Windows adb wifi connect

ADB отладка по WiFi с компьютера и смартфона (без Root)

Отладка adb

ADB (Android Debug Bridge – отладочный мост Android) – инструмент, он устанавливается вместе с Android SDK и позволяет управлять устройством на базе ОС Android. Работает на всех Android-смартфонах с начиная с версии Android 11, где данный функционал не был намеренно заблокирован производителем.

В этой статье я предлагаю вам пошаговую инструкцию.

Отладка по adb с компьютера по Wi-Fi

Шаг 1. Скачиваем Platform Tools с офиц. сайта, выбираем ОС, которая стоит на вашем компьютере (macOS, Windows, Linux). Распаковываем скачанный архив желательно на диск С.

Шаг 2. Открываем папку с распакованным архивом и в адресной строке вызываем командную строку (команда “cmd“).

Командная строка

Шаг 3. В телефоне переходим в настройки для Разработчиков и активируем пункт “Отладка по Wi-Fi”.

В настройках этого пункта выбираем “Подключить устройство с помощью кода подключения”.

Подключить устройство по Wifi

На экране смартфона появится код для подключения, IP-адрес и номер порта. Их нужно будет ввести на ПК в командной строке (об это далее).

Шаг 4. На компьютере в командной строке вводим:

adb pair (ваш IP-адрес и номер порта)

и вводим код в строке “Enter pairing code”.

Произойдет подключение компьютера к телефону по Wi-Fi, о чем вы узнаете из всплывающего сообщения на смартфоне.

Шаг 5. Теперь выполним соединение. В командной строке вводим строку:

adb connect (ваш IP-адрес и номер порта).

Теперь проверяем, подключено ли наше устройство: adb devices.

Подключение устройства

Теперь вы сможете по Wi-Fi с компьютера пользоваться всеми прелестями команд adb для управления смартфоном (не подключая при этом смартфон по кабелю). Например, удалить штатные системные приложения.

Отладка adb с телефона по Wi-Fi

Для отладки оба телефона должны находиться в одной беспроводной сети, т.е. подключены к одному роутеру.

Шаг 1. Установим на первый смартфон, с которого будем управлять, программу Bugjaeger Mobile ADB (есть в Google Play).

Шаг 2. На втором телефоне в настройках разработчика включаем отладку по Wi-Fi.

Шаг 3. В настройках отладки выбираем “Подключить устройство с помощью кода подключения”. Нам дадут код, IP-адрес и номер порта.

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Настройки для подключения

Шаг 4. Запускаем Bugjaeger на первом смартфоне и выбираем “Подключение” (иконка розетки) -> Pair. Далее вводим код, IP-адрес и номер порта для подключения.

Данные для сопряжения

В конце жмем Connect для сопряжения.

Программа Bugjaeger имеет огромное количество команд, обширный функционал. Но для работы через свои собственные команды жмем на иконку <> и вводим свои adb команды.

Вводим свои adb команды

Теперь в любой момент, подключившись к одной точке доступа (роутеру) можно будет соединяться по Wi-Fi и отсылать команды как с ПК, так и с любого смартфона/планшета с версией Android 5.0 и выше на другие устройства, которые имеют отладку по Wi-Fi (начиная с версии Android 11 и выше).


How can I use adb over WiFi? [duplicate]

I am debugging USB devices connected to my Android phone, this means I cannot use ADB over a USB connection. How can I connect to adb over WiFi? Note: Similar question here refers to adb over tcp, however, I’m specifically asking about WiFi.

There is a plugin for Android Studio. Work with it is very easy and has a great explanation on the read-me page. After connecting device to the adb over wi-fi it acts as normal connected device

Yes Android Wifi ADB plugin is there and you can install from android studio refer this link…

3 Answers 3

  • Connect Android phone and host machine to same WiFi network
  • Connect Android phone to host machine using USB cable (to start with)
  • Run adb tcpip 5555 from a command prompt
  • Run adb shell «ip addr show wlan0 | grep -e wlan0$ | cut -d\» \» -f 6 | cut -d/ -f 1″ to obtain the phone’s IP address
  • Disconnect USB cable and run adb connect :5555

You can now view logcat output by running adb logcat or by viewing the Android Monitor tab within Android Studio.

Or to get the IP address in a «simpler» (well, faster) way: adb shell «ifconfig | grep -A 1 wlan0 | tail -n 1 | cut -f2 -d: | cut -f1 -d’ ‘»

Using ifconfig on Android Q I get ifconfig: ioctl 8927: Permission denied . I’ve updated my answer to use ip addr show wlan0 instead.

Is there anyway to get around having to make the initial physical connection? Sometimes when I’m debugging its a hassle to go find a cord. could i write an app that makes my phone get into a state that will allow the connection without needing to be plugged in?


How to Set Up and Use ADB Wirelessly With Android

ADB normally needs a USB cable to connect to your phone. But you can also connect ADB to Android wirelessly. Here’s how.

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ADB is a command line utility that facilitates communication between your Android device and a PC. The tool is often used in rooting Android, and flashing Android ROMs, but has many more use cases (more on this later).

The standard procedure to use ADB involves establishing a USB connection between your Android device and the PC. But there is another way. Let’s take a look at how you can use ADB wirelessly.

How to Set Up ADB

If you have already set up ADB on your Android and PC, then you can skip this step. If you haven’t, there is a first time for everything!

To use ADB on your system, you first need to download and unzip the Android SDK Platform Tools from the Android developer website.

Mac users can use Homebrew to install ADB using the command: brew install homebrew/cask/android-platform-tools

On your Android device, you will need to enable USB debugging in the developer settings before you can connect the device over ADB.

Android Settings

Android Build Number

Android Developer Options Home

Go to Settings > About phone then tap on the Build number several times. Once again, go to Settings > Developer options, then toggle on USB debugging.

Once that’s done, connect the Android device to your PC using a USB cable. Even though we’re going to set up a wireless connection, you do need to use a cable first. Make sure to always allow the USB debugging prompt that will appear on your Android device.

Android USB Debugging Developer

Android USB Debugging Confirm

Open the command line or Terminal and navigate to the Platform Tools folder.

If you’re on Windows, you can head to the downloaded Platform Tools folder and open the PowerShell window by pressing Shift and right-clicking anywhere in the folder, and selecting Open PowerShell Window here. On a Mac, open the Platform Tools folder and go to Finder > Services > New Terminal at Folder.

If you’re using Windows, type adb devices in the command prompt and press Enter. On Linux and Mac, all the commands should be preceded by a dot-slash, so it would be ./adb devices.

If everything works the way it should, you will see your device’s serial number under the list of attached devices.

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List of devices attached ADB

How to Use Android ADB Wirelessly

Now comes the meat of the matter, which is how you can establish a wireless ADB connection with your Android device. Once you have set up ADB and connected the Android device to your PC, follow the steps below to use ADB wirelessly.

    Type adb tcpip 5555 in the command line or Terminal and press Enter.

Connecting Android with ADB over TCP

ADB connection uisng IP address

The Android device should now be connected to ADB over a wireless connection. You can safely remove the USB cable.

Is Android ADB Not Working?

If your Android device won’t connect to Windows over ADB (i.e. you are getting errors in the command line), you can try installing Minimal ADB and Fastboot from the XDA Forums. This package installs the necessary Android drivers and might help you get rid of any command line error.

Alternatively, you can use WebADB, which brings all the ADB functionality over to your web browser. The online tool also allows you to run ADB over Wi-Fi. In other words, you can skip installing ADB altogether.

What Can You Do With ADB?

A popular misconception is that Android ADB is only useful when rooting Android. However, that is just one of the many applications of the Android Debug Bridge.

You can, for instance, remove pre-installed apps from your non-rooted Android with an ADB command. Some Android smartphones make it impossible to uninstall unwanted apps, ADB can help you there.

The command line utility can also be used to mirror your Android screen to a PC without rooting. You can achieve this with a free tool called Scrcpy. The tool works absolutely amazingly with a wireless ADB connection.

If you own an Android TV, you can sideload apps using ADB. However, connecting your PC to an Android TV is not feasible, that’s where you can set up the wireless ADB. The steps will remain the same as mentioned above.

Is ADB Safe to Use?

If you are someone with knowledge of ADB commands, using the utility won’t be a problem. However, if you are new to this space, there are risks with using ADB. Entering the wrong commands could cause issues on your device, or brick your phone at worst, especially if you are trying to root your device.


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