X11 u linux i686

Opera/8.51 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8)

This user agent string belongs to Opera browser running on Linux. The browser is developed by Opera Software ASA and renders web pages using the Presto engine.

Name Opera
Version 8.51
Architecture 32-bit
Developer Opera Software ASA
Rendering Engine Presto
Engine Version 1.0
Type Browser
Name Linux
Architecture 32-bit
Developer Linux Foundation
Name Linux Desktop
Type Desktop
Pointer mouse
ActiveX Controls No
Background Sounds No
Cookies Yes
Frames Yes
Iframes Yes
Java Applets No
JavaScript Yes
Tables Yes
VBScript No
RSS Reader No
Fake No
Crawler No
Anonymized No
Mobile No
Tablet No
Modified No
Beta Version No
Alpha Version No
CSS Support
CSS 1 Yes
CSS 2 Yes
CSS 3 Yes
CSS 4 No


Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; fr; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20051010 Firefox/1.0.7 (Ubuntu package 1.0.7)

This user agent string belongs to Firefox browser running on Linux. The browser is developed by Mozilla Foundation and renders web pages using the Gecko engine.

Name Firefox
Version 1.0
Architecture 32-bit
Developer Mozilla Foundation
Rendering Engine Gecko
Engine Version 1.0
Type Browser
Name Linux
Architecture 32-bit
Developer Linux Foundation
Name Linux Desktop
Type Desktop
Pointer mouse
ActiveX Controls No
Background Sounds No
Cookies Yes
Frames Yes
Iframes Yes
Java Applets Yes
JavaScript Yes
Tables Yes
VBScript No
RSS Reader No
Fake No
Crawler No
Anonymized No
Mobile No
Tablet No
Modified No
Beta Version No
Alpha Version No
CSS Support
CSS 1 Yes
CSS 2 Yes
CSS 3 No
CSS 4 No


Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070531 Firefox/54.0

This user agent string belongs to Firefox browser running on Linux. The browser is developed by Mozilla Foundation and renders web pages using the Gecko engine.

Name Firefox
Version 54.0
Architecture 32-bit
Developer Mozilla Foundation
Rendering Engine Gecko
Engine Version 54.0
Type Browser
Name Linux
Architecture 32-bit
Developer Linux Foundation
Name Linux Desktop
Type Desktop
Pointer mouse
ActiveX Controls No
Background Sounds No
Cookies Yes
Frames Yes
Iframes Yes
Java Applets Yes
JavaScript Yes
Tables Yes
VBScript No
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RSS Reader No
Fake No
Crawler No
Anonymized No
Mobile No
Tablet No
Modified No
Beta Version No
Alpha Version No
CSS Support
CSS 1 Yes
CSS 2 Yes
CSS 3 Yes
CSS 4 No


Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.3) Gecko/20010801

This user agent string belongs to Mozilla browser running on Linux. The browser is developed by Mozilla Foundation and renders web pages using the Gecko engine.

Name Mozilla
Version 0.9
Architecture 32-bit
Developer Mozilla Foundation
Rendering Engine Gecko
Engine Version 0.9
Type Browser
Name Linux
Architecture 32-bit
Developer Linux Foundation
Name Linux Desktop
Type Desktop
Pointer mouse
ActiveX Controls No
Background Sounds No
Cookies Yes
Frames Yes
Iframes Yes
Java Applets Yes
JavaScript Yes
Tables Yes
VBScript No
RSS Reader No
Fake No
Crawler No
Anonymized No
Mobile No
Tablet No
Modified No
Beta Version No
Alpha Version No
CSS Support
CSS 1 Yes
CSS 2 Yes
CSS 3 Yes
CSS 4 No


Tips: How to change the Firefox User Agent?

For some unknown reason, the User Agent from my browser (Iceweasel) It doesn’t show me which distribution I’m using specifically in the plugin that we recently activated here From linux.

I have already changed it as you can see, but the question is how did I do it? Simple:

1- We open a tab and type about: config and what I always say, they deceive Firefox / Iceweasel telling them that we will not stick our hands 😀

2- Right click on any value » New [New] » String [String] and we write:


3- Then we copy the following:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Debian Iceweasel/7.0.1

Obviously that is in my particular case. The funny thing is to see what happens when we put things like this:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Linux Mint/11 Chrome/11.0.696.57 Safari/534.16

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux:Debian x86_32; rv:2.0b8pre) Gecko/20101011 Opera/10.0

We can go testing with other variants 😀

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Full path to article: From Linux » Applications » Tips: How to change the Firefox User Agent?

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Mozilla / 5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv: 7.0.1) Gecko / 20100101 Linux Mint / 10 firefox / 7.0.1 I put like this and it seems that it does not work, did I put something wrong?

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Testing . well I switched to Firefox now instead of Opera, and I want to know if it already shows me that my distro is Arch.

By the way, these topics do make you want to see them, I had done this for a long time, but the truth was that I did not have the slightest idea of ​​what the name, type or value was.

Well . a pleasure to know that we publish things of your interest 😉 . that not everything can be jokes and jokes HAHA 😀

A question…
What rule is used to change the parameters? It’s that I use Debian amd64 and I kind of want it to show me that, and not to tux xDD, but I’d like to put what I see as necessary and remove the rest ~ I don’t know if you catch me xD

I have tried by all means to show Debian x64 . but no way, I can’t get it to show me that it is 64bits, if you don’t mind that only Debian appears (without the x64) you tell me to leave the line. we hope that elav when i return i have a solution for this.

This will make Firefox show Debian x64:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Debian Iceweasel/7.0.1 You can try it in Chromium, if it works and shows x64 well, then you change the browser part and that’s it.
Feel free to try as much as you want 🙂

To have what wave, right now I modify the mint, then I check the fedora until now I was curious to mark it

I left it like this, and it works:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora/Linux i686; rv:9.0a2) Gecko/20111108 Firefox/9.0a2

I’m slow and I got confused guys . I didn’t understand the second thing xD is copied ‘how do I leave it in my LMDE? o3o because then yes, I get one? world size in the header and did not understand anything of what is done, in the third step; w; I am slow ~

Nah not at all . the girl is never the slow one, it’s the boy who is too fast HAHAHA.
Nothing serious anymore 😀 Debian as well as LMDE in Iceweasel is not configured to show the distro, what we will do here is configure it to show it. As I read, step # 1 didn’t cost you work, right?
In step # 2 is where there are problems 😀
Notice that once in «about: config», there is a filter bar in which you can write, write there «agent» (without the quotes) and look carefully if what appears a little below, is this: general.useragent.override If it appears, you right click on that text or field, and you give it to modify, look . here is a photo to guide you:
https://blog.desdelinux.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/user-agent-firefox.jpeg I have marked or highlighted what is important 😉 As I was saying, you right-click it and then click Modify, a small window will appear in which you will put this:
Iceweasel/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:8.0) Gecko/20111108 Debian/5.0 And ready.
In fact… I’m leaving this comment with the change made 😀 Now . in case it doesn’t appear to you general.useragent.override In the options, don’t worry, right click on the white part and select New — »Chain, and you will see the small box in which you must write what I put before 😉 Well that, you tell us if it works for you or not . and really, if it doesn’t work for you, don’t worry, you say so and I’ll make you a video tutorial, it really doesn’t weigh on me or bother me 😉 Cheers

Because flat no idea where those values ​​came from or anything pfffft (and I still don’t know where they are from LOL) but nothing, tomorrow I’ll put it on the desktop (I’m on the laptop): B Thank you very much Gaara .w. Now . something that I noticed with the laptop at the top of the site . I look like this http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i90/LifeBinnacle/For%20webs/lol.png … Is it because I use xubuntu on the lap? (I’ll put LMDE on it tomorrow, I hope I don’t get the touchpad baby, so I adjust it with the tutorial I saw on the blog ~) Thank you very much again!

Actually that is problems with the browser cache lol, clear the cache or do [F5] until Firefox uses the new banner and not the old one (which is the one it is showing) 🙂

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Look what I gain from responding to the highs of the night more asleep than awake, my good Gaara xD nothing to do with my appointment LOL what I need to say is that my problem was this: Iceweasel / 5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv: 8.0) Gecko / 20111108 Debian / 5.0 I already forgot HTML lol that is the data that I do not know where it comes from xD Thanks anyway: B


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