Zoom virtual background linux

How can I choose the Zoom virtual background feature using Ubuntu?

I have installed the Zoom Desktop Client for Linux on Ubuntu 18.04.
I would like to use the Virtual Background feature, but I do not know how to activate it. My Zoom Linux Client Version is 3.5.385850.0413 and my laptop also meet the processor requirements (Dual Core 2Ghz or Higher (i5/i7 or AMD equivalent) processor)
Virtual Background – Zoom Help Center Edit for clarification: I know this Zoom feature only works on Linux with a physical green screen. At the moment I do not get any message that I should put a green scree, I do not have that option at all. So even having a green screen I would not be able to use this feature.

sergiouribe’s answer is correct, but i would add that for some reason launching zoom from the web gives you less options even if you are logged into your zoom account when you launched your meeting. the profile tab and 1 or 2 others also go missing. i think what is happening is that the credentials are not being completely or correctly transferred to the desktop app. if you launched from the web, you have to leave the meeting or sign out, then while still in the desktop app, explicitly log in to your account from the sign in dialog. you can also launch the desktop app directly and then sign

You might want to have a look at github.com/fangfufu/Linux-Fake-Background-Webcam — this seems to be a newer, maintained version, based originally on the same code as pangyuteng’s answer, but updated to use more efficient libraries now.

6 Answers 6

Edit: Zoom 5.8.0 supports virtual background without greenscreen!

As of writing this, Zoom does not support person/face-detection based virtual background in their Linux-version software. The solution below helps achieve the similar effect, and since it creates a virtual webcam, you can most likely use this solution for any apps that use a webcam, for example, Microsoft Teams. These instructions were originally posted by @BenTheElder, and IMO is a super fun and neat project, especially if you are into computer vision. https://elder.dev/posts/open-source-virtual-background/

What the code is doing essentially is grabbing image frames with Python and OpenCV. For each image, the face/body is cropped using TensorFlow.js Bodypix , and merged with the specified background. The modified images are then used to create the video feed via pyfakewebcam and v4l2loopback . I have tested the below instructions with Ubuntu 20.04, code used is archived in https://github.com/pangyuteng/virtual-background

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branch master requires GPU, while branch cpu-friendly uses only CPU.

EDIT: after getting the below to work, I also found out there is a more refined version by fangfufu https://github.com/fangfufu/Linux-Fake-Background-Webcam which is also based on @BenTheElder’s solution.

  • install docker (https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu)
  • (for those using GPU) install nvidia-docker (https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-docker)
  • (for those using GPU) test nvidia-docker is installed properly
docker run --gpus all nvidia/cuda:10.0-base nvidia-smi 
  • install and setup virtual video device as «/dev/video20», and assuming the actual video device is «/dev/video0»
sudo apt-get upgrade -y sudo apt-get install -y v4l2loopback-dkms v4l2loopback-utils sudo modprobe -r v4l2loopback sudo modprobe v4l2loopback devices=1 video_nr=20 card_label="v4l2loopback" exclusive_caps=1 
sudo usermod -aG video root cat /etc/group | grep video 
git clone git@github.com:pangyuteng/virtual-background.git vbkgd cd vbkgd 
  • (optional) adjust camera resolution and fps in docker-compose.yml
  • start the virtual camera via docker-compose (assuming physical video device at /dev/video0 , virtual video device at /dev/video20 and gpu at /dev/nvidia0 )
  • launch zoom/teams/slack. select v4l2loopback as webcam
  • live swap background by replacing file data/background.jpg — refresh rate hard coded at 3 seconds.


Как я могу выбрать функцию виртуального фона Zoom в Ubuntu?

Я установил клиент Zoom Desktop для Linux на Ubuntu 18.04.
Я хотел бы использовать функцию виртуального фона, но не знаю, как ее активировать.

Моя версия клиента Zoom для Linux — 3.5.385850.0413, и мой ноутбук также соответствует требованиям к процессору (двухъядерный процессор 2 ГГц или выше (i5/i7 или эквивалент AMD)).
Виртуальный фон — Справочный центр Zoom

Отредактируйте для пояснения: я знаю, что эта функция Zoom работает только в Linux с физическим зеленым экраном. На данный момент я не получаю сообщения о том, что нужно поставить зеленую осыпь, у меня вообще нет такой возможности. Так что даже с зеленым экраном я не смогу использовать эту функцию.

6 ответов

На момент написания этой статьи Zoom не поддерживает виртуальный фон на основе распознавания лиц / лиц в своем ПО для Linux. Приведенное ниже решение помогает добиться аналогичного эффекта, и, поскольку оно создает виртуальную веб-камеру, вы, скорее всего, можете использовать это решение для любых приложений, использующих веб-камеру, например Microsoft Teams. Эти инструкции были изначально опубликованы @BenTheElder, и IMO — это супер веселый и интересный проект, особенно если вы увлекаетесь компьютерным зрением.https://elder.dev/posts/open-source-virtual-background/

По сути, код выполняет захват фреймов изображений с помощью Python и OpenCV. Для каждого изображения лицо / тело обрезается с использованием TensorFlow.js Bodypix , и объединены с указанным фоном. Измененные изображения затем используются для создания видеопотока через pyfakewebcam а также v4l2loopback . Я протестировал приведенные ниже инструкции с Ubuntu 20.04, используемый код заархивирован в https://github.com/pangyuteng/virtual-background

филиал master требуется графический процессор, а ветвь cpu-friendly использует только CPU.

РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: после того, как нижеследующее заработало, я также обнаружил, что существует более усовершенствованная версия от fangfufu https://github.com/fangfufu/Linux-Fake-Background-Webcam, которая также основана на решении @BenTheElder.

  • установить докер (https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu)
  • (для тех, кто использует GPU) установите nvidia-docker (https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-docker)
  • (для тех, кто использует GPU) test nvidia-docker установлен правильно
docker run --gpus all nvidia/cuda:10.0-base nvidia-smi 
  • установить и настроить виртуальное видеоустройство как «/dev/video20», предполагая, что фактическое видеоустройство — «/dev/video0»
sudo apt-get upgrade -y sudo apt-get install -y v4l2loopback-dkms v4l2loopback-utils sudo modprobe -r v4l2loopback sudo modprobe v4l2loopback devices=1 video_nr=20 card_label="v4l2loopback" exclusive_caps=1 
sudo usermod -aG video root cat /etc/group | grep video 
git clone [email protected]:pangyuteng/virtual-background.git vbkgd cd vbkgd 
  • (необязательно) отрегулируйте разрешение камеры и частоту кадров в docker-compose.yml
  • запустить виртуальную камеру через docker-compose (при условии, что физическое видеоустройство /dev/video0 , виртуальное видеоустройство в /dev/video20 и ГПУ в /dev/nvidia0 )
  • запустить zoom / team / slack. выбрать v4l2loopback как веб-камера
  • живой фон подкачки путем замены файла data/background.jpg — частота обновления жестко запрограммирована на 3 секунды.
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How to enable Smart Virtual Backgrounds for Linux in Zoom App

In Linux plugins, the Smart Virtual Background (VB) feature can be forced to be enabled by account owners and admins. In addition to face recognition functionality, Smart VB has the ability to create an image mask that can be applied for creating a background image behind a participant.

How to enable Smart Virtual Backgrounds

The Smart VB feature can be forced using overrides even if the VDI client being used isn’t on the list of allowed clients; therefore, the overrides allow you to force the feature to register. This method may not work in all cases. In order to enable overrides, you must edit the ZoomMedia.ini file, and it is recommended you only use this feature for testing.

Depending on your operating system, you will need to locate the ZoomMedia.ini file. If you would like to locate ZoomMedia.ini for your installation, please refer to the following section, Configuration File Locations.

Edit the ZoomMedia.ini file

In order for Smart Virtual Backgrounds to work you must edit the ZoomMedia.ini file and save the following changes:

  1. You need to open the ZoomMedia.ini file.
  2. Navigate to the section marked [FEATURE].
  3. Scroll down to SMARTVB and click on it.
  4. It will automatically set to SMARTVB=0 by default.
  5. To change this setting, you should change it to SMARTVB=1.
  6. After you have done this, you should save the file and restart the program.

Configuration file locations for VDI Release Version 5.8.0 and higher

There has been a change to the location where ZoomMedia.ini file is found in version 5.8.0. For users that have edited the ZoomMedia.ini file previously, this page provides information on the new locations of ZoomMedia.ini for the various platforms and their paths.

In order to find out more about the path to ZoomMedia.ini, if you are using a version older than 5.8.0, please check this article for more information about configuring the Zoom VDI Linux plugin with ZoomMedia.ini.

New file locations

Citrix/VMware/AVD plugin: /etc/zoomvdi/ZoomMedia.ini

Citrix/VMware plugin: /etc/zoomvdi/ZoomMedia.ini

Citrix/VMware/AVD plugin: /etc/zoomvdi/ZoomMedia.ini

Citrix/VMware/AVD plugin: /etc/zoomvdi/ZoomMedia.ini

Citrix/VMware plugin: /setup/elux/.config/ZoomMedia.ini

Additional requirements for Smart Virtual Backgrounds

In order to find out more about the skills and requirements for using Smart Virtual Backgrounds for Linux, please visit the support article.

  1. Zoom Room System Requirements (updated)
  2. Zoom Audio Watermark Feature- Administrator
  3. How to Check or Use operation log in Zoom App
  4. Adding Existing Pro or Licensed Users to Zoom Business Account
  5. Configure Zoom on iOS using MDM
  6. Why Video/Camera not working in Zoom App
  7. How to stop or to restrict the file transmission function in Zoom App
  8. How to stop or restrict the chat function in Zoom
  9. Can a signed Zoom application be executed depending on the Web browser settings?
  10. Where can I find the Zoom Mac app?
  11. Zoom Application installation method (iPhone version and Android version)
  12. Zoom Application installation method (PC version)
  13. How to Fix error regarding network connection in Zoom App
  14. Before trial As Basic User – How to delete or terminate my Zoom account
  15. Synchronization Calendar in Zoom App
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