Yamaha bluetooth адаптер midi

Yamaha Bluetooth MIDI Adapters Make Your Gear Wireless

At the 2016 NAMM Show, Yamaha introduced a couple of new adapters that are designed to let you connect your MIDI gear wirelessly via Bluetooth to devices up to 10 meters away.

Yamaha’s Nate Tschetter gave us a quick overview at the Winter NAMM Show.

  • The UD-BT01 adapter lets you connect devices with a USB TO HOST terminal to iOS devices and Mac.
  • The MD-BT01 adapter lets you connect instruments with MIDI IN/OUT terminals to iOS devices and Macs

The adapters let you wirelessly connect your iOS devices (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch) or Mac to your instrument with Bluetooth and avoid having to reconnect every time you play.

The adapters each have a street price of about US $50.

10 thoughts on “ Yamaha Bluetooth MIDI Adapters Make Your Gear Wireless ”

i’m curious how the latency is in parallel, meaning multiple bluetooth devices at once sending midi in and out of one computer, because sometimes when using a lot of ports with regular midi there is a delay as it goes down the line of ports. if bluetooth had more delay overall, but messages were more in sync that would be useful in some situations.

I was trying to work out whether this would be of any use for my studio. Each keyboard / synth module has 2 stereo cables, 1 power supply cable, and 1 or 2 MIDI cables (may be USB or DIN). Overall Bluetooth MIDI would replace less than half the cables + give me headaches with battery charging. So I think these new Bluetooth MIDI adapters are more useful in very simple rigs or if you want to be able to move around on stage, untethered. And it’s a real shame they didn’t include audio too – but then the latency would be bad. The Akai EWI 5000 does this with 0 noticeable latency but I assume it’s not bluetooth.

Can it power stuff that is USB powered ?
if that’s not the case, these thing would be completely useless, to me at least.

See, I want something like that where you get two traditional ins and outs that send and receive to two other traditional ins and outs. These wireless midi things all involve computers and phones, while 30 years worth of tech still has to use a wire. This would also bypass the whole Mac/PC issue

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Hi guys ! Just wanted to let you know that i received my UD-BT01 today (the usb one)…
It works very good, with no perceptible latency (in logic pro, and on a 2011 mac book pro, which doesn’t support bluetooth LE 4.0, but with a bluetooth dongle)… and wait there more ! It works with a USB battery (a portable phone charger)… so my EWI usb wind controller now goes fully wireless…
(i just need to find a 1-inch usb cable, and hide this whole stuff so it all looks good… ) It work very good on iPhone too in garage band. cheers !! Gildas By the way : in the midi/audio studio, the mac recognize each bluetooth instrument individually, by their name and unique ID, so you can have multiple ones (i have this and a Roli Rise) and can route them the way you want like other midi or usb instruments, in theLogic environment…


Get Connected — Part I: MD/UD-BT01 Bluetooth MIDI Adaptors

Get Connected - Part I: MD/UD-BT01 Bluetooth MIDI Adaptors


Connection and Set Up
Connect the MD-BT01 to the 5-pin MIDI In/Out jacks of your instrument. Note: you need to at least connect the MIDI OUT because the MD-BT01 gets power from the MIDI OUT jack. Connect the MD-BT01 to the respective MIDI In/Out jacks on your instrument as shown below:

The MD-BT01 will power on automatically when connected and you should see a red light.

The UD-BT01 needs to be connected to a USB AC Adaptor for power (USB AC adaptor sold separately). To configure the MD/UD-BT01 with your iOS device, download the MD-BT01/UD-BT01 Utility located here . This simple app allows you to both update the firmware on the MD/UD-BT01 (if needed) and create a unique name – perfect if you are using multiple devices.


Below are screen shots from the app. Across from left to right is the main app screen, the firmware update screen and the rename screen. If your MD/UD-BT01 requires a firmware update you will see a difference between the current version and the new version. Press update and the new firmware will be loaded into your MD/UD-BT01 over the Bluetooth connection. The screen on the right is where you can enter a unique name up to 8 characters in length. I am using the MD-BT01 and I named mine “BA-BT-01”:

Once connected you can now wirelessly connect to many different iOS apps from Yamaha and others. Let’s take a look at a few scenarios. In all of these, I am using the MD-BT01 but the UD-BT01 works similarly.

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Connecting Wirelessly to Yamaha Synth Book AN2015
Yamaha Synth Book is a free iOS app available here . Inside this app is a cool analog modeling synthesizer called AN2015 that you can wirelessly connect to and play using the MD/UD-BT01.

In this case I am going to connect my MIDI instrument with the MD-BT01 attached to an iPhone with Yamaha Synth Book installed. The procedure for connecting to AN2015 is outlined below:
After selecting “Bluetooth MIDI Device” you will see your MD/UD-BT01 appear in the list of available devices. If it says “Not Connected” — touch on the device name and it should switch to “Connected”. Below is how a properly connected MD/UD-BT01 should appear (note that I named mine “BA-BT-01” as described above). If you play a few notes on your MIDI instrument, you should hear the sound of the AN2015 playing from your iOS device:
Now let’stake a look at connecting it to the iPad app Cubasis.

Connecting Wirelessly to Cubasis on an iPad

Cubasis is a powerful MIDI sequencing and audio recording app available here . With the MD/UD-BT01 you can connect your MIDI device wirelessly, create MIDI tracks and play virtual instruments within Cubasis.

First, connect the MD/UD-BT01 to the iPad using the MD-BT01/UD-BT01 Utility app as described above. Once connected open Cubasis and create a new Project. To set up the MD/UD-BT01, follow the procedure below:
A dialog box will open up showing the MD/UD-BT01 as an available device. If it shows that it is disconnected, touch the name to reconnect:
Once connected you can now create and play back external MIDI tracks or use Micro Sonic, the virtual instrument included with Cubasis:


For more information on using Cubasis check out the video here.

And join the conversation about this article — and more — on the Forum here .

The next lesson with opportunities to connect using the MD/UD-BT01 Wirelss Bluetooth MIDI adaptors is now available here.



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Беспроводной MIDI-адаптер на основе технологии Bluetooth для подключения инструментов с разъемами MIDI IN/OUT к устройствам iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch) и компьютерам Mac


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Yamaha bluetooth адаптер midi

На краудфандинговой платформе Kickstarter на днях стартовала кампания по сбору средств в поддержку нового проекта The MIDI Thing (TMT). С помощью этого компактного устройства любой MIDI-инструмент можно подключить к девайсам на OS X и iOS без проводов. По этому поводу мы решили собрать в одном месте все решения для коммутации MIDI-устройств по воздуху.

Создатели акцентируют внимание на том, что это первое решение с полной поддержкой свежего стандарта Bluetooth LE MIDI от Ассоциации производителей MIDI, а это, в свою очередь, означает, что максимальная задержка передаваемого сигнала никогда не превысит отметку в 15 миллисекунд — с такими значениями можно говорить о комфортной работе.

TMT интегрируется в рабочую среду как новый MIDI-инструмент и совместим со всеми виртуальными студиями и приложениями, но его разработчики пока игнорируют Windows. Хотя последняя версия Android (M, она же Marshmallow) умеет работать с MIDI по Bluetooth LE, для этой мобильной ОС пока нет надежных приложений-хостов, поэтому в данный момент полноценная поддержка и совместимость гарантированы только в случае устройств Apple.

Модель BT01 вставляется в USB-разъем инструмента, а MD-BT01 — в стандартный MIDI-порт. И вновь это пока сугубо «яблочные» аксессуары: адаптеры совместимы с iOS 9.2 и новее, а также с OS X Yosemite. Для начала работы достаточно выбрать BT01 или MD-BT01 как MIDI-устройство в приложении или виртуальной студии. Чуть подробнее с новинкой можно познакомиться здесь.

И напоследок — халява от берлинской компании.

Самые прожженные пользователи уже могут пользоваться перспективной технологией Ableton Link в связке со специальным бесплатным приложением и оставить дельцов рынка физических устройств без копейки. Мы уже несколько раз рассказывали об этой интересной технологии, все материалы об идее, реализации, проблемах и доступности в разных программах можно найти по этому тегу.


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