Xfce bluetooth manager arch

How to Connect to a Bluetooth Device on Arch Linux

Will start a ‘scan’ for bluetooth devices using interface hci0. If you have more than one bluetooth device [eg, a built-in one and a usb dongle] then you can do some pretty cool things: You can [using backtrack 5] goto: applications > backtrack > information gathering > network analysis > bluetooth > bluediving.

Can’t connect to Bluetooth Ubuntu?

Make sure that your Bluetooth adapter is switched on. Open the Bluetooth panel and check that it is not disabled. Check that Bluetooth is turned on on the device you are trying to connect to, and that it is discoverable or visible.

Does Linux have Bluetooth?

The Linux packages required for Bluetooth support in Gnome are bluez (again, Duh) and gnome-bluetooth. Xfce, LXDE and i3: All of these distributions usually use the blueman graphical bluetooth manager package. . Clicking Bluetooth icon in the panel brings up the Bluetooth Devices control.

How do I connect Bluetooth headphones to Ubuntu?

  1. Open the Bluetooth setting by clicking on the Bluetooth symbol on the top panel:
  2. Choose + in the bottom left corner of the following window:
  3. Put your Bluetooth device in «Pairing Mode». .
  4. Then Proceed with «Continue» to enable «new device setup» in Ubuntu.

How do I fix Bluetooth on Ubuntu?

  1. sudo nano /etc/bluetooth/main.conf.
  2. Change #AutoEnable=false to AutoEnable=true (at the bottom of the file, by default)
  3. systemctl restart bluetooth.service.

How do I connect to Bluetooth through terminal?

Start the bluetooth service. If you’re pairing a bluetooth keyboard, it will show a key to pair the keyboard. Type that key using the bluetooth keyboard and press enter key to get paired. Finally, enter command connect to establish the connection with the bluetooth device.

What is blueman Ubuntu?

Blueman is a GTK+ Bluetooth Manager. Blueman is designed to provide simple, yet effective means for controlling BlueZ API and simplifying bluetooth tasks such as: Connecting to 3G/EDGE/GPRS via dial-up.

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How do I start gnome Bluetooth?

First, you need to open GNOME’s settings and choose the “Bluetooth” entry. Switch your Bluetooth adapter to ON and wait for it to scan and view available devices. At this point, you should make sure that your device’s Bluetooth is also enabled and that it is discoverable.

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Blueman is a full featured Bluetooth manager written in Python and using GTK.


Install either blueman or blueman-git AUR for the development version.

Be sure to enable the Bluetooth unit and start Blueman with blueman-applet . A graphical settings panel can be launched with blueman-manager .



The following autostart file should have been created: /etc/xdg/autostart/blueman.desktop . This means that Blueman should be autostarted with most desktop environments without manual intervention. See the article for your desktop environment or window manager as well as the Autostarting article for further information on autostarting.


To receive files remember to right click on the Blueman tray icon > Local Services > Transfer > File Receiving (Object Push) and tick the Accept files from trusted devices box.

To be able to manage devices, you might need to add your user to the lp group, else you might receive the following error when connecting to a device: DBusFailedError: No such file or directory . This is because the user needs to be authorized to communicate with the Bluetooth daemon via D-Bus — the lp group is specified in /etc/dbus-1/system.d/bluetooth.conf . For information on adding a user to a group, see Users and groups#Other examples of user management.

From version 2.0.6 the official documentation recommends creating polkit rules in order to avoid polkit agents asking for password on every boot, as root user add the following polkit rules:

/* Allow users in wheel group to use blueman feature requiring root without authentication */ polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) < if ((action.id == "org.blueman.network.setup" || action.id == "org.blueman.dhcp.client" || action.id == "org.blueman.rfkill.setstate" || action.id == "org.blueman.pppd.pppconnect") && subject.isInGroup("wheel")) < return polkit.Result.YES; >>);

Note that users must belong to the wheel group.

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Mounting Bluetooth devices

The instructions below describe a method for using different file managers with Blueman. The examples in this section focus on Thunar. If you are using a different file manager, substitute thunar with the name of the file manager you are using.

#!/bin/bash [ ! -d ~/Bluetooth ] && mkdir ~/Bluetooth fusermount -u ~/Bluetooth obexfs -b $1 ~/Bluetooth thunar ~/Bluetooth

Now you will need to move the script to an appropriate location (e.g., /usr/local/bin ). After that, mark it as executable.

The last step is to change the line in Blueman tray icon > Local Services > Transfer > Advanced to obex_thunar.sh %d .

Blueman and PulseAudio

Users who want to use PulseAudio with a Bluetooth headset, in addition to installing pulseaudio-bluetooth , may want to activate the PulseAudio plugin of Blueman. This automatically loads PulseAudio Bluetooth module after audio device is connected and plays all audio through the Bluetooth headset. For more information see Bluetooth headset.


Configuration is done through dconf (or gsettings or dconf-editor ) under /org/blueman .

Disable auto power-on

Blueman automatically enables the Bluetooth adapter ( rfkill unblock bluetooth ) when certain events (on boot, laptop lid is opened, . ) occur. This can be disabled with the auto-power-on in org.blueman.plugins.powermanager :

$ gsettings set org.blueman.plugins.powermanager auto-power-on false


No adapters detected

If your Bluetooth applet or manager does not show or detect any Bluetooth adapter, your wireless card may be blocked. Try un-block it using rfkill.

Cannot receive files

If you cannot send or receive files and you encounter a python-dbus-exception error similar or exactly like process org.bluez.obex exited with status 1 then it is advised to start the obexd-service manually from /usr/lib/bluetooth/obexd and see if that helps. Since the default permissions assume 755 it is possible to start the daemon from a user-account.

Let the terminal in which the command runs open and test if sending files work. Check if you actually receive the file. You can add the command to your autostarter so you will not have to manually start the service every time. Your desktop environment autostarter should be able to run the program once you login. Logout and login and you should be able to receive files without running the line manually now.

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Should the error persist or another occur then try using ObexFTP for file transfers instead.

See also


Как настроить Bluetooth на Arch Linux / BlackArch

Для того, чтобы Bluetooth заработал на Arch Linux / BlackArch нам нужно установить bluez и bluez-utils. Оба пакета доступны в официальных репозиториях. Также многие гарнитуры не будут работать без пакета pulseaudio-bluetooth. В принципе, этого достаточно, если вы хотите настраивать Bluetooth в командной строке. Но я рекомендую ещё и blueman, который не только имеет графический пользовательский интерфейс, но ещё и множество утилит, позволяющих использовать Bluetooth для обмена файлами, подключения к Интернету и т. д. Таким образом, конечная команда будет выглядеть так:

sudo pacman -S bluez bluez-utils pulseaudio-bluetooth blueman

Нам нужно запустить службу bluetooth:

sudo systemctl start bluetooth

А также добавить её в автозагрузку:

sudo systemctl enable bluetooth

Если вы хотите настраивать Bluetooth в командной строке, то наберите:

Для дополнительной помощи наберите:

Ещё для любителей командной строки пригодятся команды:

Также нам доступен понятный и многофункциональный графический интерфейс:

Модули позволяют решать большинство популярных задач:

Если вы в качестве наушников используете беспроводную гарнитуру и при этом у вас очень плохой звук (как из старого радио), то перейдите в настройки звука, выберите там гарнитуру и в настройке «Режим» выберите «Воспроизведение высокого качества (приёмник A2DP)»:

Если не работают кнопки Bluetooth гарнитуры на Arch Linux / BlackArch

Для начала убедитесь, что вы подключили гарнитуру именно как гарнитуру, а не как наушники. Также попробуйте кнопки громкости — если они работают, то значит всё в порядке — обмен данными происходит, просто нужно настроить соответствущие программы.

Я покажу как это делать на примере DeeDBeeF.

Переходим в «Правка» → «Настройки» → «Горячие клавиши».

Выбираем «Добавить». Нажмите «Сочетание клавиш» и после этого нажмите кнопку на гарнитуре, которую вы хотите настроить под определённое действие. Везде ставьте галочку, что это «Глобальная горячая клавиша».

Полезный совет: Некоторые кнопки на гарнитуре (например, следующий трэк, предыдущий трэк) работают ТОЛЬКО если играет музыка. Я угробил пару часов на гугление и копание в настройках драйверов и сочетаний клавиш, прежде чем понял это.

Надеюсь, я помог сберечь ваше время. Вот так получилось у меня:

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