Will bluetooth connect to wifi

Can Bluetooth And WiFi Interfere? (Solved)

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If you’re like me, you use Bluetooth and WiFi in many different places. You might be using a wireless keyboard and mouse at your computer, your Bluetooth earbuds for work, or your wireless headphones while watching Netflix at home.

However, what happens if you are on the go and you suddenly start to experience an issue with these devices where they just stop working all of a sudden. Can Bluetooth and WiFi interfere with each other?

The answer to your question is yes. Because both Bluetooth and WiFi utilize the same radio frequency band to transport data, the two may get in each other’s way. You’ll have more significant trouble connecting if the frequency is overcrowded.

In this article, I will show you a few basic actions you can take to reduce the interference and how you can figure out if your problem is related to Bluetooth and WiFi interference.

5 Helpful Tips to Minimizing Interference

As I stated above, Bluetooth and WiFi can interfere. It’s tremendously inconvenient to have shaky WiFi or a Bluetooth gadget that keeps disconnecting. Consistent workflows are almost impossible if you don’t have a constant internet connection, and reconnecting your Bluetooth device from scratch is inconvenient at the best of times.

But there is no need to panic if you are experiencing problems connecting and suspect that interference is the cause of your problem.

To get around this problem, you can use several different tactics. Simple fixes may have a significant influence on your interference. You may quickly restore a steady connection with the help of the following list of fast and easy methods.

1. Get Connected to a Router Network With Less Traffic

Multiple channels, such as 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, are standard on most current routers. To alleviate network congestion, if at all possible, move your router’s connection to a different channel. Check to see whether you’re able to connect to the 5GHz connection frequency. I’ll go into more detail about this later in the essay.

2. Bluetooth Devices That Need to Be Upgraded

The 2.4 GHz spectrum has many channels that most Bluetooth devices may use to avoid interference. Frequency hopping is the term for this. However, for this move to work successfully, devices must be running the most recent software version.

3. Remove Obstacles to Communication

A variety of materials may cause signal degradation. Various materials, such as walls, glass, concrete, and brick, might reduce signal strength and create connection concerns. As a result, the signal strength will be reduced if a concrete wall or cabinet hides your Router.

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4. The Router Should be Moved Closer

The closer you are to your home router, the better your connection since various materials degrade it.

5. To Re-Adjust Them

If you don’t have the time or patience to go through all of this, the only choice is to delete all of your devices’ Bluetooth and WiFi networks, then re-pair them all. This will remove any unused connections from the network that are older than the ones you’re currently utilizing.

If you want to read more on how to improve your connection, check out these two articles about 7 Genius Tips To Improve Your Bluetooth Connection and How to boost your Bluetooth signal to cover your entire home.

How Can You Relate Problem to Bluetooth and WiFi Interference?

For interference diagnosis, you need first look at the difficulties with your equipment. WiFi and Bluetooth interference may manifest themselves in various ways, but the following are some of the most common symptoms.

1. Connection Reliability Is Questionable

When trying to connect, does your device fail to connect, or does the connection drop in and out?

2. Signal Strength Delay

If you are experiencing poor signal strength consistently yet are close to your router, you may be experiencing interference difficulties.

3. Problems with Bluetooth Audio

Skipping, clipping in and out, static, and buzzing are examples of audio issues that might occur.

4. Sluggish Interaction

Another example is a computer mouse or a keyboard that takes advantage of Bluetooth connectivity.

Electromagnetic interference is evident when all of these problems are considered together. The question is, if you can’t get rid of them, what are your options? Here are a few examples of typical bad actors and some tips for identifying and resolving them.

What Sources Can Cause Interference Between Bluetooth and Wifi?

Bluetooth and WiFi share bandwidths, although most companies consider that when developing new gadgets. If you’re having trouble connecting all of your devices, check to see if any of them are interfering with each other.

1. External Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Access

Your WiFi or Bluetooth network may be affected by other WiFi or Bluetooth transmissions that are not emanating from you. This may be a problem in congested areas, such as cities, or when there are several WiFi networks in your neighborhood or apartment complex. There is a more significant risk of interruption if your device is connected to many networks.

This has the unfortunate consequence of implying that you have no control over some of the potential sources of interference. Some of these interference difficulties may be alleviated by advancing router technology. As previously mentioned, higher frequencies, such as 5 GHz, are often supported by newer routers.

2. Obstacles Posed by Things

When using 5 GHz, keep in mind that your connection will be more vulnerable to material interference because of the higher frequency. Any object that may reduce the signal’s power includes walls, chairs, furniture, or glass. You should be as near as possible to your router while accessing the network, which means using 5 GHz.

Some routers are capable of transmitting on several 2.4 GHz channels. If you have a WiFi router and a recent Bluetooth device with the ability to switch frequencies, you won’t have any interference between the two. Physical impediments, not Bluetooth frequency interference, may be the source of your troubles if you’re having any.

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In most cases, if not all of these issues can be alleviated if you use updated equipment. Using a 5 GHz router, on the other hand, is a certain method to prevent these concerns.

This could be beneficial since it operates on a higher frequency range than Bluetooth. Several techniques guarantee that your devices have a clear path to the network, even if you only have a 5 GHz router.


Espen is the Director of ProPairing and has written extensively about Bluetooth devices for years. He is a consumer product expert and has personally tested Bluetooth devices for the last decade.


Connect Mobile to WiFi Router using Bluetooth

Hi all, was wondering, if I have a bluetooth handphone, will it be possible for me to connect to my lappy, to share the WiFi internet connection rather than surfing the net using GPRS. So basically, the laptop is already connected to the Internet via WiFi, if I pair the lappy and phone using bluetooth, will I be able to surf the net using the phone? My WiFi is built-in, but I am using a bluetooth dongle (USB) so both function can run simultaneously. If I can surf using bluetooth, what configuration do I need to change? Any help is much appreciated. Regards.

11 replies

Actually girl15 is wrong. with the right combination of devices this is possible. I do it now.

The best LAN access USB dongle currently in My opinion is a Linksys USBBT100. It is a class 1 device with all the range you should need. This has the needed software too to provide LAN Access — NOT PAN

My dongle has been outfitted with a TERK Wifi 0 antenna to boost it’s range to well over 1300 feet. Parabolic reflector has yielded results of nearly 1.4 mile range with an 11db Dipole and Reflector.

My Laptop shares it’s wifi access to this USB bluetooth dongle. I have this paired with my TREO755p and also did this with my TREO650.

Setup for my device to do so. TO pair, USE the connection for LAN, and then SELECT it over the VERIZON network on my phone.

End result- I get full speed 700k. 700 feet solid access radius around my antenna.

Anywhere I can get Wifi with my laptop I can get BLuetooth Internet to my Phone

I can slingbox, bluetooth commander, Mundu IM, Skype, EMail, Surf, Pocket tunes, Coreplayers Youtube. Beeline TV. etc etc.

I rather take my treo to my hotel bathroom than the laptop anyday. with this I can even usually use my phone in the lobby, lounge dining area while my laptop is in my room.

I’ve set XP up to use the provided bluetooth stack and not Microsoft or this would not work after XP Sp2 ( this is not tested in Vista )


Does Bluetooth interfere with WiFi?

I’ve read that WiFi b/g/n is using 2.3995 to 2.4845 GHz. Bluetooth is in between: 2.4000 to 2.4835 GHz. So what will happen when I put a Bluetooth sending device next to a WiFi sending device? Will the two devices be aware of each other (like two WiFi devices do)? Or will they send their data as if they were alone (means interference)?

\$\begingroup\$ If you are experiencing the problem, it could be due to USB 3: USB 3.0* Radio Frequency Interference Impact on 2.4GHz Wireless Devices — White Paper. \$\endgroup\$

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\$\begingroup\$ The search term is «wifi and Bluetooth coexistence» one resource ti.com/pdfs/vf/bband/coexistence.pdf \$\endgroup\$

2 Answers 2

Yes, WiFi and Bluetooth can disturb each other.

But both are equipped to handle that. A standard that is not capable to handle disturbance and/or interference will simply be unusable under many circumstances.

The 2.5 GHz ISM band is also used by Microwave ovens and other wireless standards like Zigbee.

Wifi transceivers are able to detect when certain data has been lost and can ask for a re transmission. It is also possible to lower the datarate which makes the link more «robust» in the sense that it is less sensitive to disturbances.

Bluetooth uses frequency hopping, it changes channel (frequency) 1600 times per second. That way if one channel is disturbed only part of the data is lost. Also a re-transmit of data is possible.

So yes, interference happens, it is a fact that the standards simply have to deal with.

\$\begingroup\$ So Bluetooth and WiFi don’t have a common CA/CD (collision avoidance/collision detection) system. They simply don’t know each other and it’s just noise for the other party. That’s what I wanted to know. Is that right? \$\endgroup\$

\$\begingroup\$ When I do large wifi transfers from my laptop TO an external device, suddenly my mouse becomes jerky. I think that when the laptop is transmitting a lot, it disturbs significantly the mouse. The same thing doesn’t happen when receiving. \$\endgroup\$

\$\begingroup\$ @slebetman and wifi uses frequency hopping. No it doesn’t, it is not part of the standard. For WiFi a channel is selected and then that is used, see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.11 The channel is not changed dynamically so there is no «hopping». But feel free to prove me wrong. \$\endgroup\$

\$\begingroup\$ @Thomas the explanation is simple: when sending a file, your laptop transmits a signal which is strong at your laptop (and then disturbs the mouse) but weaker at your WiFi access point. When receiving, the situation is reversed, the signal is strong at the access point but weaker at your laptop. Such a weak signal does not disturb the mouse. \$\endgroup\$

\$\begingroup\$ @Bimpelrekkie correct, WiFi doesn’t frequency-hop, but in the early days of 802.11b, many people confused DSSS with FHSS and I think that is how this confusion was born. \$\endgroup\$

Wifi uses a listen before transmit system. If the channel is busy, it holds off transmitting. Eventually it gets through. Each channel is fixed. If it tries to use a channel that is busy, from bluetooth, then it will wait. This may reduce the data speed for wifi if it has to wait too much.

Bluetooth for over a decade now uses adaptive frequency hopping (Bluetooth 1.2) so it will actively check each of it’s channels to see if they are good or bad, and blacklists them for a while. This is on top of it’s normal frequency hopping. If it tries to use a channel(s) that is busy, from say wifi, then it will move on to the next and won’t use those wifi channels, essentially not interfering.

So both try to actively prevent interfering with others and suffer data loss or speed loss for it. But because of these techniques, they can coexist. In a quiet environment, the wifi and the bluetooth networks won’t even bother each other. In a noisy environment, there goes your bandwidth.


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