Xenomai real time linux

Exercise #1: The Basics of Real-Time Linux

Linux is a free Unix-like operating system that runs on a variety of platforms, including PCs. Numerous Linux distributions such as Red Hat, Debian and Mandrake bundle the Linux OS with tools, productivity software, games, etc.

  • The Linux scheduler, like that of other OSes such as Windows or MacOS , is designed for best average response, so it feels fast and interactive even when running many programs.
    • However, it doesn’t guarantee that any particular task will always run by a given deadline. A task may be suspended for an arbitrarily long time, for example while a Linux device driver services a disk interrupt.
    • Scheduling guarantees are offered by real-time operating systems ( RTOSes ), such as QNX, LynxOS or VxWorks . RTOSes are typically used for control or communications applications, not for general purpose computing.
    • RTLinux , developed by New Mexico Tech and now maintained by Wind River Systems.
    • RTAI, The Real-Time Application Interface (RTAI), developed by the Milan Polytechnical University and available at https://www.rtai.org/.
    • Xenomai , a spin off of RTAI Linux. While RTAI is focused on lowest technically feasible latencies, Xenomai also considers clean extensibility (RTOS skins), portability, and maintainability as very important goals. It is available at www.xenomai.org .


    The following are the primary objectives of this exercise:

    How does RT Linux work?

    The general idea of RT Linux is that a small real-time kernel runs beneath Linux, meaning that the real-time kernel has a higher priority than the Linux kernel. Real-time tasks are executed by the real-time kernel, and normal Linux programs are allowed to run when no real-time tasks have to be executed. Linux can be considered as the idle task of the real-time scheduler. When this idle task runs, it executes its own scheduler and schedules the normal Linux processes. Since the real-time kernel has a higher priority, a normal Linux process is preempted when a real-time task becomes ready to run and the real-time task is executed immediately.

    How is the real-time kernel given higher priority than Linux kernel?

    Basically, an operating system is driven by interrupts, which can be considered as the heartbeats of a computer:

    • All programs running in an OS are scheduled by a scheduler which is driven by timer interrupts of a clock to reschedule at certain times.
    • An executing program can block or voluntary give up the CPU in which case the scheduler is informed by means of a software interrupt (system call).
    • Hardware can generate interrupts to interrupt the normal scheduled work of the OS for fast handling of hardware.

    RT Linux uses the flow of interrupts to give the real-time kernel a higher priority than the Linux kernel:

    • When an interrupt arrives, it is first given to the real-time kernel, and not to the Linux kernel. But interrupts are stored to give them later to Linux when the real-time kernel is done.
    • As first in row, the real-time kernel can run its real-time tasks driven by these interrupts.
    • Only when the real-time kernel is not running anything, the interrupts which were stored are passed on to the Linux kernel.
    • As second in row, Linux can schedule its own processes driven by these interrupt.

    Hence, when a normal Linux program runs and a new interrupt arrives:

    RT Linux Tasks are not Linux Programs

    • In real-time Linux we can make a real-time program by programming real-time threads. None-real-time programs in real-time Linux just use the conventional Linux threads.
    • A real-time task can be executed in kernel space using a kernel module, but it can also be executed in user space using a normal C program.
    • Running in user space instead of in kernel space gives a little extra overhead, but with the following advantages :
      • A bug in a kernel module can crash the whole system, however a bug in a user space program can only crash the program.
      • In a kernel model one can only use the real-time API and the limited kernel API , but in a real-time user space program the real-time API and the whole Linux API can be used! However when using the Linux API in user space, the program cannot be scheduled by the real-time scheduler (HARD real-time) but must be scheduled by the Linux scheduler ( SOFT real-time). So calling a Linux API call from a real-time user space task will degrade its performance from HARD to SOFT real-time. After the call the task will return to the real-time scheduler.


      • The Xenomai project was launched in August 2001.
      • Xenomai is based on an abstract RTOS core, usable for building any kind of real-time interfaces, over a nucleus which exports a set of generic RTOS services. Any number of RTOS personalities called “skins” can then be built over the nucleus, providing their own specific interface to the applications, by using the services of a single generic core to implement it.
      • The following skins on the generic core are implemented :
        • POSIX
        • pSOS +
        • VxWorks
        • VRTX
        • native: the Xenomai skin
        • uITRON
        • RTAI: only in kernel threads

        Xenomai API

        • In our exercise we will use the native Xenomai skin and run real-time tasks in user space because working with them is easier and still HARD real-time.
        • The Native Xenomai API is flexible and well documented.
        • The most important characteristics of the Xenomai API are :
          • Context independence

          Xenomai’s native API provides the same set of real-time services in a seamless manner to application regardless of their execution mode is user or kernel mode.

          Xenomai objects ( eg . a semaphore, task, etc ..) are always reachable even when the location of the object is another execution space than were the task using it is running. e.g . user space task running in user space can use a semaphore which is stored in kernel space.
          To this end, each category of services in Xenomai’s native API defines a uniform descriptor type to represent the objects it manages. For instance, a task will always be represented by a RT_TASK descriptor, a message queue by a RT_QUEUE descriptor, and a semaphore by a RT_ SEM descriptor, regardless of the execution space from which they are used.
          Xenomai uses a unified registry, to index each object descriptor under a symbolic name given by the user. By doing this, Xenomai enables you to retrieve any descriptor associated with a registered object in any location of your application.

          C is the Preferred Language

          • Linux is written in the C programming language (with some assembly language), as is Xenomai , so C is the preferred language for writing RT Linux programs.
          • Other languages (e.g., C++) can be used. For instance, see the Xeno — project which is providing a thin object-oriented software interface to Xenomai’s C-based skins.
          • The examples in this tutorial are all written in C.
          • C programs are normally compiled into full executable programs
          • In C, a program’s «entry point» where execution begins is a function called ‘main( )’.
          • Each real-time task is associated with a C function that is called when the task is scheduled to run.

          Creating a task

          • When you create a real-time task in Xenomai the RT_TASK structure is used as the descriptor to refer to this task.
          • An RT_TASK data structure is used to hold all the information about a task:
            • the task function to be executed by the real-time task,
            • any initial argument passed to it,
            • the size of the stack allocated for its variables,
            • its priority,
            • whether or not it uses floating-point math,
            • and a «signal handler» that will be called when the task becomes active.
            rt_task_create (RT_TASK *task, const char *name, int int priority, 
              • ' task ' is a pointer to an RT_TASK type structure which must have been declared before and whose structure is filled.
              • ' name ' is an ASCII string standing for the symbolic name of the task. This symbolic name you can use to retrieve the task structure anywhere else in your code by calling the rt_task_ bind ( ) function.
              • ' stack_size ' is the size of the stack to be used by the new task.
              • ' priority ' is the priority to be given the task. The highest priority is 99, while the lowest is 1.
              • 'mode' is a set of flags which affect the task :
                • T_ FPU allows the task to use the FPU (Floating Point Unit) whenever available on the platform. This flag is forced for user-space tasks.
                • T_SUSP causes the task to start in suspended mode. In such a case, the thread will have to be explicitly resumed using the rt_task_ resume ( ) service for its execution to actually begin.
                • T_ CPU( cpuid ) specifies that the new task runs on the CPU with number cpuid . CPU identifiers range from 0 to RTHAL_NR_CPUS - 1 (inclusive).
                • T_JOINABLE (user-space only) allows another task to wait on the termination of the new task. This implies that rt_task_ join ( ) is actually called for this task to clean up any user-space located resources after its termination.

                Starting a task

                • ' task ' is a pointer to an RT_TASK type structure which must be already initialized by a call to rt_task_create().
                • ' task_function ' is the the task function to be executed by this real-time task.
                • ' arg ' is the void pointer argument given to the task function.

                If you did specify T_SUSP as a mode flag to rt_task_ create( ), the task will be started in a suspended mode. In that case you have to explicitly resume the task with rt_task_resume (). Otherwise, the real time task is ready to execute immediately.

                Hello World

                The following "ex01.c" C code illustrates the creating and start of a "demo" task which writes a message.

                RT_TASK_ INFO curtaskinfo ;

                rt_task_ inquire ( curtask,&curtaskinfo );

                rt_ printf ( "Task name : %s \n", curtaskinfo.name );

                int main( int argc , char* argv [])

                // Perform auto-init of rt_print buffers if the task doesn't do so

                // Lock memory : avoid memory swapping for this program

                mlockall ( MCL _CURRENT| MCL _FUTURE);

                * mode ( FPU , start suspended, . )

                In the program above, memory is locked by calling

                 so that it cannot be swapped to disk. Preventing swapping is a must when real-time performance must be reached. Hence, Xenomai generates a warning when this is forgotten when its API is called.

                The rdtk real-time printing library

                Note that in the above code we used the command ' rt_ printf ( )' instead of the familiar ' printf ()' command. We did not use ' printf ( )' because it uses Linux syscalls and therefore terribly slows down the real-time thread. Instead we use the ' rt_printf ' command from the rdtk real-time printing library. This is a stand-alone real-time library for printf services. It is embedded into the Xenomai user space part but actually doesn't depend on any Xenomai service, just using the plain POSIX API . The librtprint API looks much like the printf ( 3) man page:

                The basic idea of librdtk is to keep the print side as cheap as possible: no locks, no syscalls at all. Each thread that uses rt_printf & friends has its own local ring buffer. A central (per process) non-RT output thread takes care of forwarding the content of all thread ring buffers to the output streams. The message order is preserved loosely by a global sequence counter (arch-dependent CPU-wide or system-wide atomic_inc_return might be used in the future). The output thread uses periodic polling (default: 10 Hz) to avoid the need for special signalling mechanisms.
                To start the non-RT output thread one always has to call the following at the beginning of a Xenomai programma :

                 This performs auto-init of the rt_print buffers and start the non-RT output thread.

                Compiling a Xenomai program

                To compile the above program, first obtain the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS by running

                > export LDFLAGS=`xeno-ldflags`

                Finally, compile the ex01.c program against the 'native' library implementing the Xenomai Native API and the ' rtdk ' print library

                > gcc $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS -lnative -lrtdk ex01.c -o ex01 

                By default the executable 'ex01' is linked against the dynamic libraries in / usr/xenomai/lib . Because these are special and not known to linux , we first have to tell Linux where to find them by setting a library path environment variable :

                > export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/xenomai/lib


                Exercise 1a.

                Compile and run program ex01.c to get some basic experience in working with Xenomai tasks. First, try a manual build by compiling with the commands above. Next, try an automated the build with this Makefile (using commands "make" and " ./ ex01").

                Exercise 1b.

                Introduce an error by commenting out the assignment to the current task as follows:

                Save the resulting program as ex01b.c Build and run this program, observe the result.

                Build and run the new version of the program.

                Last Updated: 22 August 2011 ( Jozef Hooman )
                Created by: Harco Kuppens


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