Wolfram mathematica для linux

Как установить Mathematica в Linux

Программа установки Mathematica для Linux это bash скрипт, который запускается в терминале Linux. Если вы не знакомы с терминалом, пожалуйста, прочтите краткое руководство по использованию терминала. Настройка представляет собой простой диалог. Пожалуйста, следуйте соответствующим инструкциям по установке с загруженного скрипта или с DVD или USB-накопителя.

Выполнение установки с загруженного скрипта

  1. Закройте все приложения от компании Wolfram, открытые на вашем компьютере.
  2. Откройте терминал и перейдите в каталог, в котором находится установщик. Например, если установщик находится на вашем рабочем столе, запустите:
Enter the installation directory, or press ENTER to select /usr/local/Wolfram/Mathematica/13.0:
Type the directory path in which Wolfram Mathematica script(s) will be created, or press ENTER to select /usr/local/bin:
WolframScript allows Wolfram Language code to be run from the command line and from self-executing script files. It is always available from /usr/local/Wolfram/Mathematica/13.0/Executables/wolframscript. WolframScript system integration makes the wolframscript binary accessible from any terminal, and allows .wls script files to be executed by double-clicking them in the file manager. Install WolframScript system integration? (y/n)
VernierLink provides the ability to control sensors and instruments by Vernier Software & Technology using the Wolfram Language. Users must have read and write permissions to the devices for this functionality to work. It is possible to configure this computer so that all users have read and write permissions for Vernier devices. If you do not have any Vernier devices, or if you wish to control device permissions yourself, it is safe to answer "no" to this question. Configure computer so that Vernier devices are writable by all users? (y/n)

Установка завершена. Далее, активируйте программное обеспечение, чтобы начать его использовать.

Выполнение установки с DVD или USB-накопителя

  1. Закройте все приложения от компании Wolfram, открытые на вашем компьютере.
  2. Смонтируйте DVD или USB-накопитель и смените рабочий каталог на каталог точки монтирования. После этого, измените каталог на Unix/Installer.
  3. Вам понадобятся административные привилегии, чтобы установить Mathematica по умолчанию. Введите:
Enter the installation directory, or press ENTER to select /usr/local/Wolfram/Mathematica/13.0:
Enter the installation directory, or press ENTER to select /usr/local/Wolfram/Mathematica/13.0:
WolframScript allows Wolfram Language code to be run from the command line and from self-executing script files. It is always available from /usr/local/Wolfram/Mathematica/13.0/Executables/wolframscript. WolframScript system integration makes the wolframscript binary accessible from any terminal, and allows .wls script files to be executed by double-clicking them in the file manager. Install WolframScript system integration? (y/n)
VernierLink provides the ability to control sensors and instruments by Vernier Software & Technology using the Wolfram Language. Users must have read and write permissions to the devices for this functionality to work. It is possible to configure this computer so that all users have read and write permissions for Vernier devices. If you do not have any Vernier devices, or if you wish to control device permissions yourself, it is safe to answer "no" to this question. Configure computer so that Vernier devices are writable by all users?


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How do I set up Mathematica on Linux?

Read this article in: Deutsch, Español, Français, 日本語, 한국어, Português, Русский, 中文 If your organization has enabled access to Wolfram products through single sign-on (SSO), see How do I activate a Wolfram product using single sign-on (SSO)? To set up Mathematica on your Linux machine, you first need to download Mathematica. The installer for Mathematica Student Edition is in your Wolfram Account; all other Mathematica installers are in the Wolfram User Portal. The Mathematica installer for Linux is a bash script that runs in the Linux terminal. If you’re not familiar with the terminal, please read a brief guide on how to use it. The setup is an easy-to-follow dialog. Please follow the corresponding instructions for installing from a downloaded script or from a DVD or USB drive.

Downloading the Mathematica + Documentation Installer from the User Portal

  1. Go to the Mathematica product page in the User Portal.
  2. Click the Linux link in the “Mathematica + Documentation” row and “Direct File Download” column. This downloads the combined installer for both the core Mathematica product and the documentation.
  3. Wait for the download to finish.
  4. Next, run the installer.

Downloading the Mathematica + Documentation Installer from Your Wolfram Account

  1. On the Products & Services tab in your Wolfram Account, select Wolfram Mathematica.
  2. Under Access ► Desktop, click Download to download the combined installer for both the core Mathematica product and the documentation.
  3. Wait for the download to finish.
  4. Next, run the installer.

Running the Installer from a Downloaded Script

  1. Open a terminal and change the directory to where the Mathematica + Documentation installer is located. For example, if the installer is located on your desktop, run:
sudo bash MathematicaAndDocumentationInstaller.sh

sudo asks you to enter your password on the machine. After providing it, the installation starts.
Omit sudo when installing to a location for which you have the necessary write permissions. The installer prompts you to enter an installation directory.

Enter the installation directory, or press ENTER to select /usr/local/Wolfram/Mathematica/13.3:

The installer prompts you to choose where you want to place the executables.

Type the directory path in which Wolfram Mathematica script(s) will be created, or press ENTER to select /usr/local/bin:

The installer may ask you to choose if you want to overwrite or rename a previously existing installation of Mathematica + Documentation. At this step, you can also choose to cancel your installation.

 (1) Overwrite (2) Rename (3) Cancel Type your selection, or press ENTER to select (1): 

Next, the installer asks if you want to install wolframscript, an optional add-on to execute Wolfram Language code to be run from the command line or by using a script.

WolframScript allows Wolfram Language code to be run from the command line and from self-executing script files. It is always available from /usr/local/Wolfram/Mathematica/13.3/Executables/wolframscript. WolframScript system integration makes the wolframscript binary accessible from any terminal, and allows .wls script files to be executed by double-clicking them in the file manager. Install WolframScript system integration? (y/n)

The installation is now complete.

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Running the Installer from a DVD or USB

  1. Quit any previous installation of Wolfram products running on your machine.
  2. Mount the DVD or USB and change the directory to the mount point. Then change the directory to Unix/Installer.
  3. Installing Mathematica under its default locations typically requires administrative privileges. Type:
Enter the installation directory, or press ENTER to select /usr/local/Wolfram/Mathematica/13.3:

The installer prompts you for a location for the executables.

Type the directory path in which Wolfram Mathematica script(s) will be created, or press ENTER to select /usr/local/bin:

The installer next asks if you want to install wolframscript, an optional add-on to execute Wolfram Language code to be run from the command line or by using a script.

WolframScript allows Wolfram Language code to be run from the command line and from self-executing script files. It is always available from /usr/local/Wolfram/Mathematica/13.3/Executables/wolframscript. WolframScript system integration makes the wolframscript binary accessible from any terminal, and allows .wls script files to be executed by double-clicking them in the file manager. Install WolframScript system integration? (y/n)

The installation is now complete.


Installing Mathematica

Mathematica is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. For a complete list of platform availability, visit www.wolfram.com/mathematica/system-requirements.html. Any supported machine can act as a client for running Mathematica, provided the following two conditions are met:

  • The client has access to the Mathematica files, either locally or from a file server on the network.
    • The license server running MathLM is available on the TCP/IP network.

    A license server can also function as its own client. However, this is not recommended. If the machine has to be rebooted for any reason, the serving of licenses to all other clients on the network may be disrupted.

    If you wish to license Mathematica from a MathLM license server, MathLM should already be installed and running on a license server on the network (see «Installing MathLM» for details). To complete the Mathematica installation, you will need to know the name or IP address of the license server running MathLM.

    To install Mathematica, you must be logged in with administrative privileges, or be able to elevate to administrative privileges. You also must activate Mathematica using the Wolfram User Portal in order to run it (see «Activating Mathematica» for details).

    One convenient way to install Mathematica on a client is to run the installer remotely from a file server. This is an efficient way of making Mathematica available to a large number of users without having to supply a CD/DVD to each one. You can install Mathematica from a file server on a client running any supported platform. It is not necessary that the client platform be the same as the file server platform.

    To install Mathematica from a file server, you first must make the installer and Mathematica files available to the clients. You can do this by copying the contents of the CD/DVD to the file server and exporting the directory, or by exporting the CD/DVD mount point on the file server. Then, mount the directory with the Mathematica distribution on the client and change to this directory, and run the installer as usual.

    Installing Mathematica from a file server requires first copying the installer executable and all files in the Mathematica distribution from the DVD onto the file server.

    The Windows Installer

    Open the Windows directory from the DVD. Double-click the file Setup.exe to launch the installer and follow the prompts. The main Windows installer includes a custom setup option which allows you to control whether to install secondary components, including support for the Mathematica web browser plugin and components for indexing notebooks on the file system.

    The Macintosh Installer

    Mathematica may be installed by dragging the Mathematica application bundle into the Applications folder, as illustrated by the startup window when you insert the DVD. The DVD also includes an installer to install secondary components, including support for the Mathematica web browser plugin and for Spotlight and Quick Look support of Mathematica-created documents.

    The Linux Installer

    1. Mount the CD or DVD. For information on mounting a CD/DVD, see «Mounting a CD or DVD on Linux».

    Note: This step may not be required on most Linux distributions, as most operating systems automatically handle mounting.

    2. Change directory to / cdrom /Unix/Installer . Note that the exact location of the CD/DVD mount point might be different for your platform.

    3. Run the installer. Default installation under /usr/local requires root privileges.

    4. Follow the installer prompts.

    If you are installing Mathematica on multiple machines, it can be time consuming to respond to all of the installer prompts on each individual machine. By supplying command-line options to the installer, you can customize various features of the installation process or automate it entirely.


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