X file explorer linux

  1. X file explorer linux
  2. MENU
  4. What is it ?
  5. Why yet another file browser?
  6. News
  7. 30/12/2022 — Version 1.45 released
  8. 14/03/2021 — Version 1.44 released
  9. 8/06/2019 — Version 1.43.2 released
  10. 16/09/2018 — Version 1.43.1 released
  11. 17/07/2018 — Version 1.43 released
  12. X File Explorer
  13. Внешний вид и интерфейс
  14. Возможности программы
  15. Заключение
  16. Установка
  17. Установка в Ubuntu (LinuxMint)
  18. Windows аналоги
  19. Xfe: a lightweight file manager
  20. Table of Contents
  21. Installation
  22. Features
  23. Open source projects to follow (XI)
  24. Convert between several markup formats with Pandoc
  25. timeout: run a command with a time limit
  26. Export a manpage to (almost) any format
  27. RSS readers: read feeds with these graphical and command line tools
  28. RS1 Linux News: news aggregator focused on Linux and open source
  29. Open source projects to follow (X)
  30. Joplin: an awesome note-taking application, available on multiple devices
  31. mpv Media Player: one of the best media players on Linux
  32. More diagramming tools: Mermaid alternatives
  33. Password generators
  34. ripgrep-all (rga): search text on any file
  35. Mabox Linux: a lightweight Manjaro with Openbox WM
  36. scan4all: a new vulnerability scanner
  37. Using Kali Linux on Linode (VNC)
  38. Alternative search engines: life beyond Google
  39. Ultramarine Linux: Fedora with some useful tweaks
  40. How to run Linux commands on a Google Colab notebook
  41. Limit available system resources per user with Systemd and cgroups
  42. Bliss OS: Android on your PC
  43. Google Colab: some great projects
  44. Quickemu: an alternative to GNOME Boxes for using virtual machines
  45. Running desktop apps on Docker containers: X11 forwarding
  46. List of Linux and FOSS websites
  47. RS1 Linux Tools
  48. Make your Linux computer feel faster with the Xfe file manager

X file explorer linux

THINK LIGHT X File Explorer!

What is it ?

X File Explorer (Xfe) is an MS-Explorer or Commander like file manager for X. It is based on the popular, but discontinued, X Win Commander, originally developed by Maxim Baranov.
Xfe is developed since 2002 by Roland Baudin, a french Linux enthusiast.

Xfe aims to be the file manager of choice for all light thinking Unix addicts!

Why yet another file browser?

Yes, it’s a good question. Why another file manager when many excellent choices exist already? Why not use a full-blown, animated, bells-and-whistles file manager like Konqueror, Nautilus or Rox?

The answer is quite simple: Although all these file managers are feature rich and cleverly designed, let’s face it, they are huge! If you’re a console addict, light desktop user or have an older system, resource hogging file managers just aren’t the way to go. Especially since most file managers are Desktop dependent (KDE, Gnome, Xfce, etc.), requiring you to load all kinds of unwanted bloat onto your system.

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So why XFE? Xfe is small, very fast and only requires the FOX library to be fully functional. Plus, it can be launched from the command line in a fraction of second. Xfe can also efficiently complete terminal commands. Personally, I use it in my everyday work and since I find it useful, I assume you will too!


30/12/2022 — Version 1.45 released

This release features a new root authentication mode that uses pkexec. A new Dark theme is also available. It is now possible to copy file names without path to the clipboard (right click menu item on selected items in file panel, with Ctrl-Shift-N shortcut). Seeveral minor bugs were fixed and czech, russian, brazilian portuguese and catalan translations were updated.

Many translations still need to be updated! Please send me your po files.

14/03/2021 — Version 1.44 released

This release fixes several minor bugs. It is now possible to change the global DPI resolution of the application to run Xfe on HiDPI monitors (go to Edit / Preferences / Appearance and adjust the DPI value). Old Xfe and Windows icon themes have been removed. Gnome, Kde and Xfe icon themes have been refreshed. Tutkish and Catalan translation have been updated.

8/06/2019 — Version 1.43.2 released

This release fixes several minor bugs. The greek translation has been updated.

16/09/2018 — Version 1.43.1 released

This release fixes a regression that corrupted the initial search window content.

17/07/2018 — Version 1.43 released

This release fixes several minor bugs. The scrollbar size can now be changed. Russian translation has been updated.


X File Explorer

X File Explorer

X File Explorer (Xfe) — легковесный, быстрый и простой файловый менеджер для Linux. Поддерживает двухпанельный режим.

X File Explorer простой, но в то же время функциональный файловый менеджер. Он поддерживает все базовые действия для работы с файлами, а также обладает другими полезными функциями. Отличается крайне низким потреблением оперативной памяти.

Внешний вид и интерфейс

В классическом режиме просмотра программа чем-то напоминает Проводник Windows. В левой части расположено дерево директорий. Справа список файлов. Сверху меню и панель инструментов с кнопками. Внизу строка состояния.

Над списком файлов отображается путь до текущей директории с возможностью перехода к любой директории внутри пути. Также есть отдельная строка адреса в текстовом виде.

Интерфейс очень простой и без излишеств.

Элементы интерфейса можно отключать через меню Вид .

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Изначально программа была основана на файловом менеджере X Win Commander, который уже не развивается. Его особенность как раз заключалась в том, что внешне он был очень похож на Windows Explorer (Проводник).

Помимо классического внешнего вида поддерживается двухпанельный режим, режим с одной панелью, а также двухпанельный с деревом каталогов.

Поддерживаются темы оформления. Сменить тему можно через меню Правка→Настройки→Темы . Тема меняет цветовую схему. Также изменить тему иконок.

Возможности программы

Некоторые из возможностей программы Xfe:

  • Несколько режимов интерфейса:
    • Одна панель
    • Дерево файлов и одна панель
    • Двухпанельный режим
    • Двухпанельный режим с деревом файлов
    • Значки
    • Список
    • Таблица

    Помимо файлового менеджера в состав программы входят следующие утилиты:

    • xfw — X File Write — простой текстовый редактор.
    • xfi — X File Image — простой просмотрщик изображений.
    • xfp — X File Package — утилита для установки, удаления и просмотра RPM и DEB пакетов.


    Программа написана на языке C++ и использует библиотеку (тулкит) FOX, которая предназначена для создания графических интерфейсов. Программа не имеет других зависимостей (кроме FOX), поэтому не привязана к какой-либо среде рабочего стола.

    Xfe полностью переведена на русский язык.


    Установка в Ubuntu (LinuxMint)

    Windows аналоги


    Xfe: a lightweight file manager

    X File Explorer (Xfe) is a graphical file manager for Linux and UNIX-like systems, fast and light for those who want a simple graphical file explorer without bloatware and a very few dependencies.

    Table of Contents


    Xfe is available on Debian, Fedora official repositories and AUR (Arch Linux). It’s recommended to also install the ‘themes’ package (not available in AUR):

    sudo apt install xfe xfe-themes 
    sudo dnf install xfe xfe-theme 



    Xfe has all the common features of a file manager:

    • Open a terminal Xfe
    • Search Xfe
    • Filter
    • Sort
    • View thumbnails Xfe
    • Send files to Trash

    It’s customizable: choose between several views (without side panels, with 2/3 panels, a tree and the main panel,…), includes several themes ( Edit -> Preferences -> Themes ), key bindings ( Edit -> Preferences -> Key Bindings ) and more.


    If you have any suggestion, feel free to contact me via social media or email.

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    Make your Linux computer feel faster with the Xfe file manager

    The Xfe file manager, whether you use it for speed or just because it’s a reliable app that’s got everything you need, is an excellent choice for a file manager.

    Top 5 Linux pain points in 2017

    Internet Archive Book Images. Modified by Opensource.com. CC BY-SA 4.0

    Computers are like filing cabinets, full of virtual folders and files waiting to be referenced, cross-referenced, edited, updated, saved, copied, moved, renamed, and organized. In this article, I’ll look at a file manager for your Linux system.

    Back before NVMe drives and 12-core processors, applications could take seconds to launch. While that wait time is fine for a big application like LibreOffice or Blender, it’s a little painful when it’s a tiny application you use frequently. 2 seconds times 10 file manager windows in an hour, times 12 hours a day, is 4 whole minutes of wasted time. OK, I admit that’s actually not that much when you do the math, but ask anybody and they’ll tell you that it felt like 4 hours. One way to make a computer, whether it’s last year’s model or something hot off the shelf, feel faster is to use «lightweight» applications. An application is usually considered lightweight when it’s designed around minimal code libraries that don’t demand much from your system’s resources.

    The X File Explorer (Xfe) file manager is one of those applications. It’s quick to launch, it doesn’t feature fancy animations or effects, and it has few dependencies beyond some basic libraries, most of which are probably already on your Linux system.

    Image of the XFE file manager.


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