- How to Install Windows Media Player 11 on Wine
- 5 Answers 5
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- Установка Windows Media Player 11 на Linux Ubuntu 11.10 и просмотр GoToMeeteng (g2m3 codec) видео
- Thread: Universal Streaming Media Player
- Universal Streaming Media Player
- Re: Universal Streaming Media Player
- Re: Universal Streaming Media Player
- Re: Universal Streaming Media Player
- Re: Universal Streaming Media Player
- Re: Universal Streaming Media Player
- Re: Universal Streaming Media Player
How to Install Windows Media Player 11 on Wine
But I am having problems with step 2 (Download Windows Media Player 11 for Windows XP (link in Resources) and save it to Ubuntu’s desktop). I’m just not finding a way to do it.
I may be overlooking the (link in Resources) Can’t find it.
Just out of interest what did you need thats in windows media player that’s not supported by one of the many full featured native media players available for ubuntu?
How did you manage to skip the Genuine Advantage check WMP11 has in the beginning. Using PlayOnLinux or Wine (Or even trying to do it in VirtualBox) throws me a «What the hell man, you got some illegal $!@# here».
By the way, I got around DRM by burning the offending WMV files to a CD, and then ripping them using Asunder. I don’t recall the details of the process, but it worked extremely well, and now I can play everything in Ubuntu without any problems at all.
5 Answers 5
This is a Half-Answer. I say half since you will not be able to visualize the theme of WMP11 but you will be able to play music and videos (Videos in this case only in fullcreen). If this is something you think solves the problem then accept, if not (Most likely will not since it is a weird way of installing it) then feel free to comment on it.
(Tested on my PC a laptop and in a last sorry excuse for PC just to make sure the procedure can repeat itself)
Steps to install Windows Media Player:
- Have Wine 1.3.33+
- Have winecfg opened all the time since you will be using it a lot.
- Configure winecfg in the video tab to a virtual window. In my case I set this at 1024×768.
- Configure winecfg to use Windows 2003
- No need to configure any libraries
- Pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster and let yourself be touched by his noodly appendage
After all that is made (I also have PlayOnLinux installed. I mention it just in case POL installed something in Wine and I did not notice or didn’t tell me about it ^^) we can proceed with WMP11:
- Download the WMP11 version for Windows XP (I only tested this one. It is about 25MB)
- Having winecfg already opened and configure to emulate a virtual desktop of at least 1024×768 (So to not use fullscreen) open a terminal in Ubuntu (Outside wine) and go where the WMP11 executable is.
- Run wine wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu.exe where the downloaded installer is. At this point winecfg should be configure in Windows 2003 mode. You will get the welcome screen, click on validate and wait for it. In Windows 2003 mode it will skip validation and go to the EULA. DO NOT ACCEPT THE EULA YET!.
- Go to the winecfg window (which both should be sharing, winecfg and WMP11) and change the system from Windows 2003 to XP. Save it but don’t close winecfg yet.
- Continue with the installation of WMP11.
- You have a chance of finishing the installation with no problem, but if it hangs (Which probably will) in 25%, 50%, 75% do not worry. Just go to the terminal that you used wine to execute wmp11 and press CTRL + C . After that, just in case type wineserver -k to kill any remaining wine related processes.
- Repeat steps 3 through 5 until the installation finishes completely remembering that to start WMP11 you need to have winecfg configured to Windows 2003 and after the validation, change it back to Windows XP to continue the installation.
- Assuming you got to the end of the installation it will ALWAYS say «You have failed!. The installation went wrong and did not survive. Kitties will die». Do not worry about the «did not complete part» at the end of the installation. It actually finished. At least looking from a functionality perspective.
- Go to the WMP11 folder inside the wine directory where the installer «installed» the WMP folder. Setup winecfg for Windows XP and run wmplayer.exe (You can run it from Nautilus). In my case it is in /home/cyrex/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Windows Media Player . Remember to not close winecfg since we are not done yet with it.
- WMP11 will open but it will be horrible as seen here:
Press Enter 4 or 5 times to accept something that you can not see. I do not remember how many. Just do 5 and that should be enough.
- Again, close WMP11. run wineserver -k just to make sure.
- Change winecfg from Windows XP to Windows 7.
- Open wmplayer.exe again. This time you should see a little bit more stuff like here:
- And one last time, close WMP11. run wineserver -k and change winecfg from Windows 7 to FINALLY Windows XP where it will remain. NOW you can close winecfg.
That is all. The option to run WMP11 can be found in the Open With option when right clicking in Nautilus, as seen here:
You can hear music, add mp3 lists and hear all songs from the list as shown here:
Lastly you CAN see a movie but you need to make it fullscreen to see it. Just press ALT + ENTER for fullscreen. The menu below while fullscreen will not work, instead just right click the video and the context menu should help. As shown here:
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Установка Windows Media Player 11 на Linux Ubuntu 11.10 и просмотр GoToMeeteng (g2m3 codec) видео
Часто скринкасты и видеокурсы записывают с использованием g2m3 кодека. Все было бы хорошо, если бы этот кодек поддерживался не только windows. Что делать, если мы хотим смотреть GoToMeeteng видео под Ubuntu Linux?
На данный момент поддержка кодека g2m3 в Linux не реализована, поэтому придется соорудить костыль через wine конечно же.
Добавлено: Лучше всего установить версию wine 1.4 и выше. Для этого добавляем репозиторий и обновляем перед установкой.
Далее будет установка wine 1.3 но это не так. Это просто название, не соответствующее версии. Будет установлена wine 1.4.
Если что-то из этого не установлено, установить обязательно. Пакет wine потянет за собой полезные winecfg и winetricks. Что дальше?
На сайте gotomeeteng кодека написано следующее:You’ll need to install mplayer, win32 codecs, wine, the gotomeeting codec (copy the G2M.dll codec to /usr/lib/codecs). Then run the video with WMV. You also might want to see this post on downloading the g2m3 codec.
Устанавливаем g2m_codec.exe под wine. Топаем в папку Program Files, ищем там G2M.dll и копируем в /usr/lib/codecs с затиранием того, что там есть (если есть).
Теперь нам нужен Windows Media Player 11. Для его установки придется проделать танцы с бубном. В итоге этих танцев WMP 11 все же не будет работать полно функционально, но нужное нам видео проигрывать будет.
- Скачайте WMP 11 версию для Windows XP, это важно. Найти можно в гугле. Примерно 25мб.
- Держите winecfg открытым. Он пригодится на протяжении всей установки. Можно сконфигурировать wine использовать виртуальный рабочий стол, но не обязательно.
Переводим wine в режим Windows 2003!
Запускаем устновку WMP 11. - wine wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu.exe например. В Windows 2003 режиме пропускается валидация системы при установке, иначе установка сразу завершится. Подтверждаете валидацию, далее не соглашайтесь с лицензией.
Поменяйте режим wine обратно на Windows XP.
Теперь согласитесь с лицензией и продолжите установку. - В процессе установка может вылетать на 25%, 50%, 75%. Ничего страшного, так и должно быть. При вылете установки делаете
Thread: Universal Streaming Media Player
First Cup of Ubuntu
Join Date Apr 2009 Location Ottawa, Ontario Beans 10 —> Beans 10 Distro Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope
Universal Streaming Media Player
In Windows, it seems that every different media format you want to stream seems to require a separate media player: Real Player for Real Media, Windows Media Player for Windows Media, QuickTime for QuickTime movies, DivX Player for DivX files, etc. I would love not to have 20 different media players on my computer!
If I understand the Audio and Video Streaming section of the Comprehensive Multimedia & Video How To, then the program Gecko Media Player in Ubuntu will replace the myriad of media players that I currently have to use in Windows XP. Did I understand correctly?
Note that my litmus test is the following:
Watching the live UN Webcast @ http://un.org/webcast/
Listening to CBC Radio One @ http://www.cbc.ca/listen/index.html#
Viewing movie trailers @ http://www.apple.com/trailers/
Viewing DivX video if I can find a site that had as much good content as Stage6 did.
And of course watching YouTube videos @ http://www.youtube.comBanned
Re: Universal Streaming Media Player
VLC can handle all but the first two although I had no luck with either of the others even in firefox
Tea Glorious Tea!
Re: Universal Streaming Media Player
While I mostly use VLC simply as a personal preference,here is how to get CBC 1 or CBC 2:
Sound and Vision>Rhythmbox Music Player>Radio(left hand column)>left click the selected channel until it turns blue>click play>adjust the volume.
CBC one and two were installed when I downloaded it. I have loaded several classical stations and rhythmbox works like a charm.
But for playing CDs,I use VLC because I like having an equalizer.
Good luck finding a player for the UN feed.
First Cup of Ubuntu
Join Date Apr 2009 Location Ottawa, Ontario Beans 10 —> Beans 10 Distro Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope
Re: Universal Streaming Media Player
If the defaults in Ubuntu (Rhythmbox and Totem) don�t meet my needs then I will try VLC because the all of the Ubuntu books I read and many of the websites I looked at mentioned VLC Player. At this point Gecko Media Player will be the next step if VLC doesn�t work out.
Spilled the Beans
Re: Universal Streaming Media Player
Originally Posted by wbee
. CBC one and two were installed when I downloaded it. I have loaded several classical stations and rhythmbox works like a charm.
I tried adding CBC One, using «http://www.cbc.ca/listen/streams/r1_toronto_32.html». Rythmbox looked for a plugin, could find what it needs. («Text / HTML Decoder.»)
How did you install CBC One? BTW, the same station streams fine in Firefox. Thanks.
First Cup of Ubuntu
Join Date Apr 2009 Location Ottawa, Ontario Beans 10 —> Beans 10 Distro Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope
Re: Universal Streaming Media Player
So far I have tried M-Player and VLC Player and both have provided limiting results. With M-Player media controls (play, stop, volume, etc.) appears, but practically nothing plays. With VLC Player I can get windows media to play but I can�t get access to media controls. Nothing worked so far with the UN webcast.
I have installed all of the media packages recommended in the Comprehensive Multimedia & Video Howto, Ubuntu Pocket Guide & Reference, and Ubuntu King-Fu (I�ll double check tonight).
I�ll be trying the Gecko Player next, and after that the Real Player / Helix Player to get the UN webcast to work.
It looks like this thread will be unsolved for quite some time as it is seems that I will need several different media players for the time being.
5 Cups of Ubuntu
Re: Universal Streaming Media Player
It is a pain to find the URL for CBC Radio One.
Current URL for BBC Radio One working in Rythmbox is the following: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/listen/live/r1.asx. Change the r1 to r2 or r3 for radio two and radio 3. All working at this time.
RSS feeeds for many CBC podcasts are right up front and easy to find at www.cbc.ca/podcasting/.
A very nice feature in Rythmbox is that it now automatically loads a URL that you have copied to the clipboard when adding a new station, or podcast. You just click ADD, name the station so you can remmeber it and «close». It would be better if the close button said «save» IMO.
In the past, I have had verions of Rythmbox that had outdated URL’s. I find that a bit more frustrating than just having to load them, because I waste time checking out stations with erroneous URL’s.
A nice help tutorial or web link telling very new users the basics of finding and adding stations might be more efficient and just as helpful as trying to maintain a list of reliable stations by default.