Wifi mac write failed

Wifi mac write failed

(27-10-2016, 10:32 AM) hovatek Wrote:

(27-10-2016, 06:53 AM) [email protected] Wrote: right now the phone keeps freezing when WiFi is turned on. Recently its been freezing even when using the camera sometimes even when topping up airtime. Its a mess.

Have you tried reflashing the firmware @ https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-15724.html
I did but still not working ..The genesis of the whole thing is that I flashed together with the preloader. I got the Nvram error after that but I managed to fix it. Then Mac address unavailable, then the phone started to freeze up once WiFi was on. Right now its just freezing up anyhow


(29-10-2016, 03:24 PM) [email protected] Wrote: I did but still not working ..The genesis of the whole thing is that I flashed together with the preloader. I got the Nvram error after that but I managed to fix it. Then Mac address unavailable, then the phone started to freeze up once WiFi was on. Right now its just freezing up anyhow

Have you tried writing these info back using Sn writer @ https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-12306.html

We have a reply schedule for Free Support. Please upgrade to Private Support if you can’t wait.

yes I have tried that. Its either am missing something or I simply can’t follow the instructions. I have BIRDA SN Station for MT6592 and I have all the drivers for this phone installed but still can’t get around it..Please help if you know other ways apart from the usual ways

(27-10-2016, 06:53 AM) [email protected] Wrote: right now the phone keeps freezing when WiFi is turned on. Recently its been freezing even when using the camera sometimes even when topping up airtime. Its a mess.

Have you tried reflashing the firmware @ https://www.hovatek.com/forum/thread-15724.html
I did but still not working ..The genesis of the whole thing is that I flashed together with the preloader. I got the Nvram error after that but I managed to fix it. Then Mac address unavailable, then the phone started to freeze up once WiFi was on. Right now its just freezing up anyhow
yes I have tried that. Its either am missing something or I simply can’t follow the instructions. I have BIRDA SN Station for MT6592 and I have all the drivers for this phone installed but still can’t get around it..Please help if you know other ways apart from the usual ways


(30-10-2016, 08:15 AM) [email protected] Wrote: yes I have tried that. Its either am missing something or I simply can’t follow the instructions. I have BIRDA SN Station for MT6592 and I have all the drivers for this phone installed but still can’t get around it..Please help if you know other ways apart from the usual ways

We have a reply schedule for Free Support. Please upgrade to Private Support if you can’t wait.

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(30-10-2016, 08:18 AM) [email protected] Wrote: (29-10-2016, 03:24 PM) [email protected] Wrote: (27-10-2016, 10:32 AM) hovatek Wrote:

(27-10-2016, 06:53 AM) [email protected] Wrote: right now the phone keeps freezing when WiFi is turned on. Recently its been freezing even when using the camera sometimes even when topping up airtime. Its a mess.


Wifi mac write failed

Имеем Lenovo P780 китаец 2014года. Были глюки с камерой и прочим, кто-то чем-то шил, работал нормально, пока не сделали хардресет. Бекапов, понятно, нету.

Телефон включается, не звонит, оба имея пусты. В теле S124_ROW. МАС БТ и Ви-Фи на месте.

Драйвера на «метамод» в ХР никак. На 7 по мануалу стали ровно (дважды сверял).
Телефон в «метамоде», лог тулы:
>>Step: Enter func_imei_meta_hdlr_smart_phone_modem();
Write IMEI to smartphone modem nvram
>>Step: Start to Init Modem Nvram Database.
OK: Init Modem Nvram Database successfully.

>>————————————————— OK: IMEI[0] = «86522902*****9».
>>Step: Start to Connect with target.
COM port searching and preloader handshake
COM port searching and preloader handshake fail
Error: Connect failed, Exit Meta Mode and turn to next phone.
Все галки перепроверил дважды — всё сходится с мануалом.
Также, перешил телефон еще раз на P780_S124_ROW_140403_2014_04_4Gb.
Поведение не поменялось.
В чём моя ошибка? Как восстановить IMEI?
Может, восстанавливать IMEI нужно на какой-то конкретной версии прошивки?
На какой именнно, в случае китайца 2014 года?

сделайте format, прошейте и восстановите imei этой (https://yadi.sk/d/FGkq-88XeWAjF)утилитой, а заодно и mac-адрес

Прошвал с форматом — после та же ошибка 🙁

Ларчик просто открылся: я подключал телефон уже введённым в «метамод» кнопками. Оно и косячило.
Нажал кнопку в туле, подключил выключенный телефон к кабелю, тула его подхватила, сама перевела в «метамод» и успешно прописала.
Вопрос решен, закрыт.

Оказалось, не совсем решён — телефон вернулся. Не работает Wi-Fi и BT, включаешь в меню — сразу выключается. Раньше работало на той же версии софта.
Смотрю в меню — на тот раз IMEI на месте, но «недоступны» МАС адреса Wi-Fi и BT. Раньше МАС-и былы в порядке но небыло IMEI. Благо, имею ранее выписаны значения.
>>Step: Enter func_bt_address_meta_hdlr_smart_phone();
Write BT Address to smartphone AP nvram.
>>Step: Start to Init AP Nvram Database.
OK: Init Modem Nvram Database successfully.

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>>————————————————— >>Step: Scan Smartphone BT Address.
OK: BT Address = «000046662801».
>>Step: Start to Connect with target.
COM port searching and Kernel handshake
COM port searching and preloader handshake ok
COM port searching and Kernel handshake
OK: Connect to target successfully.
>>Step: Start to write BT Address.
OK: Write BT Address successfully.
Step: Check BT Address.
OK: Check BT Address. BT Address = «0 0 46 66 28 1».
>>Step: To Backup NVRAM to Bin Region, and Set Clean Boot Flag
OK: Backup NVRAM and WM_META_SetCleanBootFlag_Customize()
>>Step: Meta Disconnect with target.
Обратите внимание, какой МАС прописываю я, а что софт пишет в тело! Думал, может с пропусками нужно или двуточиями — нет, только 12 символов можно ввести.
Кроме того, после перезапуска, в меню МАС ВТ так и не появляется 🙁
С Wi-Fi тоже никак:
>>——————————————————————- >>Step: Enter func_wifi_mac_meta_hdlr_smart_phone_Ex();
Write Wifi MAC to smart phone nvram
>>Step: Start to Init smart phone Database.
OK: Init AP Nvram Database successfully.

>>————————————————————- >>Step: Scan Smart Phone Wifi MAC.
OK: Wifi MAC = «0008228ac0fb».
>>Step: Start to Connect with target.
COM port searching and Kernel handshake
COM port searching and preloader handshake ok
COM port searching and Kernel handshake
OK: Connect to target successfully.
>>Step: Start to write Wifi MAC.
Error: Write Wifi MAC fail. Meta Result = 10
Что я делаю не так?
Напомню, что телефон — китаец 2014 года, в нём ренее была и сейчас свеже прошитая P780_S124_ROW_140403_2014_04_4Gb.

>>Step:Begin Scan Smart Phone data.
>>Step: Start to Init AP Nvram Database.
OK: Init AP Nvram Database successfully.
>>Step: Start to Connect with target.
COM port searching and preloader handshake
COM port searching and preloader handshake ok
COM port searching and Kernel handshake
COM port searching and Kernel handshake OK
OK:EnterMetaApMode, Connect to target successfully.

>>Step: Enter func_wifi_mac_meta_hdlr_smart_phone_Ex();
Write Wifi MAC to smart phone nvram
>>Step: Start to write Wifi MAC.
Error: Write Wifi MAC fail. Meta Result = 1
ERROR!! Go to ST_END statues is: ST_WIFI

>>Step: Ap Meta Disconnect with target.

>>Step:Begin Scan Smart Phone data.

>>Step:Begin Scan Smart Phone data.
>>Step: Start to Init AP Nvram Database.
OK: Init AP Nvram Database successfully.
>>Step: Start to Connect with target.
COM port searching and preloader handshake
COM port searching and preloader handshake ok
COM port searching and Kernel handshake
COM port searching and Kernel handshake OK
OK:EnterMetaApMode, Connect to target successfully.

>>Step: Enter func_BT_meta_hdlr_smart_phone();
Write BT to smartphone nvram
Step: Start to write BT Address = «000046662801».
Error: Write BT Address fail. Meta Result = 7
ERROR!! Go to ST_END statues is: ST_BT

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>>Step: Ap Meta Disconnect with target.

>>Step:Begin Scan Smart Phone data.

Танцы с бубном не помогли. Опять форматнул и прошил той же версией. МАС-и появились, IMEI пропал. Восстановил — нормально работает.
Для теста сделал хард ресет — ничего не слетело, MAC-и и IMEI наместе, телефон звонит, Wi-Fi и BT включаются и работают.
Или клиент за пару часов чего сам начудил или магнитные бури.

* * *
Клиент признался, что пытался обновить версию Андроида через меню телефона. Возможно, проблема именно в том, что тело китайское с адаптированной прошивкой, и обновление стает криво.


Wifi mac write failed


(01-11-2016, 07:09 AM) [email protected] Wrote: Maui meta only gives me an option to write IMEI and not WiFi mac address while SN writer gives me an error «WiFi Mac write Fail!!»

We have a reply schedule for Free Support. Please upgrade to Private Support if you can’t wait.

(01-11-2016, 12:48 PM) hovatek Wrote: [quote='[email protected]’ pid=’91723′ dateline=’1477980585′]
Maui meta only gives me an option to write IMEI and not WiFi mac address while SN writer gives me an error «WiFi Mac write Fail!!»

Lets focus on SN writer, are you able to write IMEI?
Also,can you get access to a working

Trying to write IME using SN writer gives the same error. Unfortunately I can not get my hands on a working V7. This is the reason why am seeking help from you guys.


(02-11-2016, 05:54 AM) [email protected] Wrote: Trying to write IME using SN writer gives the same error. Unfortunately I can not get my hands on a working V7. This is the reason why am seeking help from you guys.

We have a reply schedule for Free Support. Please upgrade to Private Support if you can’t wait.

(01-11-2016, 07:09 AM) [email protected] Wrote: Maui meta only gives me an option to write IMEI and not WiFi mac address while SN writer gives me an error «WiFi Mac write Fail!!»

Lets focus on SN writer, are you able to write IMEI?
Also,can you get access to a working

Trying to write IME using SN writer gives the same error. Unfortunately I can not get my hands on a working V7. This is the reason why am seeking help from you guys.

Please find the error message in the attached file


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