Wifi bluetooth not working

wi-fi and bluetooth not working simultaneously

If I try to do both at the same time now, e.g stream audio from deezer, the internet connection stops. I can’t even ping google.com; so I think this is not a browser related issue. If I switch-off the bluetooth everything gets back to normal. I’ve got no clue on where to start debugging my problem.

Here the output of lspci -knn | grep Net -A2; lsusb

03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 1030 [Rainbow Peak] [8086:008a] (rev 34) Subsystem: Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 1030 BGN [8086:5305] Kernel driver in use: iwlwifi Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 001 Device 004: ID 1bcf:2883 Sunplus Innovation Technology Inc. Bus 001 Device 003: ID 8086:0189 Intel Corp. Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub 

Pilot6 I played further with it this morning, and seems that I managed to get something working more stably when installing blueman for xfce. In fact with the new installation I’m also evaluating the possibility to migrate desktop manager. But this is another story. The overall behaviour of bluetooth is still a bit obscure, and far from being reproducible, but I made a step forward.

4 Answers 4

You can fix it by turning off bluetooth and wireless coexistence.

sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi-opt.conf  

It looks like kernel developers have overdone that functionality slightly 😉

This setting can be always undone by

sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi-opt.conf 

You can read this to understand what it does

Great!:) that fixed it indeed. Thanks for the informative link as well, I'll read further about bluetooth-coexistence. I'm interested in low level software and hardware in general.

Run the following command:

echo "options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1 bt_coex_active=0 power_save=0 auto_agg=0 swcrypto=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi-options.conf > /dev/null 

It worked for my ubuntu 16.04 like a charm.

This effects Ubuntu 16.04 with 'Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless AC 7260, REV=0x144', and Bluetooth Coexist functionality but differently: /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf .

The Intel 7260 in 802.11AC Mode does not understand the the auto _agg=0 argument which turns on Link Aggregation found in the "/etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf" file. This will cause your Wireless to stop working. Remove it, and change the command from:

echo "options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1 bt_coex_active=0 power_save=0 auto_agg=0 swcrypto=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf > /dev/null
echo "options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1 11n_disable=8 bt_coex_active=1 power_save=0 swcrypto=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf > /dev/null

  • The focus of the Intel 7260 problem is that some BT speakers may be detected by the systems Bluetooth Manager, but unable to be used as an audio output result of the 802.11N - 13 channel Wifi band conflict with the 79 BT channels in the 2.4Ghz range (See link 1). Changing the 11n_disable=1 option removes Wireless 802.11N functionality so there is no more conflict with the unused Band. BT Loudspeakers are able to be detected, and connected, but not selected for audio output in the Sound Settings Control Panel (Pulse Audio).
    • 1: (https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/en/users/documentation/bluetooth-coexistence).
    • 2: (https://www.silabs.com/products/wireless/learning-center/wi-fi-coexistence).

    These setting used together will allow connected Bluetooth Loudspeakers to be used as an output device once selected in Sound Settings when otherwise connected without audio. Speakers such as the JBL Flip 4 can now output sound once these changes are made and a reboot has been completed. You may need to choose the "Audio Sink" Profile in the addon "Blueman Applet" but isn't needed after that)


    Перестает работать сеть по WIFI когда подключаю какое-либо устройство по Bluetooth

    В прошлом году такой проблемы не наблюдалось. Подключал геймпад от ps4 по блютузу и проблем с сетью не наблюдалось. С тех пор давно не пользовался геймпадом на ноутбуке, так что не могу сказать точно когда эта проблема появилось. Наверное какие-то обновления в какой-то момент все сломало, но конкретно не могу сказать после чего это началось.

    Я так понимаю проблема в том что за вайфай и блютуз отвечает одно и то же устройство в ноутбуке, и по этому могут возникать какие-то конфликты когда задействованы оба. Причем, если просто включить БТ, то проблем нет. Вайфай умирает только когда подключаю какое-то устройство. И кстати, сеть не исчезает полностью, просто страницы грузятся до бесконечности.

    Ниже прикрепил скрины с названием устройства и версиями драйверов.

    В гугле решение не нашел. Обычно у людей просто не работает вайфай или блютуз а у меня они конфдиктуют когда задействованы оба. Кто-нибудь с этим сталкивался? Какое решение можете посоветовать?

    Если бук на одном месте и никуда его не таскаешь, реши проблему покупкой репитером с ethernet входом, от него подключаешь ethernet к буку и всё.

    честно говоря - хз почему такая проблема, вводных данных маловато, но скажу одно - если вдруг дело в wifi адаптере и его придётся заменить, то к этому делу надо подходить основательно. ноуты lenovo любят, когда в них вставляют только сертифицированные адаптеры, поэтому лучше перед покупкой проконсультироваться с их техподдержкой. если воткнуть что ни попадя, можно получить надпись "вставлен левый адаптер, выключите ноут и выньте его нах, иначе грузиться не буду" ещё до загрузки биоса. сталкивался с таким много раз, причём на ноутах самых разных лет.

    Мне кажется тут не в частотах дело, потому что даже если частота одна то каналы разные, если бы это было не так то конфликтовали бы вай фай с блютусами всегда, и особенно геймпады (от xbox точно) которые тоже работают на этих частотах.


    5 Methods to Fix WiFi-Bluetooth Interference on Your PC

    fix wifi bluetooth interference - 5 Methods to Fix WiFi-Bluetooth Interference on Your PC 3

    Have you ever experienced the WiFi connection suddenly slowed down when a Bluetooth device enabled? Well, apparently this problem is very common in the age of the internet.

    The reason why this happens is that your WiFi and Bluetooth devices are using the same 2,4 GHz frequency. Meaning that the signal could interfere with each other while being used. Luckily, there some fixes you could try to avoid that issue in the future.

    DISCLAIMER: I’m not an engineer myself but some of these advices below are based on my personal experience while others are gathered from many sources. After all, you have to try them to see which one is work.

    #1 Disconnect and connect your WiFi again

    reconnect wifi - 5 Methods to Fix WiFi-Bluetooth Interference on Your PC 5

    This is silly, but it works. When you disconnect and connect the WiFi again, it will automatically search for the most optimal channel — usually, the one that is not being interfered with Bluetooth.

    However, this is not a permanent solution. You might see the same problem again, especially after restarting the computer. So, don’t stick with it for a long period of time.

    #2 Try to run network troubleshoot

    Troubleshoot problems - 5 Methods to Fix WiFi-Bluetooth Interference on Your PC 7

    The easiest way you can do to fix Bluetooth and WiFi interference is by running Windows Troubleshooters. Just right-click on the WiFi icon, select Troubleshoot problems, and wait for the instructions based on the detected problems.

    I have found that this method is perfect when your WiFi suddenly drops after having a Bluetooth device connected to my computer.

    #3 Move the WiFi from Bluetooth away

    active USB cable - 5 Methods to Fix WiFi-Bluetooth Interference on Your PC 9

    This method only works if you are using an external USB WiFi device. Try to use a male to female USB cable to move the WiFi receiver away from the Bluetooth device. Ideally, put it closer to the router so you could get a better connection.

    The type of cable I would recommend is an active USB cable from CableCreation that can avoid data loss and minimize electrical interference. This kind of cable is also has a higher lifetime than a conventional USB cable.

    #4 For a laptop, switch to external Bluetooth

    external usb bluetooth - 5 Methods to Fix WiFi-Bluetooth Interference on Your PC 11

    He stated that the WiFi and Bluetooth on a laptop are using the same antenna. Hence, when you are using them at the same time, it may cause network trouble. It best to keep both devices not using the same feature on your laptop (credit to George Zlatev for this solution).

    A typical cost of a small external USB Bluetooth (dongle) ranging from $10 to $20. There’s an even cheaper option like USB Bluetooth Dongle from ZEXMTE which costs around $8 and receives tons of positive reviews.

    #5 If your router support 5 GHz, use it!

    wifi router - 5 Methods to Fix WiFi-Bluetooth Interference on Your PC 13

    Since WiFi and Bluetooth are using the same 2 GHz frequency by default, why not change the router frequency to 5 GHz? While the idea is simple, unfortunately, there are not many routers capable of running on that frequency. Not to mention that many components like wireless printer or projector may not support 5 GHz WiFi.

    However, if your router supports 5 GHz, you can enable that frequency to fix this issue. Try to ask your internet provider regarding the settings. I cannot provide the details since every router has a different configuration.

    Alright, I hope at least one out of five methods above helps you. Thank you for visiting!

    About The Author


    A web developer and digital marketer who likes learning new stuff and sharing it with others along the way. Constantly striving for simplicity and accuracy and thus, AsapGuide was born.


    Wifi bluetooth not working

    Check documents on compatibility, FAQs, upgrade information and available fixes.Windows 11 Support Center.

    Check documents on compatibility, FAQs, upgrade information and available fixes.Windows 11 Support Center.

    Wifi and Bluetooth not working after windows 10 update

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    After a windows 10 update wireless and bluetooth are not available. I can access with an ethernet cable but am not getting the option to connect via wireless. If I try to access network and internet setting wireless is not an option. If I look at my device drivers bluetooth doesn't show up. If I look at device drivers and network adapter WLAN is not there, just WAN.

    I tried using the HP Recovery Manager and the Reinstalling Drivers and Apllications has been disabled.

    HP support assistant doesn't find that it needs the missing drivers when I run it. I don't think it's even detecting that it has wireless or bluetooth.

    I'm guessing I need to reinstall drivers, but how do I make sure the old wireless drivers are uninstalled first if they are not showing up in the the device drivers network adapter? How do I remove them from the registry to reinstall them?

    any help much appreciated.


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