Windows linux mac solaris

Windows, Linux, Macintosh and Solaris (openSolaris)

Recently, many developers are taking into consideration where to develop their software, because as you could se here, Windows still is the most OS used, but Macintosh and Linux are growing very fast. Maybe, the reason could be the mess that Windows Vista has done and it’s propting to migrate many developers to Linux and Mac. Specially the first because of be free and open source (it’s improving very fast). Every day more developers focus their software projects on multiplatform solutions. All those reasons had incited me to write this article where I pretend to show the way I see nowadays software.

I’ve chosen Windows, Linux, Macintosh and Solaris (openSolaris) for this article.

Sola ri s
Finally we’ll analysis Sun’s OS. In 2005 was released to open source community Solaris source code. Sun’s doing many efforts to steal Linux users and affiance it’s position. The great advantages that open-Solaris offers you is a system where Java plays the most important role. It’s really very good integrated in the OS. Of course we could programmed in .NET, C/C++ (Gtk or Qt for example).

The only problem I found to Solaris is that it needs more drivers to be completely useful, although Sun is doing efforts to increase hardware support.

GNU/Linu x

Linux is an OS that is living its best moments since it was created by Torvalds on 1991. Maybe, DELL and Lenovo (Asia) has also made it easier (recently it seems that HP also will begin to sell Linux preinstalled) preinstalling this OS in their machines. Linux is nice because it’s free, open source and also good looking (Mac users should admit that Beryl/Compiz Fusion looks very cool). In my opinion, Linux is becoming the future OS. Why? Simple. You could develop for free .NET (using Gtk# for drawing GUI’s), Java (SWT or Swing for GUI’s), C++ (Qt4, really seems very good API). As KDE user, I think that Qt4 will be future’s multiplatform API because it’s very eficient, easy to use and also support bindings for Java and C#. I’m sorry for «gnomers», but Gtk isn’t good enough compared to Qt4.

Java still is programming languages leader. So Java is a very good alternative to develop «serious» software. The only inconvenient i found is that it needs a virtual machine like .NET. After all, it’s really very good platform.

Apple is living it’s best moments. It’s too obvious because their incomes are increasing very fast, there’s more software, more users. So, someone who wants to distribute multiplatform software should take into serious consideration this OS. It’s stable, fast, secure and very productive. Like Linux, in Macintosh we could programmate using .NET with Mono, Qt4 and Gtk. The advantages compared to Linux are, in my opinion, none. Maybe just being more productive. Otherwise, Macintosh is much better than Windows, at least I think so. Windows quite good because of the fact that it’s got a huge repertory of software. Just for this.

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With Qt4 new version, right now there’s no problem tu run this libraries in Mac (the same in Windows). Java is in Macintosh a great platform, but official version here it’s 1.5 (1.6 hasn’t been released to Macintosh because Apple is who optimize/revise Java for Mac). So, if you want to use Java 1.6 you should use a Virtual Machine program like Parallels or VMware (with its advantages/disadvantages).


Windows is the most OS and also it’s the OS who have more developers and software. It’s a emperor in that «world». Obviously it doesn’t mean that it’s the best OS. In my opinion, Windows is a very good platform to distribute your software because the number of potencial clients it’s very high (around 93%). Because of this, everybody should take into consideration distribute it’s software under Windows, despite the fact that Linux users (and mac, too) don’t like nothing Windows.

On the other hand, everybody should note that Microsoft had made a extremely good platform to develop software that it’s also very productive. I’m thing in .NET. Luckily, there’s a port for UNIX OS’s: Mono . It works under Linux, Macintosh, Solaris and more UNIX OS’s.

.NET platform is really very good because it’s able to abstract many languages like C#, Visual Basic, Object Pascal, C++, J#, Perl, Python, Fortran, Cobol.NET (look here for more).
La plataforma .NET es realmente muy buena porque es capaz de abstraer gran cantidad de lenguajes (C#, Visual Basic, Delphi (Object Pascal), C++, J#, Perl, Python, Fortran y Cobol.NET). Also there’s a cool place to search and learn more about Microsoft tecs in msdn. Just there’s a problem. Microsoft released to open source community the kernel of .NET, not Windows Form API. So, you can make a non GUI multiplatform application. Then, projects like Mono are forced tu use GTK# for drawing GUI’s. The advantages of use Gtk# is that it’s free and multiplatform. Inconvenience are that it’s very bad documented. Also, if you develop under Mono, you always will be steps behind Microsoft. After all, .NET it’s a great platform.

Despite the fact that .NET it’s very good platform to develop software, I think that Java is too very good. Both .NET and Java are the more extended platforms, and Java plays with advantage. It’s truly multiplatform, and not only this. Also it will be open source. Sincerelly, SUN has done a good game.

Finally, there’s two more alternatives in Windows. Gtk and Qt. Both are multiform and open source, but I prefer Qt. The are few reasons:

After this OS analysis, I ought to stand out virtualization technologies. Virtualization in Windows, Linux, Mac and openSolaris works very good. There are many options like VMware (Windows, Mac and Linux), Parallels (Mac, Windows, Linux), XEN (Linux and openSolaris), VirtualBox. So, virtualization wont be the fact that will decide what’s the best programming platform.

Personally, I will chose Linux to develop professional software if we work under a tested hardware (like DELL PC’s). ¿The reasons? Security, solid, huge libraries collection. All those things made Linux the best multiplatform development software. It may be future platform. Anyway, if you want to develop using Java I strongly recommend you to use openSolaris. The reasons why I haven’t choose Windows or Mac are obvious. Closed systems, expensives and nowadays really doesn’t offer too much to final users than what we have for free in the open source community.

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Also, I strongly recommend you to learn Qt4 API because, in my opinion, it will be very important in the future. What dou you think? Do you agree with me? Give you opinion, please!


Download Virtualbox: All Versions for MAC, Windows, Linux, and Solaris (Latest Version 7)

Download Virtualbox

In this article, we will share the direct links to Download Virtualbox for all MAC, Windows, Linux, and Solaris versions.

Developer: Oracle (USA)
License: GPL v.2 (free)
Version: 7.0.6/ 6.1.26 (64-bit) / 5.2.44 (32/64-bit)
Updated: 2023
System: Windows / macOS / Linux / Solaris
Interface: English
Rating: рейтинг
Category: Virtual Machines and Emulators
Size: It depends on the Operating System

About Virtualbox

Oracle VM VirtualBox – a powerful free virtualization system for creating isolated virtual machines with different operating systems for corporate and home users.

What’s new?

New in version 7.0.6 (17.01.2023)

New in version 6.1.26 (29.07.2021)

New in version 5.2.44 (14.07.2020)

New in version 6.0.0 (18.12.2018)

System Requirements

Note. Version 6.1 will remain supported until December 2023.

Supported systems for VirtualBox 7.0.x

Windows 64-bit (host systems):

  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10 RTM (1507) build 10240
  • Windows 10 November Update (1511) build 10586
  • Windows 10 Anniversary Update (1607) build 14393
  • Windows 10 Creators Update (1703) build 15063
  • Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (1709) build 16299
  • Windows 10 April 2018 Update (1803) build 17134
  • Windows 10 October 2018 Update (1809) build 17763
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019

macOS 64-bit (host systems):

Linux 64-bit (host systems):

  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS and 18.10
  • Debian GNU/Linux 9 (“Stretch”)
  • Oracle Linux 6 and 7
  • Redhat Enterprise Linux 6 and 7
  • Fedora 28 and 29
  • Gentoo Linux
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 and 15
  • openSUSE Leap 42.3 and 15.0

Oracle Solari 64-bit (host systems):

Download Virtualbox

  • Oracle Solaris 11

Detailed Description

Oracle VM VirtualBox is a feature-rich tool for creating isolated virtual machines, offers high performance, and is also the only professional solution that is freely available with open-source code under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) v.2.

VirtualBox supports many guest OPERATING systems, including but not limited to Windows (NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7), DOS/Windows 3.
x, Linux (2.4 and 2.6), Solaris and OpenSolaris, OS/2, and OpenBSD.

VirtualBox is actively developing with frequent updates and has an ever-growing list of features, supported guest operating systems, and platforms with which it works.

VirtualBox is the result of teamwork with the support of dedicated companies: everyone is invited to contribute, while Oracle ensures that the product meets professional quality criteria.

VirtualBox Extension Pack Features

Extension Pack adds new valuable features to the popular VirtualBox virtualization solution.

– The set of add-ons includes a USB 2.0 controller (EHCI), which, for example, will allow you to improve the performance of your USB 2.0 devices.

– You will also get VirtualBox Remote Desktop Protocol (VDRP) support.
Essentially, it allows you to run a virtual machine on one computer, and you view and manage it from another.

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– Extension Pack also includes support for remote computer boot via Intel PXE boot ROM emulation with support for the E1000 network card.

All these features require a separate installation of the package with the extension “vbox-extpack” on top of VirtualBox (go to the “Useful links” section for download).

Close VirtualBox, download and run the VirtualBox Extension Pack installation file, and VirtualBox will run the add-on and install it, updating any earlier versions that may have been installed.

Download VirtualBox 7.0.6

Download VirtualBox 7.0.6 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack

Download VirtualBox 7.0.6 Software Developer Kit (SDK)

Download VirtualBox 6.1

Download VirtualBox 6.1 – 64-bit

Download VirtualBox 5.2 – 32-bit

Other Builds:

Now you can follow this guide to install Virtualbox.

Conclusion: Download Virtualbox

I hope you were able to Download Virtualbox on your system. If you face any issues, please comment below.

Ruby has been a writer and author for a while, and her content appears all across the tech world, from within ReadWrite, BusinessMagazine, ThriveGlobal, etc.


What is the Difference Between Similar But Different Things, Terms, and Objects

What is the Difference between Mac, Solaris, Unix, Windows and Linux

If you have some interest in computer software applications, then these names will be definitely much known for you. However, there are many such computer users as well, who just know the names of different operating systems, but not a single difference between them. Here, I am going to unveil some key differences between world famous operating systems like Mac, Solaris, Unix, Windows and Linux, so that you could avoid confusion among their use as well.

Mac is the operating system designed and marketed by Apple Incorporation and is available with very high user interface. The Mac not only runs on just Apple computers, but also its whole package tends to be more expensive than the Windows equivalent for the same power.

Solaris is an operating system based on UNIX family but developed by Sun Micro system. Today, it has been owned by Oracle Corporation since January 2010.

UNIX is a family of operating systems manufactured by AT & T. It is designed to run in a mainframe environment. . It has numerous user interfaces, but it works very effectively for server applications. There have been some efforts to make UNIX work on PC’s, but for the most part it remains the domain of large business systems.

Windows is a general applications OS designed by Microsoft. It has a very wide range of applications, many of which can be downloaded and run for free. It is notorious for having feasibility for viruses and has amazingly bad tech support.

Linux is a UNIX like operating system based on Linux Kernel and used for personal computers. Until recently, Linux also had all of the limitations of UNIX; with the sole benefit that you could run it on an Intel based PC.

Mac vs Solaris vs Unix vs Windows vs Linux

The first difference is that all these operating systems are developed by different manufacturers like Apple Inc, Oracle Corp, AT & T, Microsoft and Linux Kernel for Mac, Solaris, Unix, Windows and Linux respectively. In addition, there are vast differences in software applications and features of these operating systems.


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