin and absorbs all the harmful radiation. Here is the list of effects of wifi on children

  • Behavioral problems: Phone addiction is quite dangerous in children and they cannot restrain themselves from using phones. Behavioral problems are quite common in children when asked to stop its usage. It also results in ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).
  • Nausea, Earaches, and headaches are also common due to the usage of wifi
  • Difficulty in vision and vision problems are also common due to the usage of phones
  • Auto-immune diseases
  • Girls keeping phones in bra area can result in breast cancers
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Measures to prevent its adverse effects

  • It is impossible to avoid usage of wifi, but take measures to keep it at a distance. Try to use cable phones and go for texting rather than talking as it eliminates EMR.
  • Keep your device away from the body and if possible keep it in a bag. As all the effect is due to the wifi radiations, try to keep the phone on airplane mode or turn it off.
  • Avoid placing a wireless router in your kitchen or bedroom.
  • If you’re pregnant, don’t keep the phone close to the belly.
  • Children are the worst affected as it slows their physical and mental development. Considering its risk-benefit ratio, it is always good to use wifi in moderation and switch it off when not in use.
  • Disconnect all Wi-Fi devices before going to sleep.

Wifi is a silent killer that slowly and gradually affects the body. One has to take all the necessary precautionary measures to prevent its adverse effects.


How to Avoid Public WiFi Security Risks

Wi-Fi users are at risk from hackers, but fortunately there are safeguards against them. The recent explosion of free, public Wi-Fi has been an enormous boon for working professionals. Since these free access points are available at restaurants, hotels, airports, bookstores, and even random retail outlets, you are rarely more than a short trip away from access to your network, and your work. This freedom comes at a price, though, and few truly understand the public Wi-Fi risks associated with these connections. Learning how to protect yourself will ensure your important business data remains safe.

The Risks of a Public Wi-fi

The same features that make free Wi-Fi hotspots desirable for consumers make them desirable for hackers; namely, that it requires no authentication to establish a network connection. This creates an amazing opportunity for the hacker to get unfettered access to unsecured devices on the same network.

The biggest threat to free Wi-Fi security is the ability for the hacker to position himself between you and the connection point. So instead of talking directly with the hotspot, you’re sending your information to the hacker, who then relays it on.

While working in this setup, the hacker has access to every piece of information you’re sending out on the Internet: important emails, credit card information and even security credentials to your business network. Once the hacker has that information, he can — at his leisure — access your systems as if he were you.

Hackers can also use an unsecured Wi-Fi connection to distribute malware. If you allow file-sharing across a network, the hacker can easily plant infected software on your computer. Some ingenious hackers have even managed to hack the connection point itself, causing a pop-up window to appear during the connection process offering an upgrade to a piece of popular software. Clicking the window installs the malware.

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As mobile Wi-Fi becomes increasingly common, you can expect Internet security issues and public Wi-Fi risks to grow over time. But this doesn’t mean you have to stay away from free Wi-Fi and tether yourself to a desk again. The vast majority of hackers are simply going after easy targets, and taking a few precautions should keep your information safe.

How to Avoid Public WiFi Security Risks

The recent explosion of free, public WiFi has been an enormous boon for working professionals. Since these free access points are available at restaurants, hotels, airports, bookstores, and even random retail outlets, you are rarely more than a short trip away from access to your network, and your work. This freedom comes at a price, though, and few truly understand the public Wi-Fi risks associated with these connections. Learning how to protect yourself will ensure your important business data remains safe.


Wi-Fi Or WiFry: Is Wi-Fi Dangerous To Your Health?

In today’s post, I’d like to follow on from our 5G mobile phone post in November. That post covered the dangers of microwave radiation and associated health effects. We showed the biological effects of cell phone radiation by using some of the mainstream studies.

In the modern world, we can’t escape being exposed to EMFs, from mobile phone masts, Bluetooth headsets, microwave ovens and wifi. This electromagnetic radiation has been shown to be a health risk in many studies.

Everywhere we go today, cafes and restaurants, planes, trains and cars, airports and train stations, hotels, schools and open areas in town and city centres. We even wear fitness trackers on our wrists, Garmin, Fitbit and Apple watch for example all emit electromagnetic fields from Bluetooth, WiFi and cell phone radiation. As do wireless headphones, alarms, TVs, and many more.

The mainstream information given by governments and NHS is that all this technology is 100% safe so don’t worry.

In a report in 2013 entitled WiFi A Thalidomide in the Making, Who Cares, by Barrie Trower an ex-Royal Navy microwave expert;

‘As stated by University Researchers, Government Scientists and International Scientific Advisors; a minimum of 57.7% of schoolgirls exposed to low-level microwave radiation (Wi-fi) are at risk of suffering a stillbirth, foetal abnormalities or genetically damaged children, when they give birth. Any genetic damage may pass to successive generations’.

So, is there a health risk from Wi-Fi routers and the radio waves they transmit?

What is WiFi and Can WiFi hurt you?

WiFi stands for Wireless Fidelity, but really it’s wireless internet. WiFi is invisible to the naked eye and operates in between radio waves and microwaves on the electromagnetic spectrum. Launched in the UK in the late 90s now access covers 90%.

They operate from masts and routers that beam high-speed superfast broadband into leisure areas, homes and workplaces. Most modern technology now will not allow usage without WiFi access.

Is WiFi Dangerous?

In France, they have banned WiFi in schools, why I hear you ask it’s safe?

On January 29th, 2015 the French National Assembly passed a new national law to reduce exposure to wireless radiation electromagnetic fields, and in doing so made history. Here are some headlines;

  1. Banned WiFi in nursery schools for children under 3.
  2. WiFi minimised in schools for children up to 11. WiFi routers will be turned off when not being used.
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Follow this link for the rest of the ruling. More countries have also banned WiFi in schools.

WiFi Health Risks and is it safe to Sleep Near a Wireless Router?

Children are constantly exposed to ‘pulsed microwave radiation’ 24/7, at home and at school. These devices are used over sensitive areas like, a childs; abdomen, genitals or their head. Routers are left turned on day and night, they pass through walls so passing through the human body will be no issue.

Here’s a list of proven health problems caused by WiFI;

  • Fertility
  • Oxidative Stress
  • EEG Changes
  • Neuropsychiatric Effects
  • Apoptosis
  • Cellular DNA Damage
  • Endocrine Changes
  • Calcium Overload
  • Memory and Learning Issues
  • Sleep Disruption
  • Cancer, Tumors
  • Headaches
  • Tinnitus
  • Heart Failure

The World Health Organisation (WHO) / International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), are warning about radiofrequency technologies like WiFi. The IARC classifies radiofrequency fields as ‘Possibly Carcinogenic to Humans’.

I can hear the alarm bells when these mainstream governing bodies use words like ‘POSSIBLY’.

We are living in an age where 100% escape from radiation is impossible, it’s everywhere. Yet no one in power seems concerned. People sit at home with iPADS on their laps allowing microwave radiation to pass through their bodies, and worse through their womb into an unborn child. I can understand that WiFi and other technologies seem to be exciting and fast, and the devices are cool and very useful.

But isn’t that what they thought about other products, like; cigs, lead, asbestos, talc, roundup ready, vapes, sugar, and the other 70,000 chemicals invented since WW2.

Sleeping next to a WiFi router, mobile phone, dect phone or dect base station, will alter your own biological frequency or resonance. According to Barrie Trower, WiFi was used as a microwave weapon, by the British, Americans and Russians.

Professor John Goldsmith, who is a consultant to the World Health Organisation, his findings are quite shocking and very scary. In his peer-reviewed research he found that;

‘Exposure to WiFi radiation, less than that in a school classroom, has become the leading cause of miscarriages. Women are 47% more likely to have miscarriages. Children absorb 5 times more radiation than adults because they carry more water in their cells. It will cause irreversible damage to DNA in children.

The World Health Organisation has highlighted the risks in a 350-page secret document known as the;

“International Symposium Research Agreement No. 05-609-04” (“Biological effects and damage to health by microwave radiation – biological effects and health and the excess mortality from artificial radiation of microwave radio frequency “).

The Russian National Committee for NON-Ionising Radiation Protection did its own research entitled “Effects on the health of Children and Adolescents”. They found children had an;

85% increase in diseases of the Central Nervous System

11% increase in mental retardation

82% risk of immune disease and risk to the fetus

Ask yourselves, why isn’t this being talked about by politicians? Why isn’t it on the News, we have a free press don’t we?


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