Wifi and dial up

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Wireless Broadband over Dial-Up Connection

Have you ever experienced waiting for several hours to download a 4MB work document? If your business hasn’t made the switch to broadband or DSL quite yet, you might want to consider doing so. The advantages and disadvantages of broadband are debatable.

The sooner you do, the better, especially since the broadband internet connection is now becoming available in more areas and at more affordable rates. Because of the growing demands of online multimedia as well as enterprise software, dial-up might be hindering your company from making the profits that you deserve. You can take advantage of the wireless network in your business.

If you’re not convinced about upgrading your connection yet, here are wireless broadband advantages and disadvantages to make your business processes easier.

According to Statista, there were more than 312 million active internet users in the United States in 2019. The data of mobile internet users will surpass 287 million by 2023. These figures are rising high every day.

The internet users in the US

The Advantages of Wireless Broadband

1. Mobility

One of the main advantages of wireless broadband is that you can access the Internet from anywhere, whether it is your office, canteen, living-room, kitchen, bedroom, etc. The only thing you need to make sure you are in the range of your router.

There is no need to lay down the cable in your whole office or home. The Internet connection is possible in remote areas.

It wasn’t possible with the dial-up connection.

2. Connect multiple devices

You can connect more than one computer to the WiFi router. Multiple users can access the same Internet and perform different tasks at the same time. You can connect anything that has a WiFi ability, whether it is your phone, tablet, smartwatch, printer, scanner, game consoles, smart home appliances, etc.

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Does your dial-up connection have the same features? Absolutely Not!

3. Fastest speed

Since dial-up connections use standard 56k modems to connect you to the internet, that means it is only able to upload and download data at a speed of 56kb per second. These days, broadband solutions can range from as low as 1 Mbps to as much as 100 MBps. With a connection that fast, wireless broadband will give you the convenience of opening websites almost instantaneously, loading videos in seconds, and using real-time communication such as video conferencing without any drop in quality.

4. Fast connectivity

Another advantage that broadband has is the fact that it is always on, meaning you don’t have to keep turning it on and off when you want to use it. In contrast, dial-up requires you to start a connection and then close it when you’re done. It probably wouldn’t matter so much if connecting to dial-up didn’t take so long and didn’t generate so much unnecessary noise. Plus, depending on your service provider, dial-up has a tendency to disconnect at random. While some broadband solutions might experience occasional hiccups, they usually come back on within seconds, while dial-up connections would have to repeat the connection process from the start.

You can download and update anything faster. People use these tips to increase download speed.

5. VoIP

Today, internet calls and video calls are possible. Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) makes it possible. You might have a VoLTE feature phone.

There is a number of messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messanger, Telegram, IMO, etc. that can make a call using your internet connection.

Your dial-up wasn’t able to do the same.

6. Flexible schedules

Dial-up users had to come up with a schedule where they could use the Internet undisturbed. The problem with that kind of setup was the need for emergency calls, which, of course, nobody would have known about in advance. Some companies even go as far as installing two separate telephone lines so that one could be used for calls while the other was dedicated solely to connecting online. Dial-up also does not allow several users to use the line at the same time, while wireless broadband allows multiple people to connect to the same line at once.

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7. Affordable installation cost

The cost installation of wireless broadband is affordable. It won’t cost you huge.

The Disadvantages of Wireless Broadband

1. Security issues

There are a number of advantages of the wireless network, but your one mistake can give access to your wireless broadband to hackers, neighbors, or passers-by without your permission. You must know how to secure WiFi in your home or office.

2. Signal strength

You should always be in the range of your router to access the internet and get the full speed of your broadband. This guide will help you to choose a Wi-Fi router.

The strength of the signal weakens when the signal passes through thick brick walls or concreted roofs. It is one of the reasons for slower internet speed.

The bad weather can also become the reason for slower internet speed or disconnection.


If you weren’t sold on investing in a wireless broadband solution for your business, we hope the reasons we’ve outlined are more than enough to convince you. One of the qualities of the most successful companies is the ability to adapt to changing times instead of being stubborn about sticking to obsolete technologies. Make the switch now and enjoy all the high-quality content and resources that the internet has to offer for your enterprise.


Can I Share Dial Up Internet Service Over a Wireless Network?

An MIT graduate who brings years of technical experience to articles on SEO, computers, and wireless networking.

In This Article

Sharing broadband internet service over wireless networks is not difficult with today’s routers and other home networking equipment. But what about people who have dial-up internet—can they share too?

Can I Share Dial-Up Service Over a Wireless Network?

Yes, it’s possible to share dial-up internet access across a wireless home network or other wireless LAN (or WLAN).

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Wireless LANs support the amount of bandwidth required to share dial-up internet service. Dial-up runs at such low speeds, however, that internet connections perform sluggishly on WLANs, particularly when accessing it with multiple computers at the same time. Try any of the following approaches to maximize effectiveness.

Wired Router With Wireless Access Point

This option requires three pieces of hardware in addition to wireless network cards for the client computers: a wired broadband router, an external modem, and a wireless access point. Connect the external modem to this router for internet access, then connect the wireless access point to the router for wireless access.

Not all broadband routers support external modems; look for those that feature RS-232 serial ports.

Ad Hoc Mode With Windows ICS

Alternatively, you can try Windows Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) or equivalent software that relies on one computer hosting the internet connection. This option requires at a minimum that the host computer has a modem (either internal or external) and that all wireless network cards be configured for ad-hoc (peer-to-peer) mode. This option works best if you only have a few home computers located close to each other.

Those who prefer the first option usually own a wired broadband router that supports external modems. Because the second option requires neither a wired router nor an external modem, it is usually cheaper and easier to set up for those building new home networks from the ground up.


You may also consider purchasing the WiFlyer product designed to operate as a dial-up router. This option is the simplest to install of the ones discussed here but most expensive in terms of equipment cost.

Other Specialized Wireless Routers

If none of the above options are feasible, you’ll need a wireless router that features an RS-232 (serial) port to share the dial-up line over an external modem. The mainstream models today do not feature such a serial port. Products that do tend to be discontinued models or higher-end routers designed to use dial-up as a failover option.

Some residential routers that provide serial ports for external modems are:

  • ZoomAir Internet Gateway IG-4165
  • SMC Barricade 7004AWB
  • Early models of the Apple Airport Base Station


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