Wifi and bluetooth jammer

Wifi and bluetooth jammer

Simple but effective 2,4 Ghz jammer. This module can block BT and WIFI, to block spying wifi cameras or loud neighbour using bt speaker. I designed it so that the cost of making this was as low as possible due to chip shortage. There is a simple astable multivibrator with square wave to saw wave conventer to generate the VCO control signal. The 5.1V power supply is provided by the MT3608L converter, so the device can be powered from any lipo battery, but be sure that the battery can provide at least 500mA of current, if you want to use the amplifier, the current must be at least 1A. VCO is outputing about 2100 to 2600 Mhz sweep signal. Output power is about 5-10mW, you can use amplfer if you want bigger range. CHRG pads are used for battery charge, i recommend TP4056 module, 5V out pad are to connect power for amplifer. SWEEP OUT pad is used for output wave calibration, adjust wave shape by the ADJ potentiometer, correct signal should look something like this:

Don’t use this crappy aliexpres 10dbi, 12dbi 18dbi fake antennas, the best way is to bulid your own biquad antenna

I attach a .STL file for cool 3d printed antenna case.

To disrupt the signal, point the jammer at the receiver, remember that the effectiveness of jamming depends on the distance between the transmitter and the receiver. When the phone is 20cm from the loudspeaker, jamming is almost impossible, but when the phone is 2m away, the jammer can easily block the signal within a few to several meters.

100mW amplifer —> https://pl.aliexpress.com/item/1005001349703713.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.1000014.2.b64f7a47mEAwiK&gps-id=pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller&scm=1007.40050.281175.0&scm_id=1007.40050.281175.0&scm-url=1007.40050.281175.0&pvid=2b1b125a-3fb0-4dd6-8901-842872d3c691&_t=gps-id:pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller,scm-url:1007.40050.281175.0,pvid:2b1b125a-3fb0-4dd6-8901-842872d3c691,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238108%231977&pdp_ext_f=%7B»sku_id»%3A»12000015775836183″%2C»sceneId»%3A»30050″%7D&pdp_npi=2%40dis%21PLN%2121.43%2117.15%21%21%21%21%21%40211b5e1e16657402442047182ed6ab%2112000015775836183%21rec

1W amplifer —> https://pl.aliexpress.com/item/1005002354103693.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.37e01c24IXT8Uk&gatewayAdapt=glo2pol

Used VCO: https://pl.aliexpress.com/item/1005002503822581.html

You can use other model than YSGM232508 such as SV2450 or SM2400, pinout should look something like this:

Watch out for a VCO with the shield soldered backwards , make sure the RF OUT pin is in the upper right corner on the PCB:

Pcb hole dimmensions for case attach:

Remember that improper use of the jammer may lead to criminal liability, project only for educational purpose !


How to use Bluetooth/WiFi jammer

Almost all devices in modern society can transmit Bluetooth signals. Although this makes it easier for them to communicate, it can also cause security issues. How many devices can access the Bluetooth signal, so there are so many options for how they can block the Bluetooth signal. The bluetooth interference is because it is the easiest one designed for this purpose.

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By transmitting the same signal, the wifi jammer will interfere with the functions of other nearby devices. This can improve security, prevent scams, and provide other benefits. Read our guide to Bluetooth jammers to learn what Bluetooth is and how to stop it.

wifi jammer

Bluetooth is a common technology that exists in various modern devices. Since it is relatively new, even if it is used every day, not everyone can understand it. Before attempting to block the Bluetooth signal, you must understand how it works. Bluetooth devices can use any of 79 different unique frequencies or channels. In this way, they can have their own designated signal, which will not interfere with other key technologies such as medical equipment.

Bluetooth signals use a technique called spread spectrum frequency hopping to quickly change channels. This ensures that they will not use frequencies already used by other devices. The Bluetooth signal can form a connection network of up to 8 devices called piconet. If two or more piconets are combined, they will form a dispersed network.

Finding devices on piconet and/or decentralized networks is the first step in blocking Bluetooth signals. This is also the most important item, because not knowing the network or signal of the device in question may prevent it from being interfered.

Is Bluetooth the same as Wifi?

To know what Bluetooth is, you also need to know what it is not. Other ways of sending signals between devices work in different ways, have different uses, and are only available on certain devices. WiFi and Bluetooth are so similar that they are often confused. Despite the similarities, they are not exactly the same. It is important to understand these differences.

From mobile phones to laptops, almost all modern devices can use WiFi signals. The same is true for Bluetooth. The difference is that the device can send out these signals, because only a wireless router can provide WiFi to another device. Both WiFi and Bluetooth provide wireless communication, but for different purposes. WiFi is used to access the Internet, and Bluetooth is used to connect devices.

Another important difference between these two signals is the distance they can extend. Bluetooth requires a tight connection within 30 feet, while wifi can be distributed within a range of 300 feet. Due to their similarity, most WiFi jammers also have the ability to block Bluetooth signals. Check out our other articles to learn about the advantages of WiFi jammers, and immediately browse our collection of available WiFi jammers.

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WiFi Bluetooth Jammers interfere with the connection between large portable Bluetooth speakers and other devices

Wireless Subminiature photography WiFi Bluetooth jammer is a simple and effective method to detect and block Subminiature photography. They can be used in both public and private places because they are small enough to be hidden in small pockets or wallets. The device is also equipped with a rechargeable battery and a universal charging adapter. These jammers work by disrupting the connection between large portable Bluetooth speakers and other devices. They block the transmission of audio and video, providing a completely quiet environment. These wireless Subminiature photography jammers are very suitable for business people, holiday rental guests and holiday rental houses, because they can be placed in toilets and hotel rooms without causing any interference.

Accepted Standard Communication Jammer

The device prevents the wireless Subminiature photography from transmitting video or audio by blocking WiFi and Bluetooth signals.

The jammer can also block signals up to 10 meters away. The wireless Subminiature photography WiFi Bluetooth jammer is easy to install and operate. This product is designed to protect your family and family from espionage activities.

Although a wireless Subminiature photography WiFi Bluetooth jammer can be placed at home, it is not as powerful as a cellular jammer. Most cell phone jammer block wireless networks. However, modern smartphones can use multiple signals and switch to the next available signal.

Although signal jammer can disable wireless security cameras, they are not common in home intrusions. Nevertheless, they still affect smart doorbells and motion detection cameras. Wired security systems do not rely on Wi Fi signals. In addition to blocking Wi Fi signals, the wireless Subminiature photography WiFi Bluetooth jammer can also be used to detect monitoring devices.

The latest version of this wireless Subminiature photography WiFi Bluetooth jammer is a small and delicate pocket jammer. It can block various WiFi and Bluetooth Wlan signals up to 15 meters away. It can also be used to block GPS signals. The jammer is equipped with an on/off switch, a DC single input control switch, and a protective shell.

Using WiFi and Bluetooth jammers can help protect your home from burglaries and other threats. These signal jammers can even disable indoor and outdoor safety cameras. They also affect the Smart lock and doorbell. If you are concerned about privacy infringement, consider using a wired security system. Unlike Wi Fi, wired security systems do not rely on Wi Fi signals and are therefore not affected by jammers.

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The benefits of Wi-Fi come with privacy, security, and permissions concerns. Wi Fi Jammer can help you solve these problems.

The GPS navigation «dead spot» was caused by a vehicle with a GPS jammer driving a few miles closer to me. Company drivers often object to this and therefore use GPS jammers to disable such systems.

In previous GPS jamming incidents, pilots had declared emergencies, but because ATC did not understand that the emergency was related to GPS jamming, jamming by signal jammers continued.

Once it detects that the driver is using the mobile phone, the low-speed jammer will shut it down without affecting the mobile phones of other passengers.

While the limo driver was looking for a parking spot, the thief was waiting in his own car. Once a driver leaves their Mercedes or BMW and wants to lock the car with the remote, the office clerk intervenes with a signal jammer.


Простой способ глушить Wi-Fi

Оказывается, заглушить сигнал WiFi, Bluetooth или Zigbee совсем несложно. Для этого достаточно простенького донгла за $15, который можно купить на Amazon. Он подключается к компьютеру или Raspberry Pi. Базовая антенна имеет радиус действия 80 метров. Если добавить усилитель сигнала, то глушилка работает на расстоянии примерно до 120 метров.

С презентацией (pdf) на эту тему выступил специалист по безопасности Мэти Ванхуф (Mathy Vanhoef) на недавней конференции по безопасности BruCON, которая прошла 8-9 октября в Генте (Бельгия).

Автор подчеркнул, что глушилки сигнала уже активно используются злоумышленниками. Например, автоугонщики используют портативные джаммеры, которые предотвращают запирание автомобиля, а также GPS-джаммеры, чтобы блокировать сигнал антиугонной системы (уже после похищения машины). Воры-домушники используют такие джаммеры, чтобы блокировать сервис сотовой связи во время незаконного проникновения в квартиру.

С помощью оборудования за 15 долларов осуществляется атака, которая глушит всё оборудование в радиусе действия, работающее в диапазонах 2,4 и 5 ГГц.

Мэти Ванхуф объяснил, что если модифицировать прошивку такого донгла, то сеть жертвы всегда будет отдавать приоритет пакетам, которые передаются именно с этого устройства. Если же оно вещает непрерывно, то все остальные теряют способность нормально функционировать.

Попытки выборочного глушения сетей автору не удались, и он пришёл к выводу, что выборочное глушение невозможно, только массовое.

Атака проводится настолько просто и дёшево, что это может иметь серьёзные последствия. Во-первых, она облегчает жизнь преступникам, которые раньше использовали более дорогое оборудование. Во-вторых, это инструмент для вандалов и хулиганов, которые могут глушить соседский Wi-Fiпросто из вредности.

На видео — выступление Ванхуфа.


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