Wifi in airplane mode

Turn airplane mode on or off

Airplane mode gives you a quick way to turn off all wireless communications on your PC. Some examples of wireless communications are Wi-Fi, cellular, Bluetooth, and Near Field Communication (NFC).

Turn airplane mode on or off

Here are two ways you can turn airplane mode on or off:

  • Select the Network, volume, or battery icon on the taskbar, then select Airplane mode.
  • Select Start >Settings >Network & internet >Airplane mode, then select the toggle for On or Off.

Note: Airplane mode retains the settings you used last time. When you turn on airplane mode, Windows remembers if you had Wi-Fi or Bluetooth on last time, and keeps that setting so your Wi-Fi or Bluetooth will be on again. If you want to return to the default settings with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth off, turn them off while you’re in airplane mode—they’ll remain off next time you use airplane mode. They’ll also stay off when you exit airplane mode.

Airplane mode gives you a quick way to turn off all wireless communications on your PC. Some examples of wireless communications are Wi-Fi, cellular, Bluetooth, and Near Field Communication (NFC).

Turn airplane mode on or off

Here are two ways you can turn airplane mode on or off:

  • Select the Network icon on the taskbar, then select Airplane mode.
  • Select Start >Settings >Network & Internet >Airplane mode, then select the first toggle for On or Off.


Can You Use Airplane Mode With Wi-Fi On? (Explained)

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You’re probably familiar with airplane mode – it’s one of the first options you see when you pull up your phone’s settings. But what will actually happen if you turn on the airplane mode and leave the Wi-Fi on? Can you still use the internet? Can people call or text you? In this blog post, we’ll answer all those questions and more!

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You can use Airplane mode with Wi-Fi on. Your phone will use Wi-Fi to connect to the internet instead of the cellular network. You can’t make or receive calls or text messages, but you can still use other features like apps and the internet.

phone airplane mode icon vector

Some airlines prohibit using Airplane mode with Wi-Fi on during takeoff and landing. Check with your airline before using this feature.

Airplane mode is a setting on your phone that you may turn on and off. Enabling this feature will turn off the Mobile Antenna/Transmitter in your phone. Your phone cannot make or receive calls/texts and connect to the internet with mobile data when airplane mode is active.

However, if you have Wi-Fi enabled while airplane mode is turned on, your phone will still be able to connect to the internet.

If you’re on a plane, and airplane mode is turned on, your phone will not be able to communicate with cell towers – but it can still use Wi-Fi signals that are available in the airport or on an in-flight entertainment system (if there is one).

This means that you could use an app or watch a movie on your phone with no issues.

However, if you have no Wi-Fi connection available and airplane mode is turned on, your phone cannot connect to the internet at all.

Airplane mode with Wi-Fi off is called “offline mode.” When in offline mode, your phone will not be able to connect to the internet or make calls.

How Does Airplane Mode Work With WI-FI?

Airplane mode still allows one to use Wi-Fi.

When you have airplane mode turned on and Wi-Fi enabled, your phone will still be able to connect to the internet. This is because airplane mode doesn’t actually disable Wi-Fi – it just turns off your phone’s ability to communicate with cell towers.

This means that you can still use apps, browse the internet, and send or receive text messages – as long as you have a Wi-Fi connection available.

If there is no Wi-Fi signal available, your phone cannot connect to the internet.

Can You Receive Calls on Airplane Mode with Wi-Fi On?

There are two kinds of voice calls: carrier dependent and application dependent. The carrier-dependent calls are those which you dial directly from the mobile phone’s caller id.

The application-dependent ones are those which use applications like Skype or Whatsapp to call another person on the same corresponding application.

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You can receive calls on airplane mode if your phone supports VoIP calling via Wi-Fi and the caller is also using a Wi-Fi network. You can also receive calls via third part applications which run on Wi-Fi.

However, if the caller is using a cellular network, your phone will not be able to connect to it in airplane mode and they won’t be able to reach you.

If either party doesn’t have an active internet connection over WiFi, then no, the call won’t go through and will be dropped immediately after being placed on hold for ten seconds by default – which is typical behavior when using Airplane mode with Wi-Fi.

Can You Receive Texts on Airplane Mode With WI-FI?

Airplane mode will turn off the cellular network and it will not receive texts. The Wi-Fi feature is independent of this and has no effect on whether you can access the internet or not.

If your iPhone is in airplane mode, then you cannot send or receive calls/texts and cannot connect to a mobile data network, either. However, if there’s Wi-Fi available, then you can still use the internet and other apps to send and receive texts.

If you’re in an area with no Wi-Fi, then your iPhone will not be able to send or receive calls or texts.

Similarly, for Android phones, if your device is in airplane mode and has no Wi-Fi, then it cannot send or receive calls/texts. You can use Wi-Fi-dependent applications like Whatsapp to send and receive messages.

What happens when someone calls or texts you in airplane mode with Wi-Fi enabled?

If someone tries to call or text your phone while it’s in airplane mode, their message will be sent through the cell towers.

Your phone won’t receive this signal because its ability to connect with cell towers has been disabled by airplane mode. So you won’t be able to answer any calls or texts that come in.

If you’re on a plane and airplane mode is enabled, only your voicemail will be accessible to those attempting to contact or text you. They won’t be able to reach you if there’s no Wi-Fi connection available.

Your phone will most likely send these messages after you’ve switched off your airplane mode.

Types of Airplane Mode

There are 2 possible types of airplane mode: with Wi-Fi on or off. With Wi-Fi off, all wireless radios are turned off, including cellular and Bluetooth. With Wi-Fi on, only the wireless radios needed for Wi-Fi are turned on.

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You might receive calls directed via Wi-Fi when you are on airplane mode with Wi-Fi enabled

using phone in plane

What Happens When You Send Text Messages While on Airplane Mode?

When you have airplane mode turned on and are trying to send messages, your phone will give the message that it cannot be sent.

This message will be kept on hold until you turn airplane mode off.

Your device will most probably send these messages once you’ve turned your airplane mode off.

What About Calls?

You will Receive Missed Call Notifications for When You were on Airplane Mode

If you have airplane mode turned on and your phone is not connected to a Wi-Fi network, then it won’t be able to send or receive calls/texts.

However, if someone tries to call you and the call goes through, you will still get a missed call notification from your carrier.

This feature is extremely helpful since it allows you to see who tried reaching out to you when you were unable to pick up or respond (because of airplane mode).

Airplane Mode and Emergency Calls

It’s important to note that your phone should be switched on and connected to a cellular network for a typical emergency call to go through successfully – otherwise, it won’t work at all.

However, it might still be a possibility if your carrier supports Wi-Fi calling.

If it does, then your phone should be turned on and connected to Wi-Fi for an emergency call to go through successfully.

E991 services are only available on VoIP devices. However, since Wi-Fi isn’t capable of accurately determining a device’s position, you’ll have to disclose your precise spot for emergency responders to locate you.

TL;DR (Conclusion)

In a nutshell, here are the key points you need to know about airplane mode and texting:

-If you are using airplane mode, your phone will not be able to connect to a mobile data network and make or receive calls/texts.

-However, if there’s Wi-Fi available, then you can still use the internet and other apps to send and receive texts.

-If someone tries to text your phone while it’s in airplane mode with Wi-Fi enabled, their message will be sent through the cell towers and you will not get it immediately. You will most probably receive these messages once you’ve turned your airplane mode off.

-You will receive missed call notifications for calls you missed upon turning on your mobile network. However, this might be subject to your carrier’s policies and your data plan.


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