Wifi усилитель soul knight


Mounts are rideable mech suits and monsters that support or boost the player when used during a run.

They are found during gameplay and the mechs can be forged beforehand in the Robotics Facility in the Workshop. When found during a run, they can be hired from the Mount Merchant or Armor Merchant for Gold (with Armor mounts minimum 30 Gold, with regular mounts minimum 15 Gold), with the cost increasing as the player goes to higher levels and can be reduced with the Sale Buff.



Mounts can be equipped/mounted by interacting with them. The skill button is used to dismount. Hence, the player cannot use the character’s skill while using a mount. Certain skills with persisting effects, however, can be used before mounting and will keep functioning even when on the mount.

  • It is possible to find another mount even if one is already equipped. In this case, trying to interact with the new mount will change to the new one, while leaving the old mount on the ground.

The player can re-mount at any time except when in a battle. The mount does not take damage while it’s unequipped.

All mounts have a separate health bar and will be destroyed when it reaches 0. Upon entering a new level, any mount equipped will restore half of its maximum health rounded down.

  • One exception is when the Engineer uses an Armor mount. In this case the mount will always restore to full health. This does not happen with monster mounts, however.
  • Having the Pet Buff will cause every mount to have 50% more health.
  • When the mount is destroyed, extra damage from the hit that destroyed it will be capped and not passed onto the player. Debuffs are an exception, however.


Monster Mounts

  • Monster mounts are rideable monsters and look like the Champion version of that monster, but resized.
  • Monster mounts can only be found in a run and cannot be forged.
    • They may be found by breaking a cage or by fishing.
    • If the player is holding a weapon that can switch modes through the Extra Button such as the Varkolyn Assault Rifle, they will not be able to switch modes, as the Extra Button activates the Mount’s attack.
    • This extra health is amplified by the Pet Buff.

    List of Monster Mounts

    Name Health Defense Speed Requirements Abilities
    Boar 10 0 +20% Kill 500 Boars None
    Bazinga 8 0 +10% None It has different appearances and abilities depending on the buff the player has.
    Bazinga (Ice variant) 16 0 +10% Bazinga with Freeze Buff Turns light blue and by pressing the extra button, it has the ability to freeze itself to be immobilized and prevent damage for a short time. Has a cooldown of 4 seconds.
    Bazinga (Lava variant) 16 0 +10% Bazinga with Fire Buff Turns red and leaves a fire trail behind as it travels. The trail deals 2 damage to enemies caught within the area of effect every second.
    Bazinga (Poison variant) 16 0 +10% Bazinga with Poison Buff Turns green and has a gas cloud around itself that can slow down and damage enemies caught in the area of effect.
    Bazinga (Thorn vairant) 16 0 +10% Bazinga with Trap Buff Turns purple and gains the ability to deal 6 contact damage to enemies.
    Gentle Snow Ape 20 0 +20% None Has a ball of snow that gets bigger as it walks. The ball can be used to damage enemies by running into them.
    Stubborn Dung Beetle 20 0 +20% None Has a ball of dung that gets bigger as it walks. The ball can be used to damage enemies by running into them.
    White Dragon Horse 10 0 +20% None None
    Dire Boar 14 0 +20% Complete Dire Boar Trainer
    (Kill 500 Dire Boars)
    By holding down the extra button, the Mount charges forward for the cost of 1 energy every 0.2 seconds. Similar to the Agitated Trunk. The mount is immune to Spike Tiles, similar to having the Trap Buff.
    Crystal Beetle 12 0 +10% Complete Crystal Beetle Trainer
    (Kill 500 Crystal Beetles)
    By tapping the extra button, it shoots out ice spikes that function like the Ice Crates, costing 5 energy per use. The mount is immune to Freeze, similar to having the Freeze Buff.
    Spider 12 0 +10% Complete Spider Trainer
    (Kill 500 Spiders)
    By tapping the extra button, it’ll explode around itself. Similar to TNT, with the same energy consumption but explodes immediately upon use. The mount is immune to Burn, similar to having the Fire Buff.
    Varkolyn 16 0 +10% Complete Varkolyn Trainer
    (Kill 500 Varkolyns)
    The mount is immune to Poison, similar to having the Poison Buff.

    Armor Mounts


    • Armor mounts are rideable mech suits. Most of them come with built-in weapons and players cannot use their own while wielding.
      • However, if the player is carrying assist weapons (like Floating Gun), they will function normally.
      • The only exception is the WiFi Booster — It does not have its own built-in weapons, allowing players to use their own.
      • Some weapons are activated with an extra button.
      • Some of them need to be upgraded by Armor Merchant to unlock a hidden weapon. Upgrading the mount also increases its maximum health by 2.
        • If Engineer uses his skill to summon an Armor mount it will not be able to have any upgrades.
    • Armor mounts cannot be repaired other than passing through a portal. However, they tend to have some defense such that they take less damage.
      • Armor mounts will have a green durability bar shown with a chip icon.
      • All Armor mounts have 1 extra defense in Badass Mode.
    • Armor mounts can be forged and found in a run. If found during a run, the Armor Merchant will sell the armor for Gold.
      • The only exception is the Dragon Dance Armor, which can also be found in a Special Room ( icon on the minimap) alone during Chinese New Year, and it can be taken freely.
        • It can still be forged or bought during a run if it is developed.
    • Armor mounts will add a honeycomb-like overlay on the GUI and its color depends on what armor was equipped. Prototype Armor is green, Iron Fist is orange, Apocalypse is purple, Dragon Dance is pink, WiFi Booster is blue, C5H6O5 is red, Floating 51 and Swift Shuttle Jet are light blue.
      • When the user takes damage, the overlay sometimes flashes red. This always happens if the durability is reduced below half.
    • Two of these are already unlocked while the rest have to be developed in the Design Table before forging like the developed weapons. Developing these Armor mounts requires their respective blueprints and gems (aside from Apocalypse, which only requires gems), while forging them requires a variety of materials and gems.
      • Like developed weapons, the player can instantly gain a copy of that Armor mount when it is developed. Afterwards, the player can go to the Robotics Facility to forge it or find it during a run randomly.

    List of Armor Mounts

    Note: 1 in stats means that the Mount takes 1 less damage from all sources.


    • All Mounts change size in the Gigantism and Dwarfism conditions to fit the player’s size.
    • All Armor mounts require gems to forge.
    • Most of the mounts were added in Update 2.0.0. The only exception is the Dragon Dance Armor, which worked slightly differently than today.
      • The Motorcycle was added in Update 2.2.0, for the purpose of navigating in the Cellar.
      • This bug was patched in Update 2.0.1 on iOS and Update 2.0.5 on Android.
      • If the mount does not have any defense in this case, it will also take 1 damage every time.



      Wi-Fi-усилитель (англ. WiFi Booster) — одно из восьми бронированных средств передвижения. Является именной бронёй Колосса Зулана.

      Как создать [ ]

      Чтобы создать это средство на столе конструктора, необходимо 2000 самоцветов и чертёж, который выпадает с Колосса Зулана.

      Материалы для создания [ ]

      После первого создания Wi-Fi-усилитель можно создать, имея нужные материалы (10 батарей, 10 деталей, 2 фрагмента Зулана, 1 синий магический фрагмент, 2 зелёных магических фрагмента и 800 самоцветов, если в Фабрике роботизации) или купить в процессе игры у Торговца средствами передвижения за 30 и больше монет.

      Атаки [ ]

      Имеет 16 единиц здоровья, 0 (1 ) единиц защиты, не влияет на скорость передвижения, в отличие от других передвижных средств, и не перекрывает оружия игрока.

      При улучшении от Торговца средствами передвижения увеличивает здоровье на 4 единицы и скорость на 5%. Также получает атаку «Шестинаправленные лучи».

      Способ Что делает Затраты энергии
      1 Парящие помощники (неофициальное название) Выпускает свои парящие орудия и парящий лазер, которые атакует врагов. Пассивно
      2 Шести-направленные лучи (неофициальное название) После нажатия кнопки дополнительной атаки в разные стороны вылетают 6 треугольных пуль, каждая из которых оставляет за собой 2 следа из пуль-пузырей (на подобие атаки чемпиона Шахтёра с дрелью) за время полёта. 0

      Советы [ ]

      Тактики [ ]

      С дополнительной короной Wi-Fi-усилитель становится невероятно мощным. Если у вас достаточно энергии, вы можете оставаться в невидимости и дроны будут уничтожать врагов за вас, но они не будут привлекать вражеский огонь.

      Пули от улучшенной атаки средства передвижения очень напоминают пули противника и могут затруднить распознавание атак противника, пока они задерживаются на некоторое время.

      Рекомендуемые бонусы [ ]

      • «Увеличение количества пуль для дробовика» — Парящее орудие может выстрелить 5 пуль.
      • «Увеличение области атаки лазерного оружия» — увеличивает урон от Парящего лазера до 5.
      • «Пули могут отрикошетить» — пули, вылетающие из парящих орудий, будут отскакивать от стен
        • По неизвестной причине это касается только парящих орудий, но не парящего лазера.

        Интересные факты [ ]

        • Данная броня была добавлена в обновлении 2.0.0.
          • На тот момент здоровье ровнялось 15-ти единицам.
        • Это единственное бронированное средство передвижение, которое не имеет защиты.
        • Название средства передвижения и источник его чертёжа могут указывать на то, что Парящее орудие и Парящий лазер работают по технологии Wi-Fi, по крайней мере, для Зулана.
        Средства передвижения
        Монстры Белая лошадь-дракон • Бугагашенька! • Добрая снежная обезьяна • Кабан • Упрямый жук-навозник • Кристаллический жук • Паук • Ужасный кабан • Варколин
        Броня Броня прототипа • Железный кулак • Апокалипсис • Танец дракона • Быстрый шаттл • Боебот смуты • Мехапартизан • Боекостюм рейда • C5H6O5 • Wi-Fi-усилитель • Парящий-51 • Плюмаж
        Остальное Мотоцикл


        WiFi Booster

        The WiFi Booster is one of the Armor Mounts that can be found in the game.


        How to acquire

        The player must develop the WiFi Booster on the Design Table in the Workshop first, with the cost of 1 WiFi Booster blueprint (dropped from Zulan The Colossus) and 2000 . Once developed, it can be found during a run, or forged in the Robotics Facility in Workshop.


        While dismounted, WiFi Booster will not take any damage from hostile sources.

        Press the fire button when near the WiFi Booster to equip it, and use the skill button to unequip.

        While the armor is equipped:

        • Skills cannot be used.
        • The WiFi Booster has 0 defense, which means it takes ordinary damage from all sources.
        • The WiFi Booster cannot be healed with Potions or Priest’s skill. The only way to heal it is to pass through Portals.

        This mount comes with 2 Floating Guns and one Floating Laser that will fight against enemies as long as the Mount is active. The player is free to use their own weapons.

        When upgraded, this mount gains a special attack.

        • This attack shoots triangle projectiles in 6 directions, each leaving trails of bubbles to both sides, like the enraged attack of Zulan the Colossus or Devil’s Snare.
        • This attack uses the extra button and does not consume energy.
        • The triangle projectiles deal 4 damage each, while the bubbles deal 2 each.



        WiFi Booster is the most durable armor mount but lacks any defense. In exchange for this, its floating drones can provide great support, on top of allowing other weapons to be used. While this restricts defensive options to just that, many melee weapons already offer sufficient protection, especially for non-aggressive approaches.

        A combination of Extra Crown and the passive ability of Panda can effectively allow the drones to take out enemies while the enemies do not show any aggression towards the player due to the complete invisibility.

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