Wifi no data received

[РЕШЕНО] disconnected, received deauth: sending station leaving (3)

В моем случае был неверно настроен DHCP и выдавался IP не из неверного локального пула.
Подключаемое устройство само отключалось после того как не могло достучаться до шлюза.

1. ip -DHCP Server — имя сервера.
2. ip — DHCP Server — Network ( обратите внимание чтобы было из нужной сети)
3. ip — pool

Помогла такая настройка.
в настройках беспроводной сети, в режиме advanced mode выставить Distance = indoors

Distance – дистанция в километрах, в основном используется для беспроводных мостов. Опция позволяет указать дистанцию в километрах (напр. при дальности беспроводного моста в 5км, указываем 5). Есть опция dynamic – в данном случае MikroTik сам пытается определить оптимальное значение данного параметра. И опция indoors – параметр актуален для точек доступа, работающих в обычных локальных сетях.

Очень странно что данная настройка как то повлияла, единственное если у вас там раньше был не dynamic т.е не дефолтная настройки.

Аналогичная ошибка (disconnected, received disassoc: sending station leaving (8)) возникает для ВПН-подключения. Т.е. микротик настроен как ВПН-сервер с l2tp/IP-sec. Заданы фиксированные IP-адреса для разных пользователей/подключений (которые в Secrets настраиваются)
Периодически один из пользователей отваливается с такой-вот ошибкой. Причём именно он — подключён к Микротику по локальной сети (и не через вай-фай, а по проводу), тогда-как остальные — подключаются «снаружи» из интернета (надо было объединить офис и удалённых пользователей в одну рабочую сеть с хоть какой-то безопасностью. )


Wifi connected but no data transfer: «ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available»

I have a Desktop which runs on Windows XP and a laptop which runs in Ubuntu 12.04. Recently I have set up a wireless router in order to be able to access internet on my laptop through wifi. The laptop connects to the wifi at ease, but is unable to transfer any data. Only when I switch on my laptop for the first time, it is able to transfer some data for just few minutes, after which it even fails to ping the router. Ping to router shows: «ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available», but the wifi still shows to be connected. Please help!

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@Anuj — the way this site works is by constantly refining your question with relevant information and replies. Please can you edit your question and add the relevant comments above and delete your comments. Thanks.

@kamil — similar comment above — post an answer and edit your answer as you «converse» with the OP. Thanks.

3 Answers 3

Myself and many others (according to my Google searches) are having this same problem with Ubuntu 11.10, whereas for me also I never had any trouble with network drivers in 10.x or even 11.04.

EDIT: Cause of problem NOT resolved, after all :'(. The following might still be involved in some way, so I’ll leave it here for others to reference. But it turned out NOT to solve the problem. Neither did reverting to a 2.6.x kernel.

My system is using the r8169 driver for my Realtek 8168 chip Ethernet port (on the motherboard in my case. Note: 8168 — not 8169!)

I finally got onto this issue when I found this post. I quickly confirmed that my 8168 card was using the r8169 driver by running .

. which takes a while — just be patient. 🙂

You can see the driver being used in the configuration: line . Example: .

configuration: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=r8168 driverversion=8.026.00-NAPI . 

Then I mostly followed the instructions in this post to install and activate the correct driver, changing specific paths as required to match my system. Note that the driver download site does not mention the v3.x.x kernel (only 2.4.x and 2.6.x) But it works just fine anyway.

If you have only one network interface, then you should be all set by this stage.

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Unfortunately, it wasn’t quite that simple for me, because I also had a second card installed, which did have an actual 8169 chip on it! :-/ So, I couldn’t just leave the r8169 driver disabled.

To fix this, I renamed the /lib/module/your-kernel-version/drivers/net/r8169.bak file (the autorun.sh driver installer script renamed it) back to r8169.ko and edited /etc/modules as follows .

# /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time. # # This file contains the names of kernel modules that should be loaded # at boot time, one per line. Lines beginning with "#" are ignored. loop lp r8168 r8169 

. [last two lines added] hoping that this would force the modules to be loaded in that same order, thus avoiding modprobe picking up the r8169 driver for the wrong card. It worked!

To the OP . I’m updating this for the benefit of other people searching for a solution, because it comes up pretty high in Google results. Hope you don’t mind.


Wi-Fi with no data

This has always bugged me, but I really don’t know the best way to ask it (sorry if this is a duplicate): Some Wi-Fi networks that I use require secondary authentication (via a browser, etc), and some are unreliable (they stop working intermittently). When this happens I get no data on my phone even though I have a data plan. (Galaxy S4, ATT FWIW). Is there a way to configure my phone to use my cell data when the connected Wi-Fi is not working\unavailable, etc?

This seems like something that you can automate with Tasker. I have a task that when I am not connected to any WiFi my mobile data turns on, otherwise it is off.

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4g, 3g, whatever. What I want is when I am connected to Wifi, if said Wifi is not sending\receiving data, that the data would go through my mobile data instead.

5 Answers 5

After some digging, I have to decide that what you are trying to achieve is not possible since there is no way to check whether there are additional login requirements necessary for the connected Wi-Fi networks.

You may be able to check the connectivity of the Wi-Fi network with the methods mentioned by both geffchang and NoBugs. But, since the connections with additional authentications literally give you the internet access to login to their network, the said apps and methods (even the tasker) will sadly be of lesser use.

But the Network Tester app suggested by NoBugs seems promising even though it cannot switch the connections.

You can use an app like Auto WiFi / 3G Switch to do the switching automatically. This app can be used to disable Mobile Data / 3G connection automatically when your device is connected to a WiFi network and re-enable Mobile Data when your device is disconnected from WiFi network. Again of course, the app cannot detect whether or not there are additional authentications.

Finally you are left with manually switching and toggling your mobile data and Wi-Fi. You can use an app like 3G WiFi Connection Mode.


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