X plore сервер wifi

How do I use X-Plore FTP server?

X-plore File Manager is a free and easy to use application for Android smartphones and tablets. It offers you a quick and easy way to manage your files and folders. With X-plore you can easily browse your files and folders, create new folders, copy, move, rename and delete files.

What is Lonelycatgames Xplore?

X-plore is amazing app for Android, used by millions of users. A file manager with many functions to offer. Use it to connect to your cloud servers. Manage local files on device. Watch photos, listen to music, play video and movies.

Is Xplore safe?

Travelers are unique – so are their risks Safe-xplore is the world’s only risk rating platform accounting for the traveler’s demographic profile, visitor status, and other unique characteristics. Our probabilistic models determine the likelihood of incidents based on age, gender, and hyperlocal data.

How do I connect my Android to samba?

Jack Wallen shows you how to easily connect to LAN-based SMB shares on Android with the help of X-plore File Manager….Here’s how:

  1. Open up the Google Play Store on your Android device.
  2. Search for X-plore File Manager.
  3. Locate and tap the entry by Lonely Cat Games.
  4. Tap Install.
  5. Allow the installation to complete.

What is the best file explorer app for Android?

Best File Manager Apps for Android (Updated May 2021)

  • Files by Google.
  • Solid Explorer – Most Feature-rich App.
  • Total Commander.
  • Astro File Manager.
  • X-Plore File Manager.
  • Amaze File Manager – Made in India App.
  • Root Explorer.
  • FX File Explorer.

Where is Recycle Bin in Xplore app?

X-plore’s Recycle bin folder resides in X-plore’s app folder on the mass storage. When X-plore is uninstalled, Android makes sure that X-plore’s private files are deleted too, so the Recycle bin will be removed when X-plore will be uninstalled.

How do I connect my phone to local network?

Open Settings. Go to Network & Internet. Select WiFi in the left menu. Tap on the name of the connected WiFi.

What is the difference between FTP and SMB?

FTP allows you to transfer files from one connection to another. It allows you to create and delete files and directories. On the other hand, SMB is a client-server communication protocol that helps share and access files, printers, serial ports, and other resources.

Does X-plore support FTP and FTPS?

What is X-plore in Android?

How to access files stored online through X-plore?

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How to use FTP server on Android devices?


Как получить доступ к файлам телефона без проводов с помощью X-Plore

Здравствуйте. Написал серию статей по использованию локальной сети, чтобы передавать (воспроизводить) файлы с компьютера на телефон. И теперь самое время рассказать о том, как можно получать доступ к файлам телефона. Сразу скажу, удобных способов нет, только встроенный FTP для MIUI. Сегодня начнём с моего любимого файлового менеджера — X-Plore.

Для начала устанавливаем из Google Play саму программу. Доступна по ссылке или используем поиск по названию.

Запускаем и листаем вниз до раздела «Общий доступ по WiFi».

Тапаем по пункту «Сервер WiFi» и смотрим открывшееся меню.

Можно просто включить сервер с заводскими настройками, либо открыть «Параметры» и изменить, например, порт подключения, либо добавить пароль для доступа к файлам.

Если же просто нажать «Включить» в разделе появится адрес, который нужно будет вбить в вашем браузере на компьютере или другом устройстве.

Введя его в браузере увидим подобное окно, в котором будет файлы вашего устройства.

Выключать сервер необходимо также в меню программе, просто вместо кнопки «Включить» будет «Выключить».

Вроде всё. Надеюсь эта статья оказалась вам полезной, нажмите одну из кнопок ниже, чтобы рассказать о ней друзьям. Также подпишитесь на обновления сайта, введя свой e-mail в поле справа или подписавшись на группу во Вконтакте, Telegram, Twitter или канал YouTube.
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WiFi file sharing

X-plore has functionality to share device’s files over WiFi. Actually, this file sharing happens on LAN , but most native and usual way to connect Android device to a LAN is over WiFi.

Your Android device acts as a server and provides access to its files.

There are two main modes how you can access the shared files:

That means that you need at least one Android device running X-plore, which will act as server, providing its files to other computers on LAN.

If you’re looking to access your Android device from a web browser, check X-plore in Web browser.

WiFi server can be started and configured by opening WiFi file sharing item, and using topmost Server item.

To start/stop WiFi server, click button on right side of this item. When server is running, this item will show address of the server, for example

To configure WiFi server parameters, click on the item, after which a dialog will appear where you can configure it, or read help.

WiFi file sharing options

WiFi sharing server may have configured several options:

Read-only access
Enable this if you want avoid other devices to delete/rename/create files on the server device.

Default port 1111 should work just fine. You may change this in case of some conflict with other apps on device.

What is being shared

X-plore acting as server will share these items:

This means that you can access files on the device, and installed applications. Network locations (LAN/FTP/Clouds/etc) are not shared.

Stopping WiFi file sharing

You can stop sharing server in either of these ways:

Connecting from another Android device

If you want connect two Android devices, and access files of one device from another device, one of devices have to act as sharing server. It’s also possible to enable server on both devices, in such case you can browse files both ways.

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The other Android device is then client, and can connect to server device, and work with its files. This is same as when you connect from X-plore to FTP, Samba, or a cloud server – the X-plore WiFi server is there to provide the files.

Permanently saving scanned devices

You can also save scanned device, so that you don’t need to scan it again when starting X-plore next time. To do so, long-click on scanned device and choose Add device.

This will invoke a dialog where you can change device’s Label, and optionally enter other fields:

Path – Specify path on server where you wish to start browsing files. By default, server will list all mass-memory locations. You may wish to limit access to some folder, for example /sdcard/Pictures or similar.

Browsing files on remote device

With X-plore acting as client, you can access files on other Android device (where X-plore runs as server). You can do normal operations on the shared files, such as listing, viewing, copying, and if they’re not shared as read-only, you can also rename, delete, create folders and upload files.

Another useful function is access to Apps installed on the other device. This way you can see applications installed on other Android device, and by simple click install these on your device.

Connecting from a web browser

This allows to access device’s files from a web browser from any computer connected on same LAN.


X-plore in Web browser

This function allows you to access files on your Android device from a Web browser on a PC connected to same local network as your Android device (typically over WiFi).

The goal is to completely manage files on your device comfortably from inside a web browser.

This is closely related to WiFi file sharing function in X-plore. To start accessing your device on Web browser, you need to enable WiFi sharing on your Android device.

Starting Web browsing

To connect to X-plore sharing server from a web browser, type server’s IP address, as shown in X-plore (this should look similar to this:

The web browser must be connected to same LAN as X-plore is connected by WiFi.


This function uses application code in your web browser, and requires HTML 5 compatible web browser to work properly. It was tested in Mozilla Firefox, MS Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari web browsers, but should work in any other compatible web browser. It is recommended to use latest version of your favorite web browser.

Read-only access

If you configure Read-only access in WiFi file sharing, all functions that could modify files on the device will be disabled.

Screen layout

Screen is divided into multiple parts.

Top title bar

Shows application title, device name, and menu.

Folder tree at left

This shows expandable folder hierarchy. This is the main navigation part, similar to files view as in X-plore on device, however only folders are shown here.

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Click right part of sub-folders of active folder to mark/unmark the folder (the folder is marked also in files view)

Files view at right

This view shows files and folders of currently selected active folder. Here you can click on file to open it (which wither opens built-in viewer, or browser-default action). You can also click marker on file to make multi-selection (you can also hold Ctrl key and click on file to mark/unmark it).

Files toolbar

Provides buttons with various functions on files, either on marked ones or on active folder:

Additionally there are buttons for:

Show or hide hidden files (hidden files are either those whose names start with dot (.) or folders which you define as hidden)

Context menu on right click

This menu contains similar functions that are present on Files toolbar, but these are applied to folder or file on which you make right mouse click.

Downloading files

You can download files in several ways:

Directly click on file can may web browser to offer to save the file. However depending on type of file, this may also lead to other action, such as viewing image, playing sound, viewing PDF, etc.

Mark some files or right-click on file, and choose Save as zip. Then all selected files are saved as single Zip file.

Right-click on file and choose Download. This forces web browser to download/save the file, regardless of its type.

Uploading files

You can upload files in two ways:

Uploading of folders is possible on some browsers (Chrome, Firefox) using drag&drop function.

Upload manager

Files are uploaded in background, while they are uploaded, you can do other things in the browser. For the purpose of uploading, there is Upload manager displayed at bottom right part. Files are uploaded in the order in which they were added for uploading.

You can view progress of uploading of current file. When moving mouse over Upload manager, it expands, and you can see all other files in queue.

You can choose to cancel upload of any file, or cancel uploading of all files.

Moving files

Files may be moved to different folders on device by Drag and drop. Click and hold mouse on single file or folder, or on multiple marked files, and drag these over another folder, either in Folder tree or in Files list. If folder is not expanded in Tree list, hold mouse a bit over it and it will be expanded. After releasing mouse, files will be moved to target folder.

Root folder

Depending on Root access configuration on device, root folder ”/” from device may be either not listed, or shown in “Normal” mode compatible with all devices (protected folders won’t open), or it may show full rooted access if device is rooted.

In Superuser root access mode, the operation to list files may ask confirmation on device from Superuser app. You may want to enable permanent superuser access for X-plore to avoid this confirmation.


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