Запустить jupiter notebook linux

Running the Notebook#

After you have installed the Jupyter Notebook on your computer, you are ready to run the notebook server. You can start the notebook server from the command line (using Terminal on Mac/Linux, Command Prompt on Windows) by running:

This will print some information about the notebook server in your terminal, including the URL of the web application (by default, http://localhost:8888 ):

$ jupyter notebook [I 08:58:24.417 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /Users/catherine [I 08:58:24.417 NotebookApp] 0 active kernels [I 08:58:24.417 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at: http://localhost:8888/ [I 08:58:24.417 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).

It will then open your default web browser to this URL.

When the notebook opens in your browser, you will see the Notebook Dashboard , which will show a list of the notebooks, files, and subdirectories in the directory where the notebook server was started. Most of the time, you will wish to start a notebook server in the highest level directory containing notebooks. Often this will be your home directory.

Notebook Dashboard

Introducing the Notebook Server’s Command Line Options#

How do I open a specific Notebook?#

The following code should open the given notebook in the currently running notebook server, starting one if necessary.

jupyter notebook notebook.ipynb

How do I start the Notebook using a custom IP or port?#

By default, the notebook server starts on port 8888. If port 8888 is unavailable or in use, the notebook server searches the next available port. You may also specify a port manually. In this example, we set the server’s port to 9999:

jupyter notebook --port 9999 

How do I start the Notebook server without opening a browser?#

Start notebook server without opening a web browser:

jupyter notebook --no-browser

How do I get help about Notebook server options?#

The notebook server provides help messages for other command line arguments using the —help flag:

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Detailed information about command line arguments, configuration, and usage.

Using a command-line interface#

Notebooks can be executed from your terminal using the run subcommand. It expects notebook paths as input arguments and accepts optional flags to modify the default behavior.

Running a notebook is this easy.

jupyter run notebook.ipynb

You can pass more than one notebook as well.

jupyter run notebook.ipynb notebook2.ipynb

By default, notebook errors will be raised and printed into the terminal. You can suppress them by passing the —allow-errors flag.

jupyter run notebook.ipynb --allow-errors

For more sophisticated execution options, consider the papermill library.


Установка Jupyter Notebook на CentOS

Обновлено и опубликовано

Опубликовано: 18.11.2020

Jupyter Notebook — это приложение для создания книг и документов из вычислительного материала (в формате .ipynb). Его установка и запуск должны выполняться от пользователя с правами, отличными от root. В данной инструкции мы будем выполнять часть операций от последнего, остальное — от пользователя jupyter. Руководство подходит для Linux CentOS версий 7 и 8. Перед установкой можно ознакомиться с приложением онлайн на официальном сайте.

Установка и запуск

  • gcc — набор компиляторов для разных языков программирования.
  • python3-devel — средства для разработки Python. Библиотеки и инструменты для создания своих модулей и возможности встраивания Python в другие приложения.
  • python3-pip — инструмент для установки пакетов python.
  • kernel-headers — заголовочные файлы ядра. Необходимы для сборки модулей последнего.

Создаем пользователя, от которого будем запускать Jupyter Notebook:

* наш пользователь будет с именем jupyter. Также мы сразу создаем для него домашний каталог.

Создаем правило в брандмауэре для подключения к Jupyter Notebook по сети:

# firewall-cmd —permanent —add-port=8080/tcp

* предполагается, что наш сервис будет запускаться на порту 8080.

Применяем настройки firewalld:

Заходим в систему под созданным пользователем jupyter:

Выполним установку питон-приложения jupyter:

$ pip3 install —user jupyter

Проверить корректность установки можно командой:

Мы должны увидеть версию установленного приложения, например:

jupyter core : 4.7.0
jupyter-notebook : 6.1.5
qtconsole : 4.7.7
ipython : 7.16.1
ipykernel : 5.3.4
jupyter client : 6.1.7
jupyter lab : not installed
nbconvert : 6.0.7
ipywidgets : 7.5.1
nbformat : 5.0.8
traitlets : 4.3.3

* обратите внимание, что в списке есть jupyter lab, который не установлен. При желании, его устанавливаем командой: pip3 install —user jupyterlab.

Создаем конфигурационный файл для Jupyter Notebook:

jupyter notebook —generate-config

Он должен появиться в домашней директории пользователя jupyter:

Writing default config to: /home/jupyter/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py

Задаем пароль для входа в веб-панель:

$ jupyter notebook password

Дважды вводим пароль — система создаст для него хэш и сохранить в домашней папке пользователя:

Enter password:
Verify password:
[NotebookPasswordApp] Wrote hashed password to /home/jupyter/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.json

$ jupyter notebook —no-browser —ip= —port=8080

* в данном примере мы запускаем jupyter notebook на порту 8080 и на всех сетевых интерфейсах.

Открываем браузер и переходим по пути http://:8080 — должна открывать страница с формой ввода пароля, который мы создавали ранее — вводим его:

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Страница ввода пароля для входа в Jupyter Notebook

Откроется страница Jupyter Notebook:

Стартовая страница Jupyter Notebook

Если jupyter notebook не открывается в браузере, запускаем другую консоль на компьютере с приложением и выполняем команду:

Мы должны увидеть что-то на подобие:

tcp LISTEN 0 128* users:((«jupyter-noteboo»,pid=8510,fd=5))

В противном случае проверяем, что у нас запустилось приложение. Но если команда ss -tunlp | grep 8080 показала наличие сервиса, который слушает на порту 8080, еще раз проверяем настройки брандмауэра:

Мы должны увидеть правило:

После окончания работы можно выходить из-под пользователя jupyter:

Запуск в качестве сервиса

Мы установили и запустили наше приложение из консоли. Однако, если мы хотим, чтобы Jupyter Notebook запускался как сервис автоматически, создаем юнит в systemd:

Description=Jupyter Notebook Service

ExecStart=/home/jupyter/.local/bin/jupyter notebook —no-browser —ip= —port=8080
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID

Перечитываем конфигурацию systemd:


Installing the classic Jupyter Notebook interface#

This section includes instructions on how to get started with Jupyter Notebook. But there are multiple Jupyter user interfaces one can use, based on their needs. Please checkout the list and links below for additional information and instructions about how to get started with each of them.

This information explains how to install the Jupyter Notebook and the IPython kernel.

Prerequisite: Python#

While Jupyter runs code in many programming languages, Python is a requirement for installing the Jupyter Notebook. The Python version required differs between Jupyter Notebook releases (e.g. Python 3.6+ for Notebook v6.3, and Python 3.7+ for Notebook v7) .

We recommend using the Anaconda distribution to install Python and Jupyter. We’ll go through its installation in the next section.

Installing Jupyter using Anaconda and conda#

For new users, we highly recommend installing Anaconda. Anaconda conveniently installs Python, the Jupyter Notebook, and other commonly used packages for scientific computing and data science.

Use the following installation steps:

  1. Download Anaconda. We recommend downloading Anaconda’s latest Python 3 version (currently Python 3.9).
  2. Install the version of Anaconda which you downloaded, following the instructions on the download page.
  3. Congratulations, you have installed Jupyter Notebook. To run the notebook:

Alternative for experienced Python users: Installing Jupyter with pip#

Jupyter installation requires Python 3.3 or greater, or Python 2.7. IPython 1.x, which included the parts that later became Jupyter, was the last version to support Python 3.2 and 2.6.

As an existing Python user, you may wish to install Jupyter using Python’s package manager, pip , instead of Anaconda.

First, ensure that you have the latest pip; older versions may have trouble with some dependencies:

Then install the Jupyter Notebook using:

(Use pip if using legacy Python 2.)

Congratulations. You have installed Jupyter Notebook. See Running the Notebook for more details.

Upgrading Jupyter Notebook


Running the Notebook#

After you have installed the Jupyter Notebook on your computer, you are ready to run the notebook server. You can start the notebook server from the command line (using Terminal on Mac/Linux, Command Prompt on Windows) by running:

This will print some information about the notebook server in your terminal, including the URL of the web application (by default, http://localhost:8888 ):

$ jupyter notebook [I 08:58:24.417 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /Users/catherine [I 08:58:24.417 NotebookApp] 0 active kernels [I 08:58:24.417 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at: http://localhost:8888/ [I 08:58:24.417 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).

It will then open your default web browser to this URL.

When the notebook opens in your browser, you will see the Notebook Dashboard , which will show a list of the notebooks, files, and subdirectories in the directory where the notebook server was started. Most of the time, you will wish to start a notebook server in the highest level directory containing notebooks. Often this will be your home directory.

Notebook Dashboard

Introducing the Notebook Server’s Command Line Options#

How do I open a specific Notebook?#

The following code should open the given notebook in the currently running notebook server, starting one if necessary.

jupyter notebook notebook.ipynb

How do I start the Notebook using a custom IP or port?#

By default, the notebook server starts on port 8888. If port 8888 is unavailable or in use, the notebook server searches the next available port. You may also specify a port manually. In this example, we set the server’s port to 9999:

jupyter notebook --port 9999 

How do I start the Notebook server without opening a browser?#

Start notebook server without opening a web browser:

jupyter notebook --no-browser

How do I get help about Notebook server options?#

The notebook server provides help messages for other command line arguments using the —help flag:

Detailed information about command line arguments, configuration, and usage.

Using a command-line interface#

Notebooks can be executed from your terminal using the run subcommand. It expects notebook paths as input arguments and accepts optional flags to modify the default behavior.

Running a notebook is this easy.

jupyter run notebook.ipynb

You can pass more than one notebook as well.

jupyter run notebook.ipynb notebook2.ipynb

By default, notebook errors will be raised and printed into the terminal. You can suppress them by passing the —allow-errors flag.

jupyter run notebook.ipynb --allow-errors

For more sophisticated execution options, consider the papermill library.


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