Wifi questions and answers

Wi-Fi Interview Preparation Guide

Wi-Fi Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Wi-Fi is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance that manufacturers may use to brand certified products that belong to a class of wireless local area network (WLAN) devices based on the IEEE 802.11 standards. Because of the close relationship with its underlying standard, the term Wi-Fi is often used as a synonym for IEEE 802.11 technology. So learn Wi-Fi and get job in Wi-Fi with the help of this Wi-Fi Interview Questions and Answers guide

31 Wi-Fi Questions and Answers:

1 :: What is Wi-Fi Technology?

A way to get Internet access, the term Wi Fi is a play upon the decades-old term HiFi that describes the type of output generated by quality musical hardware, Wi Fi stands for Wireless Fidelity and is used to define any of the wireless technology in the IEEE 802.11 specification — including (but not necessarily limited to) the wireless protocols 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g. The Wi-Fi Alliance is the body responsible for promoting the term and its association with various wireless technology standards.

2 :: What does Free Wi-Fi really mean?

As the availability of Free Wi-Fi locations continues to spread I thought it might be good to review what Free might mean in different types of locations. The locations listed in the Wi-Fi Directory all offer some type of Free Wi-Fi access to the public, but sometimes there may be access requirements/restrictions that are unique to a particular type of location, and therefore the access, although free, may not be available to everyone/anyone. While accessing the Free Wi-Fi in certain locations you will be spending money to pay for a Hotel room or space in a RV Resort or for coffee in a cafe, etc. so the following information should help to clarify what Free Wi-Fi really means in different locations.

3 :: What can I do at a Wi-Fi?

The Wi-Fi wireless broadband connection allows you to do anything you’d do from home or the office. You can surf the Web, check your e-mail, connect to your Corporate network (be sure to use a secure VPN connection), make free Voice over IP phone calls, play online games, update your blog, and IM with your friends. If you just have a modem dial-up account at home you’ll probably end up spending more time at the Wi-Fi once you see how much faster it is.

4 :: Is my data and e-mail secure at a Wi-Fi?

You should never conduct unsecured transactions that include any account or password information over public hotspots using FTP, email, or the Web. Try to use SSL for email (POP and SMTP), or read your email with a Web browser using an SSL connection. Ask your ISP if they offer SSL secure web-based email.

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5 :: What is a Wi Fi Hotspot?

A Wi Fi hotspot is defined as any location in which 802.11 (wireless) technology both exists and is available for use to consumers. In some cases the wireless access is free, and in others, wireless carriers charge for Wi Fi usage. Generally, the most common usage of Wi Fi technology is for laptop users to gain Internet access in locations such as airports, coffee shops, and so on, where Wi Fi technology can be used to help consumers in their pursuit of work-based or recreational Internet usage.

6 :: How Can I Use Wi Fi?

You must be using a computer or PDA that has Wi Fi connectivity already working. Most portable computers can add Wi Fi using an adapter that plugs into a PC card slot or USB port.

7 :: Will I need to have an account with a Wi-Fi service provider?

Generally, no. You should be able to sign up with the provider at the location. Many providers will display instructions when browser software opens on a WiFi-enabled computer. If you don’t have an account, simply start your computer and make sure your Wi Fi card is plugged on. Then, open a browser.

8 :: Is Wi Fi the same as Bluetooth?

No. While both are wireless technology terms, Bluetooth technology lives under the IEEE protocol 802.15.1, while Wi Fi falls under the 802.11 specification. What this means for consumers is that appliances using Wi Fi technology and those using Bluetooth technology are not interoperable. Bluetooth and Wi Fi are different in several ways, and are not necessarily in competition. Wi Fi technology boasts faster data transfer speeds and range, making it a good replacement for Ethernet (802.3) systems, while Bluetooth requires less power and is therefore more prominent in small appliances, such as PDAs.

9 :: What is the difference between wifi and mifi?

Wifi provides internet connectivity using wifi hotspots while mifi provides connectivity when the devices are moving. Refer such tutorials, terminologies and more on RFWireless-world.com

10 :: Define Piggybacking in context to Wi-Fi?

Piggybacking is a term which states that something that is riding on the back of something else to complete his/her motive, just like similar to an idiom putting gun to another’s shoulder and performing the Hunting, so piggybacking is a term used to refer to access of a wireless internet connection by bringing one’s own computer within the range of another’s wireless connection, and using that service without the subscriber’s explicit permission or knowledge. It is a legally and ethically controversial practice, with laws that vary in jurisdictions around the world. Piggybacking is an unauthorized tapping into another’s connection with a public utility.
For e.g.- So piggybacking can be takes place like when I am accessing the wireless connection of my neighbor Wi-Fi without his/her knowledge by hacking his static ip address, then it would be possible for me to access the Wi-Fi connection of others.

Interview Categories:

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  • Web Servers / Services
  • WiFi
  • Wireless
    • Bluetooth Technology
    • Satellite
    • Wi-Fi
    • WiMAX
    • WMLScript


    WiFi MCQs

    WiFi Multiple Choice Questions :-

    1. Wireless networking, or Wi-Fi, can be used to connect computers in a home, and many cities are using the technology to offer free or low-cost Internet access to residents. What’s another name for Wi-Fi?
    A. 801.12 networking
    B. 801.22 networking
    C. 802.11 networking

    2. A wireless network uses ___ waves to transmit signals.
    A. mechanical
    B. radio
    C. sound

    3. What device sends and receives radio signals in a wireless network?
    A. modem
    B. digital translator
    C. router

    4. At what frequencies do Wi-Fi radios make transmissions?
    A. 3 GHz or 8 GHz
    B. 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz
    C. 2 GHz or 7.3 GHz

    5. ______ Of the following networking standards, which is not used in Wi-Fi data transmissions?
    A. 802.11g
    B. 802.11q
    C. 802.11b

    6. Which networking standard is the slowest and least expensive?
    A. 802.11a
    B. 802.11b
    C. 802.11n

    7. Which networking standard was the first to use orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) as a coding technique?
    A. 802.11g
    B. 802.11a
    C. 802.11n

    8. Which short-range wireless standard is used for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)?
    A. 802.16
    B. 802.15
    C. 802.13

    9. You can change the settings on your wireless router through a Web interface. One option you can change is channel. What channel do routers use by default?
    A. 2
    B. 7
    C. 6

    10. Which Operates in the 2.4-GHz Industrial, Scientific and Measurement (ISM) band (2.4 GHz to 2.4835 GHz) and provides signaling rates of up to 11Mbit/sec.
    A. 802.11a
    B. 802.11b
    C. 802.11e
    D. 802.11g

    WiFi Objective Questions

    11. Which is Expected to be ratified sometime in 2005, this Radio Resource Management standard will provide measurement information for access points and switches to make WLANs run more efficiently.
    A. 802.11a
    B. 802.11b
    C. 802.11e
    D. 802.11k

    12. Which is Expected to be ratified in mid-2005, this quality-of-service specification is designed to guarantee the quality of voice and video traffic.
    A. 802.11a
    B. 802.11b
    C. 802.11e
    D. 802.11g

    13. Which Wi-Fi security is impossible to crack?
    A. WEP
    B. WPA
    C. MAC Filtering
    D. None of the above

    14. What should you do to keep unauthorized users from changing your home router settings?
    A. Change the firewall settings on your computer
    B. Change the default administrator password and SSID
    C. Change the MAC address of the router
    D. Nothing, only the administrator can change router settings

    15. What are the two components necessary to have a wireless network?
    A. A laptop and the internet
    B. An access point and a WNIC
    C. A router and an internet connection
    D. A dual layer DVD reader and a LAN

    WiFi Objective type Questions with Answers

    16. What channel is the default for commercially sold routers?
    A. Channel 5
    B. Channel 6
    C. Channel 7
    D. Channel 2

    17. Which of the following is a sign that you might be on an unsafe network?
    A. The connection requires you to sign up for an account
    B. There is no password needed to access the internet
    C. You get free access with every fifth frappe
    D. None of the above

    18. Why is WEP security not as strong as WPA or WPA2 even though the code key is longer?
    A. WPA uses tunneling protocols
    B. WEP sends authentication codes with each packet
    C. WEP lacks the ability to use special characters
    D. WEP is not compatible with Windows 7 or Mac OS

    19. Which wireless protocol uses TKIP?
    A. WEP
    B. WPA
    C. WPA2
    D. WPS

    20. What is an Evil Twin Attack?
    A. An attack that mimics your MAC address to enter your network
    B. An attack that denies service to your router
    C. An attack that creates a mock website to trick a user into divulging secure information
    D. An attack that copies all of the files from your router to a secondary hard drive on a hacker computer and then harvest information continuously on your browsing activity

    21. wifi stands for_________
    A. Wireless Fidelity
    B. Wireless functioning
    C. Wireless function
    D. None of the above

    22. A Wi-fi enabled device can be_____
    A. PC
    B. Game Console
    C. Mobile phone
    D. All of the above

    23. Wifi uses which kind of multiplexing?
    A. OFDM
    B. TDM
    C. WDM
    D. FDM

    24. Wifi Alliance for certified products based on the
    A. IEEE 802.3
    B. IEEE 802.5
    C. IEEE 802.11

    25. Does wifi support roaming?
    A. Yes
    B. No

    26. What is the “acceptable” limit for the attenuation of a wifi signal (threshold before breaking signal)

    A. 75 dB
    B. 20 db
    C. -75 DB
    D. – 75 GHz
    E. – 20 dB

    27. What are the different wireless controllers Motorola

    A. RFS1000
    B. RFS4000 (Missed)
    C. RFS6000 (Missed)
    D. RFS7000 (Missed)
    E. RFS8000

    28. How many channels has 2.4 GHz frequency?

    29. To offer IPAD, it is mandatory to go through access Quickspot
    A. Real
    B. False

    30. The signal / noise ratio or SNR:

    A. It is a calculation that determines who makes the most noise in the Office 4001
    B. This is what means the quality of the transmission of information in relation to parasites
    C. This is a signal that sends noise in a building

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