Yes to all command in linux

How do I say yes to everything on Linux?

Simply type yes , a space, the string you want to use and then press Enter. This is often used to make yes output stream strings of «yes» or «no».

How do you say yes on the command line?

Piping yes to a command with many prompts from the user will automatically respond to all such prompts with «yes» (typing ‘y’ and pressing return).

How do I learn all the commands in Linux?

  1. pwd: When you first open the terminal, it is in your user’s home directory. …
  2. ls — Use the «ls» command to find out what files are in the directory you are in. …
  3. cd: Use the «cd» command to go to a directory. …
  4. mkdir and rmdir – Use the mkdir command when you need to create a folder or directory.

What is the Al command in Linux?

The Linux ls command is used to list files and directories. . The next column shows the user that has this file (in this case the user “al”). The next column shows the group that owns this file (in this case, the group named «al»). The next columns are the size of the file (or directory entry), in bytes.

How do I install sudo apt?

If you know the name of the package you want to install, you can install it using this syntax: sudo apt-get install package1 package2 package3 …You can see that it is possible to install multiple packages at once, which is useful for acquiring all the software needed for a project in one step.

What does sleep do in Linux?

the suspend command is used to create a dummy job. A dummy job helps delay execution. It takes time in seconds by default, but a small suffix (s,m,h,d) can be added to the end to convert it to any other format. This command stops execution for a period of time defined by NUMBER.

How do I pass a yes to a PowerShell script?

channel the echo [y|n] to commands in Windows PowerShell or CMD that ask «Yes/No» questions, to answer them automatically.

How do you use yes?

1 —used to express agreement in response to a question, request or offer or with a previous statement «Are you ready?» «Yes I am.» Yes I think you are right. 2 —used to introduce a phrase with greater emphasis or clarity We are, yes, very glad to see you! 3 —used to show uncertainty or polite interest Yes?

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What is Q in the batch file?

/P. Silent mode, don’t ask if it’s ok to delete in the global wildcard. 6. /A. Select files to delete based on attributes.

Can I learn Linux on my own?

If you want to learn Linux or UNIX, both the operating system and the command line, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, I will share some of the free Linux courses you can take online to learn Linux at your own pace and in your own time. These courses are free, but that does not mean they are of lower quality.

Is Linux difficult to learn?

Linux is not difficult to learn. The more experience you have in using technology, the easier it will be for you to master the basics of Linux. With the right amount of time, you can learn basic Linux commands in just a few days. … If you’re coming from using macOS, you’ll find it easier to learn Linux.


Thread: «yes to all» in bash?

PGScooter is offlineExtra Foam Sugar Free Ubuntu

«yes to all» in bash?

when doing some command, for example, cp, or fsck.vfat, I realize that I should have chosen a «yes to all» option instead of interactively. Instead of exiting and reissuing the command with that option, is there anything that will input as «yes to all» when confronted with yes/no?
I assume that this depends on the particular command and not bash, itself?

RealPSL is offlineTea Glorious Tea!

Re: «yes to all» in bash?

dwhitney67 is offlineTolerant of Ubuntu

Re: «yes to all» in bash?

$ yes "yes" | rm -i file1 file2 file3

t0p is offlineUbuntu loves me.

Re: «yes to all» in bash?

QuoteOriginally Posted by dwhitney67 View Post

All the yes command does for me is print «y» to st out, repeatedly, until I hit Ctrl-C to kill it!

EDIT: Silly me! I can see its utility now. You could pipe it to fsck, ie

«All people are scum. No matter what they look like.» ~ Spider Jerusalem, Transmetropolitan #4

dwhitney67 is offlineTolerant of Ubuntu

Re: «yes to all» in bash?

That’s correct. That is what «yes» does. it repeats the value you supply (if any) indefinitely until the script (or command) terminates. Bear in mind that «yes» is not appropriate for all situations; there may be scripts that ask questions that require an answer other than the value ‘y’.

Anyhow, the usage for «yes» is:

PGScooter is offlineExtra Foam Sugar Free Ubuntu

Re: «yes to all» in bash?

Is there anyway to do that during a script though? that is, once i have a script running and it keeps prompting for a y, how can I implement that code? Does bash allow you to pipe commands to an already running script?

dwhitney67 is offlineTolerant of Ubuntu

Re: «yes to all» in bash?

QuoteOriginally Posted by PGScooter View Post

that’s an interesting command.

Is there anyway to do that during a script though? that is, once i have a script running and it keeps prompting for a y, how can I implement that code? Does bash allow you to pipe commands to an already running script?

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Saying ‘yes to all’ using rm -i

just to make sure that I’m okay with the files that I am removing. So this will ask me for each file. After a few files, suppose I realize it’s exactly what I wanted to remove. Instead of CTRL+C ing and just doing rm * , is there a way I can just say Yes to all? This question comes more so from curiosity rather than functionality.

7 Answers 7

(Unless you find a way to flip the ‘interactive’ bit with a debugger.)

@Daniel: coreutils/src/remove.c:335 → coreutils/lib/yesno.c:46 (generated) → rpmatch(3) : «returns 0 for a recognized negative response («no»), 1 for a recognized positive response («yes»), and -1 when the value of response is unrecognized»

Also, you can just paste large number of y[line break] to terminal, which is not «Yes to all», but same thing happens.

Well, this doesn’t really answer your question. But instead of using rm -i , consider aliasing rm to rm -I :

-I prompt once before removing more than three files, or when removing recursively. Less intrusive than -i, while still giving protection against most mistakes 

This isn’t the accepted answer, but it is 100% correct (as opposed to the accepted answer which guesses it can’t be done). If for some reason your OS doesn’t support -I then the «yes command» answer is also correct.

Is there a way I can just say Yes to all?

The answer is yes, using this code:

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$ yes «yes» | rm -vRI directory

  • v: show the list of files that have been removed
  • R: remove directories and their contents recursively
  • I: as per the recommendation above.

If you are running in screen (a good idea in general), you can do:

This would cause screen to run the ‘yes’ command with y being the output, and direct said output to the running program (rm -i).

Just check first using ls *.bla and then rm -f *.bla maybe?

This can be done by replacing the application file descriptors on the fly. You’ll need an intermediate file though.

You can use gdb and a named pipe like this (assuming you are using more terminals, else you have to use screen or something else):

  • create a named pipe with «mkfifo myYesYesPipe»
  • start the interactive copy with rm -i and find its PID
  • open gdb

Then type the following commands in gdb, replacing the PID

attach rmPID call open("/path/to/myYesYesPipe",66,0666) call dup2(3,0) call close(3) detach quit 

This replaces the keyboard with a named pipe for rm.

Now you have to fill the named pipe

rm will read the pipe and overwrite everything.


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