Wifi midi controller android

Wifi midi controller android

TouchDAW is a full-featured DAW controller combined with some general purpose MIDI tools running on Android™ devices and recent Chromebooks. It allows you to remote-control most DAW software and may also come in handy as a side-controller for keyboards or in situations where you might just need some MIDI source, but happen to not have your keyboard or controller around.

The app was started in 2011 — on a tiny HTC Wildfire running Android 2.1 — out of curiosity for the new computing platform and to make those early smartphones usable as control devices for some artwork. The underlying network MIDI library originates in work done for a large machine-theatre project and the sensor to MIDI functionality originally drove a virtual guitar feedback installation. Never had I imagined that the project would last as long as it did, but despite my curiosity being more than satisfied, I still find myself investing far more time into it than what I should allow myself to.

TouchDAW works with RTP or multicast MIDI over WiFi. It is directly compatible with Apple’s MIDI Network implementation in Mac OS X, Tobias Erichsen’s rtpMIDI for Windows as well as ipMIDI on all major desktop OSs. Various types of Usb connectivity are available as well, and you can — with some caveats — also run MIDI over Bluetooth.

The app is available on Google Play in a full featured paid and a feature-limited / time-restricted free demo version.
Please use the free version to ‘try before buy’ and test the waters before making that substantial 4 Euro investment.

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Wifi midi controller android


How to set up WiFi connection?

It will take about 10 minutes to set everything up for the first time. After that, everything will work just by running the necessary programs.

The computer and phone must be connected to the same network. Computer can be connected with LAN or WiFi and phone needs to be connected with WiFi. It is also possible to create WiFi hotspot with your computer or laptop by using built in network adapter or USB network adapter.

1.) You need to download two programs on your PC.

Sometimes the browser does not allow downloading zip files for security reasons. But these files have been scanned and do not contain viruses.

2.) Install LoopBe1, restart computer and run the program.

3. Open your DAW. (In this case we use fl studio).

  • Go to “Options” -> “MIDI settings”.
  • In “Input” section click on “LoopBe Internal MIDI” and enable it by selecting “Enable”.

4.) Extract MelodiController.zip.

Windows: Enter MelodiController folder and run melodi_controller.exe

Linux / Mac: Enter MelodiController/data folder, open terminal and run command (java -jar MelodiController.jar)

After you started a program you need to chose “LoopBe Internal MIDI” port and click Set

5.) Now you need to find IP address of your network adapter and enter that address in melodi app.

  • Open Command Prompt (click on windows Start button and type “cmd”)
  • Type command: ipconfig
  • Now there should be listed network adapters and their IP addresses (You should look for “IPv4 Address”).
  • Open melodi app on your phone. Go to settings (top-left button). In “Connection type” section select Wi-Fi
  • Enter the IP address you found in the Command Prompt and click “SAVE” button. Now it should work. You do not need to enter anything in the “Port” field, you can leave the default “1314”. (Often times there will be multiple IP addresses listed in Command Prompt. Just try one by one until you find one that works)
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Once you’ve set it all up you won’t have to go through all those steps every time. You will just need to start MelodiController.exe program and choose “LoopBe Internal MIDI” port.


Melodi MIDI Controller

Melodi MIDI Controller иконка

MIDI-контроллер Wi-Fi и USB с дополнительными инструментами для расширения ваших творческих возможностей.

Melodi — это MIDI-контроллер, который позволяет отправлять MIDI-сообщения во все популярные DAW на вашем ПК или ноутбуке. Он может работать через USB или удаленно через Wi-Fi. Приложение также содержит дополнительные функции, которые призваны расширить ваши творческие возможности и помочь вам создавать лучшие мелодии.

Посетите https://melodiapp.com, чтобы узнать, как настроить соединение Wi-Fi или USB.

Это приложение не синтезатор, который производит звуки, это MIDI-клавиатура, предназначенная для беспроводного воспроизведения музыки в DAW.

* Light Guide — Выберите между 50 музыкальными гаммами и режимами. Клавиша Stay-on с выделенными клавишами пианино выбранной в данный момент гаммы или режима.

* Scale Recognizer — вы можете проигрывать случайные мелодии из головы и определять, к какой гамме и основной ноте она принадлежит.

* Chord Pad — Дополнительные клавиши в левой части экрана, с помощью которых вы можете играть аккорды одновременно с основными мелодиями.

* Wi-Fi MIDI-соединение — используйте свой телефон в качестве беспроводного MIDI-контроллера. Чтобы все настроить в первый раз, потребуется около 10 минут, после чего потребуется всего несколько щелчков мышью, чтобы все заработало. Перейдите на https://melodiapp.com для получения руководства.

* USB-MIDI-соединение — использование вашего телефона в качестве USB-MIDI-контроллера.

Что нового в последней версии 2.6

— Easy keyboard — keyboard that contains only the keys that belong to the scale you have selected.
— Smoother touch functionality on Keyboard and ChordPad
— Bug fixes

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