Windows bluetooth audio android

How to stream audio from PC to Android Device over Bluetooth

I have a rooted Android Device running Android 2.3 Gingerbread and a PC(with Bluetooth dongle) running windows 7. My mobile has Bluetooth with A2DP support. I want to output the audio(not just music) of my PC to my Android Device over Bluetooth. i.e. I want my android device to work as an Audio Output Device(like headset) for my PC. How to do it?

10 Answers 10

Dev0 and hello are correct — no you cannot connect using your Android device as a A2DP sink given the standard Android bluetooth stack. Stack Overflow user Dennis Mathews explains why:

You may not be able to [create an A2DP connection] manually between 2 phones also because to stream one device needs to be A2DP sink and other other A2DP source; phones are typically only source devices (source of the stream that can stream to sink devices), sinks are headsets or Bluetooth speakers.

He and the OP briefly discuss options for replacing the stack but their conversation dies without a concrete answer. as it seems several other similar questions around the web do. XDA user zelendel, in general, isn’t very hopeful about the matter — when asked if it was possible to replace the bluetooth stack he responded:

Simple answer is no. You can try a CM based rom that gives you those options but the stacks can’t be swapped due to driver problems. It is a give and take. The Default has better strength and range but is missing a few unneeded option (PO), while CM uses Bluz stack which gives you the option but you lose some BT signal strength and range.

Sorry, it seems to me you’re out of luck.


Потоковая передача музыки с Android или IOS на Windows 10

Windows 10 версия 2004 обратно стала поддерживать «remote audio sources«, что позволяет настроить компьютер или ноутбук как динамик Bluetooth. Это значит, что вы можете транслировать музыку с вашего телефона на Android или iPhone на динамики вашего компьютера через Bluetooth A2DP Sink. Есть один нюанс. Пока что в Windows 10 нет встроенный функции A2DP Sink в параметрах, со временем добавят и я обновлю руководство, но мы воспользуемся приложением, которое позволит нам слушать музыку на компьютере через телефон по блютуз.

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Слушать музыку на ПК через телефон по Bluetooth

1. В первую очередь вы должны сделать сопряжение телефона Android или IOS с Windows 10 по Bluetooth.

сопряжение Bluetooth телефона с windows 10

2. Перейдите в Mcirosoft Store и загрузите специальное приложение Bluetooth Audio Receiver для Windows 10. Версия ОС должна быть не ниже 2004.

Bluetooth Audio Receiver

3. Запустите приложение и нажмите «Open Connection«, чтобы законнектиться приложению с телефоном. Далее включите музыку на телефоне и динамики вашего компьютера или ноутбука будут воспроизводить поток.

Важно: Выключите «Close Connection», когда не используете потоковую передачу. У меня на ПК был переносной USB Bluetooth и я его резко вытянул, что привело к синему экрану BSOD. Не повторяйте мою ошибку.

приложение Bluetooth Audio Receiver

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  • Как сделать видео из фотографий и музыки бесплатно в Windows 10
  • Как использовать приложение Ваш Телефон в Windows 10
  • Как узнать версию Bluetooth на компьютере или ноутбуке Windows 10
  • Не работает Bluetooth в Windows 10
  • Телефон как веб-камера через USB, WiFi или Интернет


Can I stream audio from Android to Windows through Bluetooth?

Yes you can. Depending on your Bluetooth adapter on your Windows computer. Connect the two together, find the Phone connection and choose «Control». There you can connect to the phone as «Music and Audio».

Of course this can be different on your computer and then I cannot help you.

In case someone’s coming from a Windows 10 without this feature, I managed to add it by installing Toshiba’s Bluetooth Link, for example, from here:

In Windows 10 versions released before Windows 10 May 2020 Update, Microsoft had implemented support for the A2DP source role, but not for the SINK role for desktop editions. This means you could use Intel Bluetooth on Windows 10 to send audio to other Bluetooth devices, such as a speaker, but you wasn’t be able to receive audio from other Bluetooth devices via A2DP.

Starting in Windows 10 version 2004, Microsoft has re-added the SINK role to Windows 10 for upcoming versions of the OS. However, to use the feature, you need to install a third party app Bluetooth Audio Receiver from Microsoft Store, as the OS lacks the user interface to activate the SINK role.

You could use DLNA, this allows to stream Music, Viedeos and Pictures:

That’s correct: DLNA uses «normal» network ressources. r4d1um probably thought it you main issue to «stream from Android to XX», and «Bluetooth» being an option — and thus was giving you some other options. It was not that clear that other options were not desired 😉

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I also wouldnt prefer bluetooth to wifi, i guess bluetooth is somehow too slow for streaming audio. But Sorry ive then missunderstood you a bit.

I was also frustrated by windows 8 (64bit) with this as well. After upgrading from win-7 64bit to win-8 64bit, I was a little miffed to discover that I could no longer connect via Bluetooth to my windows machine and play what was on the phone.

I tried using the software for win-7 from the adapter manufacturer — no good.

So I bought a MediaLink BT (version 4.0) adapter. The device instructions say to NOT use the CD, that win-8 will install the necessary drivers. — Drivers installed, BT adapter found and installed, but audio streaming from my phone Still didn’t work.

So I tried to let the «autorun» feature of the cd install drivers, but win-8 stopped this saying it was «buggy».

So I «explored» the CD and went to the Vista_Win7>Win64 directory and ran inst.exe. This installed all of the manufacturers BT stack.

Now when I connect my HTC Vivid (ICS) through Bluetooth to my computer, a «remote control» for my phones media player pops up on the pc desktop and allows me to start the player.

This solved my audio streaming from Android to win-8 64bit problem for $14.99. woot!


How do I stream Android audio to Windows 10 over bluetooth?

I’m trying to stream audio to my Windows 10 PC through my bluetooth adapter (Kensington Bluetooth 4.0 USB Adapter for Laptops (K33956AM)). I was able to get the device paired with Windows 10 but I can’t seem to connect and do anything. When I try to select my PC from my Android phone’s(Lollipop) bluetooth setting nothing happens. It says paired under my PC name. I have a Logitech bluetooth adapter hooked up my A/V system and when I select that one it connects fine. In Windows 10 it shows my android phone in the list of devices and says paired under it but when I select my only option is to «Remove Device». Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Thanks!

I got it working. I was looking at the suggestion below and when looking through those settings I realized I never downloaded any software for my Bluetooth device so it was just using a generic drive. I went to Kensingtons website and downloaded the software, installed it, and rebooted. After doing that I was able to connect and play audio through my PC.

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3 Answers 3

  • First, make sure your Bluetooth adapter is capable of «A2DP» audio streaming and that you set up the full/all drivers, not only the ones for peer-to-peer services.
    • Right click on Bluetooth > Options / Settings > COM Ports and check if your streaming service is installed there.

    Last note: You could also stream over WiFi too. Connect your phone and PC to the same network and get one of the countless apps from the app store that lets you stream media to the network, it’s easier 🙂

    How can I ‘make sure’ my Bluetooth adapter is capable of «A2DP» audio streaming? Which one is ‘my’ Bluetooh adapater: the PC or the smartphone? How do I make sure this capability is on? How do I set up the full/all drivers, not only the ones for peer-to-peer services.» ??

    In Windows 10 versions released before Windows 10 May 2020 Update, Microsoft had implemented support for the A2DP source role, but not for the SINK role for desktop editions. This means you could use Intel Bluetooth on Windows 10 to send audio to other Bluetooth devices, such as a speaker, but you wasn’t be able to receive audio from other Bluetooth devices via A2DP.

    Starting in Windows 10 version 2004, Microsoft has re-added the SINK role to Windows 10 for upcoming versions of the OS. However, to use the feature, you need to install a third party app Bluetooth Audio Receiver from Microsoft Store, as the OS lacks the user interface to activate the SINK role. This app should be running to be able to stream audio from Android to Windows 10 speakers over Bluetooth.

    If you possess Asus device, you can use Asus AOLink built-in app for that.

    1. Enable DLNA (is enabled by default if you didn’t change this setting)
    2. Enable Home Group
    3. Install WMPlayer in Windows 10
    4. Then you will be able to stream music like this.

    This app seems to be outdated, but just in case. Just in case you have old Asus.

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