Wifi analyzer open source iphone

Wi-Fi Analyzer для iOS: инструкция по применению от Бородача


Привет всем! Сегодня в статье мы поговорим про программу WiFi Analyzer, которая работает из-под iOS. Как не странно, но на данной системе специализированных программ никак не меньше чем на Android. Также нужно понимать, что большинство подобных приложений нельзя встретить в системе App Store и поэтому придётся их искать на отдельных файл-обменниках, а уже потом загружать к себе на телефон.

Я решил вам рассказать не только про анализатор Wi-Fi для iOS, но также про дополнительные программы, которые работают с беспроводными сетями и должны быть вам полезны в той или иной ситуации.

ПОМОЩЬ! Если у вас возникли вопросы или вы хотите узнать про вай-фай приложение для iPhone или iPad, которого нет в списке – смело задавайте свои вопросы в комментариях, и я вам помогу. Также можете дополнить список.


Он же WiFi Analyzer для iOS хорошая программа, которая способна просканировать все ближайшие беспроводные сети. Кто когда-нибудь сканировал беспроводное пространство с помощью программ на компьютере или ноутбуке – должен примерно представлять как она работает.

Wi-Fi Analyzer для iOS: инструкция по применению от Бородача

После включения приложение сразу же начнет сканировать и принимать сигнал от всех ближайших роутеров. Можно будет увидеть уровень сигнала каждого, а также на какой канале сидит каждый из маршрутизаторов. Это важно для тех, кто хочет улучшить связть WiFi у себя дома или на работе.

Например, если с вами на одном канале будет сидеть сразу несколько соседей, то связь будет хуже, а пакеты информации, которые идут от интенет-центра будут пропадать. Также программка показывает название сетей, наименование роутера. Эта информация часто используется хакерами для взлома через WPS. Но чаще все же используется для определения свободного канала. Далее пользователю достаточно будет просто переключить канал на маршрутизаторе.

Если вам нужно быстро переключить канал, но вы не знаете как – прочтите эту статью. Там рассказано как быстро найти и устранить проблемы со связью при использовании одного канала.


Неплохое приложение, которым также чаще всего пользуются хакеры, так как она поддерживает RSA и DSA пароли. Внутри есть удобный интерфейс с дополнительными клавишами. А подключение можно настроить на отдельный порт. Плюс есть поддержка Windows Remote Desktop. Ранее Issh была бесплатной, но сейчас ходят слухи, что за неё стали запрашивать деньги. Поэтому поводу не могу ничего сказать, так как я ею давно не пользовался.

IP Scanner

Особенно полезная программка для тех, у кого на роутере не настроен DHCP сервер. В таком случае на каждом устройстве установлен свой IP адрес, который вбивается вручную. Также полезно узнать IP, когда DHCP сервер включен, а адреса все динамически меняются через определенное время. Подобное приложение есть в AppStore.

Wi-Fi Analyzer для iOS: инструкция по применению от Бородача


15 Best WiFi Analyser Apps (Android/IPhone) 2023

Best WiFi Analyser App

Nowadays, wifi connectivity seems to be quite a standard tool, whether in the office or home. People find themselves completely reliable on wifi networks for performing their essential tasks. However, most of us have a significant hindrance: the weak connectivity of wifi or simply its dysfunctionality. With the ever-growing modern technology, many helpful wifi analyzer apps are coming into the picture that can assist you in tackling such issues. So, mentioned below is a much-required list of the top 5 Best wifi analyzer apps 2023 for iPhone/android.

  • Wifi Analyzer
  • IP Tools: Wifi Analyzer
  • Network Analyzer
  • Wifi Analyzer: Network Tools
  • Wifi Analyzer- home & office wifi Security
  • Wifi Analyzer
  • Wifi Analyzer by Webprovider
  • Wifi Router Master
  • WiFiAnalyzer (open- source)
  • Wifi Analyzer by Zoltan Pallagi
  • Fing
  • Wifi Manager
  • Open Signal
  • IT Tools
  • Wifi Data Signal Analyzer
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Wifi Analyzer

Best WiFi Analyser App

Farproc brings you the best wifi Analyser app Android 2023, and this app will turn your phone into a wifi analyzer. This app will show the wifi channels around you. With the help of this app, you will be able to see the wifi channels around you. This app will also help you to find a less crowded channel for your wifi router. Try this excellent wifi analyzer now!

install – Android / iphone

IP Tools: Wifi Analyzer

Best WiFi Analyser App

This is another best Wifi analyzer App Android 2023, and it is a powerful network toolkit to speed up and help set up a network. This app allows you to quickly detecting any computer network problem, IP address detection and will also help in boosting network performance.

An IT specialist and network administrators must possess this app. IP tools combine the most famous network utilities, which are usually found on desktop PC. This app will also help you to fix a network problem quickly and also help you in optimizing the network when you are hundreds of kilometers away.

This app has a simple but intuitive interface, and thus you can receive complete information on your network within seconds. It will also help you find out internal and external IP, SSID, BSSID, gateway, broadcast address, network mask, country, region, the provider’s geographical coordinates, city, and other essential information.

This app will also provide you access to the most famous network utilities which administrators and users often use on their computers. This app will also help you to get complete information and a clear picture of your network state.

With the help of this app, you can get a full and clear image of your network state. The optimization and analysis are fast and easy and also absolutely friendly with the IP tools app.

install – Android

Network Analyzer

Best WiFi Analyser App

This app is one of the best wifi analyzer apps, iPhone 2023, and this app is an advanced tool for LAN scanning, network diagnostics, and problem detection. This app will help you diagnose various problems with your wifi network and help you set up internet connectivity.

install – Android / iphone

Wifi Analyzer: Network Tools

Best WiFi Analyser App

This app will show the wifi channels around you. With the help of this app, you will be able to see the wifi channels around you. This app will also help you to find a less crowded channel for your wifi router. Try this great wifi analyser now!

install – Android

Wifi Analyzer- home & office wifi Security

Best WiFi Analyser App

Star Mobile Development created another great wifi analyzer app and this app will turn your Android device into wifi analyzer and also provides you wifi security features. This app will also show you channel width support.

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This app will help you to get optimal placement for wifi receiver and this app will also provide you information individually on wifi channels. This app will show you signal strength in your history graph and this app will recommend you the best channel for new AP.

install – Android

Wifi Analyzer

Best WiFi Analyser App

This is an app by Abdelrahman M. Sid, and this app will optimize your wifi network. This requires no location permission. Herewith the help of this pp, we are introducing a new way to analyze and optimize your wifi, and this app will turn your Android device into a wifi analyzer.

This app will recommend the best channel and place for your network. This app will provide you most useful optimization information to help decrease interference and will also help you by increasing connection speed and stability.

This is an excellent wifi analyzer for nearby APs, and it will provide you real-time data and distance calculations. This app will also provide you a history of signal strength and will help in viewing hidden WIFIs. It has many more features also.

install – Android

Wifi Analyzer by Webprovider

Best WiFi Analyser App

This app will provide you information related to wifi around you. This app will also show you channel width support. This app will help you get optimal placement for wifi receivers, and this app will also provide you information individually on wifi channels.

This app will show you signal strength in your history graph, and this app will recommend the best channel for the new AP. This app will provide you information on the channel width, and it will allow you to create a heat map of wifi signal quality around you.

install – Android

Wifi Router Master

Best WiFi Analyser App

This app will provide you with the most useful optimization information to help decrease interference and help you increase connection speed and stability. This is an excellent wifi analyzer for nearby APs, and it will provide you real-time data and distance calculations.

This app will also provide you the history of signal strength and will help in viewing hidden WIFIs.

install – Android

WiFiAnalyzer (open- source)

Best WiFi Analyser App

This app is created by VREM Software Development and this app will optimize your Wifi network with the help of wifi analyzer. This app will show the wifi channels around you. With the help of this app, you will be able to see the wifi channels around you.

This app will also help you to find a less crowded channel for your wifi router. Try this great wifi analyser now!

install – Android

Wifi Analyzer by Zoltan Pallagi

Best WiFi Analyser App

It is best wifi tool and has feature of providing information of signal strength, network scan, RSSI, ping and network monitor. This app will also help you to fix a network problem easily and also help you in optimizing the network when you are kilometre away.

install – Android


Best WiFi Analyser App

Fing is a free network analyzer app that is available for bothering iOS as well as Android phones. People from professional backgrounds, as well as domestic users, find this app extremely useful. Some of its most exceptional features include internet connectivity checking, capabilities in advanced analytics, subnet scanner, detection tools for network intruders, and a lot more.

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The identification of device by this app is generally based on IP addresses that across the bridge networks. This feature is quite a unique one as compared to its competitors. A piece of great news for all its users is that the app is regularly updated and supports the recent android versions.

install – Android / iphone

Wifi Manager

Best WiFi Analyser App

An impressive feature such as wifi analysis of all the possible connections at one go is quite a rare one. But don’t you worry since Wifi manager brings you this awesome feature at absolutely free of cost. It’s a well constructed graphical design system that is what you need to look up-to for as it offers a whole new, improved quality of connection when it comes to wireless networks.

May it be work from home or at the office, Wifi Manager app is compatible with both the options.

install – Android

Open Signal

Best WiFi Analyser App

This excellent application is designed to be compatible with both cellular networks as well as Wifi connectivity. This powerful Wifi analyzer App is entirely packaged with powerful features for iOS and Android users. From running an accurate speed test to viewing a detailed coverage map to checking your current usage, the application offers numerous functionalities.

You can also look at the connection quality and get assistance to connect to a nearby mobile network without any hassle. Being entirely ad-free, this application will not cause you any trouble and is entirely free to use by anyone.

install – Android / iphone

IT Tools

Best WiFi Analyser App

IT tools are yet another impressive app that focuses prominently on packet tracing. This versatile application for analyzing wifi contains numerous essential features that are specifically compatible with iOS devices.

The app displays all the details relevant for obtaining an efficient analysis and is a bit of a multitasking app that consists of a continuous route tracer. Its visualization technique is what makes it quite simple to use application. It is time to download this app and get the best wifi analysis for the network.

install – Android / iphone

Wifi Data Signal Analyzer

Best WiFi Analyser App

This excellent application is a highly recommendable app for Wi-Fi connectivity analysis, especially for regular users. Some of the basic yet impactful features of the app include checking for network connectivity strength, wireless network status, and data on connection quality.

Apart from that, you could also obtain a list that includes all the nearby available networks and obtain graphs that signify the actual signals of the used channels. A big thanks to its overly user-friendly interface, that it has gained numerous users within no time.

install – Android

So these are the Best Wifi Analyser apps for Android/ iPhone 2023, which will help you analyze wifi network. Hope this article helps you. Please like, share, and also share your experience with the above wifi analyzing apps.
Thank you

once upon a time there was a engineer.
Now he is cook, blogger, desperate,gamer,developer,
And most importantly #single


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