Windows portable and linux portable

Запуск portable версий винсофта в Линукс (ubuntu)

Прошу совета для следующей ситуации! Имеется нетбук с установленной убунтой 9.10. Используется почти исключительно для работы. Так вот ОО для работы устраивает практически всем. Но вот беда — большинство документов (особенно сложных) из МС офиса ОО открывает довольно криво (соответственно и наоборот). А так как большинство доков со стороны именно в МС офисе, этот недостаток меня достал. Я поставил Wine, сначала версию 1.0.1 и решил запустить под ней МС офис. Так как устанавливать сей пакет нет никакого желания, я запускал portable версии офиса — 2007, 2003 и ХР (2002). Ни одна из них не работала корректно (висли, вылетали), некоторые не работали никак (не запускались). Ладно, поставил последний Wine — 1.1.36 — картина аналогичная ((( Или просто вылетала критическая ошибка с необходимостью закрытия программы или вылетала ошибка процесса rpcss, причем процесс этот множился, вылетала куча окошек с предложением закрыть этот процесс. В системном мониторе приходилось убивать МС офис и кучу напложенных им и вайном rpcss-ек. Короче туго у вайна с запуском портабл софта. Поставил я КроссОвер. портабл 2002 и 2003 МС Офис он у меня запустил на отлично. Портабл 2007 не запустил с жалобами на недостаток памяти или свободного места на диске (?). Вот как то так ( В связи с этим вопрос — а как у wine и ему подобных с portable Винсофтом. Планирую запускать portable версии МС офиса, Finereader-a, Statistica for Win, ряд видеоредакторов (Улид, например).


portable версии офиса — 2007, 2003 и ХР (2002)

А разве их существование легально?

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хм-м-м, а разве легальность софта имеет какое то отношение к моему вопросу? Но если Вы настолько принципиальны — то можете не отвечать )))

были истории успеха по установке не портабл версий МСО — погугли

Вся фишка в том, что мне нужно исключительно и только Портабл )))

Смысл? Изначально же была задача работать с мсофисными документами.

Он стремается проверки и рассчитывает в ответственный момент выдернуть флешку.


Thread: Running a Windows Portable Application under WINE

Iggy64 is offlineGee! These Aren’t Roasted!

Running a Windows Portable Application under WINE

I have a few Windows portable applications that I would like to run under WINE. Most of these have simply an executable file (.exe) and a settings file (.ini). There is no install file (launcher). In Windows, I would simply create a folder ProgramName under the C:\Program Files folder. Then I would place the .exe and the .ini file in the ProgramName folder. To run the program, I would simply run programname.exe.

What is the recommended way to run such a program under WINE?

to open the Wine File Explorer and launch the programname.exe from there. But it’s not clear how the programname.ini file would be accessed. Also, the app does not seem to be fully functional this way — although that may simply be the best it will be under WINE.

env WINEPREFIX=~/.wine_programname winecfg

to create a new wineprefix for the program. I figure I can now copy my files to

and then run the program from there. Does this make sense? Is there a better way?

[The reason I haven’t found out whether the above method works is because I’m also having trouble copying the files to the target folder. Still working on that.]

Mark Phelps is offlineUbuntu Member

Join Date May 2007 Location Virginia, USA Beans 13,377 —> Beans 13,377 Distro Ubuntu Mate Development Release

Re: Running a Windows Portable Application under WINE

Windows «portable» applications are often «cracked» versions of Windows apps that were modified to prevent requiring activation, or the execution of an installation step that would then attempt to verify a product key or serial number.

To confirm this is NOT the case with the apps you are trying to run, you need to tell us the apps and the version of each.

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Then, we may be able to help.

Ubuntu 20.04, Mint 19.10; MS Win10 Pro.
Will not respond to PM requests for support — use the forums.

Iggy64 is offlineGee! These Aren’t Roasted!

Re: Running a Windows Portable Application under WINE

Thank you very much for responding. When I get home from the job, I will check on the version numbers of the software.

I am fairly certain that the few portable apps I have are not cracks. I always avoided using anything like that, preferring to stick with things in the legitimate public domain. The program I am starting with is called EncSpot Pro, which was originally shareware, but which was made freely available some years ago. (The creator published a universal key.)

However, my question here is a more generic one. I have, I believe, good instructions for how to install a normal (registered) Windows program under WINE. But I have not found instructions on how to «install» a «portable» Windows program — i.e., a Windows program that does not have an installer and does not write to the registry.

To install a normal Windows program, I create a wineprefix, then simply run the installer in the newly created folder. But, with a portable Windows app, there is no installer to run. My question is, do I simply copy the executable file into the c_drive/Program Files folder?

I will experiment with that tonight. I tried yesterday, but was having problems copying the files. I am trying to solve that issue under a separate thread in this forum. It might have something to do with permissions, and I have a lot to learn about that.

Again, thanks for offering to help. I will report back with better info and, hopefully, with some progress.

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grahammechanical is offlineUbuntu addict and loving it

Join Date Jun 2010 Location London, England Beans 12,356 —> Beans Hidden! Distro Ubuntu Development Release

Re: Running a Windows Portable Application under WINE

Have you installed any Windows programs under Wine? We get a Windows type Add/Remove Programs dialog where we can browse to the location where the program is stored and click on the exe. That works with a setup.exe. I know that does work. I have never tried it to launch a program. I only have one Windows program. I install it using setup.exe, Intellishield is run and I launch it through its icon.

There is a downloadable wine user guide here:

You may find it better to try to launch the program through the terminal. Any errors will be shown in the terminal and you can use them it work out what went wrong. This is what I see from the wineguide

If the application doesn’t install menu or desktop items, you’ll need to run the app from the command line.
Remembering where you installed to, something like:

$ wine «c:\program files\appname\appname.exe»

will probably do the trick. The path isn’t case sensitive, but remember to include the double quotes. Some programs
don’t always use obvious naming for their directories and EXE files, so you might have to look inside the program
files directory to see what was put where.

It is a machine. It is more stupid than we are. It will not stop us from doing stupid things.
Ubuntu user #33,200. Linux user #530,530


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